//main int main(){ int hour,min,met; hour=min=met=-1; int N,option; printf("What is the accurancy of the clock? : "); scanf( "%d",&N); Node *head=malloc(sizeof(Node)); head->next=NULL; head->data=0; createClock(N,head); //printList(head); while(1){ printf("\nOptions:\n0.Exit\n1.(Re)Start clock\n2.Set alarm\n3.When pointers met\n"); scanf("%d",&option); switch (option){ case 0: printf("You exited the program..bb..\n"); freeMem(head); return 1; break; case 1: //run(N,head,option); start=1; runClock(N,head,-50,-50,-50); //-50 is set as a no input break; case 2: printf("Set alarm hour:\n"); scanf("%d",&hour); printf("Set alarm minute:\n"); scanf("%d",&min); start=1; runClock(N,head,hour,min,-50); break; case 3: printf("Press 1 if you want to find when pointers met or ctr+C to go to global menu\n"); scanf("%d",&met); start=met=1; runClock(N,head,-50,-50,met); break; } } return 1; }
void loop(void) { runBitlash(); runClock(); }