Exemple #1
/* 创建用于演示button控件的视图 */
rtgui_view_t* demo_gui_button(rtgui_view_t* parent_view)
    rtgui_view_t* view;
    rtgui_button_t* button;
    rtgui_font_t* font;

    /* 先创建一个演示用的视图 */
    view = demo_view_create(parent_view, "Button View");

    /* 创建一个button控件 */
    button = rtgui_button_create(view, "Red", 5, 40, 100, 25);
    /* 设置label控件的前景色为红色 */
    RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(button) = red;

    button = rtgui_button_create(view, "Blue", 5, 70, 100, 25);
    RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(button) = blue;

    button = rtgui_button_create(view, "12 font", 5, 100, 100, 25);
    /* 设置字体为12点阵的asc字体 */
    font = rtgui_font_refer("asc", 12);
    RTGUI_WIDGET_FONT(button) = font;

    button = rtgui_button_create(view, "16 font", 5, 130, 100, 25);
    /* 设置字体为16点阵的asc字体 */
    font = rtgui_font_refer("asc", 16);
    RTGUI_WIDGET_FONT(button) = font;

    return view;
Exemple #2
rtgui_view_t* demo_view_window(rtgui_workbench_t* workbench)
	rtgui_rect_t  rect;
	rtgui_view_t* view;
	rtgui_button_t *button;

	/* 创建一个演示用的视图 */
	view = demo_view(workbench, "Window Demo");

	demo_view_get_rect(view, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
	rect.y1 += 5;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	/* 创建按钮用于显示正常窗口 */
	button = rtgui_button_create("Normal Win");
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	/* 设置onbutton为demo_win_onbutton函数 */
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_win_onbutton);

	demo_view_get_rect(view, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
	rect.y1 += 5 + 25;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	/* 创建按钮用于显示一个自动关闭的窗口 */
	button = rtgui_button_create("Auto Win");
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	/* 设置onbutton为demo_autowin_onbutton函数 */
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_autowin_onbutton);

	demo_view_get_rect(view, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
	rect.y1 += 5 + 25 + 25;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	/* 创建按钮用于触发一个模式窗口 */
	button = rtgui_button_create("Modal Win");
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	/* 设置onbutton为demo_modalwin_onbutton函数 */
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_modalwin_onbutton);

	demo_view_get_rect(view, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
	rect.y1 += 5 + 25 + 25 + 25;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	/* 创建按钮用于触发一个不包含标题的窗口 */
	button = rtgui_button_create("NoTitle Win");
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	/* 设置onbutton为demo_ntitlewin_onbutton函数 */
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_ntitlewin_onbutton);

	return view;
Exemple #3
static void app_lcd(void *parameter)
    /* create application */
	struct rtgui_app *app;
    struct rtgui_rect rect1 = {0, 0, 240, 320};
    struct rtgui_button* btn;
    struct rtgui_label *lb;

	app = rtgui_app_create("lcd_app");

    if (!app)
        rt_kprintf("Create application \"lcd_app\" failed!\n");

    /* create main window */
    win_main = rtgui_win_create(RT_NULL, "main",
    if (win_main == RT_NULL)
        rt_kprintf("Create window \"main\" failed!\n");

    rect1.x1 = rect1.y1 = 50;
    rect1.x2 -= 50;
    rect1.y2 -= 50;
    lb = rtgui_label_create("I am a transparent label!!!!!!!!!");
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(lb), &rect1);

    rect1.x1 += 20;
    rect1.y1 += 20;
	notebook = rtgui_notebook_create(&rect1, 0);
    /* create lable in main container */
    btn = rtgui_button_create("Here I am.");
    rtgui_notebook_add(notebook, "btn A", RTGUI_WIDGET(btn));
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(btn, remove_myself);
    btn = rtgui_button_create("There I am.");
    rtgui_notebook_add(notebook, "btn B", RTGUI_WIDGET(btn));

    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(win_main), RTGUI_WIDGET(lb));
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(win_main), RTGUI_WIDGET(notebook));

    rtgui_win_show(win_main, RT_FALSE);

