// The goroutine g exited its system call. // Arrange for it to run on a cpu again. // This is called only from the go syscall library, not // from the low-level system calls used by the runtime. void runtime_exitsyscall(void) { G *gp; uint32 v; // Fast path. // If we can do the mcpu++ bookkeeping and // find that we still have mcpu <= mcpumax, then we can // start executing Go code immediately, without having to // schedlock/schedunlock. // Also do fast return if any locks are held, so that // panic code can use syscalls to open a file. gp = g; v = runtime_xadd(&runtime_sched.atomic, (1<<mcpuShift)); if((m->profilehz == runtime_sched.profilehz && atomic_mcpu(v) <= atomic_mcpumax(v)) || m->locks > 0) { // There's a cpu for us, so we can run. gp->status = Grunning; // Garbage collector isn't running (since we are), // so okay to clear gcstack. #ifdef USING_SPLIT_STACK gp->gcstack = nil; #endif gp->gcnext_sp = nil; runtime_memclr(&gp->gcregs, sizeof gp->gcregs); if(m->profilehz > 0) runtime_setprof(true); return; } // Tell scheduler to put g back on the run queue: // mostly equivalent to g->status = Grunning, // but keeps the garbage collector from thinking // that g is running right now, which it's not. gp->readyonstop = 1; // All the cpus are taken. // The scheduler will ready g and put this m to sleep. // When the scheduler takes g away from m, // it will undo the runtime_sched.mcpu++ above. runtime_gosched(); // Gosched returned, so we're allowed to run now. // Delete the gcstack information that we left for // the garbage collector during the system call. // Must wait until now because until gosched returns // we don't know for sure that the garbage collector // is not running. #ifdef USING_SPLIT_STACK gp->gcstack = nil; #endif gp->gcnext_sp = nil; runtime_memclr(&gp->gcregs, sizeof gp->gcregs); }
static void resizefintab(Fintab *tab) { Fintab newtab; void *k; int32 i; runtime_memclr((byte*)&newtab, sizeof newtab); newtab.max = tab->max; if(newtab.max == 0) newtab.max = 3*3*3; else if(tab->ndead < tab->nkey/2) { // grow table if not many dead values. // otherwise just rehash into table of same size. newtab.max *= 3; } newtab.fkey = runtime_mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.fkey[0], FlagNoPointers, 0, 1); newtab.val = runtime_mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.val[0], 0, 0, 1); for(i=0; i<tab->max; i++) { k = tab->fkey[i]; if(k != nil && k != (void*)-1) addfintab(&newtab, k, tab->val[i].fn, tab->val[i].ft); } runtime_free(tab->fkey); runtime_free(tab->val); tab->fkey = newtab.fkey; tab->val = newtab.val; tab->nkey = newtab.nkey; tab->ndead = newtab.ndead; tab->max = newtab.max; }
// Allocate a new span of npage pages from the heap // and record its size class in the HeapMap and HeapMapCache. MSpan* runtime_MHeap_Alloc(MHeap *h, uintptr npage, int32 sizeclass, bool large, bool needzero) { MSpan *s; runtime_lock(h); mstats.heap_alloc += (intptr)runtime_m()->mcache->local_cachealloc; runtime_m()->mcache->local_cachealloc = 0; s = MHeap_AllocLocked(h, npage, sizeclass); if(s != nil) { mstats.heap_inuse += npage<<PageShift; if(large) { mstats.heap_objects++; mstats.heap_alloc += npage<<PageShift; // Swept spans are at the end of lists. if(s->npages < nelem(h->free)) runtime_MSpanList_InsertBack(&h->busy[s->npages], s); else runtime_MSpanList_InsertBack(&h->busylarge, s); } } runtime_unlock(h); if(s != nil) { if(needzero && s->needzero) runtime_memclr((byte*)(s->start<<PageShift), s->npages<<PageShift); s->needzero = 0; } return s; }
