* send a write success reply
  That API fill up the common header with the SP_READ_RSP opcode
  insert the transaction_id associated with the inittial request transaction id
  insert a status OK
  insert the length of the data payload
  In case of a success it is up to the called function to release the xmit buffer
  @param p : pointer to the root transaction context used for the read
  @retval none

void rozofs_storcli_write_reply_success(rozofs_storcli_ctx_t *p)
   int ret;
   uint8_t *pbuf;           /* pointer to the part that follows the header length */
   uint32_t *header_len_p;  /* pointer to the array that contains the length of the rpc message*/
   XDR xdrs;
   int len;
   storcli_status_ret_t status;
   storcli_write_arg_no_data_t *storcli_write_rq_p = NULL;

   status.status = STORCLI_SUCCESS;
   status.storcli_status_ret_t_u.error = 0;  /* NS */

    storcli_write_rq_p = (storcli_write_arg_no_data_t*)&p->storcli_write_arg;
    ** create xdr structure on top of the buffer that will be used for sending the response
    header_len_p = (uint32_t*)ruc_buf_getPayload(p->xmitBuf); 
    pbuf = (uint8_t*) (header_len_p+1);            
    len = (int)ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(p->xmitBuf);
    len -= sizeof(uint32_t);
    if (rozofs_encode_rpc_reply(&xdrs,(xdrproc_t)xdr_sp_status_ret_t,(caddr_t)&status,p->src_transaction_id) != TRUE)
      severe("rpc reply encoding error");
      goto error;     
    ** compute the total length of the message for the rpc header and add 4 bytes more bytes for
    ** the ruc buffer to take care of the header length of the rpc message.
    int total_len = xdr_getpos(&xdrs) ;
    *header_len_p = htonl(0x80000000 | total_len);
    total_len +=sizeof(uint32_t);
    ** Clear the reference of the seqnum to prevent any late response to be processed
    ** by setting seqnum to 0 any late response is ignored and the associated ressources
    ** will released (buffer associated with the response). This typically permits to
    ** avoid sending again the response while this has already been done
    p->read_seqnum = 0;
    ** Get the callback for sending back the response:
    ** A callback is needed since the request for read might be local or remote
    ret = (*p->response_cbk)(p->xmitBuf,p->socketRef,p->user_param);
    if (ret == 0)
      * success so remove the reference of the xmit buffer since it is up to the called
      * function to release it
      p->xmitBuf = NULL;
Exemple #2
* ROZOFS Generic RPC Request transaction in non-blocking mode

 That service initiates RPC call towards the destination referenced by its associated load balancing group
 WHen the transaction is started, the application will received the response thanks the provided callback

 The first parameter is a user dependent reference and the second pointer is the pointer to the decoded
 In case of decoding error, transmission error, the second pointer is NULL and errno is asserted with the

 The array provided for decoding the response might be a static variable within  the user context or
 can be an allocated array. If that array has be allocated by the application it is up to the application
 to release it

 @param lbg_id     : reference of the load balancing group of the exportd
 @param prog       : program
 @param vers       : program version
 @param opcode     : metadata opcode
 @param encode_fct : encoding function
 @param msg2encode_p     : pointer to the message to encode
 @param decode_fct  : xdr function for message decoding
 @param ret: pointer to the array that is used for message decoding
 @parem ret_len : length of the array used for decoding
 @param recv_cbk   : receive callback function (for interpretation of the rpc result
 @param ctx_p      : pointer to the user context

 @retval 0 on success;
 @retval -1 on error,, errno contains the cause
int rozofs_rpc_non_blocking_req_send (int lbg_id,uint32_t prog,uint32_t vers,
                                      int opcode,xdrproc_t encode_fct,void *msg2encode_p,
                                      xdrproc_t decode_fct,
                                      sys_recv_pf_t recv_cbk,void *ctx_p,
                                      void *ret,int ret_len)

    uint8_t           *arg_p;
    uint32_t          *header_size_p;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_t   *rozofs_tx_ctx_p = NULL;
    void              *xmit_buf = NULL;
    int               bufsize;
    int               ret;
    int               position;
    XDR               xdrs;
    struct rpc_msg   call_msg;
    uint32_t         null_val = 0;

    rozofs_tx_rpc_ctx_t *rpc_ctx_p = NULL;