/* 创建用于演示列表视图的视图 */
rtgui_view_t* demo_listview_icon_view(rtgui_workbench_t* workbench)
	rtgui_rect_t rect;
	rtgui_view_t *view;
	rtgui_button_t* open_btn;

	view = demo_view(workbench, "图标视图演示");

	if (item_icon == RT_NULL)
		item_icon = rtgui_image_create_from_mem("xpm",
			(const rt_uint8_t*)image_xpm, sizeof(image_xpm), RT_TRUE);
	if (exit_icon == RT_NULL)
		exit_icon = rtgui_image_create_from_mem("xpm",
			(const rt_uint8_t*)exit_xpm, sizeof(exit_xpm), RT_TRUE);

	/* 添加动作按钮 */
	demo_view_get_rect(view, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 80;
	rect.y1 += 30;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	open_btn = rtgui_button_create("打开图标列表");
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn));
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn), &rect);
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(open_btn, open_btn_onbutton);

	return view;
Exemple #5
int main(int argc, char** argv)
	struct rtgui_app* application;
	struct rtgui_win* win;
    struct rtgui_button *button;

	application = rtgui_app_create("button");
	if (application != RT_NULL)
		rtgui_rect_t rect;

		win = rtgui_mainwin_create(RT_NULL, "button",
        rtgui_widget_get_extent(RTGUI_WIDGET(win), &rect);

		/* create lable in app window */
        button = rtgui_button_create("close");
		rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, _on_close);
        rect.x2 -= 5; rect.y2 -= 5;
        rect.x1 = rect.x2 - 80; rect.y1 = rect.y2 - 25;
		rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
		rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(win), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));

		rtgui_win_show(win, RT_TRUE);

    return 0;
Exemple #6
rtgui_button_t* rtgui_pushbutton_create(const char* text)
	rtgui_button_t* btn;

	btn = rtgui_button_create(text);
	if (btn != RT_NULL) btn->flag |= RTGUI_BUTTON_TYPE_PUSH;

	return btn;
Exemple #7
static void app_lcd(void *parameter)
    /* create application */
	struct rtgui_app *app;
    struct rtgui_rect rect1 = {0, 0, 240, 320};
    struct rtgui_win *win_main;
    struct rtgui_button* btn;

	app = rtgui_app_create(rt_thread_self(), "lcd_app");

    if (!app)
        rt_kprintf("Create application \"lcd_app\" failed!\n");

    /* create main window */
    win_main = rtgui_win_create(RT_NULL, "main",
    if (win_main == RT_NULL)
        rt_kprintf("Create window \"main\" failed!\n");

	notebook = rtgui_notebook_create(&rect1, 0);

    /* create lable in main container */
    btn = rtgui_button_create("Here I am.");
    rtgui_notebook_add(notebook, "btn A", RTGUI_WIDGET(btn));
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(btn, remove_myself);
    btn = rtgui_button_create("There I am.");
    rtgui_notebook_add(notebook, "btn B", RTGUI_WIDGET(btn));

	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(win_main), RTGUI_WIDGET(notebook));

    rtgui_win_show(win_main, RT_FALSE);

rtgui_container_t* demo_view_box(void)
    rtgui_rect_t  rect;
    rtgui_container_t* view;
	struct rtgui_panel *panel;
	struct rtgui_box *box;

	struct rtgui_label *label;
	struct rtgui_button *button;

    view = demo_view("Box View");
    demo_view_get_rect(view, &rect);

	panel = rtgui_panel_create(RTGUI_BORDER_NONE);
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(panel), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(panel));

	box = rtgui_box_create(RTGUI_VERTICAL, 5);
	rtgui_container_set_box(RTGUI_CONTAINER(panel), box);

	label = rtgui_label_create("label 1");
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(panel), RTGUI_WIDGET(label));
	label = rtgui_label_create("label 2");
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(panel), RTGUI_WIDGET(label));

	button = rtgui_button_create("button 1");
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(panel), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));

	button = rtgui_button_create("button 2");
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(panel), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	rtgui_widget_set_miniheight(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), 25);


    return view;
static void gui_win_entry(void* parameter)
	const struct rtgui_graphic_driver* gd = rtgui_graphic_driver_get_default();
	struct rt_messagequeue *mq;
	rtgui_win_t *win;
	rtgui_button_t *button;
	rtgui_point_t p;
	rtgui_rect_t rect = {0,0,200,180};
	rtgui_label_t *label;
	rtgui_font_t *font;
	/* 创建GUI应用需要的消息队列 */
	mq = rt_mq_create("demo_win", 256, 32, RT_IPC_FLAG_FIFO);
	/* 注册当前线程 */
	rtgui_thread_register(rt_thread_self(), mq);

