void poseCB(const geometry_msgs::PoseStamped& poseMsg)
     if (!mocapOn)
         std::cout << "Bebop pose is publishing. THE WALL IS UP!" << std::endl;
         mocapOn = true;
     tf::Vector3 desBodyLinVel, desBodyAngVel;
     if (autonomy)
         // Bebop pose
         tf::Transform bebopPoseTF(tf::Quaternion(poseMsg.pose.orientation.x,poseMsg.pose.orientation.y,poseMsg.pose.orientation.z,poseMsg.pose.orientation.w),
         // Target pose
         tf::StampedTransform targetPoseTF;
         try { tfl.lookupTransform("world",target,ros::Time(0),targetPoseTF); }
         catch(tf::TransformException ex) {}
         // Desired pose
         tf::Vector3 desPos, desForward;
         if (lazy)
             tf::Vector3 unitRelPos = (bebopPoseTF.getOrigin() - targetPoseTF.getOrigin());
             desPos = targetPoseTF.getOrigin() + radius*unitRelPos;
             desPos.setZ(desPos.getZ() + 1);
             desForward = -unitRelPos;
             desPos = targetPoseTF.getOrigin();
             desPos.setZ(desPos.getZ() + 1);
             desForward = targetPoseTF.getBasis()*tf::Vector3(1,0,0);
         // Desired velocity
         tf::Vector3 desLinVel = kp*(desPos - bebopPoseTF.getOrigin()) + kpd*(targetLinVel - bebopLinVel);
         tf::Vector3 desAngVel = kw*((bebopPoseTF.getBasis()*tf::Vector3(1,0,0)).cross(desForward));
         desBodyLinVel = sat(bebopPoseTF.getBasis().inverse()*desLinVel,0.4) + tf::Vector3(0,0.4*joyAngVel.getZ(),0);
         desBodyAngVel = sat(bebopPoseTF.getBasis().inverse()*desAngVel,0.4) + tf::Vector3(0,0,-0.5*joyAngVel.getZ());
         desBodyLinVel = joyLinVel;
         desBodyAngVel = joyAngVel;
     // Publish
     geometry_msgs::Twist twistMsg;
     twistMsg.linear.x = desBodyLinVel.getX();
     twistMsg.linear.y = desBodyLinVel.getY();
     twistMsg.linear.z = desBodyLinVel.getZ();
     twistMsg.angular.x = desBodyAngVel.getX();
     twistMsg.angular.y = desBodyAngVel.getY();
     twistMsg.angular.z = -1*desBodyAngVel.getZ();
Exemple #2
void Solver::bindNeckYaw(const double min_deg, const double max_deg)
    double min_rad=sat(CTRL_DEG2RAD*min_deg,neckYawMin,neckYawMax);
    double max_rad=sat(CTRL_DEG2RAD*max_deg,neckYawMin,neckYawMax);


    yInfo("neck yaw constrained in [%g,%g] deg",min_deg,max_deg);
void calculo_borda(Imagem* cop, Imagem* img, int i, int j) {
    int acr, acb, acg;
    int k;
    int m;
    int ii;
    int jj;
    int produto;
    float filtro[3][3];

    filtro[0][0] = -1;
    filtro[0][1] = -1;
    filtro[0][2] = -1;

    filtro[1][0] = -1;
    filtro[1][1] = 8;

    filtro[1][2] = -1;

    filtro[2][0] = -1;
    filtro[2][1] = -1;
    filtro[2][2] = -1;

    acr = 0;
    acg = 0;
    acb = 0;

    k = i - 1;
    ii = 0;

    while (k <= i + 1) {
       m = j - 1;
       jj = 0;

       while (m <= j + 1) {
         acr += img->pixels[k][m].r * filtro[ii][jj];
         acg += img->pixels[k][m].g * filtro[ii][jj];
         acb += img->pixels[k][m].b * filtro[ii][jj];


    cop->pixels[i][j].r = sat(acr);
    cop->pixels[i][j].g = sat(acg);
    cop->pixels[i][j].b = sat(acb);
Exemple #4
void SteeringController::lin_steering_algorithm() {
    double controller_speed;
    double controller_omega;
    //Eigen::Vector2d pos_err_xy_vec_;
    //Eigen::Vector2d t_vec;    //tangent of desired path
    //Eigen::Vector2d n_vec;    //normal to desired path, pointing to the "left" 
    double tx = cos(des_state_phi_);
    double ty = sin(des_state_phi_);
    double nx = -ty;
    double ny = tx;
    double heading_err;  
    double lateral_err;
    double trip_dist_err; // error is scheduling...are we ahead or behind?

