Exemple #1
static void writesection(TCHAR *LocalBuffer, const TCHAR *Section, INI_FILETYPE *fp)
	TCHAR *p;

	if (Section != NULL && _tcslen(Section) > 0)
		LocalBuffer[0] = '[';
		save_strncpy(LocalBuffer + 1, Section, INI_BUFFERSIZE - 4, QUOTE_NONE); /* -1 for '[', -1 for ']', -2 for '\r\n' */
		p = _tcsrchr(LocalBuffer, '\0');
		assert(p != NULL);
		*p++ = ']';
		_tcscpy(p, INI_LINETERM); /* copy line terminator (typically "\n") */
		(void) ini_write(LocalBuffer, fp);
	} /* if */
/** ini_gets()
 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for
 * \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of
 * \param DefValue    default string in the event of a failed read
 * \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into
 * \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy
 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from
 * \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer
int ini_gets(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *DefValue,
             TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)
  int ok = 0;

  if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || Key == NULL)
    return 0;
  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {
    ok = getkeystring(&fp, Section, Key, -1, -1, Buffer, BufferSize);
  } /* if */
  if (!ok)
    save_strncpy(Buffer, DefValue, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);
  return _tcslen(Buffer);
Exemple #3
/** Profile_GetString()
* \param Section     the name of the section to search for
* \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of
* \param DefValue    default string in the event of a failed read
* \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into
* \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy
* \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer
int Profile_GetString(const char *Section, const char *Key, const char *DefValue,
char *Buffer, int BufferSize)
    int ok = 0;

    if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || Key == NULL)
    return 0;
    if (g_BufferAddr != NULL)
    ok = getkeystring(Section, Key, -1, -1, Buffer, BufferSize);
    } /* if */
    if (!ok)
    save_strncpy(Buffer, DefValue, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);
    return _tcslen(Buffer);
Exemple #4
int ini_gets_OpenedFile(
	const TCHAR *Section,
	const TCHAR *Key,
	const TCHAR *DefValue,
	TCHAR *Buffer,
	int BufferSize,
	int ok = 0;
	int pos = 0;

	if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || Key == NULL)
		return 0;

//	(void) ini_seek(pFile, &pos);

	ok = getkeystring(pFile, Section, Key, -1, -1, Buffer, BufferSize);

	if (!ok)
		save_strncpy(Buffer, DefValue, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);

	return _tcslen(Buffer);
Exemple #5
/** ini_gets()
 * \param Section     the name of the section to search for
 * \param Key         the name of the entry to find the value of
 * \param DefValue    default string in the event of a failed read
 * \param Buffer      a pointer to the buffer to copy into
 * \param BufferSize  the maximum number of characters to copy
 * \param Filename    the name and full path of the .ini file to read from
 * \return            the number of characters copied into the supplied buffer
int ini_gets(const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key, const TCHAR *DefValue,
             TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize, const TCHAR *Filename)

//FILE* fp = fopen("./config.txt","rb");

  int ok = 0;

/*int i;
printf("file pointer, %p\n", fp);

  u_char* data;
  data = (u_char*) &fp;


	    for (i=0; i<=(20); i++)	//-1 to account for not starting at 1
		printf("%s:", data[i]);

  if (Buffer == NULL || BufferSize <= 0 || Key == NULL)
    return 0;
  if (ini_openread(Filename, &fp)) {
    ok = getkeystring(&fp, Section, Key, -1, -1, Buffer, BufferSize);
  } /* if */
  if (!ok)
    save_strncpy(Buffer, DefValue, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);
  return _tcslen(Buffer);
static int getkeystring(INI_FILETYPE *fp, const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key,
                        int idxSection, int idxKey, TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize)
  TCHAR *sp, *ep;
  int len, idx;
  enum quote_option quotes;

  assert(fp != NULL);
  /* Move through file 1 line at a time until a section is matched or EOF. If
   * parameter Section is NULL, only look at keys above the first section. If
   * idxSection is postive, copy the relevant section name.
  len = (Section != NULL) ? _tcslen(Section) : 0;
  if (len > 0 || idxSection >= 0) {
    idx = -1;
    do {
      if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, fp))
        return 0;
      sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);
      ep = _tcschr(sp, ']');
    } while (*sp != '[' || ep == NULL || (((int)(ep-sp-1) != len || _tcsnicmp(sp+1,Section,len) != 0) && ++idx != idxSection));
    if (idxSection >= 0) {
      if (idx == idxSection) {
        assert(ep != NULL);
        assert(*ep == ']');
        *ep = '\0';
        save_strncpy(Buffer, sp + 1, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);
        return 1;
      } /* if */
      return 0; /* no more section found */
    } /* if */
  } /* if */