	/* 窗口居中 */
	rtgui_rect_moveto(&rect, (gd->width - rtgui_rect_width(rect))/2, (gd->height - rtgui_rect_height(rect))/2);
	/* 创建窗口 */
	win = rtgui_win_create(RT_NULL,"demo_win",&rect,RTGUI_WIN_DEFAULT);
	if(win == RT_NULL) return;
	/* 取得客户区坐标零点 */
	p = rtgui_win_get_client_zero(win);
	label = rtgui_label_create(win, "hello world!", p.x+5, p.y+5, 100,25);
	font = rtgui_font_refer("asc", 12);	
	RTGUI_WIDGET_FONT(label) = font;

	button = rtgui_button_create(win, "Exit", (rtgui_rect_width(rect)-50)/2,

	rtgui_widget_set_event_handler(win, demo_gui_win_event_handler);
	/* 执行工作台事件循环 */

	demo_win_inited = RT_FALSE;
	/* 去注册GUI线程 */
Exemple #10
/* 触发无标题窗口显示 */
static void demo_ntitlewin_onbutton(struct rtgui_widget* widget, rtgui_event_t* event)
	rtgui_win_t *win;
	rtgui_label_t *label;
	rtgui_button_t *button;
	rtgui_toplevel_t *parent;
	rtgui_rect_t widget_rect, rect = {0, 0, 150, 80};

	parent = RTGUI_TOPLEVEL(rtgui_widget_get_toplevel(widget));
	rtgui_rect_moveto(&rect, delta_x, delta_y);
	delta_x += 20;
	delta_y += 20;

	/* 创建一个窗口,风格为无标题及无边框 */
	win = rtgui_win_create(parent,

	/* 创建一个文本标签 */
	label = rtgui_label_create("无边框窗口");
	rtgui_font_get_metrics(RTGUI_WIDGET_FONT(RTGUI_WIDGET(label)), "无边框窗口", &widget_rect);
	rtgui_rect_moveto_align(&rect, &widget_rect, RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL);
	widget_rect.y1 += 20;
	widget_rect.y2 += 20;
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &widget_rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(win), RTGUI_WIDGET(label));

	/* 创建一个关闭按钮 */
	widget_rect.x1 = 0;
	widget_rect.y1 = 0;
	widget_rect.x2 = 40;
	widget_rect.y2 = 20;
	rtgui_rect_moveto_align(&rect, &widget_rect, RTGUI_ALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL);
	widget_rect.y1 += 40;
	widget_rect.y2 += 40;
	button = rtgui_button_create("关闭");
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &widget_rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(win), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, window_demo_close);

	/* 非模态显示窗口 */
	rtgui_win_show(win, RT_FALSE);
/* 创建用于显示应用模块的演示视图 */
rtgui_view_t* demo_view_module(rtgui_workbench_t* workbench)
	rtgui_rect_t rect;
	rtgui_button_t* open_btn;

	/* 先创建一个演示视图 */
	_view = demo_view(workbench, "应用模块演示");

	/* 添加一个按钮 */
	demo_view_get_rect(_view, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5; rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 120;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	open_btn = rtgui_button_create("打开应用模块");
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(_view), RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn));
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn), &rect);
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(open_btn, open_btn_onbutton);

	return _view;
Exemple #12
/* 创建用于演示列表视图的视图 */
rtgui_container_t *demo_listview_view(void)
    rtgui_rect_t rect;
    rtgui_container_t *container;
    rtgui_button_t *open_btn;

    container = demo_view("列表视图演示");

