Exemple #1
    void compute(const RideFile *ride, const Zones *, int,
                 const HrZones *, int,
                 const QHash<QString,RideMetric*> &,
                 const Context *) {

        // LNP only makes sense for running and it needs recIntSecs > 0
        if (!ride->isRun() || ride->recIntSecs() == 0) {

        // unconst naughty boy, get athlete's data
        RideFile *uride = const_cast<RideFile*>(ride);
        double weight = uride->getWeight();
        double height = uride->getHeight();

        int rollingwindowsize120 = 120 / ride->recIntSecs();
        int rollingwindowsize30 = 30 / ride->recIntSecs();

        double total = 0.0;
        int count = 0;

        // no point doing a rolling average if the
        // sample rate is greater than the rolling average
        // window!!
        if (rollingwindowsize30 > 1) {

            QVector<double> rollingSpeed(rollingwindowsize120);
            QVector<double> rollingSlope(rollingwindowsize120);
            QVector<double> rollingPower(rollingwindowsize30);
            int index120 = 0;
            int index30 = 0;
            double sumSpeed = 0.0;
            double sumSlope = 0.0;
            double sumPower = 0.0;
            double initial_speed = 0.0;

            // loop over the data and convert to a rolling
            // average for the given windowsize
            for (int i=0; i<ride->dataPoints().size(); i++) {

                double speed = ride->dataPoints()[i]->kph/3.6;
                sumSpeed += speed;
                sumSpeed -= rollingSpeed[index120];
                rollingSpeed[index120] = speed;
                double speed120 = sumSpeed/std::min(count+1, rollingwindowsize120); // speed rolling average

                double slope = ride->dataPoints()[i]->slope/100.0;
                sumSlope += slope;
                sumSlope -= rollingSlope[index120];
                rollingSlope[index120] = slope;
                double slope120 = sumSlope/std::min(count+1, rollingwindowsize120); // slope rolling average

                // running power based on 120sec averages
                double watts = running_power(weight, height, speed120, slope120, speed120*ride->recIntSecs(), initial_speed);
                initial_speed = speed120;

                sumPower += watts;
                sumPower -= rollingPower[index30];
                rollingPower[index30] = watts;

                total += pow(sumPower/std::min(count+1, rollingwindowsize30), 4); // raise rolling average to 4th power
                count ++;

                // move index on/round
                index120 = (index120 >= rollingwindowsize120-1) ? 0 : index120+1;
                index30 = (index30 >= rollingwindowsize30-1) ? 0 : index30+1;
        if (count) {
            lnp = pow(total/count, 0.25);
            secs = count * ride->recIntSecs();
        } else {
            lnp = secs = 0;

Exemple #2
    void compute(RideItem *item, Specification spec, const QHash<QString,RideMetric*> &) {

        // no ride or no samples
        if (spec.isEmpty(item->ride()) ||
            !item->isRun || item->ride()->recIntSecs() == 0) {

        double weight = item->ride()->getWeight();
        double height = item->ride()->getHeight();

        int rollingwindowsize120 = 120 / item->ride()->recIntSecs();
        int rollingwindowsize30 = 30 / item->ride()->recIntSecs();

        double total = 0.0;
        int count = 0;

        // no point doing a rolling average if the
        // sample rate is greater than the rolling average
        // window!!
        if (rollingwindowsize30 > 1) {

            QVector<double> rollingSpeed(rollingwindowsize120);
            QVector<double> rollingSlope(rollingwindowsize120);
            QVector<double> rollingPower(rollingwindowsize30);
            int index120 = 0;
            int index30 = 0;
            double sumSpeed = 0.0;
            double sumSlope = 0.0;
            double sumPower = 0.0;
            double initial_speed = 0.0;

            // loop over the data and convert to a rolling
            // average for the given windowsize
            RideFileIterator it(item->ride(), spec);
            while (it.hasNext()) {
                struct RideFilePoint *point = it.next();

                double speed = point->kph/3.6;
                sumSpeed += speed;
                sumSpeed -= rollingSpeed[index120];
                rollingSpeed[index120] = speed;
                double speed120 = sumSpeed/std::min(count+1, rollingwindowsize120); // speed rolling average

                double slope = point->slope/100.0;
                sumSlope += slope;
                sumSlope -= rollingSlope[index120];
                rollingSlope[index120] = slope;
                double slope120 = sumSlope/std::min(count+1, rollingwindowsize120); // slope rolling average

                // running power based on 120sec averages
                double watts = running_power(weight, height, speed120, slope120, speed120*item->ride()->recIntSecs(), initial_speed);
                initial_speed = speed120;

                sumPower += watts;
                sumPower -= rollingPower[index30];
                rollingPower[index30] = watts;

                total += pow(sumPower/std::min(count+1, rollingwindowsize30), 4); // raise rolling average to 4th power
                count ++;

                // move index on/round
                index120 = (index120 >= rollingwindowsize120-1) ? 0 : index120+1;
                index30 = (index30 >= rollingwindowsize30-1) ? 0 : index30+1;
        if (count) {
            lnp = pow(total/count, 0.25);
            secs = count * item->ride()->recIntSecs();
        } else {
            lnp = secs = 0;