    // have access to: des_state_vel_, des_state_omega_, des_state_x_, des_state_y_, des_state_phi_ and corresponding odom values    
    double dx = des_state_x_- odom_x_;
    double dy = des_state_y_ - odom_y_;
    //pos_err_xy_vec_ = des_xy_vec_ - odom_xy_vec_; // vector pointing from odom x-y to desired x-y
    //lateral_err = n_vec.dot(pos_err_xy_vec_); //signed scalar lateral offset error; if positive, then desired state is to the left of odom
    lateral_err = dx*nx + dy*ny;
    trip_dist_err = dx*tx + dy*ty;
    //trip_dist_err = t_vec.dot(pos_err_xy_vec_); // progress error: if positive, then we are behind schedule
    heading_err = min_dang(des_state_phi_ - odom_phi_); // if positive, should rotate +omega to align with desired heading
    // DEBUG OUTPUT...
//    ROS_INFO("des_state_phi, odom_phi, heading err = %f, %f, %f", des_state_phi_,odom_phi_,heading_err);
   // ROS_INFO("lateral err, trip dist err = %f, %f",lateral_err,trip_dist_err);
    // let's put these in a message to publish, for rqt_plot to display

    //steering_errs_publisher_.publish(steering_errs_); // suitable for plotting w/ rqt_plot
     // do something clever with this information     
    controller_speed = des_state_vel_ + K_TRIP_DIST*trip_dist_err; //you call that clever ?!?!?!? should speed up/slow down to null out 
    //controller_omega = des_state_omega_; //ditto
    controller_omega = des_state_omega_ + K_PHI*heading_err + K_DISP*lateral_err;
    controller_omega = MAX_OMEGA*sat(controller_omega/MAX_OMEGA); // saturate omega command at specified limits
    // send out our very clever speed/spin commands:
    twist_cmd_.linear.x = controller_speed;
    twist_cmd_.angular.z = controller_omega;
    twist_cmd2_.twist = twist_cmd_; // copy the twist command into twist2 message
    twist_cmd2_.header.stamp = ros::Time::now(); // look up the time and put it in the header 
Exemple #5
void Model::bf_psy()
    int index = 0;
    cout << "step " << index++ << endl;
    NNC_Polyhedron base = base_cvx();
    invar_cvx(com->init, base);
    invar_cvx(com->init, base);

    if (base.is_empty())  {
      cout << "Empty initial states\n";
    auto root = make_shared<pair_sc>(com->init->name, base, known_param_list,com->init->signature);


    while(size(next_map) != 0) {
	cout << " ------------------------------------ \n";
	cout << "step " << index++ << endl;
	cout << " ------------------------------------ \n";
    cout << "The next is empty\n";
Exemple #6
void test_Solver()
        std::cout << "\n---- Testing Solver ----" << std::endl;
        cnf::VariableSet v;
        cnf::Formula unsat(&v), sat(&v);
        cnf::Solver * s = new cnf::Solver("minisat", {});
        v.add_subset("x", {3});
                cnf::Clause{   v.var("x", {1}) ,   v.var("x", {2})},
                cnf::Clause{   v.var("x", {1}) ,cnf::no(v.var("x", {2}))},
                cnf::Clause{cnf::no(v.var("x", {1})),   v.var("x", {0})},
                cnf::Clause{cnf::no(v.var("x", {1})),cnf::no(v.var("x", {0}))}
                cnf::Clause{   v.var("x", {1}) ,   v.var("x", {2})},
                cnf::Clause{   v.var("x", {1}) ,cnf::no(v.var("x", {2}))},
                cnf::Clause{cnf::no(v.var("x", {1})),   v.var("x", {0})}
        if (!s->solve(unsat, &v))
                std::cout << "UNSAT correctly identified" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Problem with UNSAT formula" << std::endl;
        if (s->solve(sat, &v))
                std::cout << "SAT correctly identified" << std::endl;
                std::cout << "Problem with SAT formula" << std::endl;
Imagem* binarizacao_imagem(Imagem* padrao, int limiar) {
    Imagem* copia = criar_imagem(padrao->width, padrao->height);
    int i;
    int j;
    int esc_C, a=0;

    for (i = 0; i < padrao->height; i++) {
        for (j = 0; j < padrao->width;j++) {
            esc_C = 0;

            esc_C = esc_C + padrao->pixels[i][j].r;
            esc_C = esc_C + padrao->pixels[i][j].g;
            esc_C = esc_C + padrao->pixels[i][j].b;

            esc_C = sat(esc_C/3);
            if(esc_C > limiar){

            copia->pixels[i][j].r = a;
            copia->pixels[i][j].g = a;
            copia->pixels[i][j].b = a;

    return copia;
Exemple #8
static void
fz_saturation_rgb(int *bdr, int *bdg, int *bdb, int sr, int sg, int sb)
	int tr, tg, tb;
	setsat(*bdr, *bdg, *bdb, sat(sr, sg, sb), &tr, &tg, &tb);
	setlum(tr, tg, tb, lum(*bdr, *bdg, *bdb), bdr, bdg, bdb);
Exemple #9
      // Add ephemeris information from a Rinex3NavData object.
   bool GloEphemerisStore::addEphemeris(const Rinex3NavData& data)

         // If enabled, check SV health before entering here (health = 0 -> OK)
      if( (data.health == 0) || (!onlyHealthy) )
            // Get a GloEphemeris object from Rinex3NavData object
         GloEphemeris gloEphem(data);