    /* 添加动作按钮 */
    demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 80;
    rect.y1 += 30;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
    open_btn = rtgui_button_create("打开列表");
    rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn));
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn), &rect);
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(open_btn, open_btn_onbutton);

    return container;
/* 创建用于演示文件列表视图的视图 */
rtgui_view_t* demo_fn_view(rtgui_workbench_t* workbench)
	rtgui_rect_t rect;
	rtgui_view_t* view;
	rtgui_button_t* open_btn;
	rtgui_font_t* font;

	/* 默认采用12字体的显示 */
	font = rtgui_font_refer("asc", 12);

	/* 创建演示用的视图 */
	view = demo_view(workbench, "FileList View");
	/* 获得演示视图的位置信息 */
	demo_view_get_rect(view, &rect);

	rect.x1 += 5;
	rect.x2 -= 5;
	rect.y1 += 5;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	/* 创建显示文件路径用的文本标签 */
	label = rtgui_label_create("fn: ");
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(label));
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect);

	/* 获得演示视图的位置信息 */
	demo_view_get_rect(view, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 80;
	rect.y1 += 30;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	/* 创建按钮以触发一个新的文件列表视图 */
	open_btn = rtgui_button_create("Open File");
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn));
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn), &rect);
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(open_btn, open_btn_onbutton);

	return view;
/* 创建用于显示图像的演示视图 */
rtgui_view_t* demo_view_image(rtgui_workbench_t* workbench)
	rtgui_rect_t rect;
	rtgui_button_t* open_btn;

	/* 先创建一个演示视图 */
	_view = demo_view(workbench, "图像演示");
	if (_view != RT_NULL)
		/* 设置默认的事件处理函数到demo_view_event_handler函数 */
		rtgui_widget_set_event_handler(RTGUI_WIDGET(_view), demo_view_event_handler);

	/* 添加一个按钮 */
	demo_view_get_rect(_view, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5; rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 120;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	open_btn = rtgui_button_create("打开图像文件");
	rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(_view), RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn));
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(open_btn), &rect);
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(open_btn, open_btn_onbutton);

	return _view;
Exemple #15
void main(void)
	struct rtgui_app* application;
	struct rtgui_win* win;	
	struct rtgui_button* button;

	application = rtgui_app_create(rt_thread_self(), "button");
	if (application != RT_NULL)
		rtgui_rect_t rect = {220, 250, 400, 450};
		win = rtgui_mainwin_create(RT_NULL, "Button", 

		/* create button in app window */
		button = rtgui_button_create("Button Demo");
		rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
		rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(win), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));

		rtgui_win_show(win, RT_TRUE);
Exemple #16
rtgui_container_t *demo_view_bmp(void)
	rtgui_rect_t rect;
	rtgui_container_t *container, *showbox;
	rtgui_button_t *button;
	rtgui_textbox_t *box;
	/* 用bmpdt结构体记录一些参数 */
	rt_memset(&bmpdt, 0, sizeof(struct demo_bmp_dt));
	bmpdt.scale = 1.0;
	bmpdt.angle = 0.0;
	/* 创建用于演示本代码的容器控件 */
	container = demo_view("Bmp File:");

	demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 85;
	rect.x2 -= 5;
	rect.y1 -= 42;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
	box = rtgui_textbox_create("", RTGUI_TEXTBOX_SINGLE);
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(box), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(box));
	bmpdt.box = box;
	/* create a button "open" */
	demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 60;
	rect.y1 -= 10;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 24;
	button = rtgui_button_create("open");
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_bitmap_open);

	/* create a button "zoom in" */
	demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 85;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 70;
	rect.y1 -= 10;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 24;
	button = rtgui_button_create("zoom in");
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_image_zoom_in);

	/* create a button "zoom out" */
	demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 165;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 70;
	rect.y1 -= 10;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 24;
	button = rtgui_button_create("zoom out");
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_image_zoom_out);

	/* create a button "rotate" */
	demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 245;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 70;
	rect.y1 -= 10;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 24;
	button = rtgui_button_create("rotate");
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_image_rotate);

