 * Init once for the path conversion code.
 * @returns IPRT status code.
 * @param   pvUser1             Unused.
 * @param   pvUser2             Unused.
static DECLCALLBACK(int32_t) rtPathConvInitOnce(void *pvUser)
     * Read the environment variable, no mercy on misconfigs here except that
     * empty values are quietly ignored.  (We use a temp buffer for stripping.)
    char *pszEnvValue = NULL;
    char  szEnvValue[sizeof(g_szFsCodeset)];
    int rc = RTEnvGetEx(RTENV_DEFAULT, RTPATH_CODESET_ENV_VAR, szEnvValue, sizeof(szEnvValue), NULL);
    if (rc != VERR_ENV_VAR_NOT_FOUND && RT_FAILURE(rc))
        return rc;
    if (RT_SUCCESS(rc))
        pszEnvValue = RTStrStrip(szEnvValue);

    if (pszEnvValue && *pszEnvValue)
        g_fPassthruUtf8  = rtPathConvInitIsUtf8(pszEnvValue);
        g_enmFsToUtf8Idx = RTSTRICONV_FS_TO_UTF8;
        g_enmUtf8ToFsIdx = RTSTRICONV_UTF8_TO_FS;
        strcpy(g_szFsCodeset, pszEnvValue);
        const char *pszCodeset = rtStrGetLocaleCodeset();
        size_t      cchCodeset = pszCodeset ? strlen(pszCodeset) : sizeof(g_szFsCodeset);
        if (cchCodeset >= sizeof(g_szFsCodeset))
            /* This shouldn't happen, but we'll manage. */
            g_szFsCodeset[0] = '\0';
            memcpy(g_szFsCodeset, pszCodeset, cchCodeset + 1);
            pszCodeset = g_szFsCodeset;
        g_fPassthruUtf8  = rtPathConvInitIsUtf8(pszCodeset);
        g_enmFsToUtf8Idx = RTSTRICONV_LOCALE_TO_UTF8;
        g_enmUtf8ToFsIdx = RTSTRICONV_UTF8_TO_LOCALE;

    return VINF_SUCCESS;
Exemple #2
 * Converts a string from one charset to another without using the handle cache.
 * @returns IPRT status code.
 * @param   pvInput         Pointer to intput string.
 * @param   cbInput         Size (in bytes) of input string. Excludes any terminators.
 * @param   pszInputCS      Codeset of the input string.
 * @param   ppvOutput       Pointer to pointer to output buffer if cbOutput > 0.
 *                          If cbOutput is 0 this is where the pointer to the allocated
 *                          buffer is stored.
 * @param   cbOutput        Size of the passed in buffer.
 * @param   pszOutputCS     Codeset of the input string.
 * @param   cFactor         Input vs. output size factor.
static int rtStrConvertUncached(const void *pvInput, size_t cbInput, const char *pszInputCS,
                                void **ppvOutput, size_t cbOutput, const char *pszOutputCS,
                                unsigned cFactor)
     * Allocate buffer
    bool    fUcs2Term;
    void   *pvOutput;
    size_t  cbOutput2;
    if (!cbOutput)
        cbOutput2 = cbInput * cFactor;
        pvOutput = RTMemTmpAlloc(cbOutput2 + sizeof(RTUTF16));
        if (!pvOutput)
            return VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY;
        fUcs2Term = true;
        pvOutput = *ppvOutput;
        fUcs2Term = !strcmp(pszOutputCS, "UCS-2");
        cbOutput2 = cbOutput - (fUcs2Term ? sizeof(RTUTF16) : 1);
        if (cbOutput2 > cbOutput)
            return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

     * Use a loop here to retry with bigger buffers.
    for (unsigned cTries = 10; cTries > 0; cTries--)
         * Create conversion object.
#if defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) || defined(RT_OS_NETBSD)
        /* Some systems don't grok empty codeset strings, so help them find the current codeset. */
        if (!*pszInputCS)
            pszInputCS = rtStrGetLocaleCodeset();
        if (!*pszOutputCS)
            pszOutputCS = rtStrGetLocaleCodeset();
        IPRT_ALIGNMENT_CHECKS_DISABLE(); /* glibc causes trouble */
        iconv_t icHandle = iconv_open(pszOutputCS, pszInputCS);
        if (icHandle != (iconv_t)-1)
             * Do the conversion.
            size_t      cbInLeft = cbInput;
            size_t      cbOutLeft = cbOutput2;
            const void *pvInputLeft = pvInput;
            void       *pvOutputLeft = pvOutput;
            size_t      cchNonRev;
#if defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined(RT_OS_HAIKU) || defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) || (defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) && defined(_DARWIN_FEATURE_UNIX_CONFORMANCE)) /* there are different opinions about the constness of the input buffer. */
            cchNonRev = iconv(icHandle, (char **)&pvInputLeft, &cbInLeft, (char **)&pvOutputLeft, &cbOutLeft);
            cchNonRev = iconv(icHandle, (const char **)&pvInputLeft, &cbInLeft, (char **)&pvOutputLeft, &cbOutLeft);
            if (cchNonRev != (size_t)-1)
                if (!cbInLeft)
                     * We're done, just add the terminator and return.
                     * (Two terminators to support UCS-2 output, too.)
                    ((char *)pvOutputLeft)[0] = '\0';
                    if (fUcs2Term)
                        ((char *)pvOutputLeft)[1] = '\0';
                    *ppvOutput = pvOutput;
                    if (cchNonRev == 0)
                        return VINF_SUCCESS;
                    return VWRN_NO_TRANSLATION;
                errno = E2BIG;