         CommonTime t( data.time);
         t.setTimeSystem(TimeSystem::GLO);   // must be GLONASS time

         SatID sat( data.sat );
         pe[sat][t] = gloEphem; // find or add entry

         if (t < initialTime)
            initialTime = t;
         else if (t > finalTime)
            finalTime = t;

         return true;

      }  // End of 'if( (data.health == 0) || (!onlyHealthy) )'

      return false;

   }  // End of method 'GloEphemerisStore::addEphemeris()'
Exemple #10
Collision BoxCircleCollider::collide(EntityW::EntitySp entity1, EntityW::EntitySp entity2)
	auto transform1 = entity1->get<TransformComponent>();
	auto transform2 = entity2->get<TransformComponent>();
	auto collision1 = entity1->get<CollisionComponent>();
	auto collision2 = entity2->get<CollisionComponent>();

	auto collisionShape1 = std::static_pointer_cast<RectCollisionShape>( collision1->shape);
	auto collisionShape2 = std::static_pointer_cast<CircleCollisionShape>(collision2->shape);

	Vector2 circleCenter = transform2->position + collisionShape2->center();
	std::vector<Vector2> vertices = collisionShape1->calculateVertices(transform1);
	Vector2 axis;
	float minDistance = 10000000000;
	for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		Vector2 vertex = vertices[i];
		Vector2 distanceVector = circleCenter - vertex;
		float distance = fabs(glm::length(distanceVector));
		if (distance < minDistance)
			minDistance = distance;
			axis = distanceVector;
	axis = glm::normalize(axis);
	return sat(entity1, entity2, { Vector2(1., 0.), Vector2(0., 1.), axis });
Exemple #11
// Synchronize the CS flag of input GDS object with the
// SourceSatDataMap object
void GeneralEquations::synchronizeCSFlag( const SourceSatDataMap& dataMap,
        gnssRinex& gRin )

    SourceID source = gRin.header.source;

    SourceSatDataMap::const_iterator it = dataMap.find(source);
    if(it==dataMap.end()) return;

    for(size_t i = 0; i< it->second.satellite.size(); i++)

        SatID sat(it->second.satellite[i]);
        double csValue = it->second.csflag[i]?1.0:0.0;

        satTypeValueMap::iterator its = gRin.body.find(sat);
            gRin.body[sat][TypeID::CSL1] = csValue;
            gRin.body[sat][TypeID::CSL2] = csValue;

    }  // End of 'for(int i = 0...'

}  // End of method 'GeneralEquations::synchronizeCSFlag()'
void FaceClassifier::nonZeroHueSaturationStatistics(cv::Mat face, FaceData &data) {
	/* Calculates the average hue and saturation of the face's skin, ignoring
	 * all zeroed pixels while doing this. This is necessary because the mask
	 * we applied zeroed all non-face pixels.

	//split the HSV face image in its 3 channels
	cv::vector<cv::Mat> faceChannels;
    cv::split(face, faceChannels);

    acc::accumulator_set< double, acc::stats<acc::tag::variance> > hue; //accumulates hue
    acc::accumulator_set< double, acc::stats<acc::tag::variance> > sat; //accumulates saturation
    acc::accumulator_set< double, acc::stats<acc::tag::variance> > val; //accumulates value

    acc::accumulator_set< double, acc::stats<acc::tag::variance> > blue;  //accumulates blue
    acc::accumulator_set< double, acc::stats<acc::tag::variance> > green; //accumulates green
    acc::accumulator_set< double, acc::stats<acc::tag::variance> > red;   //accumulates red

	double pixelAreaRatio = 0;
		int validPixelCount = 0;
    	const int nRows = face.rows;
		const int nCols = face.cols;
		for( int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
			uchar* p_h = faceChannels[0].ptr<uchar>(i);
			uchar* p_s = faceChannels[1].ptr<uchar>(i);
			uchar* p_v = faceChannels[2].ptr<uchar>(i);
			for ( int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j) {
				if ( p_h[j] ) hue( p_h[j] );
				if ( p_s[j] ) sat( p_s[j] );
				if ( p_v[j] ) val( p_v[j] );

				if ( p_h[j] ) validPixelCount++;

		pixelAreaRatio = (double)validPixelCount / (double)(nRows * nCols);