	/* create a container "showbox" */
	demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
	rect.x1 += 5;
	rect.x2 -= 5;
	rect.y1 += 20;
	rect.y2 -= 0;
	showbox = rtgui_container_create();
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(showbox), &rect);
	rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(showbox));
	rtgui_widget_set_border(RTGUI_WIDGET(showbox), RTGUI_BORDER_SIMPLE);
	bmpdt.showbox = showbox;
	rtgui_object_set_event_handler(RTGUI_OBJECT(showbox), demo_bitmap_showbox);
	rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(showbox), &bmpdt.lastrect);
	rtgui_rect_inflate(&bmpdt.lastrect, -RTGUI_WIDGET_BORDER(showbox));
	return container;
/* 创建一个演示视图,需提供父workbench和演示用的标题 */
rtgui_view_t* demo_view(rtgui_workbench_t* workbench, const char* title)
	struct rtgui_view* view;

	/* 设置视图的名称 */
	view = rtgui_view_create(title);
	if (view == RT_NULL) return RT_NULL;

	/* 创建成功后,添加到数组中 */
	demo_view_list[demo_view_number] = view;
	demo_view_number ++;

	/* 添加到父workbench中 */
	rtgui_workbench_add_view(workbench, view);

	/* 添加下一个视图和前一个视图按钮 */
		struct rtgui_rect rect;
		struct rtgui_button *next_btn, *prev_btn;
		struct rtgui_label *label;
		struct rtgui_staticline *line;

		/* 获得视图的位置信息(在加入到workbench中时,workbench会自动调整视图的大小) */
		rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
		rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
		rect.x1 += 5;
		rect.y1 += 5;
		rect.x2 -= 5;
		rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;

		/* 创建标题用的标签 */
		label = rtgui_label_create(title);
		/* 设置标签位置信息 */
		rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect);
		/* 添加标签到视图中 */
		rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(label));

		rect.y1 += 20;
		rect.y2 += 20;
		/* 创建一个水平的staticline线 */
		line = rtgui_staticline_create(RTGUI_HORIZONTAL);
		/* 设置静态线的位置信息 */
		rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(line), &rect);
		/* 添加静态线到视图中 */
		rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(line));

		/* 获得视图的位置信息 */
		rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
		rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
		rect.x2 -= 5;
		rect.y2 -= 5;
		rect.x1 = rect.x2 - 100;
		rect.y1 = rect.y2 - 25;

		/* 创建"下一个"按钮 */
		next_btn = rtgui_button_create("下一个");
		/* 设置onbutton动作到demo_view_next函数 */
		rtgui_button_set_onbutton(next_btn, demo_view_next);
		/* 设置按钮的位置信息 */
		rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(next_btn), &rect);
		/* 添加按钮到视图中 */
		rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(next_btn));

		/* 获得视图的位置信息 */
		rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
		rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
		rect.x1 += 5;
		rect.y2 -= 5;
		rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
		rect.y1 = rect.y2 - 25;

		/* 创建"上一个"按钮 */
		prev_btn = rtgui_button_create("上一个");
		/* 设置onbutton动作到demo_view_prev函数 */
		rtgui_button_set_onbutton(prev_btn, demo_view_prev);
		/* 设置按钮的位置信息 */
		rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(prev_btn), &rect);
		/* 添加按钮到视图中 */
		rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(prev_btn));

	/* 返回创建的视图 */
	return view;
Exemple #18
rt_bool_t window_focus(void)
	rtgui_label_t *label;

	rtgui_button_t* start_btn;
	rtgui_button_t* stop_btn;
    rtgui_win_t *picture_win;
	rtgui_rect_t rect = {0, 20, 240, 320};

	/* 创建一个窗口 */
	main_win = rtgui_win_create(RT_NULL,
	/* 获得视图的位置信息 */
	rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(main_win), &rect);
	rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(main_win), &rect);
	rect.x1 += 10;
	rect.x2 -= 5;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;

	/* 创建标题用的标签 */
	label = rtgui_label_create("主窗口");
	/* 设置标签位置信息 */
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect);
	/* 添加标签到视图中 */

	/* 获得视图的位置信息 */
	rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(main_win), &rect);
	rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(main_win), &rect);
	rect.x1 += 10;
	rect.y2 -= 10;
	rect.y1 = rect.y2 - 25;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 50;