    ** allocate a rpc context
    rozofs_rpc_p = rozofs_rpc_req_alloc();
    if (rozofs_rpc_p == NULL)
        ** out of context
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto error;
    ** save the rpc parameter of the caller
    rpc_ctx_p = &rozofs_tx_ctx_p->rpc_ctx;
    rpc_ctx_p->user_ref   = ctx_p;       /* save the user reference of the caller   */
    rpc_ctx_p->xdr_result = decode_fct;  /* save the decoding procedure  */
    rpc_ctx_p->response_cbk = recv_cbk ;
    rpc_ctx_p->ret_len  = ret_len;
    rpc_ctx_p->ret_p  = ret;
    ** allocate a transaction context
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p = rozofs_tx_alloc();
    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p == NULL)
        ** out of context
        ** --> put a pending list for the future to avoid repluing ENOMEM
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto error;

    ** allocate an xmit buffer
    xmit_buf = ruc_buf_getBuffer(ROZOFS_TX_LARGE_TX_POOL);
    if (xmit_buf == NULL)
        ** something rotten here, we exit we an error
        ** without activating the FSM
        errno = ENOMEM;
        goto error;
    ** store the reference of the xmit buffer in the transaction context: might be useful
    ** in case we want to remove it from a transmit list of the underlying network stacks
    ** get the pointer to the payload of the buffer
    header_size_p  = (uint32_t*) ruc_buf_getPayload(xmit_buf);
    arg_p = (uint8_t*)(header_size_p+1);
    ** create the xdr_mem structure for encoding the message
    bufsize = ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(xmit_buf);
    ** fill in the rpc header
    call_msg.rm_direction = CALL;
    ** allocate a xid for the transaction
    call_msg.rm_xid             = rozofs_tx_alloc_xid(rozofs_tx_ctx_p);
    call_msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
    /* XXX: prog and vers have been long historically :-( */
    call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = (uint32_t)prog;
    call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = (uint32_t)vers;
    if (! xdr_callhdr(&xdrs, &call_msg))
        errno = EPROTO;
        goto error;
    ** insert the procedure number, NULL credential and verifier
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&opcode);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);

    ** ok now call the procedure to encode the message
    if ((*encode_fct)(&xdrs,msg2encode_p) == FALSE)
        errno = EPROTO;
        goto error;
    ** Now get the current length and fill the header of the message
    position = XDR_GETPOS(&xdrs);
    ** update the length of the message : must be in network order
    *header_size_p = htonl(0x80000000 | position);
    ** set the payload length in the xmit buffer
    int total_len = sizeof(*header_size_p)+ position;
    ** store the receive call back and its associated parameter
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->recv_cbk   = rozofs_rpc_generic_reply_cbk;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->user_param = rpc_ctx_p;
    ** now send the message
    ret = north_lbg_send(lbg_id,xmit_buf);
    if (ret < 0)
        errno = EFAULT;
        goto error;