    //only if the face is "made of" non black pixels we have a face
    if (pixelAreaRatio >= 0.5) {
		data.skinHueMean = acc::mean(hue);
		data.skinHueVariance = acc::variance(hue);
		data.skinSaturationMean = acc::mean(sat);
		data.skinSaturationVariance = acc::variance(sat);
		data.skinValueMean = acc::mean(val);
		data.skinValueVariance = acc::variance(val);
	} else {
		data.faceCount = 0;
		data.skinHueMean = 0;
		data.skinHueVariance = 0;
		data.skinSaturationMean = 0;
		data.skinSaturationVariance = 0;
		data.skinValueMean = 0;
		data.skinValueVariance = 0;
Exemple #13
/* Function: mdlDerivatives */
static void mdlDerivatives(SimStruct *S)
    double wn    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,0)) )[0];
    double E     = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,1)) )[0];
    double In    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,2)) )[0];
    double Kva   = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,3)) )[0];
    double Kvb   = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,4)) )[0];
    double KvlkA = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,5)) )[0];
    double KvlkB = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,6)) )[0];
    double ps    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,7)) )[0];
    double pt    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,8)) )[0];
    double up_dz = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,9)) )[0];
    double lw_dz = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,10)) )[0];
    double beta  = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,11)) )[0];
    double Va0   = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,12)) )[0];
    double Vb0   = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,13)) )[0];
    double Aa    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,14)) )[0];
    double Ab    = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,15)) )[0];
    double L     = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,16)) )[0];
    double leak  = ( mxGetPr(ssGetSFcnParam(S,17)) )[0];

    real_T            *dx   = ssGetdX(S);
    real_T            *x    = ssGetContStates(S);
    InputRealPtrsType uPtrs = ssGetInputPortRealSignalPtrs(S,0);

    dx[0]= x[1];
    dx[1]= -wn*wn*x[0] - 2*E*wn*x[1] + wn*wn*sat(U(0),-In,In);

    if ((sat(U(0),-In,In) >= up_dz) && (sat(U(0),-In,In) <= In))
        dx[2] = (beta/(Va0 + Aa*U(1))) * (((Kva *(x[0]/In) + KvlkA) * sgn(ps-x[2]) * sqrt(abso(ps-x[2])) - KvlkA * sgn(x[2]-pt) * sqrt(abso(x[2]-pt))) - Aa*U(2)- leak*(x[2]-x[3]));
        dx[3] = (beta/(Vb0 + Ab*(L - U(1)))) * (Ab*U(2) - ((Kvb *(x[0]/In) + KvlkB) * sgn(x[3]-pt) * sqrt(abso(x[3]-pt)) - KvlkB * sgn(ps-x[3]) * sqrt(abso(ps-x[3]))) + leak*(x[2]-x[3]));
    else if ((sat(U(0),-In,In) >= -In) && (sat(U(0),-In,In) <= lw_dz))
        dx[2] = (beta/(Va0 + Aa*U(1))) * ((-(Kva *(abso(x[0])/In) + KvlkA) * sgn(x[2]-pt) * sqrt(abso(x[2]-pt)) + KvlkA * sgn(ps-x[2]) * sqrt(abso(ps-x[2]))) - Aa*U(2)- leak*(x[2]-x[3]));
        dx[3] = (beta/(Vb0 + Ab*(L - U(1)))) * (Ab*U(2) - (-(Kvb *(abso(x[0])/In) + KvlkB) * sgn(ps-x[3]) * sqrt(abso(ps-x[3])) + KvlkB * sgn(x[3]-pt) * sqrt(abso(x[3]-pt))) + leak*(x[2]-x[3]));
        dx[2] = 0;
        dx[3] = 0;

Exemple #14
uint8_t DIA_getHue(hue *param, ADM_coreVideoFilter *in)
    diaElemFloat  hue(&(param->hue),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("hue","Hue :"),-180,180);
    diaElemFloat  sat(&(param->saturation),QT_TRANSLATE_NOOP("hue","Sat :"),-180,180);

    diaElem *elems[]={&hue,&sat};
    return diaFactoryRun("Hue",sizeof(elems)/sizeof(diaElem *),elems);
Exemple #15
// update the satellite data due to the input GDS object
void GeneralEquations::updateSourceSatDataMap( const gnssDataMap& gdsMap )

    SourceSatDataMap dataMap;

    // Iterate through all items in the gnssDataMap
    for( gnssDataMap::const_iterator it = gdsMap.begin();
            it != gdsMap.end();
            ++it )

        // Look for current SourceID
        sourceDataMap::const_iterator sdmIter; //(it->second.find(source));
        for( sdmIter=it->second.begin();
                ++sdmIter )

            SourceID source(sdmIter->first);
            SatData data;

            // Iterate through corresponding 'satTypeValueMap'
            satTypeValueMap::const_iterator stvmIter;
            for( stvmIter = sdmIter->second.begin();
                    stvmIter != sdmIter->second.end();
                    ++stvmIter )

                SatID sat(stvmIter->first);

                typeValueMap::const_iterator itt1 =

                typeValueMap::const_iterator itt2 =

                if( (itt1==stvmIter->second.end()) ||
                        (itt2==stvmIter->second.end())   )
                    Exception e("Elevation was not found.");

                data.addData(sat, itt1->second,
                             (itt2->second!=0.0)?true:false, false);

            }  // End of 'for( satTypeValueMap::const_iterator ...'

            dataMap[source] = data;

        }  // End of 'for( sdmIter=it->second.begin();...'