	/* 创建"启动"按钮 */
	start_btn = rtgui_button_create("按钮1");
	/* 设置按钮的位置信息 */
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(start_btn), &rect);

	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(start_btn, show_modal_info);

	/* 添加按钮到视图中 */

	/* 添加停止按钮*/
	rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(main_win), &rect);
	rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(main_win), &rect);
	rect.x2 -= 10;
	rect.y2 -= 10;
	rect.x1 = rect.x2 - 50;
	rect.y1 = rect.y2 - 25;

	/* 创建"停止"按钮 */
	stop_btn = rtgui_button_create("按钮2");
	/* 设置按钮的位置信息 */
	rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(stop_btn), &rect);

	rtgui_button_set_onbutton(stop_btn, echo_btn_pressed);

	/* 添加按钮到视图中 */

	rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(main_win), &rect);
	rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(main_win), &rect);
	rect.x1 += 10;
	rect.y1 += 20;
	rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 200;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 150;
	picture_win = rtgui_win_create(main_win, "绘图窗口", &rect,
	/* 添加windows的事件*/
	/* all of the windows are managed by topwin. Never set a window as other
	 * window's child.
	 *        RTGUI_WIDGET(picture_win));

	/* 非模态显示窗口 */
	rtgui_win_show(main_win, RT_FALSE);

	return RT_TRUE;
static void creat_switch2pt_win(rtgui_widget_t* widget)
	rtgui_label_t *label;
	rtgui_button_t *cancel_button;
	rtgui_button_t *sure_button;
	rtgui_toplevel_t *parent;
	rtgui_rect_t rect = {60, 45, 260, 160};

	parent = RTGUI_TOPLEVEL(rtgui_widget_get_toplevel(widget));

	switch2pt_confirm_win = rtgui_win_create(parent, "警告", &rect, RTGUI_WIN_STYLE_MODAL);

	rtgui_widget_get_extent(RTGUI_WIDGET(switch2pt_confirm_win), &rect);
	rect.x1 += 30;
	rect.x2 -= 30;
	rect.y1 += 20;
	rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 30;
	label = rtgui_label_create("确定切换到PT侧?");
	if (NULL != label) {
		rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect);
		rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(switch2pt_confirm_win), RTGUI_WIDGET(label));			

	rect.x1 += 20;
	rect.x2 -= 120;
	rect.y1 += 70;
	rect.y2 -= 20;
	sure_button = rtgui_button_create("确定");
	if (NULL != sure_button) {
		rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(sure_button), &rect);
		rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(switch2pt_confirm_win), RTGUI_WIDGET(sure_button));
		rtgui_button_set_onbutton(sure_button, sure_btn_onbutton);
	} else {
		printf_syn("creat sure button fail\n");
	rect.x1 += 120;
	rect.x2 -= 20;
	rect.y1 += 70;
	rect.y2 -= 20;
	cancel_button = rtgui_button_create("取消");
	if (NULL != cancel_button) {
		rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(cancel_button), &rect);
		rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(switch2pt_confirm_win), RTGUI_WIDGET(cancel_button));
		rtgui_button_set_onbutton(cancel_button, cancel_btn_onbutton);
	} else {
		printf_syn("creat cancel button fail\n");
	/* 模态显示窗口 */
	rtgui_win_show(switch2pt_confirm_win, RT_TRUE);

	/* 采用模态显示窗口,关闭时不会自行删除窗口,需要主动删除窗口 */
	switch2pt_confirm_win = NULL;

Exemple #20
static void function_action_setup(struct rtgui_widget* widget, void* paramter)
    rtgui_view_t* view;
    rtgui_rect_t rect;
    rtgui_label_t* label;
    struct rtgui_button* cancel_button, *apply_button, *save_button;
    rtgui_workbench_t* workbench = father_workbench;

    /* create a demo view */
    view = rtgui_view_create("Slider View");
    /* 添加到父workbench中 */
    rtgui_workbench_add_view(workbench, view);

    rtgui_widget_set_event_handler(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), view_event_handler);

