void Quit(char *msg) { printf("%s\n", msg); if (debugFile) { rx_PrintStats(debugFile); fflush(debugFile); } rx_PrintStats(stdout); exit(0); }
void SigInt(int ignore) { if (rx_debugFile) { rx_PrintStats(rx_debugFile); fflush(rx_debugFile); } if (stats) rx_PrintStats(stdout); exit(1); }
void quitSignal(int ignore) { static int quitCount = 0; if (++quitCount > 1) Quit("rx_ctest: second quit signal, aborting"); rx_debugFile = debugFile = fopen("rx_ctest.db", "w"); if (debugFile) rx_PrintStats(debugFile); }
void Abort(const char *msg, ...) { va_list args; va_start(args, msg); printf(msg, args); va_end(args); printf("\n"); if (debugFile) { rx_PrintStats(debugFile); fflush(debugFile); } opr_abort(); exit(1); }
static void do_client(const char *server, short port, char *filename, afs_int32 command, afs_int32 times, afs_int32 bytes, afs_int32 sendbytes, afs_int32 readbytes, int dumpstats, int nojumbo, int maxmtu, int maxwsize, int minpeertimeout, int udpbufsz, int nostats, int hotthread, int threads) { struct rx_connection *conn; afs_uint32 addr; struct rx_securityClass *secureobj; int secureindex; int ret; char stamp[2048]; struct client_data *params; #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV int i; pthread_t thread[MAX_THREADS]; pthread_attr_t tattr; void *status; #endif params = calloc(1, sizeof(struct client_data)); #ifdef AFS_NT40_ENV if (afs_winsockInit() < 0) { printf("Can't initialize winsock.\n"); exit(1); } #endif if (hotthread) rx_EnableHotThread(); if (nostats) rx_enable_stats = 0; addr = str2addr(server); rx_SetUdpBufSize(udpbufsz); ret = rx_Init(0); if (ret) errx(1, "rx_Init failed"); if (nojumbo) rx_SetNoJumbo(); if (maxmtu) rx_SetMaxMTU(maxmtu); if (maxwsize) { rx_SetMaxReceiveWindow(maxwsize); rx_SetMaxSendWindow(maxwsize); } if (minpeertimeout) rx_SetMinPeerTimeout(minpeertimeout); get_sec(0, &secureobj, &secureindex); switch (command) { case RX_PERF_RPC: sprintf(stamp, "RPC: threads\t%d, times\t%d, write bytes\t%d, read bytes\t%d", threads, times, sendbytes, readbytes); break; case RX_PERF_RECV: sprintf(stamp, "RECV: threads\t%d, times\t%d, bytes\t%d", threads, times, bytes); break; case RX_PERF_SEND: sprintf(stamp, "SEND: threads\t%d, times\t%d, bytes\t%d", threads, times, bytes); break; case RX_PERF_FILE: sprintf(stamp, "FILE %s: threads\t%d, times\t%d, bytes\t%d", filename, threads, times, bytes); break; } conn = rx_NewConnection(addr, htons(port), RX_SERVER_ID, secureobj, secureindex); if (conn == NULL) errx(1, "failed to contact server"); #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV pthread_attr_init(&tattr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&tattr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); #endif params->conn = conn; params->filename = filename; params->command = command; params->times = times; params->bytes = bytes; params->sendbytes = sendbytes; params->readbytes = readbytes; start_timer(); #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV for ( i=0; i<threads; i++) { pthread_create(&thread[i], &tattr, client_thread, params); if ( (i + 1) % RX_MAXCALLS == 0 ) { conn = rx_NewConnection(addr, htons(port), RX_SERVER_ID, secureobj, secureindex); if (conn != NULL) { struct client_data *new_params = malloc(sizeof(struct client_data)); memcpy(new_params, params, sizeof(struct client_data)); new_params->conn = conn; params = new_params; } } } #else client_thread(params); #endif #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV for ( i=0; i<threads; i++) pthread_join(thread[i], &status); #endif switch (command) { case RX_PERF_RPC: end_and_print_timer(stamp, (long long)threads*times*(sendbytes+readbytes)); break; case RX_PERF_RECV: case RX_PERF_SEND: case RX_PERF_FILE: end_and_print_timer(stamp, (long long)threads*times*bytes); break; } DBFPRINT(("done for good\n")); if (dumpstats) { rx_PrintStats(stdout); rx_PrintPeerStats(stdout, rx_PeerOf(conn)); } rx_Finalize(); #ifdef AFS_PTHREAD_ENV pthread_attr_destroy(&tattr); #endif free(params); }
InterruptSignal() { rx_PrintStats(stdout); exit(0); }
long rxkst_StartClient(struct clientParms *parms) { long code; long host; long scIndex; struct rx_securityClass *sc; whoami = parms->whoami; /* set this global variable */ host = GetServer(parms->server); if (parms->authentication >= 0) { long kvno = 0; char ticket[MAXKTCTICKETLEN]; int ticketLen; struct ktc_encryptionKey Ksession; if (parms->useTokens) code = GetToken(&kvno, &Ksession, &ticketLen, ticket, parms->cell); else code = GetTicket(&kvno, &Ksession, &ticketLen, ticket, parms->cell); if (code) return code; /* next, we have ticket, kvno and session key, authenticate the conn */ sc = (struct rx_securityClass *) rxkad_NewClientSecurityObject(parms->authentication, &Ksession, kvno, ticketLen, ticket); assert(sc); scIndex = RX_SECIDX_KAD; } else { /* unauthenticated connection */ sc = rxnull_NewClientSecurityObject(); assert(sc); scIndex = RX_SECIDX_NULL; } code = 0; if (!code && parms->callTest) { code = RunCallTest(parms, host, sc, scIndex); } if (!code && parms->hijackTest) { code = RunHijackTest(parms, host, sc, scIndex); } if (!code && (parms->printTiming || parms->fastCalls || parms->slowCalls || parms->copiousCalls)) { struct rx_connection *conn; conn = rx_NewConnection(host, htons(RXKST_SERVICEPORT), RXKST_SERVICEID, sc, scIndex); if (conn) { code = RepeatLoadTest(parms, conn); rx_DestroyConnection(conn); } else code = RXKST_NEWCONNFAILED; } if (!code && parms->stopServer) { struct rx_connection *conn; conn = rx_NewConnection(host, htons(RXKST_SERVICEPORT), RXKST_SERVICEID, sc, scIndex); if (conn) { code = RXKST_Kill(conn); if (code) { afs_com_err(whoami, code, "trying to stop server"); } rx_DestroyConnection(conn); } else code = RXKST_NEWCONNFAILED; } if (parms->printStats) { rx_PrintStats(stdout); #if 0 /* use rxdebug style iteration here */ rx_PrintPeerStats(stdout, rx_PeerOf(conn)); #endif } rxs_Release(sc); rx_Finalize(); if (code) { afs_com_err(parms->whoami, code, "test fails"); exit(13); } else { printf("Test Okay\n"); if (!parms->noExit) exit(0); } return 0; }