    }  // End of 'for( gnssDataMap::const_iterator it = ...'

    sourceSatDataMap = dataMap;

}  // End of method 'void GeneralEquations::updateSourceSatDataMap'
void test_flowsolver(const GI& g, const RI& r, double tol, int kind)
    typedef typename GI::CellIterator                   CI;
    typedef typename CI::FaceIterator                   FI;
    typedef double (*SolutionFuncPtr)(const Vec&);

    //typedef Dune::BasicBoundaryConditions<true, false>  FBC;
    typedef Dune::FunctionBoundaryConditions<SolutionFuncPtr> FBC;
    typedef Dune::IncompFlowSolverHybrid<GI, RI, FBC,
        Dune::MimeticIPEvaluator> FlowSolver;

    FlowSolver solver;

    // FBC flow_bc;
    // assign_bc(g, flow_bc);
    FBC flow_bc(&u);

    typename CI::Vector gravity(0.0);

    std::cout << "========== Init pressure solver =============" << std::endl;
    Dune::time::StopWatch rolex;
    solver.init(g, r, gravity, flow_bc);
    std::cout << "========== Time in seconds: " << rolex.secsSinceStart() << " =============" << std::endl;

    std::vector<double> src(g.numberOfCells(), 0.0);
    assign_src(g, src);
    std::vector<double> sat(g.numberOfCells(), 0.0);

    std::cout << "========== Starting pressure solve =============" << std::endl;
    solver.solve(r, sat, flow_bc, src, tol, 3, kind);
    std::cout << "========== Time in seconds: " << rolex.secsSinceStart() << " =============" << std::endl;

    typedef typename FlowSolver::SolutionType FlowSolution;
    FlowSolution soln = solver.getSolution();

    std::vector<typename GI::Vector> cell_velocity;
    estimateCellVelocity(cell_velocity, g, solver.getSolution());
    // Dune's vtk writer wants multi-component data to be flattened.
    std::vector<double> cell_velocity_flat(&*cell_velocity.front().begin(),
    std::vector<double> cell_pressure;
    getCellPressure(cell_pressure, g, soln);

    compare_pressure(g, cell_pressure);

    Dune::VTKWriter<typename GI::GridType::LeafGridView> vtkwriter(g.grid().leafView());
    vtkwriter.addCellData(cell_velocity_flat, "velocity", GI::GridType::dimension);
    vtkwriter.addCellData(cell_pressure, "pressure");
    vtkwriter.write("testsolution-" + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(0),
Exemple #17
SEXP do_sat(SEXP sx1, SEXP sy1, SEXP sx2, SEXP sy2) {
    polygon_t p1, p2;
    p1.n = LENGTH(sx1);
    p1.x = REAL(sx1);
    p1.y = REAL(sy1);
    p2.n = LENGTH(sx2);
    p2.x = REAL(sx2);
    p2.y = REAL(sy2);
    return ScalarLogical(sat(p1, p2));
Exemple #18
 la::Mat<double> & update(const la::Mat<double> & x, la::Mat<double> & dx_, double cost, int iterationCount)
     // get latest gradient
     const la::Mat<double> & new_grad = func->gradient();
     // Loop to set step
     for( int i = 0; i < new_grad.size().rows; i++ ){
         double s = new_grad[i]*prev_grad[i];
         if( s > 0 ){ // when gradients are same sign
             alpha[i] = eta_plus*alpha[i];
             prev_grad[i] = new_grad[i];
             dx[i] = -sign(new_grad[i])*sat(alpha[i]);
         }else if( s < 0 ){ // when gradient changes sign
             alpha[i] = eta_minus*alpha[i];
             if( cost > lcost ){ // if current cost larger than last
                                 // go back to old spot
                 dx[i] = -dx[i];
                 prev_grad[i] = 0;
             }else{              // else do normal update
                 dx[i] = -sign(new_grad[i])*sat(alpha[i]);
                 prev_grad[i] = new_grad[i];
         }else{ // when gradient product is 0
             prev_grad[i] = new_grad[i];
             dx[i] = -sign(new_grad[i])*sat(alpha[i]);
     // update x
     xn = x + dx;
     dx_ = dx;
     // do swapping/updating for internal data
     prev_grad = new_grad;
     lcost = cost;
     // return update
     return xn;
    inline typename UpscalerBase<Traits>::permtensor_t
    UpscalerBase<Traits>::upscaleEffectivePerm(const FluidInterface& fluid)
	int num_cells = ginterf_.numberOfCells();
	// No source or sink.
	std::vector<double> src(num_cells, 0.0);
	// Just water.
	std::vector<double> sat(num_cells, 1.0);
	// Gravity.
	Dune::FieldVector<double, 3> gravity(0.0);
	// gravity[2] = -Dune::unit::gravity;

	permtensor_t upscaled_K(3, 3, (double*)0);
	for (int pdd = 0; pdd < Dimension; ++pdd) {
	    setupUpscalingConditions(ginterf_, bctype_, pdd, 1.0, 1.0, twodim_hack_, bcond_);
	    if (pdd == 0) {
		// Only on first iteration, since we do not change the
		// structure of the system, the way the flow solver is
		// implemented.
		flow_solver_.init(ginterf_, res_prop_, gravity, bcond_);

