static int s2n_drbg_bits(struct s2n_drbg *drbg, struct s2n_blob *out) { struct s2n_blob value = {.data = drbg->v, .size = sizeof(drbg->v) }; int block_aligned_size = out->size - (out->size % S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE); /* Per NIST SP800-90A */ for (int i = 0; i < block_aligned_size; i += S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE) { GUARD(s2n_increment_sequence_number(&value)); GUARD(s2n_drbg_block_encrypt(&drbg->ctx, drbg->v, out->data + i)); drbg->bytes_used += S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE; } if (out->size <= block_aligned_size) { return 0; } uint8_t spare_block[S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE]; GUARD(s2n_increment_sequence_number(&value)); GUARD(s2n_drbg_block_encrypt(&drbg->ctx, drbg->v, spare_block)); drbg->bytes_used += S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE; memcpy_check(out->data + block_aligned_size, spare_block, out->size - block_aligned_size); return 0; } static int s2n_drbg_update(struct s2n_drbg *drbg, struct s2n_blob *provided_data) { uint8_t temp[32]; struct s2n_blob temp_blob = {.data = temp, .size = sizeof(temp) }; eq_check(provided_data->size, sizeof(temp)); GUARD(s2n_drbg_bits(drbg, &temp_blob)); /* XOR in the provided data */ for (int i = 0; i < provided_data->size; i++) { temp[i] ^= provided_data->data[i]; } /* Update the key and value */ if (EVP_EncryptInit_ex(&drbg->ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), NULL, temp, NULL) != 1) { S2N_ERROR(S2N_ERR_DRBG); } memcpy_check(drbg->v, temp + S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE, S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE); return 0; } int s2n_drbg_seed(struct s2n_drbg *drbg) { uint8_t seed[32]; struct s2n_blob blob = {.data = seed, .size = sizeof(seed) }; if (drbg->entropy_generator) { GUARD(drbg->entropy_generator(&blob)); } else { GUARD(s2n_get_urandom_data(&blob)); } for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(drbg->ps); i++) {[i] ^= drbg->ps[i]; } GUARD(s2n_drbg_update(drbg, &blob)); drbg->bytes_used = 0; drbg->generation += 1; return 0; } int s2n_drbg_instantiate(struct s2n_drbg *drbg, struct s2n_blob *personalization_string) { struct s2n_blob value = {.data = drbg->v, .size = sizeof(drbg->v) }; struct s2n_blob ps = {.data = drbg->ps, .size = sizeof(drbg->ps) }; /* Start off with zerod data, per item 4 */ GUARD(s2n_blob_zero(&value)); /* Start off with zerod key, per item 5 */ (void) EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(&drbg->ctx); if (EVP_EncryptInit_ex(&drbg->ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), NULL, drbg->v, NULL) != 1) { S2N_ERROR(S2N_ERR_DRBG); } /* Copy the personalization string */ GUARD(s2n_blob_zero(&ps)); memcpy_check(, personalization_string->data, MIN(ps.size, personalization_string->size)); /* Seed / update the DRBG */ GUARD(s2n_drbg_seed(drbg)); return 0; } int s2n_drbg_generate(struct s2n_drbg *drbg, struct s2n_blob *blob) { uint8_t all_zeros[32] = { 0 }; struct s2n_blob zeros = {.data = all_zeros, .size = sizeof(all_zeros) }; if (blob->size > S2N_DRBG_GENERATE_LIMIT) { S2N_ERROR(S2N_ERR_DRBG_REQUEST_SIZE); } if (drbg->bytes_used + blob->size + S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE >= S2N_DRBG_RESEED_LIMIT) { GUARD(s2n_drbg_seed(drbg)); } GUARD(s2n_drbg_bits(drbg, blob)); GUARD(s2n_drbg_update(drbg, &zeros)); return 0; } int s2n_drbg_wipe(struct s2n_drbg *drbg) { struct s2n_blob state = {.data = (void *) drbg, .size = sizeof(struct s2n_drbg) }; if (EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(&drbg->ctx) != 1) { S2N_ERROR(S2N_ERR_DRBG); } GUARD(s2n_blob_zero(&state)); return 0; } int s2n_drbg_bytes_used(struct s2n_drbg *drbg) { return drbg->bytes_used; }
