Exemple #1
mono_arch_create_specific_trampoline (gpointer arg1, MonoTrampolineType tramp_type, MonoDomain *domain, guint32 *code_len)
	guint8 *code, *buf, *tramp;
	gint32 displace;

	tramp = mono_get_trampoline_code (tramp_type);

	/* This is the method-specific part of the trampoline. Its  */
	/* purpose is to provide the generic part with the          */
	/* MonoMethod *method pointer. We'll use r1 to keep it.     */
	code = buf = mono_domain_code_reserve (domain, SPECIFIC_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE);

	s390_basr (buf, s390_r1, 0);
	s390_j	  (buf, 6);
	s390_llong(buf, arg1);
	s390_lg   (buf, s390_r1, 0, s390_r1, 4);
	displace = (tramp - buf) / 2;
	s390_jcl  (buf, S390_CC_UN, displace);

	/* Flush instruction cache, since we've generated code */
	mono_arch_flush_icache (code, buf - code);

	/* Sanity check */
	g_assert ((buf - code) <= SPECIFIC_TRAMPOLINE_SIZE);

	if (code_len)
		*code_len = buf - code;
	return code;
Exemple #2
mono_arch_get_unbox_trampoline (MonoGenericSharingContext *gsctx, MonoMethod *method, gpointer addr)
	guint8 *code, *start;
	int this_pos = s390_r2;
	MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get ();

	start = addr;
	if (MONO_TYPE_ISSTRUCT (mono_method_signature (method)->ret))
		this_pos = s390_r3;

	start = code = mono_domain_code_reserve (domain, 28);
	s390_basr (code, s390_r13, 0);
	s390_j	  (code, 4);
	s390_word (code, addr);
	s390_l    (code, s390_r1, 0, s390_r13, 4);
	s390_ahi  (code, this_pos, sizeof(MonoObject));
	s390_br   (code, s390_r1);

	g_assert ((code - start) <= 28);

	mono_arch_flush_icache (start, code - start);

	return start;
Exemple #3
mono_arch_get_static_rgctx_trampoline (MonoMethod *m, 
					MonoMethodRuntimeGenericContext *mrgctx, 
					gpointer addr)
	guint8 *code, *start;
	gint32 displace;
	int buf_len;

	MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get ();

	buf_len = 32;

	start = code = mono_domain_code_reserve (domain, buf_len);

	s390_basr (code, s390_r1, 0);
	s390_j    (code, 6);
	s390_llong(code, mrgctx);
	s390_lg   (code, MONO_ARCH_RGCTX_REG, 0, s390_r1, 4);
	displace = ((uintptr_t) addr - (uintptr_t) code) / 2;
	s390_jg   (code, displace);
	g_assert ((code - start) < buf_len);

	mono_arch_flush_icache (start, code - start);

Exemple #4
mono_arch_get_unbox_trampoline (MonoMethod *method, gpointer addr)
	guint8 *code, *start;
	int this_pos = s390_r2;
	MonoDomain *domain = mono_domain_get ();

	start = code = mono_domain_code_reserve (domain, 28);

	s390_basr (code, s390_r1, 0);
	s390_j	  (code, 6);
	s390_llong(code, addr);
	s390_lg   (code, s390_r1, 0, s390_r1, 4);
	s390_aghi (code, this_pos, sizeof(MonoObject));
	s390_br   (code, s390_r1);

	g_assert ((code - start) <= 28);

	mono_arch_flush_icache (start, code - start);

	return start;
Exemple #5
mono_arch_create_generic_trampoline (MonoTrampolineType tramp_type, MonoTrampInfo **info, gboolean aot)
	guint8 *buf, *tramp, *code;
	int i, offset, lmfOffset;

	g_assert (!aot);
	if (info)
		*info = NULL;

	/* Now we'll create in 'buf' the S/390 trampoline code. This
	   is the trampoline code common to all methods  */
	code = buf = mono_global_codeman_reserve(512);
	  STEP 0: First create a non-standard function prologue with a
	  stack size big enough to save our registers.
	s390_stmg (buf, s390_r6, s390_r15, STK_BASE, S390_REG_SAVE_OFFSET);
	s390_lgr  (buf, s390_r11, s390_r15);
	s390_aghi (buf, STK_BASE, -CREATE_STACK_SIZE);
	s390_stg  (buf, s390_r11, 0, STK_BASE, 0);
	s390_stg  (buf, s390_r1, 0, STK_BASE, METHOD_SAVE_OFFSET);
	s390_stmg (buf, s390_r2, s390_r5, STK_BASE, CREATE_GR_OFFSET);

	/* Save the FP registers */
	for (i = s390_f0; i <= s390_f15; ++i) {
		s390_std  (buf, i, 0, STK_BASE, offset);
		offset += 8;

	  STEP 1: call 'mono_get_lmf_addr()' to get the address of our
	  LMF. We'll need to restore it after the call to
	  's390_magic_trampoline' and before the call to the native
	s390_basr (buf, s390_r13, 0);
	s390_j	  (buf, 6);
	s390_llong(buf, mono_get_lmf_addr);
	s390_lg   (buf, s390_r1, 0, s390_r13, 4);
	s390_basr (buf, s390_r14, s390_r1);

