int session_reset_handler(void) { static Uint32 last_click = 0; /* provide some protection for inadvertent pressing (double click that can be disabled) */ if (safe_button_click(&last_click)) { init_session(); set_session_exp_to_current(); session_start_time = cur_time; reset_session_counters(); range_critical_hits = 0; range_success_hits = 0; range_total_shots = 0; } return 0; }
static int notepad_remove_category(widget_list* UNUSED(w), int UNUSED(mx), int UNUSED(my), Uint32 flags) { static Uint32 last_click = 0; int i, id = -1, cur_tab, t; // only handle mouse button clicks, not scroll wheels moves if ( (flags & ELW_MOUSE_BUTTON) == 0) return 0; if (!safe_button_click(&last_click)) return 1; t = tab_collection_get_tab_id (notepad_win, note_tabcollection_id); cur_tab = tab_collection_get_tab (notepad_win, note_tabcollection_id); for (i = 0; i < nr_notes; i++) { if (t == note_list[i].window) { id = i; break; } } if (id >= nr_notes || id == -1) { return 0; } tab_collection_close_tab (notepad_win, note_tabcollection_id, cur_tab); widget_destroy (main_note_tab_id, note_list[id].button_id); free_text_message_data (&(note_list[id].text)); // shift all notes after the deleted note one up if (id < nr_notes-1) { memmove (&(note_list[id]), &(note_list[id+1]), (nr_notes-id-1) * sizeof (note)); for ( ; id < nr_notes-1; id++) note_button_set_pos (id); } nr_notes--; update_note_button_scrollbar(0); return 1; }
static int click_manufacture_handler(window_info *win, int mx, int my, Uint32 flags) { int pos; Uint8 str[100]; int quantitytomove=1; if ((flags & ELW_CTRL) || (flags & ELW_SHIFT) || (flags & ELW_ALT)) quantitytomove = 10; /* if the eye cursor is active and we right click, change to standard walk */ if(action_mode==ACTION_LOOK && (flags&ELW_RIGHT_MOUSE)) action_mode = ACTION_WALK; //see if we clicked on any item in the main category pos=get_mouse_pos_in_grid(mx, my, GRID_COLS, GRID_ROWS, 0, 0, SLOT_SIZE, SLOT_SIZE); if (pos >= 0 && manufacture_list[pos].quantity > 0) { if(action_mode==ACTION_LOOK || (flags&ELW_RIGHT_MOUSE)) { str[0]=LOOK_AT_INVENTORY_ITEM; str[1]=manufacture_list[pos].pos; my_tcp_send(my_socket,str,2); return 1; } else { int j; last_changed_slot=-1; for(j=MIX_SLOT_OFFSET;j<MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+NUM_MIX_SLOTS;j++) if(manufacture_list[j].pos==manufacture_list[pos].pos && manufacture_list[j].quantity > 0){ //found an empty space in the "production pipe" if (flags & ELW_WHEEL_UP) { if (manufacture_list[j].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = -manufacture_list[j].quantity; else quantitytomove*=-1; } else if (manufacture_list[pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = manufacture_list[pos].quantity; manufacture_list[j].quantity += quantitytomove; manufacture_list[j].pos=manufacture_list[pos].pos; manufacture_list[j].image_id=manufacture_list[pos].image_id; manufacture_list[j].id=manufacture_list[pos].id; manufacture_list[pos].quantity -= quantitytomove; copy_recipe_from_manu_list(manu_recipe.items); do_click_sound(); return 1; } for(j=MIX_SLOT_OFFSET;j<MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+NUM_MIX_SLOTS;j++) if(manufacture_list[j].quantity <= 0){ //found an empty space in the "production pipe" if (flags & ELW_WHEEL_UP) return 1; //quantity already 0 in production pipeline if (manufacture_list[pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = manufacture_list[pos].quantity; manufacture_list[j].quantity += quantitytomove; manufacture_list[j].pos=manufacture_list[pos].pos; manufacture_list[j].image_id=manufacture_list[pos].image_id; manufacture_list[j].id=manufacture_list[pos].id; manufacture_list[pos].quantity -= quantitytomove; copy_recipe_from_manu_list(manu_recipe.items); do_click_sound(); return 1; } } } else