static int s2n_drbg_bits(struct s2n_drbg *drbg, struct s2n_blob *out) { struct s2n_blob value = {.data = drbg->v,.size = sizeof(drbg->v) }; int block_aligned_size = out->size - (out->size % S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE); /* Per NIST SP800-90A */ for (int i = 0; i < block_aligned_size; i += S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE) { GUARD(s2n_increment_sequence_number(&value)); GUARD(s2n_drbg_block_encrypt(drbg->ctx, drbg->v, out->data + i)); drbg->bytes_used += S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE; } if (out->size <= block_aligned_size) { return 0; } uint8_t spare_block[S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE]; GUARD(s2n_increment_sequence_number(&value)); GUARD(s2n_drbg_block_encrypt(drbg->ctx, drbg->v, spare_block)); drbg->bytes_used += S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE; memcpy_check(out->data + block_aligned_size, spare_block, out->size - block_aligned_size); return 0; } static int s2n_drbg_update(struct s2n_drbg *drbg, struct s2n_blob *provided_data) { uint8_t temp[32]; struct s2n_blob temp_blob = {.data = temp,.size = sizeof(temp) }; eq_check(provided_data->size, sizeof(temp)); GUARD(s2n_drbg_bits(drbg, &temp_blob)); /* XOR in the provided data */ for (int i = 0; i < provided_data->size; i++) { temp[i] ^= provided_data->data[i]; } /* Update the key and value */ GUARD_OSSL(EVP_EncryptInit_ex(drbg->ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), NULL, temp, NULL), S2N_ERR_DRBG); memcpy_check(drbg->v, temp + S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE, S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE); return 0; } int s2n_drbg_seed(struct s2n_drbg *drbg, struct s2n_blob *ps) { uint8_t seed[32]; struct s2n_blob blob = {.data = seed,.size = sizeof(seed) }; lte_check(ps->size, sizeof(seed)); if (drbg->entropy_generator) { GUARD(drbg->entropy_generator(&blob)); } else { GUARD(s2n_get_urandom_data(&blob)); } for (int i = 0; i < ps->size; i++) {[i] ^= ps->data[i]; } GUARD(s2n_drbg_update(drbg, &blob)); drbg->bytes_used = 0; drbg->generation += 1; return 0; } int s2n_drbg_instantiate(struct s2n_drbg *drbg, struct s2n_blob *personalization_string) { struct s2n_blob value = {.data = drbg->v,.size = sizeof(drbg->v) }; uint8_t ps_prefix[32]; struct s2n_blob ps = {.data = ps_prefix,.size = sizeof(ps_prefix) }; /* Start off with zeroed data, per item 4 */ GUARD(s2n_blob_zero(&value)); drbg->ctx = EVP_CIPHER_CTX_new(); S2N_ERROR_IF(!drbg->ctx, S2N_ERR_DRBG); (void)EVP_CIPHER_CTX_init(drbg->ctx); /* Start off with zeroed key, per item 5 */ GUARD_OSSL(EVP_EncryptInit_ex(drbg->ctx, EVP_aes_128_ecb(), NULL, drbg->v, NULL), S2N_ERR_DRBG); /* Copy the personalization string */ GUARD(s2n_blob_zero(&ps)); memcpy_check(, personalization_string->data, MIN(ps.size, personalization_string->size)); /* Seed / update the DRBG */ GUARD(s2n_drbg_seed(drbg, &ps)); /* After initial seeding, pivot to RDRAND if available and not overridden */ if (drbg->entropy_generator == NULL && s2n_cpu_supports_rdrand()) { drbg->entropy_generator = s2n_get_rdrand_data; } return 0; } int s2n_drbg_generate(struct s2n_drbg *drbg, struct s2n_blob *blob) { uint8_t all_zeros[32] = { 0 }; struct s2n_blob zeros = {.data = all_zeros,.size = sizeof(all_zeros) }; S2N_ERROR_IF(blob->size > S2N_DRBG_GENERATE_LIMIT, S2N_ERR_DRBG_REQUEST_SIZE); /* If either the entropy generator is set, for prediction resistance, * or if we reach the definitely-need-to-reseed limit, then reseed. */ if (drbg->entropy_generator || drbg->bytes_used + blob->size + S2N_DRBG_BLOCK_SIZE >= S2N_DRBG_RESEED_LIMIT) { GUARD(s2n_drbg_seed(drbg, &zeros)); } GUARD(s2n_drbg_bits(drbg, blob)); GUARD(s2n_drbg_update(drbg, &zeros)); return 0; } int s2n_drbg_wipe(struct s2n_drbg *drbg) { struct s2n_blob state = {.data = (void *)drbg,.size = sizeof(struct s2n_drbg) }; if (drbg->ctx) { GUARD_OSSL(EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(drbg->ctx), S2N_ERR_DRBG); EVP_CIPHER_CTX_free(drbg->ctx); drbg->ctx = NULL; } GUARD(s2n_blob_zero(&state)); return 0; } int s2n_drbg_bytes_used(struct s2n_drbg *drbg) { return drbg->bytes_used; }