	    // Run pressure solver.
            bool same_matrix = (bctype_ != Fixed) && (pdd != 0);
	    flow_solver_.solve(fluid, sat, bcond_, src, residual_tolerance_,
                               linsolver_type_, same_matrix,
                               linsolver_maxit_, linsolver_prolongate_factor_,
            double max_mod = flow_solver_.postProcessFluxes();
            std::cout << "Max mod = " << max_mod << std::endl;

	    // Compute upscaled K.
	    double Q[Dimension] =  { 0 };
	    switch (bctype_) {
	    case Fixed:
		Q[pdd] = computeAverageVelocity(flow_solver_.getSolution(), pdd, pdd);
	    case Linear:
	    case Periodic:
		for (int i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
		    Q[i] = computeAverageVelocity(flow_solver_.getSolution(), i, pdd);
		OPM_THROW(std::runtime_error, "Unknown boundary type: " << bctype_);
	    double delta = computeDelta(pdd);
	    for (int i = 0; i < Dimension; ++i) {
		upscaled_K(i, pdd) = Q[i] * delta;
	return upscaled_K;
Exemple #20
      /* Edit the dataset, removing data outside the indicated time interval
       * @param[in] tmin   Defines the beginning of the time interval
       * @param[in] tmax   Defines the end of the time interval
   void GloEphemerisStore::edit( const CommonTime& tmin,
                                 const CommonTime& tmax )

         // Create a working copy
      GloEphMap bak;

         // Reset the initial and final times
      initialTime = CommonTime::END_OF_TIME;
      finalTime   = CommonTime::BEGINNING_OF_TIME;

         // Iterate through all items in the 'bak' GloEphMap
      for( GloEphMap::const_iterator it = pe.begin();
           it != pe.end();
           ++it )

            // Then, iterate through corresponding 'TimeGloMap'
         for( TimeGloMap::const_iterator tgmIter = (*it).second.begin();
              tgmIter != (*it).second.end();
              ++tgmIter )

            CommonTime t( (*tgmIter).first );

               // Check if the current record is within the given time interval
            if( ( tmin <= t ) && ( t <= tmax ) )

                  // If we are within the proper boundaries, let's add the data
               GloEphemeris data( (*tgmIter).second );
               SatID sat( (*it).first );
               bak[sat][t] = data;     // Add entry

                  // Update 'initialTime' and 'finalTime', if necessary
               if (t < initialTime)
                  initialTime = t;
               else if (t > finalTime)
                  finalTime = t;

            }  // End of 'if ( ( (*tgmIter).first >= tmin ) && ...'

         }  // End of 'for( TimeGloMap::const_iterator tgmIter = ...'

      }  // End of 'for( GloEphMap::const_iterator it = pe.begin(); ...'

         // Update the data map before returning
      pe = bak;

   }; // End of method 'GloEphemerisStore::edit()'
void PSatD_dStep(PIDBase* self, float Ts, float derivative)
	//Proportional term
	self->internalState = sat(self->Kp*(self->desired - self->state),
			-self->outputLimit, self->outputLimit);
	//Derivative term
  self->internalState += self->Kd*derivative;
	//Set final output
	self->output = self->internalState;

	self->lastError = (self->desired - self->state);
Exemple #22
inline void export_templates(){
    sizeof( boost::posix_time::time_period );
    sizeof( boost::gregorian::date_period );
    sizeof( boost::gregorian::weeks );
    sizeof( boost::posix_time::milliseconds );
    sizeof( boost::posix_time::microseconds );
    //In order to get nanoseconds boost::date_time should be compiled with BOOST_DATE_TIME_HAS_NANOSECONDS
    //sizeof( boost::posix_time::nanoseconds );
    sizeof( boost::gregorian::day_clock );
    sizeof( boost::gregorian::gregorian_calendar::day_of_year_type(1) ); 
    sizeof( boost::gregorian::greg_weekday_rep(1) ); 
    sizeof( boost::gregorian::greg_day_rep(1) ); 
    sizeof( boost::gregorian::greg_month_rep(1) ); 
    sizeof( boost::gregorian::greg_year_rep(1) ); 
    sizeof( boost::date_time::year_based_generator<boost::gregorian::date> );
    sizeof( boost::date_time::partial_date<boost::gregorian::date> );
    sizeof( boost::date_time::nth_kday_of_month<boost::gregorian::date> );
    sizeof( boost::date_time::first_kday_of_month<boost::gregorian::date> );
    sizeof( boost::date_time::last_kday_of_month<boost::gregorian::date> );
    sizeof( boost::date_time::first_kday_after<boost::gregorian::date> );
    sizeof( boost::date_time::first_kday_before<boost::gregorian::date> );
    sizeof( boost::date_time::time_zone_names_base<char> );
    //exporting 4 functions
    boost::gregorian::date sunday(2003, boost::date_time::Feb,2);
    boost::gregorian::greg_weekday sat(boost::date_time::Saturday);
    boost::gregorian::days_until_weekday(sunday, sat);
    boost::gregorian::days_before_weekday(sunday, sat);
    boost::gregorian::next_weekday(sunday, sat);
    boost::gregorian::previous_weekday(sunday, sat);
    //exporting static function
    boost::date_time::int_adapter<int>::from_special( boost::date_time::not_a_date_time );
    boost::date_time::int_adapter<long int>::from_special( boost::date_time::not_a_date_time );
    boost::date_time::int_adapter<long unsigned int>::from_special( boost::date_time::not_a_date_time );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::first_last_dst_rule );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::last_last_dst_rule );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::nth_day_of_the_week_in_month_dst_rule );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::posix_time_zone );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::tz_database );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::partial_date_dst_rule );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::nth_last_dst_rule );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::nth_day_of_the_week_in_month_dst_rule );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::local_time_period );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::local_sec_clock );
    sizeof( boost::local_time::local_microsec_clock );