void runtime_resetcpuprofiler(int32 hz) { struct itimerval it; runtime_memclr((byte*)&it, sizeof it); if(hz == 0) { runtime_setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, &it, nil); } else { it.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; it.it_interval.tv_usec = 1000000 / hz; it.it_value = it.it_interval; runtime_setitimer(ITIMER_PROF, &it, nil); } runtime_m()->profilehz = hz; }
// Allocate a new span of npage pages from the heap // and record its size class in the HeapMap and HeapMapCache. MSpan* runtime_MHeap_Alloc(MHeap *h, uintptr npage, int32 sizeclass, int32 acct, int32 zeroed) { MSpan *s; runtime_lock(h); runtime_purgecachedstats(runtime_m()->mcache); s = MHeap_AllocLocked(h, npage, sizeclass); if(s != nil) { mstats.heap_inuse += npage<<PageShift; if(acct) { mstats.heap_objects++; mstats.heap_alloc += npage<<PageShift; } } runtime_unlock(h); if(s != nil && *(uintptr*)(s->start<<PageShift) != 0 && zeroed) runtime_memclr((byte*)(s->start<<PageShift), s->npages<<PageShift); return s; }
MCache* runtime_allocmcache(void) { intgo rate; MCache *c; int32 i; runtime_lock(&runtime_mheap); c = runtime_FixAlloc_Alloc(&runtime_mheap.cachealloc); runtime_unlock(&runtime_mheap); runtime_memclr((byte*)c, sizeof(*c)); for(i = 0; i < _NumSizeClasses; i++) c->alloc[i] = &emptymspan; // Set first allocation sample size. rate = runtime_MemProfileRate; if(rate > 0x3fffffff) // make 2*rate not overflow rate = 0x3fffffff; if(rate != 0) c->next_sample = runtime_fastrand1() % (2*rate); return c; }
// One round of scheduler: find a goroutine and run it. // The argument is the goroutine that was running before // schedule was called, or nil if this is the first call. // Never returns. static void schedule(G *gp) { int32 hz; uint32 v; schedlock(); if(gp != nil) { // Just finished running gp. gp->m = nil; runtime_sched.grunning--; // atomic { mcpu-- } v = runtime_xadd(&runtime_sched.atomic, -1<<mcpuShift); if(atomic_mcpu(v) > maxgomaxprocs) runtime_throw("negative mcpu in scheduler"); switch(gp->status){ case Grunnable: case Gdead: // Shouldn't have been running! runtime_throw("bad gp->status in sched"); case Grunning: gp->status = Grunnable; gput(gp); break; case Gmoribund: gp->status = Gdead; if(gp->lockedm) { gp->lockedm = nil; m->lockedg = nil; } gp->idlem = nil; runtime_memclr(&gp->context, sizeof gp->context); gfput(gp); if(--runtime_sched.gcount == 0) runtime_exit(0); break; } if(gp->readyonstop){ gp->readyonstop = 0; readylocked(gp); } } else if(m->helpgc) { // Bootstrap m or new m started by starttheworld. // atomic { mcpu-- } v = runtime_xadd(&runtime_sched.atomic, -1<<mcpuShift); if(atomic_mcpu(v) > maxgomaxprocs) runtime_throw("negative mcpu in scheduler"); // Compensate for increment in starttheworld(). runtime_sched.grunning--; m->helpgc = 0; } else if(m->nextg != nil) { // New m started by matchmg. } else { runtime_throw("invalid m state in scheduler"); } // Find (or wait for) g to run. Unlocks runtime_sched. gp = nextgandunlock(); gp->readyonstop = 0; gp->status = Grunning; m->curg = gp; gp->m = m; // Check whether the profiler needs to be turned on or off. hz = runtime_sched.profilehz; if(m->profilehz != hz) runtime_resetcpuprofiler(hz); runtime_gogo(gp); }
void memclrBytes(Slice s) { runtime_memclr(s.__values, s.__count); }
