Exemple #1
int main() {
    // generate entries
    SymbolTableEntry* entry, *entry2, *result, *result2;
    Lexeme ll = "abc";
    int tt = 1;
    printf("%d\n", s_stack->top);
    entry = sNewEntry ( ll, tt, sStackLevel, sStackTopId );
    entry2 = sNewEntry ( "xyz", 2, 1, 1 );
    printf("key=%s\nbind=%s\nSlevel=%d\nScopeId=%d\n", entry->key, entry->bind,entry->scope[0],entry->scope[1]);
    printf("key=%s\nbind=%s\n", entry2->key, entry2->bind);
    // insert to s_table
    sTableInsert( entry);
    // lookup
    SymbolTableKey key;
    sNewKey(entry->lex, entry->scope[1], key);
    result = s_table_lookup(s_table, key);
    // check
    printf("key=%s\nbind=%s\n", result->key, result->bind);
    // remove
    bool istat = s_table_remove(s_table, entry);
    if (istat) printf("remove done\n");
    else printf("remove false\n");
    // lookup 2 , should fail
    result2 = s_table_lookup(s_table, key);
    printf("Should be NULL %p\n", result2);
    // cleanup

    // test stack
    ScopeId ttt;
    s_stack_push(s_stack, 1);
    s_stack_push(s_stack, 2);
    s_stack_push(s_stack, 3);
    s_stack_push(s_stack, 4);
    printf("top=%d, present=%d\n", s_stack->top, s_stack->present);
    ttt = s_stack_pop(s_stack);
    printf("top=%d, present=%d\n", s_stack->top, s_stack->present);
    while(s_stack->present>=0) {
    printf("top=%d, present=%d\n", s_stack->top, s_stack->present);
/** lookup an Id from symtable, return the entry */
SymbolTableEntry* sTableTryLookupId(struct Node* node) {
    if( node->token != IDENTIFIER &&
            node->token != DYN_ATTRIBUTE ) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: sTableLookupId: argument must be IDENTIFIER or DYN_ATTRIBUTE\n");
    SymbolTableKey key;
    SymbolTableEntry* entry;
    ScopeId id = sStackTopId;
    while (id>=0) {
        sNewKey(node->lexval.sval, id, key);
        if ( (entry = sTableLookup(key)) != NULL ) break;
        id = sStackDown();
	if (entry == NULL) {
//		printf("key= '%s'\n", key);
//		sTableShow(stderr);
    return entry;
/** lookup a func or func_literal, if not found report compiling error */
int sTableLookupFunc(struct Node* node) {
    if(node->token != AST_FUNC_CALL) {
        fprintf(stderr,"error: sTableLookupFunc: argument must be AST_FUNC_CALL\n");
    SymbolTableKey key;
    SymbolTableEntry* entry;
    struct Node* funcId = node->child[0];
    // create key
    sNewKey(funcId->lexval.sval, 0, key);       // function always in scope 0
    // try lookup in Symbol Table
    entry = sTableLookup(key);
    if(entry == NULL) {
        ERRNO = ErrorFunctionCalledBeforeDeclaration;
        errorInfo(ERRNO, node->line, "`");
        FuncHead(funcId->lexval.sval, node->typeCon, ERRORIO);
        errorInfoExt("' is not declared before.\n");
        return ERRNO;
    // if found, check parameter types
    GArray* caller = node->typeCon;
    GArray* ref    = entry->typeCon;
    int flag = 0;
/*    if(entry->type == FUNC_T) {   // if function
        if(caller->len != ref->len) {
            flag = (ERRNO = ErrorFunctionCallNOTEqualNumberOfParameters); 
            errorInfo(ERRNO, node->line, "function Call `");
            FuncHead(funcId->lexval.sval, caller, ERRORIO);
            errorInfoExt("' has inconsistent number of arguments to its declaration.\n");
        else {
            if ( checkTwoTypeCons(caller, ref) == 0 ) { // not equal
                flag = (ERRNO = ErrorFunctionCallIncompatibleParameterType);
                errorInfo(ERRNO, node->line, "function Call `");
                FuncHead(funcId->lexval.sval, caller, ERRORIO);
                errorInfoExt("' has incompatible arguments to its declaration.\n");
    else if(entry->type == FUNC_LITERAL_T) { // func_literal
        if ( checkTwoTypeConsExceptDyn(caller, ref) == 0 ) { // not equal
            flag = (ERRNO = ErrorFuncLiteralCallIncompatibleParameterType);
            errorInfo(ERRNO, node->line, "function literal Call `");
            FuncHead(funcId->lexval.sval, caller, ERRORIO);
            errorInfoExt("' has incompatible arguments to its declaration.\n");
    else {
        flag = (ERRNO = ErrorFunctionCalledBeforeDeclaration);
        errorInfo(ERRNO, node->line,"`%s' is not declared as a function or function literal\n",funcId->lexval.sval );
        errorInfoNote("`%s' is first declared at line %d\n",funcId->lexval.sval,entry->line);
        return ERRNO;
    if (flag == ErrorFunctionCallNOTEqualNumberOfParameters ||
            flag == ErrorFunctionCallIncompatibleParameterType ||
                flag == ErrorFuncLiteralCallIncompatibleParameterType ) {
        errorInfoNote("function `");
        FuncHead(funcId->lexval.sval, ref, ERRORIO);
        errorInfoExt("' first declared at line %d\n",entry->line);    
        return ERRNO;
    // found correct one
    node->symbol = entry;
    node->type = entry->rtype;
    return 0;