if (pos>=0) last_changed_slot=-1; //see if we clicked on any item from the "production pipe" pos=get_mouse_pos_in_grid(mx, my, NUM_MIX_SLOTS, 1, pipeline_x, manufacture_menu_y_len-recipe_y_offset, SLOT_SIZE, SLOT_SIZE); if (pos >= 0 && manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].quantity > 0) { if(action_mode==ACTION_LOOK || (flags&ELW_RIGHT_MOUSE)){ str[0]=LOOK_AT_INVENTORY_ITEM; str[1]=manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].pos; my_tcp_send(my_socket,str,2); return 1; } else { int j; last_changed_slot=pos; for(j=0;j<MIX_SLOT_OFFSET;j++) if(manufacture_list[j].quantity && manufacture_list[j].pos==manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].pos){ //found item in ingredients slot, move from "production pipe" back to this slot if (flags & ELW_WHEEL_DOWN) { if (manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = -manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].quantity; else quantitytomove*=-1; } else if (manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].quantity; manufacture_list[j].quantity += quantitytomove; manufacture_list[j].pos=manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].pos; manufacture_list[j].image_id=manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].image_id; manufacture_list[j].id=manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].id; manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].quantity -= quantitytomove; copy_recipe_from_manu_list(manu_recipe.items); do_click_sound(); return 1; } for(j=0;j<MIX_SLOT_OFFSET;j++) if(!manufacture_list[j].quantity){ //found item in ingredients slot, move from "production pipe" back to this slot if (manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].quantity; //handles mouse wheel if (flags & ELW_WHEEL_DOWN) return 1; //No more items to put in production pipe manufacture_list[j].quantity += quantitytomove; manufacture_list[j].pos=manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].pos; manufacture_list[j].image_id=manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].image_id; manufacture_list[j].id=manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].id; manufacture_list[MIX_SLOT_OFFSET+pos].quantity -= quantitytomove; copy_recipe_from_manu_list(manu_recipe.items); do_click_sound(); return 1; } } } else if (pos>=0) { //click on an empty slot //handle the mouse wheel if (recipes_loaded && (pos!=last_changed_slot)) { if (((flags&ELW_WHEEL_UP)||(flags&ELW_WHEEL_DOWN)) && recipe_win >= 0 && recipe_win < windows_list.num_windows) { //simulate a click on the dropdown last_changed_slot=-1; recipe_dropdown_click_handler(&windows_list.window[recipe_win],0,0,flags); use_recipe(cur_recipe); build_manufacture_list(); } else { toggle_recipe_window(); } do_click_sound(); return 0; } } else last_changed_slot=-1; //see if we clicked on the recipe handler recipe_controls_click_handler(win,mx,my,flags); // clear the message area if double-clicked if ((my > manufacture_menu_y_len-text_y_offset) && my < (manufacture_menu_y_len-recipe_y_offset)) { static Uint32 last_click = 0; if (safe_button_click(&last_click)) { set_shown_string(0,""); return 1; } } return 0; }
int click_manufacture_handler(window_info *win, int mx, int my, Uint32 flags) { int pos; static int last_slot=-1; Uint8 str[100]; int quantitytomove=1; if ((flags & ELW_CTRL) || (flags & ELW_SHIFT) || (flags & ELW_ALT)) quantitytomove = 10; /* if the eye cursor is active and we right click, change to standard walk */ if(action_mode==ACTION_LOOK && (flags&ELW_RIGHT_MOUSE)) action_mode = ACTION_WALK; //see if we clicked on any item in the main category pos=get_mouse_pos_in_grid(mx, my, 12, 3, 0, 0, 33, 33); if (pos >= 0 && manufacture_list[pos].quantity > 0) { if(action_mode==ACTION_LOOK || (flags&ELW_RIGHT_MOUSE)) { str[0]=LOOK_AT_INVENTORY_ITEM; str[1]=manufacture_list[pos].pos; my_tcp_send(my_socket,str,2); return 1; } else { int j; last_slot=-1; for(j=36;j<36+6;j++) if(manufacture_list[j].pos==manufacture_list[pos].pos && manufacture_list[j].quantity > 0){ //found an empty space in the "production pipe" if (flags & ELW_WHEEL_UP) { if (manufacture_list[j].