    ** OK, so now finish by starting the guard timer
    rozofs_tx_start_timer(rozofs_tx_ctx_p, 25);
    return 0;

    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p != NULL) rozofs_tx_free_from_ptr(rozofs_tx_ctx_p);
    if (rpc_ctx_p != NULL) rozofs_rpc_req_free(rpc_ctx_p);
    return -1;
*  Internal Read procedure
   That procedure is used when it is required to read the last block before
   performing the truncate
   @param working_ctx_p: pointer to the root transaction
   @retval 0 on success
   retval < 0 on error (see errno for error details)
int rozofs_storcli_internal_read_before_truncate_req(rozofs_storcli_ctx_t *working_ctx_p)
   storcli_truncate_arg_t *storcli_truncate_rq_p;
   void *xmit_buf = NULL;
   storcli_read_arg_t storcli_read_args;
   storcli_read_arg_t *request   = &storcli_read_args;
   struct rpc_msg   call_msg;
   int               bufsize;
   uint32_t          *header_size_p;
   XDR               xdrs;    
   uint8_t           *arg_p;
   storcli_truncate_rq_p = (storcli_truncate_arg_t*)&working_ctx_p->storcli_truncate_arg;
   ** allocated a buffer from sending the request
   xmit_buf = ruc_buf_getBuffer(ROZOFS_STORCLI_NORTH_SMALL_POOL);
   if (xmit_buf == NULL)
     severe(" out of small buffer on north interface ");
     errno = ENOMEM;
     goto failure;
   ** build the RPC message
   request->sid = 0;  /* not significant */
   request->layout = storcli_truncate_rq_p->layout;
   request->cid    = storcli_truncate_rq_p->cid;
   request->spare = 0;  /* not significant */
   memcpy(request->dist_set, storcli_truncate_rq_p->dist_set, ROZOFS_SAFE_MAX*sizeof (uint8_t));
   memcpy(request->fid, storcli_truncate_rq_p->fid, sizeof (sp_uuid_t));
   request->proj_id = 0;  /* not significant */
   request->bid     = storcli_truncate_rq_p->bid;  
   request->nb_proj = 1;  
   ** get the pointer to the payload of the buffer
   header_size_p  = (uint32_t*) ruc_buf_getPayload(xmit_buf);
   arg_p = (uint8_t*)(header_size_p+1);  
   ** create the xdr_mem structure for encoding the message
   bufsize = (int)ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(xmit_buf);
   ** fill in the rpc header
   call_msg.rm_direction = CALL;
   ** allocate a xid for the transaction 
   call_msg.rm_xid             = rozofs_tx_get_transaction_id(); 
   call_msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
   /* XXX: prog and vers have been long historically :-( */
   call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = (uint32_t)STORCLI_PROGRAM;
   call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = (uint32_t)STORCLI_VERSION;
   if (! xdr_callhdr(&xdrs, &call_msg))
     errno = EFAULT;
     severe(" rpc header encode error ");
     goto failure;
   ** insert the procedure number, NULL credential and verifier
   uint32_t opcode = STORCLI_READ;
   uint32_t null_val = 0;
   XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&opcode);
   XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
   XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
   XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
   XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);        
   ** ok now call the procedure to encode the message
   if (xdr_storcli_read_arg_t(&xdrs,request) == FALSE)
     severe(" internal read request encoding error ");
     errno = EFAULT;
     goto failure;
   ** Now get the current length and fill the header of the message
   int position = XDR_GETPOS(&xdrs);
   ** update the length of the message : must be in network order
   *header_size_p = htonl(0x80000000 | position);
   ** set the payload length in the xmit buffer
   int total_len = sizeof(*header_size_p)+ position;
   ** Submit the pseudo request
   return 0;
  if (xmit_buf != NULL) ruc_buf_freeBuffer(xmit_buf); 
  return -1; 
Exemple #4
int rozofs_storcli_send_common(exportclt_t * clt,uint32_t timeout_sec,uint32_t prog,uint32_t vers,
                              int opcode,xdrproc_t encode_fct,void *msg2encode_p,
                              sys_recv_pf_t recv_cbk,void *fuse_ctx_p,
			                  int storcli_idx,fid_t fid) 			       
    uint8_t           *arg_p;
    uint32_t          *header_size_p;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_t   *rozofs_tx_ctx_p = NULL;
    void              *xmit_buf = NULL;
    int               bufsize;
    int               ret;
    int               position;
    XDR               xdrs;    
	struct rpc_msg   call_msg;
    uint32_t         null_val = 0;
    int              lbg_id;

    ** allocate a transaction context
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p = rozofs_tx_alloc();  
    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p == NULL) 
       ** out of context
       ** --> put a pending list for the future to avoid repluing ENOMEM
       errno = ENOMEM;
       goto error;
    ** insert the storcli load balancing context in the  stclbg_hash_table hash table.
    ** the context is embedded in the transaction context  
    ** Get the load balancing group reference associated with the storcli
    lbg_id = storcli_lbg_get_load_balancing_reference(storcli_idx);
    ** allocate an xmit buffer
    xmit_buf = ruc_buf_getBuffer(ROZOFS_TX_LARGE_TX_POOL);
    if (xmit_buf == NULL)
      ** something rotten here, we exit we an error
      ** without activating the FSM
      errno = ENOMEM;
      goto error;
    ** store the reference of the xmit buffer in the transaction context: might be useful
    ** in case we want to remove it from a transmit list of the underlying network stacks
    ** get the pointer to the payload of the buffer
    header_size_p  = (uint32_t*) ruc_buf_getPayload(xmit_buf);
    arg_p = (uint8_t*)(header_size_p+1);  
    ** create the xdr_mem structure for encoding the message
    bufsize = ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(xmit_buf)-sizeof(uint32_t);
    ** fill in the rpc header
    call_msg.rm_direction = CALL;
    ** allocate a xid for the transaction 
	call_msg.rm_xid             = rozofs_tx_alloc_xid(rozofs_tx_ctx_p); 
    ** check the case of the READ since, we must set the value of the xid
    ** at the top of the buffer
#if 1
    if ((opcode == STORCLI_READ)||(opcode == STORCLI_WRITE))
       uint32_t *share_p;
       void *shared_buf_ref;

