void block_database::store(const block_type& block)
    const uint32_t height = index_.count();
    const auto number_txs = block.transactions.size();
    const uint32_t number_txs32 = static_cast<uint32_t>(number_txs);

    // Write block data.
    const auto write = [&](uint8_t* data)
        satoshi_save(block.header, data);
        auto serial = make_serializer(data + 80);
        for (const auto& tx: block.transactions)
            const auto tx_hash = hash_transaction(tx);

    const auto key = hash_block_header(block.header);
    const auto value_size = 80 + 4 + 4 + number_txs * hash_size;
    const auto position = map_.store(key, write, value_size);

    // Write height -> position mapping.
Exemple #2
hash_digest hash_transaction_impl(const message::transaction& tx, 
    uint32_t* hash_type_code)
    data_chunk serialized_tx(satoshi_raw_size(tx));
    satoshi_save(tx, serialized_tx.begin());
    if (hash_type_code != nullptr)
        extend_data(serialized_tx, uncast_type(*hash_type_code));
    return generate_sha256_hash(serialized_tx);
Exemple #3
hash_digest hash_transaction_impl(const transaction_type& tx,
    uint32_t* hash_type_code)
    data_chunk serialized_tx(satoshi_raw_size(tx));
    satoshi_save(tx, serialized_tx.begin());
    if (hash_type_code != nullptr)
        extend_data(serialized_tx, to_little_endian(*hash_type_code));
    return bitcoin_hash(serialized_tx);
Exemple #4
data_chunk create_raw_message(const Message& packet)
    data_chunk payload(satoshi_raw_size(packet));
    satoshi_save(packet, payload.begin());
    // Make the header packet and serialise it
    message::header head;
    head.magic = magic_value;
    head.command = satoshi_command(packet);
    head.payload_length = payload.size();
    head.checksum = generate_sha256_checksum(payload);
    data_chunk raw_header(satoshi_raw_size(head));
    satoshi_save(head, raw_header.begin());
    // Construct completed packet with header + payload
    data_chunk whole_message = raw_header;
    extend_data(whole_message, payload);
    // Probably not the right place for this
    // Networking output in an exporter
    log_info(log_domain::network) << "s: " << head.command
        << " (" << payload.size() << " bytes)";
    return whole_message;
Exemple #5
data_chunk create_raw_message(const Message& packet)
    data_chunk payload(satoshi_raw_size(packet));
    satoshi_save(packet, payload.begin());
    // Make the header packet and serialise it
    header_type head;
    head.magic = magic_value();
    head.command = satoshi_command(packet);
    head.payload_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(payload.size());
    head.checksum = bitcoin_checksum(payload);
    data_chunk raw_header(satoshi_raw_size(head));
    satoshi_save(head, raw_header.begin());
    // Construct completed packet with header + payload
    data_chunk whole_message = raw_header;
    extend_data(whole_message, payload);
    // Probably not the right place for this
    // Networking output in an exporter
    log_debug(LOG_NETWORK) << "s: " << head.command
        << " (" << payload.size() << " bytes)";
    return whole_message;
bool leveldb_common::save_transaction(leveldb_transaction_batch& batch,
    uint32_t block_height, uint32_t tx_index,
    const hash_digest& tx_hash, const transaction_type& block_tx)
    if (duplicate_exists(tx_hash, block_height, tx_index))
        return true;
    data_chunk tx_data(8 + satoshi_raw_size(block_tx));
    // Serialize tx.
    auto serial = make_serializer(tx_data.begin());
    // Actual tx data.
    auto end_iter = satoshi_save(block_tx, serial.iterator());
        std::distance(tx_data.begin(), end_iter) ==
        8 + satoshi_raw_size(block_tx));
    // Save tx to leveldb
    batch.tx.Put(slice(tx_hash), slice(tx_data));
    // Add inputs to spends database.
    // Coinbase inputs do not spend anything.
    if (!is_coinbase(block_tx))
        for (uint32_t input_index = 0; input_index < block_tx.inputs.size();
            const transaction_input_type& input =
            const input_point inpoint{tx_hash, input_index};
            if (!mark_spent_outputs(batch.spend,
                    input.previous_output, inpoint))
                return false;
            if (!add_debit(batch.debit,
                    input, {tx_hash, input_index}, block_height))
                return false;
    // Save address -> output mappings.
    for (uint32_t output_index = 0; output_index < block_tx.outputs.size();
        const transaction_output_type& output =
        if (!add_credit(batch.credit,
                output, {tx_hash, output_index}, block_height))
            return false;
    return true;
bool leveldb_common::save_block(