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = -manufacture_list[j].quantity; else quantitytomove*=-1; } else if (manufacture_list[pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = manufacture_list[pos].quantity; manufacture_list[j].quantity += quantitytomove; manufacture_list[j].pos=manufacture_list[pos].pos; manufacture_list[j].image_id=manufacture_list[pos].image_id; manufacture_list[pos].quantity -= quantitytomove; copy_recipe(); return 1; } for(j=36;j<36+6;j++) if(!manufacture_list[j].quantity > 0){ //found an empty space in the "production pipe" if (flags & ELW_WHEEL_UP) return 1; //quantity already 0 in production pipeline if (manufacture_list[pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = manufacture_list[pos].quantity; manufacture_list[j].quantity += quantitytomove; manufacture_list[j].pos=manufacture_list[pos].pos; manufacture_list[j].image_id=manufacture_list[pos].image_id; manufacture_list[pos].quantity -= quantitytomove; copy_recipe(); return 1; } } } else if (pos>=0) last_slot=-1; //see if we clicked on any item from the "production pipe" pos=get_mouse_pos_in_grid(mx, my, 6, 1, 5, manufacture_menu_y_len-37, 33, 33); if (pos >= 0 && manufacture_list[36+pos].quantity > 0) { if(action_mode==ACTION_LOOK || (flags&ELW_RIGHT_MOUSE)){ str[0]=LOOK_AT_INVENTORY_ITEM; str[1]=manufacture_list[36+pos].pos; my_tcp_send(my_socket,str,2); return 1; } else { int j; last_slot=pos; for(j=0;j<36;j++) if(manufacture_list[j].quantity && manufacture_list[j].pos==manufacture_list[36+pos].pos){ //found item in ingredients slot, move from "production pipe" back to this slot if (flags & ELW_WHEEL_DOWN) { if (manufacture_list[36+pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = -manufacture_list[36+pos].quantity; else quantitytomove*=-1; } else if (manufacture_list[36+pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = manufacture_list[36+pos].quantity; manufacture_list[j].quantity += quantitytomove; manufacture_list[j].pos=manufacture_list[36+pos].pos; manufacture_list[j].image_id=manufacture_list[36+pos].image_id; manufacture_list[36+pos].quantity -= quantitytomove; copy_recipe(); return 1; } for(j=0;j<36;j++) if(!manufacture_list[j].quantity){ //found item in ingredients slot, move from "production pipe" back to this slot if (manufacture_list[36+pos].quantity < quantitytomove) quantitytomove = manufacture_list[36+pos].quantity; //handles mouse wheel if (flags & ELW_WHEEL_DOWN) return 1; //No more items to put in production pipe manufacture_list[j].quantity += quantitytomove; manufacture_list[j].pos=manufacture_list[36+pos].pos; manufacture_list[j].image_id=manufacture_list[36+pos].image_id; manufacture_list[36+pos].quantity -= quantitytomove; copy_recipe(); return 1; } } } else if (pos>=0) { //click on an empty slot //handle the mouse wheel if (pos!=last_slot && ((flags&ELW_WHEEL_UP)||(flags&ELW_WHEEL_DOWN))) { //simulate a click on the dropdown last_slot=-1; recipe_dropdown_click_handler(win,0,0,flags); use_recipe(cur_recipe); build_manufacture_list(); return 0; } } else last_slot=-1; //see if we clicked on the recipe handler recipe_controls_click_handler(mx,my,flags); // clear the message area if double-clicked if ((my > manufacture_menu_y_len-85) && my < (manufacture_menu_y_len-37)) { static Uint32 last_click = 0; if (safe_button_click(&last_click)) { set_shown_string(0,""); return 1; } } return 0; }