void GlobalStatistics<panzer::Traits::Residual, panzer::Traits>::postprocess(std::ostream& os) { Teuchos::reduceAll(*comm, Teuchos::REDUCE_SUM, static_cast<int>(1), &total_volume, &global_total_volume); Teuchos::reduceAll(*comm, Teuchos::REDUCE_SUM, static_cast<int>(averages.size()), &averages[0], &global_averages[0]); Teuchos::reduceAll(*comm, Teuchos::REDUCE_MAX, static_cast<int>(maxs.size()), &maxs[0], &global_maxs[0]); Teuchos::reduceAll(*comm, Teuchos::REDUCE_MIN, static_cast<int>(mins.size()), &mins[0], &global_mins[0]); for (std::vector<ScalarT>::size_type i = 0; i < field_values.size(); ++i) global_averages[i] /= global_total_volume; if (comm->getRank() == 0) { boost::io::ios_all_saver saver(os); std::size_t precision = 8; os << std::scientific << std::showpoint << std::setprecision(precision) << std::left; std::size_t name_width = 0; for (std::vector<ScalarT>::size_type i = 0; i < field_values.size(); ++i) name_width = std::max(name_width,field_values[i].fieldTag().name().size()); std::size_t value_width = precision + 7; os << std::setw(name_width) << "Field" << " " << std::setw(value_width) << "Average" << " " << std::setw(value_width) << "Maximum (@IP)" << " " << std::setw(value_width) << "Minimum (@IP)" << std::endl; for (std::vector<ScalarT>::size_type i = 0; i < field_values.size(); ++i) { os << std::setw(name_width) << field_values[i].fieldTag().name() << " " << std::setw(value_width) << global_averages[i] << " " << std::setw(value_width) << global_maxs[i] << " " << std::setw(value_width) << global_mins[i] << std::endl; } } }
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QSurfaceFormat &f) { const QSurfaceFormatPrivate * const d = f.d; QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); dbg.nospace() << "QSurfaceFormat(" << "version " << d->major << '.' << d->minor << ", options " << d->opts << ", depthBufferSize " << d->depthSize << ", redBufferSize " << d->redBufferSize << ", greenBufferSize " << d->greenBufferSize << ", blueBufferSize " << d->blueBufferSize << ", alphaBufferSize " << d->alphaBufferSize << ", stencilBufferSize " << d->stencilSize << ", samples " << d->numSamples << ", swapBehavior " << d->swapBehavior << ", swapInterval " << d->swapInterval << ", profile " << d->profile << ')'; return dbg; }
log_t(log_levels_t lvl) :lvl_(lvl) { struct timeval tv = {0, 0}; (void) gettimeofday(&tv, nullptr); ss_ << ((lvl) == log_levels_t::eee ? "eee" : "iii") << "," << tv.tv_sec << "."; { stream_saver_t saver(ss_); ss_.width(6); ss_.fill('0'); ss_ << tv.tv_usec; } ss_ << ","; }
Q_WIDGETS_EXPORT QDebug operator<<(QDebug d, const QAction *action) { QDebugStateSaver saver(d); d.nospace(); d << "QAction(" << static_cast<const void *>(action); if (action) { d << " text=" << action->text(); if (!action->toolTip().isEmpty()) d << " toolTip=" << action->toolTip(); if (action->isCheckable()) d << " checked=" << action->isChecked(); if (!action->shortcut().isEmpty()) d << " shortcut=" << action->shortcut(); d << " menuRole="; QtDebugUtils::formatQEnum(d, action->menuRole()); d << " visible=" << action->isVisible(); } else { d << '0'; } d << ')'; return d; }
void TailsAdvData::save(std::string& data) { /* A VERY LONG SEQUENCE OF SAVES GOES HERE */ SaveHelper saver(data, DataChunkIDs::fileStart, 0); standardPalettes_.save(data); paletteCycles_.save(data); levelEffectsHeaders_.save(data); levelPaletteHeaders_.save(data); levelGraphicsData_.save(data); tileMaps_.save(data); leafGraphicsTable_.save(data); waterSplashGraphicTable_.save(data); smokePuffGraphicTable_.save(data); spriteMappings_.save(data); musicAssignments_.save(data); radioMusic_.save(data); powerUpData_.save(data); emeraldHealthRefills_.save(data); metatileWidthMaps_.save(data); metatileHeightMaps_.save(data); slopeSpeedValues_.save(data); metatileBehaviors_.save(data); spawnPoints_.save(data); warpDestinations_.save(data); levelObjectEntryGroups_.save(data); mapData_.save(data); SaveHelper saver2(data, DataChunkIDs::fileEnd, 0); saver2.finalize(); saver.finalize(); }