        if (shared_buf_ref != NULL)
           share_p = (uint32_t*)ruc_buf_getPayload(shared_buf_ref);
          *share_p = (uint32_t)call_msg.rm_xid;
	  * copy the buffer for the case of the write
	  if (opcode == STORCLI_WRITE)
	     storcli_write_arg_t  *wr_args = (storcli_write_arg_t*)msg2encode_p;
	     ** get the length to copy from the sshared memory
	     int len = share_p[1];
	     ** Compute and write data offset considering 128bits alignment
	     int alignment = wr_args->off%16;
	     share_p[2] = alignment;
	     ** Set pointer to the buffer start and adjust with alignment
	     uint8_t * buf_start = (uint8_t *)&share_p[4];
	     buf_start += alignment;
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
	/* XXX: prog and vers have been long historically :-( */
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = (uint32_t)prog;
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = (uint32_t)vers;
	if (! xdr_callhdr(&xdrs, &call_msg))
       errno = EPROTO;
       goto error;	
    ** insert the procedure number, NULL credential and verifier
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&opcode);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    ** ok now call the procedure to encode the message
    if ((*encode_fct)(&xdrs,msg2encode_p) == FALSE)
       errno = EPROTO;
       goto error;
    ** Now get the current length and fill the header of the message
    position = XDR_GETPOS(&xdrs);
    ** update the length of the message : must be in network order
    *header_size_p = htonl(0x80000000 | position);
    ** set the payload length in the xmit buffer
    int total_len = sizeof(*header_size_p)+ position;
    ** store the receive call back and its associated parameter
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->recv_cbk   = recv_cbk;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->user_param = fuse_ctx_p;    
    ** now send the message
//    int lbg_id = storcli_lbg_get_load_balancing_reference();
    ** increment the number of pending request towards the storcli
    ret = north_lbg_send(lbg_id,xmit_buf);
    if (ret < 0)
       if (rozofs_storcli_pending_req_count > 0) rozofs_storcli_pending_req_count--;
       errno = EFAULT;
      goto error;  

    ** OK, so now finish by starting the guard timer
//    if (*tx_ptr != NULL) *tx_ptr = rozofs_tx_ctx_p;
    return 0;  
    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p != NULL) rozofs_tx_free_from_ptr(rozofs_tx_ctx_p);
//    if (xmit_buf != NULL) ruc_buf_freeBuffer(xmit_buf);    
    return -1;    
int rozofs_export_poll_tx(af_unix_ctx_generic_t  *sock_p,
                          uint32_t prog,uint32_t vers,
                          int opcode,xdrproc_t encode_fct,void *msg2encode_p,
                          void *xmit_buf,
                          int      extra_len,  
                          int applicative_tmo_sec,                          
                          sys_recv_pf_t recv_cbk,void *user_ctx_p) 
    uint8_t           *arg_p;
    uint32_t          *header_size_p;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_t   *rozofs_tx_ctx_p = NULL;
    int               bufsize;
    int               ret;
    int               position;
    XDR               xdrs;    
	struct rpc_msg   call_msg;
    uint32_t         null_val = 0;
    uint32_t sock_idx_in_lbg = -1;