    /* get demo view rect */
    rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
    rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
    label = rtgui_label_create("默认音量:");
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(label));
    rect.x1 += 5; rect.x2 -= 5;
    rect.y1 += 5; rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 18;
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect);

    rect.y1 += 20; rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 18;
    slider_volume = rtgui_slider_create(0, 100, RTGUI_HORIZONTAL);
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(slider_volume));
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(slider_volume), &rect);
    rtgui_slider_set_value(slider_volume, radio_setup.default_volume);

    /* get demo view rect */
    rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
    rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
    label = rtgui_label_create("LCD背光亮度:");
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(label));
    rect.x1 += 5; rect.x2 -= 5;
    rect.y1 += 50; rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 18;
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect);

    rect.y1 += 20; rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 18;
    slider_brightness = rtgui_slider_create(0, 100, RTGUI_HORIZONTAL);
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(slider_brightness));
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(slider_brightness), &rect);
    rtgui_slider_set_value(slider_brightness, radio_setup.lcd_brightness);

    //得到 "取消" 按键的位置
    rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
    rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
    rect.x1 += 20;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 60;
    rect.y2 -= 20;
    rect.y1 = rect.y2 - 20;

    //创建 "取消" 按钮(兼返回)
    cancel_button = rtgui_button_create("取消");
    /* 设置onbutton动作到demo_view_next函数 */
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(cancel_button, cancel_handler);
    /* 设置按钮的位置信息 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(cancel_button), &rect);
    /* 添加按钮到视图中 */
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(cancel_button));

    rect.x1 = rect.x2 + 10;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 60;
    apply_button = rtgui_button_create("应用");
    /* 设置onbutton动作到demo_view_next函数 */
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(apply_button, apply_handler);
    /* 设置按钮的位置信息 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(apply_button), &rect);
    /* 添加按钮到视图中 */
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(apply_button));

    //得到 "保存" 按键的位置
    rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
    rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(view), &rect);
    rect.x2 -= 20;
    rect.x1 = rect.x2 - 60;
    rect.y2 -= 20;
    rect.y1 = rect.y2 - 20;

    /* 创建 "保存" 按钮 */
    save_button = rtgui_button_create("保存");
    /* 设置onbutton动作到demo_view_prev函数 */
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(save_button, save_handler);
    /* 设置按钮的位置信息 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(save_button), &rect);
    /* 添加按钮到视图中 */
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(view), RTGUI_WIDGET(save_button));

    rtgui_view_show(view, RT_FALSE);
Exemple #21
rtgui_container_t *demo_view_window(void)
    rtgui_rect_t  rect;
    rtgui_container_t *container;
    rtgui_button_t *button;

    /* 创建一个演示用的视图 */
    container = demo_view("Window Demo");


    demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
    rect.y1 += 5;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
    /* 创建按钮用于显示正常窗口 */
    button = rtgui_button_create("Normal Win");
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(container), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
    /* 设置onbutton为demo_win_onbutton函数 */
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_normal_window_onbutton);

    demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
    rect.y1 += 5 + 25;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
    /* 创建按钮用于显示一个自动关闭的窗口 */
    button = rtgui_button_create("Auto Win");
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(container), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
    /* 设置onbutton为demo_autowin_onbutton函数 */
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_autowin_onbutton);

    demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
    rect.y1 += 5 + 25 + 25;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
    /* 创建按钮用于触发一个模式窗口 */
    button = rtgui_button_create("Modal Win");
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(container), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
    /* 设置onbutton为demo_modalwin_onbutton函数 */
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_modalwin_onbutton);

    demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
    rect.y1 += 5 + 25 + 25 + 25;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
    /* 创建按钮用于触发一个不包含标题的窗口 */
    button = rtgui_button_create("NoTitle Win");
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
    rtgui_container_add_child(RTGUI_CONTAINER(container), RTGUI_WIDGET(button));
    /* 设置onbutton为demo_ntitlewin_onbutton函数 */
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(button, demo_ntitlewin_onbutton);

    return container;
rtgui_container_t *demo_view(const char *title)
    struct rtgui_container  *container;
    struct rtgui_label      *label;
    struct rtgui_staticline *line;
    struct rtgui_button     *next_btn, *prev_btn;
    struct rtgui_rect       rect;

    container = rtgui_container_create();
    if (container == RT_NULL)
        return RT_NULL;

    rtgui_notebook_add(the_notebook, title, RTGUI_WIDGET(container));