static bool chanrecv(ChanType *t, Hchan* c, byte *ep, bool block, bool *received) { SudoG *sg; SudoG mysg; G *gp; int64 t0; G *g; if(runtime_gcwaiting()) runtime_gosched(); // raceenabled: don't need to check ep, as it is always on the stack. if(debug) runtime_printf("chanrecv: chan=%p\n", c); g = runtime_g(); if(c == nil) { USED(t); if(!block) return false; runtime_park(nil, nil, "chan receive (nil chan)"); return false; // not reached } t0 = 0; mysg.releasetime = 0; if(runtime_blockprofilerate > 0) { t0 = runtime_cputicks(); mysg.releasetime = -1; } runtime_lock(c); if(c->dataqsiz > 0) goto asynch; if(c->closed) goto closed; sg = dequeue(&c->sendq); if(sg != nil) { if(raceenabled) racesync(c, sg); runtime_unlock(c); if(ep != nil) runtime_memmove(ep, sg->elem, c->elemsize); gp = sg->g; gp->param = sg; if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); if(received != nil) *received = true; return true; } if(!block) { runtime_unlock(c); return false; } mysg.elem = ep; mysg.g = g; mysg.selectdone = nil; g->param = nil; enqueue(&c->recvq, &mysg); runtime_parkunlock(c, "chan receive"); if(g->param == nil) { runtime_lock(c); if(!c->closed) runtime_throw("chanrecv: spurious wakeup"); goto closed; } if(received != nil) *received = true; if(mysg.releasetime > 0) runtime_blockevent(mysg.releasetime - t0, 2); return true; asynch: if(c->qcount <= 0) { if(c->closed) goto closed; if(!block) { runtime_unlock(c); if(received != nil) *received = false; return false; } mysg.g = g; mysg.elem = nil; mysg.selectdone = nil; enqueue(&c->recvq, &mysg); runtime_parkunlock(c, "chan receive"); runtime_lock(c); goto asynch; } if(raceenabled) runtime_raceacquire(chanbuf(c, c->recvx)); if(ep != nil) runtime_memmove(ep, chanbuf(c, c->recvx), c->elemsize); runtime_memclr(chanbuf(c, c->recvx), c->elemsize); if(++c->recvx == c->dataqsiz) c->recvx = 0; c->qcount--; sg = dequeue(&c->sendq); if(sg != nil) { gp = sg->g; runtime_unlock(c); if(sg->releasetime) sg->releasetime = runtime_cputicks(); runtime_ready(gp); } else runtime_unlock(c); if(received != nil) *received = true; if(mysg.releasetime > 0) runtime_blockevent(mysg.releasetime - t0, 2); return true; closed: if(ep != nil) runtime_memclr(ep, c->elemsize); if(received != nil) *received = false; if(raceenabled) runtime_raceacquire(c); runtime_unlock(c); if(mysg.releasetime > 0) runtime_blockevent(mysg.releasetime - t0, 2); return true; }
// free RefNone, free & queue finalizers for RefNone|RefHasFinalizer, reset RefSome static void sweepspan(MSpan *s) { int32 n, npages, size; byte *p; uint32 ref, *gcrefp, *gcrefep; MCache *c; Finalizer *f; p = (byte*)(s->start << PageShift); if(s->sizeclass == 0) { // Large block. ref = s->gcref0; switch(ref & ~(RefFlags^RefHasFinalizer)) { case RefNone: // Free large object. mstats.alloc -= s->npages<<PageShift; runtime_memclr(p, s->npages<<PageShift); if(ref & RefProfiled) runtime_MProf_Free(p, s->npages<<PageShift); s->gcref0 = RefFree; runtime_MHeap_Free(&runtime_mheap, s, 1); break; case RefNone|RefHasFinalizer: f = runtime_getfinalizer(p, 1); if(f == nil) runtime_throw("finalizer inconsistency"); f->arg = p; f->next = finq; finq = f; ref &= ~RefHasFinalizer; // fall through case RefSome: case RefSome|RefHasFinalizer: s->gcref0 = RefNone | (ref&RefFlags); break; } return; } // Chunk full of small blocks. runtime_MGetSizeClassInfo(s->sizeclass, &size, &npages, &n); gcrefp = s->gcref; gcrefep = s->gcref + n; for(; gcrefp < gcrefep; gcrefp++, p += size) { ref = *gcrefp; if(ref < RefNone) // RefFree or RefStack continue; switch(ref & ~(RefFlags^RefHasFinalizer)) { case RefNone: // Free small object. if(ref & RefProfiled) runtime_MProf_Free(p, size); *gcrefp = RefFree; c = m->mcache; if(size > (int32)sizeof(uintptr)) ((uintptr*)p)[1] = 1; // mark as "needs to be zeroed" mstats.alloc -= size; mstats.by_size[s->sizeclass].nfree++; runtime_MCache_Free(c, p, s->sizeclass, size); break; case RefNone|RefHasFinalizer: f = runtime_getfinalizer(p, 1); if(f == nil) runtime_throw("finalizer inconsistency"); f->arg = p; f->next = finq; finq = f; ref &= ~RefHasFinalizer; // fall through case RefSome: case RefSome|RefHasFinalizer: *gcrefp = RefNone | (ref&RefFlags); break; } } }