   ** get the entry within the load balancing group
      north_lbg_ctx_t *lbg_p;
      int lbg_id = sock_p->availability_param;
      int start_idx;
      ** Get the pointer to the lbg
      lbg_p = north_lbg_getObjCtx_p(lbg_id);
      if (lbg_p == NULL) 
	severe("rozofs_export_poll_tx: no such instance %d ",lbg_id);
	return -1;
      for (start_idx = 0; start_idx < lbg_p->nb_entries_conf; start_idx++)
        if (lbg_p->entry_tb[start_idx].sock_ctx_ref  == sock_p->index) break;
      if (lbg_p->nb_entries_conf == start_idx)
	severe("rozofs_export_poll_tx: no such instance %d ",sock_p->index);      
        return -1;
      ** start_idx is the index within the load balancing
      sock_idx_in_lbg = start_idx;
      //info("JPM poll lbg %d %s entry %d",lbg_id,lbg_p->name,sock_idx_in_lbg);
    ** allocate a transaction context
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p = rozofs_tx_alloc();  
    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p == NULL) 
       ** out of context
       ** --> put a pending list for the future to avoid repluing ENOMEM
       errno = ENOMEM;
       goto error;
    ** get the pointer to the payload of the buffer
    header_size_p  = (uint32_t*) ruc_buf_getPayload(xmit_buf);
    arg_p = (uint8_t*)(header_size_p+1);  
    ** create the xdr_mem structure for encoding the message
    bufsize = (int)ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(xmit_buf);
    ** fill in the rpc header
    call_msg.rm_direction = CALL;
    ** allocate a xid for the transaction 
	call_msg.rm_xid             = rozofs_tx_alloc_xid(rozofs_tx_ctx_p); 
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
	/* XXX: prog and vers have been long historically :-( */
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = (uint32_t)prog;
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = (uint32_t)vers;
	if (! xdr_callhdr(&xdrs, &call_msg))
       errno = EPROTO;
       goto error;	
    ** insert the procedure number, NULL credential and verifier
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&opcode);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    ** ok now call the procedure to encode the message
    if ((*encode_fct)(&xdrs,msg2encode_p) == FALSE)
       errno = EPROTO;
       goto error;
    ** Now get the current length and fill the header of the message
    position = XDR_GETPOS(&xdrs);
    ** add the extra_len if any
    position +=extra_len;
    ** update the length of the message : must be in network order
    *header_size_p = htonl(0x80000000 | position);
    ** set the payload length in the xmit buffer
    int total_len = sizeof(*header_size_p)+ position;
    ** store the receive call back and its associated parameter
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->recv_cbk   = recv_cbk;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->user_param = user_ctx_p;    
    rozofs_tx_write_opaque_data(rozofs_tx_ctx_p,1,1);  /* lock */
    rozofs_tx_write_opaque_data(rozofs_tx_ctx_p,2,sock_p->availability_param);  /* lock */
    rozofs_tx_write_opaque_data(rozofs_tx_ctx_p,3,sock_idx_in_lbg);  /* lock */
    ** now send the message
    ret = af_unix_generic_stream_send(sock_p,xmit_buf); 
    if (ret < 0)
       errno = EFAULT;
      goto error;  
    ** just iunlock the context and don't care about the end of transaction
    ** the transaction might end because of a direct error sending (tcp 
    ** disconnection)
    ** By not releasing the tx context the end of the transaction ends upon receiving
    ** the tx timer expiration
    rozofs_tx_write_opaque_data(rozofs_tx_ctx_p,1,0);  /* unlock */    
    ** OK, so now finish by starting the guard timer
    return 0;  
    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p != NULL) rozofs_tx_free_from_ptr(rozofs_tx_ctx_p);
    return -1;    
    Encode a cache gateway message in a buffer
    @param opcode         code of the message
    @param encode_fct     encoding function
    @param msg   arguments to encode
    @param xmit_buf       buffer where to encode the message in 
int exp_cache_encode_common(int opcode,xdrproc_t encode_fct,void *msg, void * xmit_buf) 			       
    uint8_t           *arg_p;
    uint32_t          *header_size_p;
    int               bufsize;
    int               position;
    XDR               xdrs;    
    struct rpc_msg   call_msg;
    uint32_t         null_val = 0;

    ** get the pointer to the payload of the buffer
    header_size_p  = (uint32_t*) ruc_buf_getPayload(xmit_buf);
    arg_p = (uint8_t*)(header_size_p+1);  
    ** create the xdr_mem structure for encoding the message
    bufsize = ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(xmit_buf);
    ** fill in the rpc header
    call_msg.rm_direction = CALL;
    ** allocate a xid for the transaction 
    call_msg.rm_xid             = exp_cache_xid++; 
    call_msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
    call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = (uint32_t)GW_PROGRAM;
    call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = (uint32_t)GW_VERSION;
    if (! xdr_callhdr(&xdrs, &call_msg))
       return -1;	
    ** insert the procedure number, NULL credential and verifier
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&opcode);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    ** ok now call the procedure to encode the message
    if ((*encode_fct)(&xdrs,msg) == FALSE)
       return -1;
    ** Now get the current length and fill the header of the message
    position = XDR_GETPOS(&xdrs);
    ** update the length of the message : must be in network order
    *header_size_p = htonl(0x80000000 | position);
    ** set the payload length in the xmit buffer
    int total_len = sizeof(*header_size_p)+ position;
    return 0;
Exemple #7
int rozofs_sorcli_poll_tx(af_unix_ctx_generic_t  *sock_p,
                          uint32_t prog,uint32_t vers,
                          int opcode,xdrproc_t encode_fct,void *msg2encode_p,
                          void *xmit_buf,
                          int      extra_len,  
                          int applicative_tmo_sec,                          
                          sys_recv_pf_t recv_cbk,void *user_ctx_p) 
    uint8_t           *arg_p;
    uint32_t          *header_size_p;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_t   *rozofs_tx_ctx_p = NULL;
    int               bufsize;
    int               ret;
    int               position;
    XDR               xdrs;    
	struct rpc_msg   call_msg;
    uint32_t         null_val = 0;