    /* 获得视图的位置信息(在加入到 notebook 中时,notebook 会自动调整 container
     * 的大小) */
    rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(container), &rect);
    rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(container), &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.y1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + rt_strlen(title)*8;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;

    /* 创建标题用的标签 */
    label = rtgui_label_create(title);
    /* 设置标签位置信息 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(label), &rect);
    /* 添加标签到视图中 */
    rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(label));
	rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(container), &rect);
	rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(container), &rect);
    rect.y1 += 20 + 5;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 2;
    /* 创建一个水平的 staticline 线 */
    line = rtgui_staticline_create(RTGUI_HORIZONTAL);
    /* 设置静态线的位置信息 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(line), &rect);
    /* 添加静态线到视图中 */
    rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(line));

    /* 获得视图的位置信息 */
    rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(container), &rect);
    rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(container), &rect);
    rect.x2 -= 5;
    rect.y2 -= 5;
    rect.x1 = rect.x2 - 100;
    rect.y1 = rect.y2 - 25;

    /* 创建"下一个"按钮 */
    next_btn = rtgui_button_create("下一个");
    /* 设置onbutton动作到demo_view_next函数 */
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(next_btn, demo_view_next);
    /* 设置按钮的位置信息 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(next_btn), &rect);
    /* 添加按钮到视图中 */
    rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(next_btn));

    /* 获得视图的位置信息 */
    rtgui_widget_get_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(container), &rect);
    rtgui_widget_rect_to_device(RTGUI_WIDGET(container), &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.y2 -= 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
    rect.y1 = rect.y2 - 25;

    /* 创建"上一个"按钮 */
    prev_btn = rtgui_button_create("上一个");
    /* 设置onbutton动作到demo_view_prev函数 */
    rtgui_button_set_onbutton(prev_btn, demo_view_prev);
    /* 设置按钮的位置信息 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(prev_btn), &rect);
    /* 添加按钮到视图中 */
    rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(prev_btn));

    /* 返回创建的视图 */
    return container;
/* 创建用于演示button控件的视图 */
rtgui_container_t *demo_view_button(void)
    rtgui_rect_t rect;
    rtgui_container_t *container;
    rtgui_button_t *button;
    rtgui_font_t *font;

    /* 先创建一个演示用的视图 */
    container = demo_view("Button View");

    /* 获得视图的位置信息 */
    demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
    rect.y1 += 5;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
    /* 创建一个button控件 */
    button = rtgui_button_create("Red");
    /* 设置label控件的前景色为红色 */
    RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(button) = red;
    /* 设置button的位置 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
    rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(button));

    /* 获得视图的位置信息 */
    demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
    rect.y1 += 5 + 25;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
    /* 创建一个button控件 */
    button = rtgui_button_create("Blue");
    /* 设置label控件的前景色为蓝色 */
    RTGUI_WIDGET_FOREGROUND(button) = blue;
    /* 设置button的位置 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
    rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(button));

    /* 获得视图的位置信息 */
    demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
    rect.y1 += 5 + 25 + 25;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
    /* 创建一个button控件 */
    button = rtgui_button_create("12 font");
    /* 设置字体为12点阵的asc字体 */
    font = rtgui_font_refer("asc", 12);
    RTGUI_WIDGET_FONT(button) = font;
    /* 设置button的位置 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
    rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(button));

    /* 获得视图的位置信息 */
    demo_view_get_rect(container, &rect);
    rect.x1 += 5;
    rect.x2 = rect.x1 + 100;
    rect.y1 += 5 + 25 + 25 + 25;
    rect.y2 = rect.y1 + 20;
    /* 创建一个button控件 */
    button = rtgui_button_create("16 font");
    /* 设置字体为16点阵的asc字体 */
    font = rtgui_font_refer("asc", 16);
    RTGUI_WIDGET_FONT(button) = font;
    /* 设置button的位置 */
    rtgui_widget_set_rect(RTGUI_WIDGET(button), &rect);
    rtgui_container_add_child(container, RTGUI_WIDGET(button));

    return container;