// add finalizer; caller is responsible for making sure not already in table void runtime_addfinalizer(void *p, void (*f)(void*), const struct __go_func_type *ft) { Fintab newtab; int32 i; uint32 *ref; byte *base; Finalizer *e; e = nil; if(f != nil) { e = runtime_mal(sizeof *e); e->fn = f; e->ft = ft; } runtime_lock(&finlock); if(!runtime_mlookup(p, &base, nil, nil, &ref) || p != base) { runtime_unlock(&finlock); runtime_throw("addfinalizer on invalid pointer"); } if(f == nil) { if(*ref & RefHasFinalizer) { lookfintab(&fintab, p, 1); *ref &= ~RefHasFinalizer; } runtime_unlock(&finlock); return; } if(*ref & RefHasFinalizer) { runtime_unlock(&finlock); runtime_throw("double finalizer"); } *ref |= RefHasFinalizer; if(fintab.nkey >= fintab.max/2+fintab.max/4) { // keep table at most 3/4 full: // allocate new table and rehash. runtime_memclr((byte*)&newtab, sizeof newtab); newtab.max = fintab.max; if(newtab.max == 0) newtab.max = 3*3*3; else if(fintab.ndead < fintab.nkey/2) { // grow table if not many dead values. // otherwise just rehash into table of same size. newtab.max *= 3; } newtab.key = runtime_mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.key[0], RefNoPointers, 0, 1); newtab.val = runtime_mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.val[0], 0, 0, 1); for(i=0; i<fintab.max; i++) { void *k; k = fintab.key[i]; if(k != nil && k != (void*)-1) addfintab(&newtab, k, fintab.val[i]); } runtime_free(fintab.key); runtime_free(fintab.val); fintab = newtab; } addfintab(&fintab, p, e); runtime_unlock(&finlock); }
// add finalizer; caller is responsible for making sure not already in table void runtime_addfinalizer(void *p, void (*f)(void*), const struct __go_func_type *ft) { Fintab newtab; int32 i; byte *base; Finalizer *e; e = nil; if(f != nil) { e = runtime_mal(sizeof *e); e->fn = f; e->ft = ft; } if(!__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&m->holds_finlock, 0, 1)) runtime_throw("finalizer deadlock"); runtime_lock(&finlock); if(!runtime_mlookup(p, &base, nil, nil) || p != base) { runtime_unlock(&finlock); __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&m->holds_finlock, 1, 0); runtime_throw("addfinalizer on invalid pointer"); } if(f == nil) { lookfintab(&fintab, p, 1); goto unlock; } if(lookfintab(&fintab, p, 0)) { runtime_unlock(&finlock); __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&m->holds_finlock, 1, 0); runtime_throw("double finalizer"); } runtime_setblockspecial(p); if(fintab.nkey >= fintab.max/2+fintab.max/4) { // keep table at most 3/4 full: // allocate new table and rehash. runtime_memclr((byte*)&newtab, sizeof newtab); newtab.max = fintab.max; if(newtab.max == 0) newtab.max = 3*3*3; else if(fintab.ndead < fintab.nkey/2) { // grow table if not many dead values. // otherwise just rehash into table of same size. newtab.max *= 3; } newtab.key = runtime_mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.key[0], FlagNoPointers, 0, 1); newtab.val = runtime_mallocgc(newtab.max*sizeof newtab.val[0], 0, 0, 1); for(i=0; i<fintab.max; i++) { void *k; k = fintab.key[i]; if(k != nil && k != (void*)-1) addfintab(&newtab, k, fintab.val[i]); } runtime_free(fintab.key); runtime_free(fintab.val); fintab = newtab; } addfintab(&fintab, p, e); unlock: runtime_unlock(&finlock); __sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&m->holds_finlock, 1, 0); if(__sync_bool_compare_and_swap(&m->gcing_for_finlock, 1, 0)) { __go_run_goroutine_gc(200); } }