    ** allocate a transaction context
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p = rozofs_tx_alloc();  
    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p == NULL) 
       ** out of context
       ** --> put a pending list for the future to avoid repluing ENOMEM
       errno = ENOMEM;
       goto error;
    ** store the reference of the xmit buffer in the transaction context: might be useful
    ** in case we want to remove it from a transmit list of the underlying network stacks
    ** get the pointer to the payload of the buffer
    header_size_p  = (uint32_t*) ruc_buf_getPayload(xmit_buf);
    arg_p = (uint8_t*)(header_size_p+1);  
    ** create the xdr_mem structure for encoding the message
    bufsize = (int)ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(xmit_buf);
    bufsize -= sizeof(uint32_t); /* skip length*/
    ** fill in the rpc header
    call_msg.rm_direction = CALL;
    ** allocate a xid for the transaction 
	call_msg.rm_xid             = rozofs_tx_alloc_xid(rozofs_tx_ctx_p); 
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
	/* XXX: prog and vers have been long historically :-( */
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = (uint32_t)prog;
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = (uint32_t)vers;
	if (! xdr_callhdr(&xdrs, &call_msg))
       errno = EPROTO;
       goto error;	
    ** insert the procedure number, NULL credential and verifier
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&opcode);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    ** ok now call the procedure to encode the message
    if ((*encode_fct)(&xdrs,msg2encode_p) == FALSE)
       errno = EPROTO;
       goto error;
    ** Now get the current length and fill the header of the message
    position = XDR_GETPOS(&xdrs);
    ** add the extra_len if any
    position +=extra_len;
    ** update the length of the message : must be in network order
    *header_size_p = htonl(0x80000000 | position);
    ** set the payload length in the xmit buffer
    int total_len = sizeof(*header_size_p)+ position;
    ** store the receive call back and its associated parameter
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->recv_cbk   = recv_cbk;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->user_param = user_ctx_p;    
    rozofs_tx_write_opaque_data(rozofs_tx_ctx_p,1,1);  /* lock */
    ** now send the message
    ret = af_unix_generic_stream_send(sock_p,xmit_buf); 
    if (ret < 0)
       errno = EFAULT;
      goto error;  
    ** just iunlock the context and don't care about the end of transaction
    ** the transaction might end because of a direct error sending (tcp 
    ** disconnection)
    ** By not releasing the tx context the end of the transaction ends upon receiving
    ** the tx timer expiration
    rozofs_tx_write_opaque_data(rozofs_tx_ctx_p,1,0);  /* unlock */    
    ** OK, so now finish by starting the guard timer
    return 0;  
    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p != NULL) rozofs_tx_free_from_ptr(rozofs_tx_ctx_p);
    return -1;    
Exemple #8
* send a rpc reply: the encoding function MUST be found in xdr_result 
 of the gateway context

  It is assumed that the xmitBuf MUST be found in xmitBuf field
  In case of a success it is up to the called function to release the xmit buffer
  @param p : pointer to the root transaction context used for the read
  @param arg_ret : returned argument to encode 
  @retval none

void storaged_srv_forward_read_success (rozorpc_srv_ctx_t *p,sp_read_ret_t * arg_ret)
   int ret;
   uint8_t *pbuf;           /* pointer to the part that follows the header length */
   uint32_t *header_len_p;  /* pointer to the array that contains the length of the rpc message*/
   XDR xdrs;
   int len;
   int cur_len;

   if (p->xmitBuf == NULL)
      severe("no xmit buffer");
      goto error;
    ** create xdr structure on top of the buffer that will be used for sending the response
    header_len_p = (uint32_t*)ruc_buf_getPayload(p->xmitBuf); 
    pbuf = (uint8_t*) (header_len_p+1);            
    len = (int)ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(p->xmitBuf);
    len -= sizeof(uint32_t);
    ** just encode the header
    if (rozofs_encode_rpc_reply(&xdrs,(xdrproc_t)NULL,(caddr_t)NULL,p->src_transaction_id) != TRUE)
      severe("rpc reply encoding error");
      goto error;     
    ** OK now starts encoding the response
    xdr_sp_status_t (&xdrs, &arg_ret->status);
    xdr_uint32_t (&xdrs, &arg_ret->sp_read_ret_t_u.rsp.filler);          
    xdr_uint32_t (&xdrs, &arg_ret->sp_read_ret_t_u.rsp.bins.bins_len); 
    ** skip the bins
    cur_len =  xdr_getpos(&xdrs) ;     
    cur_len +=  arg_ret->sp_read_ret_t_u.rsp.bins.bins_len;
    ** encode the length of the file
    xdr_uint64_t (&xdrs, &arg_ret->sp_read_ret_t_u.rsp.file_size);
#if 0 // for future usage with distributed cache 
    ** encode the optim array
    xdr_bytes (&xdrs, (char **)&arg_ret->sp_read_ret_t_u.rsp.optim.optim_val, 
                       (u_int *) &arg_ret->sp_read_ret_t_u.rsp.optim.optim_len, ~0);  
    ** compute the total length of the message for the rpc header and add 4 bytes more bytes for
    ** the ruc buffer to take care of the header length of the rpc message.
    int total_len = xdr_getpos(&xdrs) ;
    *header_len_p = htonl(0x80000000 | total_len);
    total_len +=sizeof(uint32_t);