    uint32_t height, const block_type& serial_block)
    leveldb_transaction_batch batch;
    // Write block header + tx hashes
    data_chunk raw_block_data(
        80 + 4 + serial_block.transactions.size() * hash_digest_size);
    // Downcast to base header type so serializer selects that.
    auto header_end = satoshi_save(
        serial_block.header, raw_block_data.begin());
    BITCOIN_ASSERT(std::distance(raw_block_data.begin(), header_end) == 80);
    auto serial_hashes = make_serializer(header_end);
    // Write the number of transactions...
    // ... And now the tx themselves.
    for (uint32_t tx_index = 0;
        tx_index < serial_block.transactions.size(); ++tx_index)
        const transaction_type& block_tx =
        const hash_digest& tx_hash = hash_transaction(block_tx);
        if (!save_transaction(batch, height, tx_index, tx_hash, block_tx))
            log_fatal(LOG_BLOCKCHAIN) << "Could not save transaction";
            return false;
    BITCOIN_ASSERT(serial_hashes.iterator() ==
        raw_block_data.begin() + 80 + 4 +
            serial_block.transactions.size() * hash_digest_size);
    data_chunk raw_height = uncast_type(height);
    hash_digest block_hash = hash_block_header(serial_block.header);
    // Write block header
    batch.block.Put(slice(raw_height), slice(raw_block_data));
    batch.block_hash.Put(slice_block_hash(block_hash), slice(raw_height));
    // Execute batches.
    // Sync stealth database.
    return true;
void block_database::store(const block_type& block)
    const size_t height = index_.size();
    // Write block data.
    const hash_digest key = hash_block_header(block.header);
    const size_t number_txs = block.transactions.size();
    const size_t value_size = 80 + 4 + 4 + number_txs * hash_size;
    auto write = [&](uint8_t* data)
        satoshi_save(block.header, data);
        auto serial = make_serializer(data + 80);
        for (const transaction_type& tx: block.transactions)
            const hash_digest tx_hash = hash_transaction(tx);
    const position_type position = map_.store(key, value_size, write);
    // Write height -> position mapping.
bool leveldb_common::save_transaction(leveldb_transaction_batch& batch,
    uint32_t block_height, uint32_t tx_index,
    const hash_digest& tx_hash, const transaction_type& block_tx)
    if (is_special_duplicate(block_height, tx_index))
        return true;
    data_chunk tx_data(8 + satoshi_raw_size(block_tx));
    // Serialize tx.
    auto serial = make_serializer(tx_data.begin());
    // Actual tx data.
    auto end_iter = satoshi_save(block_tx, serial.iterator());
        tx_data.begin() + 8 + satoshi_raw_size(block_tx) == end_iter);
    // Save tx to leveldb
    batch.tx.Put(slice(tx_hash), slice(tx_data));
    // Add inputs to spends database.
    // Coinbase inputs do not spend anything.
    if (!is_coinbase(block_tx))
        for (uint32_t input_index = 0; input_index < block_tx.inputs.size();
            const transaction_input_type& input =
            const input_point inpoint{tx_hash, input_index};
            if (!mark_spent_outputs(batch.spend,
                    input.previous_output, inpoint))
                return false;
            if (!add_debit(batch.debit,
                    input, {tx_hash, input_index}, block_height))
                return false;
    // A stack of size 1. Keep the stealth_data from
    // one iteration to the next.
    data_chunk stealth_data_store;
    auto unload_stealth_store = [&]()
        return std::move(stealth_data_store);
    // Save address -> output mappings.
    for (uint32_t output_index = 0; output_index < block_tx.outputs.size();
        const transaction_output_type& output =
        // If a stealth output then skip processing.
        if (process_stealth_output_info(output, stealth_data_store))
        data_chunk stealth_data = unload_stealth_store();
        // Try to extract an address.
        payment_address address;
        if (!extract(address, output.script))
        // Process this output.
        if (!stealth_data.empty())
            add_stealth_info(stealth_data, address, tx_hash, *db_stealth_);
        if (!add_credit(batch.credit, address, output.value,
                {tx_hash, output_index}, block_height))
            return false;
    return true;
Exemple #10
hash_digest hash_block_header(const block_header_type& header)
    data_chunk raw_block_header(80);
    satoshi_save(header, raw_block_header.begin());
    return bitcoin_hash(raw_block_header);
Exemple #11
hash_digest hash_block_header(const block_header_type& header)
    data_chunk raw_block_header(80);
    satoshi_save(header, raw_block_header.begin());
    return generate_sha256_hash(raw_block_header);