	/* we build the MonoLMF structure on the stack - see mini-s390.h */
	/* Keep in sync with the code in mono_arch_emit_prolog 		 */
	lmfOffset = CREATE_STACK_SIZE - sizeof(MonoLMF);
	s390_lgr   (buf, s390_r13, STK_BASE);
	s390_aghi  (buf, s390_r13, lmfOffset);	
	/* Set lmf.lmf_addr = jit_tls->lmf				 */	
	s390_stg   (buf, s390_r2, 0, s390_r13, 				
			    G_STRUCT_OFFSET(MonoLMF, lmf_addr));			
	/* Get current lmf						 */	
	s390_lg    (buf, s390_r0, 0, s390_r2, 0);				
	/* Set our lmf as the current lmf				 */	
	s390_stg   (buf, s390_r13, 0, s390_r2, 0);				
	/* Have our lmf.previous_lmf point to the last lmf		 */	
	s390_stg   (buf, s390_r0, 0, s390_r13, 				
			    G_STRUCT_OFFSET(MonoLMF, previous_lmf));			
	/* save method info						 */	
	s390_lg    (buf, s390_r1, 0, STK_BASE, METHOD_SAVE_OFFSET);
	s390_stg   (buf, s390_r1, 0, s390_r13, 				
			    G_STRUCT_OFFSET(MonoLMF, method));				
	/* save the current SP						 */	
	s390_lg    (buf, s390_r1, 0, STK_BASE, 0);
	s390_stg   (buf, s390_r1, 0, s390_r13, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(MonoLMF, ebp));	
	/* save the current IP						 */	
	if (tramp_type == MONO_TRAMPOLINE_JUMP) {
		s390_lghi  (buf, s390_r1, 0);
	} else {
		s390_lg    (buf, s390_r1, 0, s390_r1, S390_RET_ADDR_OFFSET);
		//			s390_la    (buf, s390_r1, 0, s390_r1, 0);
	s390_stg   (buf, s390_r1, 0, s390_r13, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(MonoLMF, eip));	
	/* Save general and floating point registers			 */	
	s390_mvc   (buf, 4*sizeof(gulong), s390_r13, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(MonoLMF, gregs[2]), 
	s390_mvc   (buf, 10*sizeof(gulong), s390_r13, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(MonoLMF, gregs[6]), 
		    s390_r11, S390_REG_SAVE_OFFSET);

	/* Simply copy fpregs already saved above			 */
	s390_mvc   (buf, 16*sizeof(double), s390_r13, G_STRUCT_OFFSET(MonoLMF, fregs[0]),

	/* STEP 2: call the C trampoline function                        */
	/* Set arguments */

	/* Arg 1: mgreg_t *regs. We pass sp instead */
	s390_la  (buf, s390_r2, 0, STK_BASE, CREATE_STACK_SIZE);
	/* Arg 2: code (next address to the instruction that called us) */
	if (tramp_type == MONO_TRAMPOLINE_JUMP) {
		s390_lghi (buf, s390_r3, 0);
	} else {
		s390_lg   (buf, s390_r3, 0, s390_r11, S390_RET_ADDR_OFFSET);

	/* Arg 3: MonoMethod *method. It was put in r1 by the
	   method-specific trampoline code, and then saved before the call
	   to mono_get_lmf_addr()'. */
	s390_lg  (buf, s390_r4, 0, STK_BASE, METHOD_SAVE_OFFSET);

	/* Arg 4: trampoline address. Ignore for now */
	/* Calculate call address and call the C trampoline. Return value will be in r2 */
	s390_basr (buf, s390_r13, 0);
	s390_j	  (buf, 6);
	tramp = (guint8*)mono_get_trampoline_func (tramp_type);
	s390_llong (buf, tramp);
	s390_lg   (buf, s390_r1, 0, s390_r13, 4);
	s390_basr (buf, s390_r14, s390_r1);
	/* OK, code address is now on r2. Move it to r1, so that we
	   can restore r2 and use it from r1 later */
	s390_lgr  (buf, s390_r1, s390_r2);

	  STEP 3: Restore the LMF
	  STEP 4: call the compiled method
	/* Restore registers */

	s390_lmg  (buf, s390_r2, s390_r5, STK_BASE, CREATE_GR_OFFSET);
	/* Restore the FP registers */
	for (i = s390_f0; i <= s390_f15; ++i) {
		s390_ld  (buf, i, 0, STK_BASE, offset);
		offset += 8;

	/* Restore stack pointer and jump to the code -
	   R14 contains the return address to our caller */
	s390_lgr  (buf, STK_BASE, s390_r11);
	s390_lmg  (buf, s390_r6, s390_r14, STK_BASE, S390_REG_SAVE_OFFSET);

		s390_br (buf, s390_r14);
		s390_br (buf, s390_r1);

	/* Flush instruction cache, since we've generated code */
	mono_arch_flush_icache (code, buf - code);
	/* Sanity check */
	g_assert ((buf - code) <= 512);

	return code;