    ** Get the callback for sending back the response:
    ** A callback is needed since the request for read might be local or remote
    ret =  af_unix_generic_send_stream_with_idx((int)p->socketRef,p->xmitBuf);  
    if (ret == 0)
      * success so remove the reference of the xmit buffer since it is up to the called
      * function to release it
      p->xmitBuf = NULL;
int rozofs_sorcli_send_rq_common(uint32_t lbg_id,uint32_t timeout_sec, uint32_t prog,uint32_t vers,
                              int opcode,xdrproc_t encode_fct,void *msg2encode_p,
                              void *xmit_buf,
                              uint32_t seqnum,
                              uint32_t opaque_value_idx1,  
                              int      extra_len,                            
                              sys_recv_pf_t recv_cbk,void *user_ctx_p) 
    uint8_t           *arg_p;
    uint32_t          *header_size_p;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_t   *rozofs_tx_ctx_p = NULL;
    int               bufsize;
    int               ret;
    int               position;
    XDR               xdrs;    
	struct rpc_msg   call_msg;
    uint32_t         null_val = 0;

    ** allocate a transaction context
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p = rozofs_tx_alloc();  
    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p == NULL) 
       ** out of context
       ** --> put a pending list for the future to avoid repluing ENOMEM
       errno = ENOMEM;
       goto error;
    ** store the reference of the xmit buffer in the transaction context: might be useful
    ** in case we want to remove it from a transmit list of the underlying network stacks
    ** get the pointer to the payload of the buffer
    header_size_p  = (uint32_t*) ruc_buf_getPayload(xmit_buf);
    arg_p = (uint8_t*)(header_size_p+1);  
    ** create the xdr_mem structure for encoding the message
    bufsize = (int)ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(xmit_buf);
    ** fill in the rpc header
    call_msg.rm_direction = CALL;
    ** allocate a xid for the transaction 
	call_msg.rm_xid             = rozofs_tx_alloc_xid(rozofs_tx_ctx_p); 
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_rpcvers = RPC_MSG_VERSION;
	/* XXX: prog and vers have been long historically :-( */
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_prog = (uint32_t)prog;
	call_msg.rm_call.cb_vers = (uint32_t)vers;
	if (! xdr_callhdr(&xdrs, &call_msg))
       errno = EPROTO;
       goto error;	
    ** insert the procedure number, NULL credential and verifier
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&opcode);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&null_val);
    ** ok now call the procedure to encode the message
    if ((*encode_fct)(&xdrs,msg2encode_p) == FALSE)
       errno = EPROTO;
       goto error;
    ** Now get the current length and fill the header of the message
    position = XDR_GETPOS(&xdrs);
    ** add the extra_len if any
    position +=extra_len;
    ** update the length of the message : must be in network order
    *header_size_p = htonl(0x80000000 | position);
    ** set the payload length in the xmit buffer
    int total_len = sizeof(*header_size_p)+ position;
    ** store the receive call back and its associated parameter
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->recv_cbk   = recv_cbk;
    rozofs_tx_ctx_p->user_param = user_ctx_p;    
    ** store the sequence number in one of the opaque user data array of the transaction
    rozofs_tx_write_opaque_data( rozofs_tx_ctx_p,0,seqnum);  
    rozofs_tx_write_opaque_data( rozofs_tx_ctx_p,1,opaque_value_idx1);  
    rozofs_tx_write_opaque_data( rozofs_tx_ctx_p,2,lbg_id);  
    ** now send the message

//     STORCLI_STOP_NORTH_PROF_SRV((rozofs_storcli_ctx_t*)user_ctx_p,read_req,0);   // FDL  

    ret = north_lbg_send(lbg_id,xmit_buf);
    ret = test_north_lbg_send(lbg_id,xmit_buf);
    if (ret < 0)
       errno = EFAULT;
      goto error;  

    ** OK, so now finish by starting the guard timer
    return 0;  
    if (rozofs_tx_ctx_p != NULL) rozofs_tx_free_from_ptr(rozofs_tx_ctx_p);
    return -1;    
* send a error read reply by using the receiver buffer
  @param socket_ctx_idx: index of the TCP connection
  @param recv_buf: pointer to the ruc_buffer that contains the message
  @param rozofs_storcli_remote_rsp_cbk: callback for sending out the response
  @param user_param : pointer to a user opaque parameter (non significant for a remote access)
  @param error : error code
  @retval none

void rozofs_storcli_reply_error_with_recv_buf(uint32_t  socket_ctx_idx,
                                              void *recv_buf,
                                              void *user_param,
                                              rozofs_storcli_resp_pf_t rozofs_storcli_remote_rsp_cbk,
                                              int error)