    sizeof( boost::posix_time::second_clock );
    sizeof( boost::posix_time::microsec_clock );
    sizeof( boost::posix_time::no_dst );
    sizeof( boost::posix_time::us_dst );

void Controller::doSaccade(const Vector &ang, const Vector &vel)
    LockGuard guard(mutexCtrl);
    if (ctrlInhibited)


    // enforce joints bounds
    Vector ang_(3);


    if (commData->debugInfoEnabled && (port_debug.getOutputCount()>0))
        Bottle info;
        for (size_t i=0; i<ang_.length(); i++)
            ostringstream ss;



Exemple #24
void PID_UpdateCentroid(PID * pid)
	int P, I, D;
	float refreshRate;

	//------Read Encoder and clock
	uint32 nowClocks = ClockTime();

	//------Time since last function call in seconds
	refreshRate = refresh_rate(nowClocks, pid->lastClockTicks_c);
	pid->lastClockTicks_c = nowClocks;

	//------Calculate Error
	pid->error_c = pid->desiredCentroidPID - pid->currentCentroid;
	///Wireless_ControlLog(pid->currentCentroid, pid->desiredCentroidPID);
	//------Update Derivative
	//pid->differentiator_c = ((((2*pid->Tau)-refreshRate)/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*pid->differentiator_c) + ((2/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*(pid->currentCentroid - pid->lastCurrentCentroid));
	pid->differentiator_c = ((((2*pid->Tau)-refreshRate)/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*pid->differentiator_c) + ((2/((2*pid->Tau)+refreshRate))*(pid->error_c - pid->lastError_c));

	//------Update integrator - AntiWindup(only use the integrator if we are close, but not too close)
	if( abs(pid->error_c) < 75)
		pid->integrator_c = pid->integrator_c + ((refreshRate/2)*(pid->error_c + pid->lastError_c))*abs(pid->currentVelocity)/1500;
		pid->integrator_c = 0;

	//------Scale Kp based on current velocity
	float Kp = pid->Kp_c * 1000 / abs(pid->currentVelocity);

	//------Output Calculation
	P = Kp * pid->error_c;
	I = pid->Ki_c * pid->integrator_c;
	D = pid->Kd_c * pid->differentiator_c;

	pid->outputPID_unsat_c = (P) + (I) - (D);
	pid->outputPID_c = sat(pid->outputPID_unsat_c, 40);

	//pid->integrator_c = pid->integrator_c + (refreshRate/pid->Ki_c)*(pid->outputPID_c - pid->outputPID_unsat_c);

	//------Save states and send PWM to motors
	pid->lastCurrentCentroid = pid->currentCentroid;
	pid->lastError_c = pid->error_c;

	//------Condition output on current velocity
	if (pid->currentVelocity < 0)
		pid->outputPID_c = -pid->outputPID_c;
	if (pid->currentVelocity > -20 && pid->currentVelocity < 20)
		pid->outputPID_c = 0;
	if (pid->outputPID_c == 0)
		pid->outputPID_c = 0;
	SetServo(RC_STR_SERVO, pid->outputPID_c);
Exemple #25
   std::ostream& RinexObsID::dumpCheck(std::ostream& s) throw(Exception)
      try {
         const std::string types("CLDS");
         std::map<char,std::string>::const_iterator it;

         for(size_t i=0; i<ObsID::validRinexSystems.size(); i++) {
            char csys = ObsID::validRinexSystems[i];
            std::string sys = ObsID::validRinexSystems.substr(i,1);
            RinexSatID sat(sys);
            std::string system(sat.systemString());

            s << "System " << sys << " = " << system << ", frequencies ";
            for(it = ObsID::validRinexTrackingCodes[sys[0]].begin();
               it != ObsID::validRinexTrackingCodes[sys[0]].end(); ++it)
               s << it->first;
            s << std::endl;