  /* Now that the section has been found, find the entry.
   * Stop searching upon leaving the section's area.
  assert(Key != NULL || idxKey >= 0);
  len = (Key != NULL) ? (int)_tcslen(Key) : 0;
  idx = -1;
  do {
    if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer,INI_BUFFERSIZE,fp) || *(sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer)) == '[')
      return 0;
    sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);
    ep = _tcschr(sp, '='); /* Parse out the equal sign */
    if (ep == NULL)
      ep = _tcschr(sp, ':');
  } while (*sp == ';' || *sp == '#' || ep == NULL || (((int)(skiptrailing(ep,sp)-sp) != len || _tcsnicmp(sp,Key,len) != 0) && ++idx != idxKey));
  if (idxKey >= 0) {
    if (idx == idxKey) {
      assert(ep != NULL);
      assert(*ep == '=' || *ep == ':');
      *ep = '\0';
      save_strncpy(Buffer, sp, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);
      return 1;
    } /* if */
    return 0;   /* no more key found (in this section) */
  } /* if */

  /* Copy up to BufferSize chars to buffer */
  assert(ep != NULL);
  assert(*ep == '=' || *ep == ':');
  sp = skipleading(ep + 1);
  sp = cleanstring(sp, &quotes);  /* Remove a trailing comment */
  save_strncpy(Buffer, sp, BufferSize, quotes);
  return 1;
static int getkeystring(INI_FILETYPE *fp, const TCHAR *Section, const TCHAR *Key,
                        int idxSection, int idxKey, TCHAR *Buffer, int BufferSize)
  TCHAR *sp, *ep;
  int len, idx, isstring;
  enum quote_option quotes;

  assert(fp != NULL);
  /* Move through file 1 line at a time until a section is matched or EOF. If
   * parameter Section is NULL, only look at keys above the first section. If
   * idxSection is postive, copy the relevant section name.
  len = (Section != NULL) ? _tcslen(Section) : 0;
  if (len > 0 || idxSection >= 0) {
    idx = -1;
    do {
      if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer, INI_BUFFERSIZE, fp))
        return 0;
      sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);
      ep = _tcschr(sp, ']');
    } while (*sp != '[' || ep == NULL || (((int)(ep-sp-1) != len || _tcsnicmp(sp+1,Section,len) != 0) && ++idx != idxSection));
    if (idxSection >= 0) {
      if (idx == idxSection) {
        assert(ep != NULL);
        assert(*ep == ']');
        *ep = '\0';
        save_strncpy(Buffer, sp + 1, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);
        return 1;
      } /* if */
      return 0; /* no more section found */
    } /* if */
  } /* if */

  /* Now that the section has been found, find the entry.
   * Stop searching upon leaving the section's area.
  assert(Key != NULL || idxKey >= 0);
  len = (Key != NULL) ? (int)_tcslen(Key) : 0;
  idx = -1;
  do {
    if (!ini_read(LocalBuffer,INI_BUFFERSIZE,fp) || *(sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer)) == '[')
      return 0;
    sp = skipleading(LocalBuffer);
    ep = _tcschr(sp, '='); /* Parse out the equal sign */
    if (ep == NULL)
      ep = _tcschr(sp, ':');
  } while (*sp == ';' || *sp == '#' || ep == NULL || (((int)(skiptrailing(ep,sp)-sp) != len || _tcsnicmp(sp,Key,len) != 0) && ++idx != idxKey));
  if (idxKey >= 0) {
    if (idx == idxKey) {
      assert(ep != NULL);
      assert(*ep == '=' || *ep == ':');
      *ep = '\0';
      save_strncpy(Buffer, sp, BufferSize, QUOTE_NONE);
      return 1;
    } /* if */
    return 0;   /* no more key found (in this section) */
  } /* if */

  /* Copy up to BufferSize chars to buffer */
  assert(ep != NULL);
  assert(*ep == '=' || *ep == ':');
  sp = skipleading(ep + 1);
  /* Remove a trailing comment */
  isstring = 0;
  for (ep = sp; *ep != '\0' && ((*ep != ';' && *ep != '#') || isstring); ep++) {
    if (*ep == '"') {
      if (*(ep + 1) == '"')
        ep++;                 /* skip "" (both quotes) */
        isstring = !isstring; /* single quote, toggle isstring */
    } else if (*ep == '\\' && *(ep + 1) == '"') {
      ep++;                   /* skip \" (both quotes */
    } /* if */
  } /* for */
  assert(ep != NULL && (*ep == '\0' || *ep == ';' || *ep == '#'));
  *ep = '\0';                 /* terminate at a comment */
  /* Remove double quotes surrounding a value */
  quotes = QUOTE_NONE;
  if (*sp == '"' && (ep = _tcschr(sp, '\0')) != NULL && *(ep - 1) == '"') {
    *--ep = '\0';
    quotes = QUOTE_DEQUOTE;   /* this is a string, so remove escaped characters */
  } /* if */
  save_strncpy(Buffer, sp, BufferSize, quotes);
  return 1;