   rozofs_rpc_call_hdr_with_sz_t    *com_hdr_p;
   uint32_t  msg_len;  /* length of the rpc messsage including the header length */
   rozofs_rpc_call_hdr_t   hdr;   /* structure that contains the rpc header in host format */
   int ret;
   uint8_t *pbuf;           /* pointer to the part that follows the header length */
   uint32_t *header_len_p;  /* pointer to the array that contains the length of the rpc message*/
   XDR xdrs;
   int len;
   storcli_status_ret_t status;

   status.status = STORCLI_FAILURE;
   status.storcli_status_ret_t_u.error = error;
   ** Get the full length of the message and adjust it the the length of the applicative part (RPC header+application msg)
   msg_len = ruc_buf_getPayloadLen(recv_buf);
   msg_len -=sizeof(uint32_t);
   ** Get the payload of the receive buffer and set the pointer to array that describes the read request
   com_hdr_p  = (rozofs_rpc_call_hdr_with_sz_t*) ruc_buf_getPayload(recv_buf);  
   ** swap the rpc header
    ** create xdr structure on top of the buffer that will be used for sending the response
    header_len_p = (uint32_t*)ruc_buf_getPayload(recv_buf); 
    pbuf = (uint8_t*) (header_len_p+1);            
    len = (int)ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(recv_buf);
    len -= sizeof(uint32_t);
    if (rozofs_encode_rpc_reply(&xdrs,(xdrproc_t)xdr_sp_status_ret_t,(caddr_t)&status,hdr.hdr.xid) != TRUE)
      severe("rpc reply encoding error");
      goto error;     
    ** compute the total length of the message for the rpc header and add 4 bytes more bytes for
    ** the ruc buffer to take care of the header length of the rpc message.
    int total_len = xdr_getpos(&xdrs) ;
    *header_len_p = htonl(0x80000000 | total_len);
    total_len +=sizeof(uint32_t);
    ** Get the callback for sending back the response:
    ** A callback is needed since the request for read might be local or remote
    ret = (*rozofs_storcli_remote_rsp_cbk)(recv_buf,socket_ctx_idx,user_param);
    if (ret == 0)
void rozofs_storcli_read_reply_success(rozofs_storcli_ctx_t *p)
   int ret;
   uint8_t *pbuf;           /* pointer to the part that follows the header length */
   uint32_t *header_len_p;  /* pointer to the array that contains the length of the rpc message*/
   XDR xdrs;
   int len;
   storcli_status_t status = STORCLI_SUCCESS;
   int data_len;
   uint8_t eof_flag = 0;
    ** create xdr structure on top of the buffer that will be used for sending the response
    header_len_p = (uint32_t*)ruc_buf_getPayload(p->xmitBuf); 
    pbuf = (uint8_t*) (header_len_p+1);            
    len = (int)ruc_buf_getMaxPayloadLen(p->xmitBuf);
    len -= sizeof(uint32_t);
    if (rozofs_encode_rpc_reply(&xdrs,(xdrproc_t)xdr_storcli_status_t,(caddr_t)&status,p->src_transaction_id) != TRUE)
      severe("rpc reply encoding error");
      goto error;     
    ** Encode the length of returned data

    data_len = rozofs_storcli_transform_get_read_len_in_bytes(p->block_ctx_table,
    ** skip the alignment
    int position;
    position = xdr_getpos(&xdrs);
    position += sizeof(uint32_t);
    XDR_PUTINT32(&xdrs, (int32_t *)&data_len);
    ** round up data_len to 4 bytes alignment
    if ((data_len%4)!= 0) data_len = (data_len &(~0x3))+4;
    ** compute the total length of the message for the rpc header and add 4 bytes more bytes for
    ** the ruc buffer to take care of the header length of the rpc message.
    int total_len = xdr_getpos(&xdrs)+data_len ;
    *header_len_p = htonl(0x80000000 | total_len);
    total_len +=sizeof(uint32_t);

    ** Clear the reference of the seqnum to prevent any late response to be processed
    ** by setting seqnum to 0 any late response is ignored and the associated ressources
    ** will released (buffer associated with the response). This typically permits to
    ** avoid sending again the response while this has already been done
    p->read_seqnum = 0;
    ** Get the callback for sending back the response:
    ** A callback is needed since the request for read might be local or remote
    ret = (*p->response_cbk)(p->xmitBuf,p->socketRef,p->user_param);
    if (ret == 0)
      * success so remove the reference of the xmit buffer since it is up to the called
      * function to release it
      p->xmitBuf = NULL;
//    #warning need to consider the case of a local read triggers by a write request. Without a guard time the write working can be lost!!