Exemple #1
 * @brief Find files and subfolders from given folder.
 * This function saves all files and subfolders in given folder to arrays.
 * We use 64-bit version of stat() to get times since find doesn't return
 * valid times for very old files (around year 1970). Even stat() seems to
 * give negative time values but we can live with that. Those around 1970
 * times can happen when file is created so that it  doesn't get valid
 * creation or modificatio dates.
 * @param [in] sDir Base folder for files and subfolders.
 * @param [in, out] dirs Array where subfolders are stored.
 * @param [in, out] files Array where files are stored.
static void LoadFiles(LPCTSTR sDir, DirItemArray * dirs, DirItemArray * files)
	String sPattern(sDir);
	size_t len = sPattern.length();
	if (sPattern[len - 1] != '\\')
		sPattern += _T("\\*.*");
        sPattern += _T("*.*");

	HANDLE h = FindFirstFile(sPattern.c_str(), &ff);
			BOOL bIsDirectory = (ff.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) > 0;
			if (bIsDirectory && _tcsstr(_T(".."), ff.cFileName))

			DirItem ent;
			ent.bIsDir = !!bIsDirectory;

			// Save filetimes as seconds since January 1, 1970
			// Note that times can be < 0 if they are around that 1970..
			// Anyway that is not sensible case for normal files so we can
			// just use zero for their time.
			ent.ctime = FiletimeToTimeT(ff.ftCreationTime);
			if (ent.ctime < 0)
				ent.ctime = 0;
			ent.mtime = FiletimeToTimeT(ff.ftLastWriteTime);
			if (ent.mtime < 0)
				ent.mtime = 0;

			if (ff.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
				ent.size = -1;  // No size for directories
				ent.size = ((__int64)ff.nFileSizeHigh << 32) + ff.nFileSizeLow;

			ent.path = sDir;
			ent.filename = ff.cFileName;
			ent.flags.attributes = ff.dwFileAttributes;
			(bIsDirectory ? dirs : files)->push_back(ent);
		} while (FindNextFile(h, &ff));
static S32 buildFileList(const char* pattern, bool recurse, bool multiMatch)
   static const String sSlash( "/" );


   String sPattern(Torque::Path::CleanSeparators(pattern));
      Con::errorf("findFirstFile() requires a search pattern");
      return -1;

   if(!Con::expandScriptFilename(sgScriptFilenameBuffer, sizeof(sgScriptFilenameBuffer), sPattern.c_str()))
      Con::errorf("findFirstFile() given initial directory cannot be expanded: '%s'", pattern);
      return -1;
   sPattern = String::ToString(sgScriptFilenameBuffer);

   String::SizeType slashPos = sPattern.find('/', 0, String::Right);
//    if(slashPos == String::NPos)
//    {
//       Con::errorf("findFirstFile() missing search directory or expression: '%s'", sPattern.c_str());
//       return -1;
//    }

   // Build the initial search path
   Torque::Path givenPath(Torque::Path::CompressPath(sPattern));

   if(givenPath.getPath().length() > 0 && givenPath.getPath().find('*', 0, String::Right) == givenPath.getPath().length()-1)
      // Deal with legacy searches of the form '*/*.*'
      String suspectPath = givenPath.getPath();
      String::SizeType newLen = suspectPath.length()-1;
      if(newLen > 0 && suspectPath.find('/', 0, String::Right) == suspectPath.length()-2)
      givenPath.setPath(suspectPath.substr(0, newLen));

   Torque::FS::FileSystemRef fs = Torque::FS::GetFileSystem(givenPath);
   //Torque::Path path = fs->mapTo(givenPath);
   Torque::Path path = givenPath;
   // Make sure that we have a root so the correct file system can be determined when using zips
      path = Torque::Path::Join(Torque::FS::GetCwd(), '/', givenPath);
      Con::errorf("findFirstFile() invalid initial search directory: '%s'", path.getFullPath().c_str());
      return -1;

   // Build the search expression
   const String expression(slashPos != String::NPos ? sPattern.substr(slashPos+1) : sPattern);
      Con::errorf("findFirstFile() requires a search expression: '%s'", sPattern.c_str());
      return -1;

   S32 results = Torque::FS::FindByPattern(path, expression, recurse, sgFindFilesResults, multiMatch );
   if(givenPath.isRelative() && results > 0)
      // Strip the CWD out of the returned paths
      // MakeRelativePath() returns incorrect results (it adds a leading ..) so doing this the dirty way
      const String cwd = Torque::FS::GetCwd().getFullPath();
      for(S32 i = 0;i < sgFindFilesResults.size();++i)
         String str = sgFindFilesResults[i];
         if(str.compare(cwd, cwd.length(), String::NoCase) == 0)
            str = str.substr(cwd.length());
         sgFindFilesResults[i] = str;
   return results;