bool GeneratedFile::write(QString *errorMessage) const { // Ensure the directory const QFileInfo info(m_d->path); const QDir dir = info.absoluteDir(); if (!dir.exists()) { if (!dir.mkpath(dir.absolutePath())) { *errorMessage = QCoreApplication::translate("BaseFileWizard", "Unable to create the directory %1.").arg( QDir::toNativeSeparators(dir.absolutePath())); return false; } } // Write out QIODevice::OpenMode flags = QIODevice::WriteOnly|QIODevice::Truncate; if (!isBinary()) flags |= QIODevice::Text; Utils::FileSaver saver(m_d->path, flags); saver.write(m_d->contents); return saver.finalize(errorMessage); }
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const QPageLayout &layout) { QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); if (layout.isValid()) { QString output = QStringLiteral("QPageLayout(%1, %2, l:%3 r:%4 t:%5 b:%6 %7)"); QString units; switch (layout.units()) { case QPageLayout::Millimeter: units = QStringLiteral("mm"); break; case QPageLayout::Point: units = QStringLiteral("pt"); break; case QPageLayout::Inch: units = QStringLiteral("in"); break; case QPageLayout::Pica: units = QStringLiteral("pc"); break; case QPageLayout::Didot: units = QStringLiteral("DD"); break; case QPageLayout::Cicero: units = QStringLiteral("CC"); break; } output = output.arg(layout.pageSize().name()) .arg(layout.orientation() == QPageLayout::Portrait ? QStringLiteral("Portrait") : QStringLiteral("Landscape")) .arg(layout.margins().left()) .arg(layout.margins().right()) .arg(layout.margins().top()) .arg(layout.margins().bottom()) .arg(units); dbg.nospace() << output; } else { dbg.nospace() << "QPageLayout()"; } return dbg; }
virtual void demothread(int argc, char ** argv) { string scenefilename = "data/lab1.env.xml"; penv->Load(scenefilename); vector<RobotBasePtr> vrobots; penv->GetRobots(vrobots); RobotBasePtr probot = vrobots.at(0); std::vector<dReal> q; while(IsOk()) { { EnvironmentMutex::scoped_lock lock(penv->GetMutex()); // lock environment TrajectoryBasePtr traj = RaveCreateTrajectory(penv,""); traj->Init(probot->GetActiveConfigurationSpecification()); probot->GetActiveDOFValues(q); // get current values traj->Insert(0,q); q[RaveRandomInt()%probot->GetDOF()] += RaveRandomFloat()-0.5; // move a random axis // check for collisions { RobotBase::RobotStateSaver saver(probot); // add a state saver so robot is not moved permenantly probot->SetDOFValues(q); if( penv->CheckCollision(RobotBaseConstPtr(probot)) ) { continue; // robot in collision at final point, so reject } } traj->Insert(1,q); planningutils::SmoothActiveDOFTrajectory(traj,probot); probot->GetController()->SetPath(traj); // setting through the robot is also possible: probot->SetMotion(traj); } // unlock the environment and wait for the robot to finish while(!probot->GetController()->IsDone() && IsOk()) { boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(1)); } } }
void KLocaleConfigNumber::save() { // temperary use of our locale as the global locale KLocale *lsave = KGlobal::_locale; KGlobal::_locale = m_locale; KConfig *config = KGlobal::config(); KConfigGroupSaver saver(config, "Locale"); KSimpleConfig ent(locate("locale", QString::fromLatin1("l10n/%1/entry.desktop").arg(m_locale->country())), true); ent.setGroup("KCM Locale"); QString str; str = ent.readEntry("DecimalSymbol", QString::fromLatin1(".")); config->deleteEntry("DecimalSymbol", false, true); if(str != m_locale->decimalSymbol()) config->writeEntry("DecimalSymbol", m_locale->decimalSymbol(), true, true); str = ent.readEntry("ThousandsSeparator", QString::fromLatin1(",")); config->deleteEntry("ThousandsSeparator", false, true); str.replace(QString::fromLatin1("$0"), QString::null); if(str != m_locale->thousandsSeparator()) config->writeEntry("ThousandsSeparator", QString::fromLatin1("$0%1$0").arg(m_locale->thousandsSeparator()), true, true); str = ent.readEntry("PositiveSign"); config->deleteEntry("PositiveSign", false, true); if(str != m_locale->positiveSign()) config->writeEntry("PositiveSign", m_locale->positiveSign(), true, true); str = ent.readEntry("NegativeSign", QString::fromLatin1("-")); config->deleteEntry("NegativeSign", false, true); if(str != m_locale->negativeSign()) config->writeEntry("NegativeSign", m_locale->negativeSign(), true, true); // restore the old global locale KGlobal::_locale = lsave; }