             * If we failed because of output buffer space we'll
             * increase the output buffer size and retry.
            if (errno == E2BIG)
                if (!cbOutput)
                    cbOutput2 *= 2;
                    pvOutput = RTMemTmpAlloc(cbOutput2 + sizeof(RTUTF16));
                    if (!pvOutput)
                        return VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY;
                return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

    /* failure */
    if (!cbOutput)
Exemple #3
 * Converts a string from one charset to another.
 * @returns iprt status code.
 * @param   pvInput         Pointer to intput string.
 * @param   cbInput         Size (in bytes) of input string. Excludes any terminators.
 * @param   pszInputCS      Codeset of the input string.
 * @param   ppvOutput       Pointer to pointer to output buffer if cbOutput > 0.
 *                          If cbOutput is 0 this is where the pointer to the allocated
 *                          buffer is stored.
 * @param   cbOutput        Size of the passed in buffer.
 * @param   pszOutputCS     Codeset of the input string.
 * @param   cFactor         Input vs. output size factor.
 * @param   phIconv         Pointer to the cache entry.
static int rtstrConvertCached(const void *pvInput, size_t cbInput, const char *pszInputCS,
                              void **ppvOutput, size_t cbOutput, const char *pszOutputCS,
                              unsigned cFactor, iconv_t *phIconv)
     * Allocate buffer
    bool    fUcs2Term;
    void   *pvOutput;
    size_t  cbOutput2;
    if (!cbOutput)
        cbOutput2 = cbInput * cFactor;
        pvOutput = RTMemTmpAlloc(cbOutput2 + sizeof(RTUTF16));
        if (!pvOutput)
            return VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY;
        fUcs2Term = true;
        pvOutput = *ppvOutput;
        fUcs2Term = !strcmp(pszOutputCS, "UCS-2")
                 || !strcmp(pszOutputCS, "UTF-16")
                 || !strcmp(pszOutputCS, "ucs-2")
                 || !strcmp(pszOutputCS, "utf-16");
        cbOutput2 = cbOutput - (fUcs2Term ? sizeof(RTUTF16) : 1);
        if (cbOutput2 > cbOutput)
            return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

     * Use a loop here to retry with bigger buffers.
    for (unsigned cTries = 10; cTries > 0; cTries--)
         * Create conversion object if necessary.
        iconv_t hIconv = (iconv_t)*phIconv;
        if (hIconv == (iconv_t)-1)
            /* Solaris doesn't grok empty codeset strings, so help it find the current codeset. */
            if (!*pszInputCS)
                pszInputCS = rtStrGetLocaleCodeset();
            if (!*pszOutputCS)
                pszOutputCS = rtStrGetLocaleCodeset();
            IPRT_ALIGNMENT_CHECKS_DISABLE(); /* glibc causes trouble */
            *phIconv = hIconv = iconv_open(pszOutputCS, pszInputCS);
        if (hIconv != (iconv_t)-1)
             * Do the conversion.
            size_t      cbInLeft = cbInput;
            size_t      cbOutLeft = cbOutput2;
            const void *pvInputLeft = pvInput;
            void       *pvOutputLeft = pvOutput;
#if defined(RT_OS_LINUX) || defined(RT_OS_HAIKU) || defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) || (defined(RT_OS_DARWIN) && defined(_DARWIN_FEATURE_UNIX_CONFORMANCE)) /* there are different opinions about the constness of the input buffer. */
            if (iconv(hIconv, (char **)&pvInputLeft, &cbInLeft, (char **)&pvOutputLeft, &cbOutLeft) != (size_t)-1)
            if (iconv(hIconv, (const char **)&pvInputLeft, &cbInLeft, (char **)&pvOutputLeft, &cbOutLeft) != (size_t)-1)
                if (!cbInLeft)
                     * We're done, just add the terminator and return.
                     * (Two terminators to support UCS-2 output, too.)
                    ((char *)pvOutputLeft)[0] = '\0';
                    if (fUcs2Term)
                        ((char *)pvOutputLeft)[1] = '\0';
                    *ppvOutput = pvOutput;
                    return VINF_SUCCESS;
                errno = E2BIG;

             * If we failed because of output buffer space we'll
             * increase the output buffer size and retry.
            if (errno == E2BIG)
                if (!cbOutput)
                    cbOutput2 *= 2;
                    pvOutput = RTMemTmpAlloc(cbOutput2 + sizeof(RTUTF16));
                    if (!pvOutput)
                        return VERR_NO_TMP_MEMORY;
                return VERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW;

             * Close the handle on all other errors to make sure we won't carry
             * any bad state with us.
            *phIconv = (iconv_t)-1;

    /* failure */
    if (!cbOutput)