            for(it = ObsID::validRinexTrackingCodes[sys[0]].begin();
               it != ObsID::validRinexTrackingCodes[sys[0]].end(); ++it)
               s << "   " << system << "(" << sys << "), freq " << it->first
                  << ", codes '" << it->second << "'" << std::endl;
               std::string codes(it->second), str;
               for(size_t j=0; j<codes.size(); ++j) {
                  std::ostringstream oss1;
                  for(size_t k=0; k<types.size(); ++k) {
                     str = std::string(1,types[k]) + std::string(1,it->first)
                           + std::string(1,codes[j]);
                     std::ostringstream oss;
                        oss << str << " " << "-INVALID-";
                     else {
                        RinexObsID robsid(sys+str);
                        oss << str << " " << robsid;
                     oss1 << " " << StringUtils::leftJustify(oss.str(),34);
                  s << StringUtils::stripTrailing(oss1.str()) << std::endl;
      catch(Exception& e) {
         s << "Exception: " << e.what() << std::endl;

      return s;
Exemple #26
// Synchronize the CS flag of input GDS object with the
// SourceSatDataMap object
void GeneralEquations::synchronizeCSFlag( const SourceSatDataMap& dataMap,
        gnssDataMap& gdsMap )

    // Iterate through the gnssDatamap
    for( gnssDataMap::iterator it = gdsMap.begin();
            it != gdsMap.end();
            ++it )

        // Look for current SourceID
        for( sourceDataMap::iterator sdmIter = it->second.begin();
                sdmIter != it->second.end();

            SourceID source(sdmIter->first);

            // Iterate through corresponding 'satTypeValueMap'
            for( satTypeValueMap::iterator stvmIter = sdmIter->second.begin();
                    stvmIter != sdmIter->second.end();
                    ++stvmIter )

                SatID sat(stvmIter->first);

                SourceSatDataMap::const_iterator its = dataMap.find(source);
                if( its!=dataMap.end() )

                    int index = its->second.indexOfSat(sat);
                    if( index>=0 )

                        double csValue = its->second.csflag[index]?1.0:0.0;

                        stvmIter->second[TypeID::CSL1] = csValue;
                        stvmIter->second[TypeID::CSL2] = csValue;

                    }  // End of 'if( index>=0 )'

                }  // End of 'if( its!=dataMap.end() )'

            }  // End of 'for( satTypeValueMap::const_iterator ...'

        }  // End of 'for(sourceDataMap::iterator '

    }  // End of 'for( gnssDataMap::const_iterator it = ...'

}  // End of method 'GeneralEquations::synchronizeCSFlag()'
Exemple #27
SEXP sat_match(SEXP sItems, SEXP sTable) {
    int ni = LENGTH(sItems), nt = LENGTH(sTable), i, j;
    SEXP res = allocVector(INTSXP, ni);
    int *mid = INTEGER(res);
    for (i = 0; i < ni; i++) {
        polygon_t p = list2polygon(VECTOR_ELT(sItems, i));
        for (j = 0; j < nt; j++) {
            polygon_t pt = list2polygon(VECTOR_ELT(sTable, j));
            if (sat(p, pt)) break;
        mid[i] = (j < nt) ? (j + 1) : NA_INTEGER;
    return res;
Exemple #28
/// <summary>
/// A function which determines weither the player and a powerup collided.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="player">The player.</param>
/// <returns>Bool value which determines a pickup or not</returns>
bool Powerup::hitDetection(std::shared_ptr<Player>& player)
	// CHeck hit detection
	bool retVal = sat(this->sprite, player->sprite);

	// Check if there was a hit collision
	if (retVal)
		// Set status to deleted

	return retVal;
 void readControl(Istream& is, std::vector<double>& saturations, Opm::SparseTable<double>& all_pdrops)
     int num_sats;
     is >> num_sats;
     std::vector<double> sat(num_sats);
     Opm::SparseTable<double> ap;
     std::vector<double> tmp_pd;
     for (int i = 0; i < num_sats; ++i) {
         is >> sat[i];
         int num_pdrops;
         is >> num_pdrops;
         for (int j = 0; j < num_pdrops; ++j) {
             is >> tmp_pd[j];
         ap.appendRow(tmp_pd.begin(), tmp_pd.end());
void PIDFF_dwffStep(PIDBase* self, float Ts, float error, float ff, float ds)
	//Perform windup test if automatic mode is enabled.
	if (self->autoWindup == 1)
		self->windup = (self->internalState > self->output) && (error>0);
		self->windup = (self->windup) ||
				((self->internalState < self->output) && (error<0));
		//self->windup = ((self->windup >0) && (error>0)) ||
		//		((self->windup <0) && (error<0));

	//Proportional term
	self->internalState += self->Kp*(error-self->lastError);
	//Integral term
	//Disabled if windup is in progress.
  if (!self->windup) self->internalState += self->Ki*Ts*error;
  self->internalState += self->Kd*(self->lastDerivative - ds);
	//Feed forward term
	self->internalState += ff - self->lastFF;
	//Set final output
	self->output = self->internalState;

	if (self->autoWindup == 1)
		self->output = sat(self->output,-self->outputLimit, self->outputLimit);

	self->lastDerivative = ds;
	self->llastError = self->lastError;
	self->lastError = error;
	self->lastRef = self->desired;
	self->lastFF = ff;