/** Initialize the accelerator @p id by checking if it is overridden in the configuration file (and if it isn't, use the default). */ static void initialize(StdAccel id) { KConfigGroupSaver saver(KGlobal::config(), "Shortcuts"); KStdAccelInfo *pInfo = infoPtr(id); if(!pInfo) { kdWarning(125) << "KStdAccel: id not found!" << endl; // -- ellis return; } if(saver.config()->hasKey(pInfo->psName)) { QString s = saver.config()->readEntry(pInfo->psName); if(s != "none") pInfo->cut.init(s); else pInfo->cut.clear(); } else pInfo->cut = shortcutDefault(id); pInfo->bInitialized = true; }
void EditableSlopeSpeedValues::save(std::string& data) { // Output buffer Tbyte buffer[ByteSizes::uint32Size]; SaveHelper saver(data, DataChunkIDs::slopeSpeedValues, 0); // Write base address ByteConversion::toBytes(baseAddress_, buffer, ByteSizes::uint32Size, EndiannessTypes::little, SignednessTypes::nosign); data += std::string((char*)buffer, ByteSizes::uint32Size); // Write number of entries ByteConversion::toBytes(speedValues_.size(), buffer, ByteSizes::uint16Size, EndiannessTypes::little, SignednessTypes::nosign); data += std::string((char*)buffer, ByteSizes::uint16Size); // Write each entry for (SlopeSpeedValueCollection::iterator it = speedValues_.begin(); it != speedValues_.end(); ++it) { ByteConversion::toBytes(*it, buffer, ByteSizes::int16Size, EndiannessTypes::little, SignednessTypes::sign); data += std::string((char*)buffer, ByteSizes::int16Size); } saver.finalize(); }
void BaseTreeView::saveLayout(KConfig *config, const QString &group) { KListView::saveLayout(config, group); if (! m_saveOpenFolder || ! qConfig.saveTrees) return; KConfigGroupSaver saver(config, group); BaseTreeBranch *btb; int i = 0; KFileTreeBranchIterator it( branches() ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it) { btb = dynamic_cast<BaseTreeBranch *>( (*it) ); if (btb && btb->rootUrl().isLocalFile()) { ++i; QStringList folderList; // remember the root url so that I find the branch on restore folderList.append(btb->rootUrl().url()); btb->addOpenFolder(&folderList); config->writePathEntry("OpenFolderList" + QString::number(i), folderList); } } config->writeEntry("NumOpenFolderList", i); }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ int Phreeqc:: advection(void) /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */ { int i; LDBLE kin_time; /* * Calculate advection */ state = ADVECTION; /* mass_water_switch = TRUE; */ /* * Check existence of all solutions */ for (i = 0; i <= count_ad_cells; i++) { if (Utilities::Rxn_find(Rxn_solution_map, i) == NULL) //if (solution_bsearch(i, &n, TRUE) == NULL) { input_error++; error_string = sformatf( "Solution %d is needed for advection, but is not defined.", i); error_msg(error_string, CONTINUE); } } /* * Check kinetics logic */ kin_time = advection_kin_time; if (kin_time <= 0.0) { for (i = 1; i <= count_ad_cells; i++) { if (Utilities::Rxn_find(Rxn_kinetics_map, i) != NULL) { input_error++; error_string = sformatf( "KINETIC reaction(s) defined, but time_step is not defined in ADVECTION keyword."); error_msg(error_string, CONTINUE); break; } } } /* * Quit on error */ if (get_input_errors() > 0) { error_msg("Program terminating due to input errors.", STOP); } /* * Equilibrate solutions with phases, exchangers, surfaces */ last_model.force_prep = TRUE; rate_sim_time_start = 0; for (advection_step = 1; advection_step <= count_ad_shifts; advection_step++) { log_msg(sformatf( "\nBeginning of advection time step %d, cumulative pore volumes %f.\n", advection_step, (double) (((LDBLE) advection_step) / ((LDBLE) count_ad_cells)))); if (pr.use == TRUE && pr.all == TRUE) { output_msg(sformatf( "Beginning of advection time step %d, cumulative pore volumes %f.\n", advection_step, (double) (((LDBLE) advection_step) / ((LDBLE) count_ad_cells)))); } /* * Advect */ for (i = count_ad_cells; i > 0; i--) { //solution_duplicate(i - 1, i); Utilities::Rxn_copy(Rxn_solution_map, i -1, i); } /* * Equilibrate and (or) mix */ for (i = 1; i <= count_ad_cells; i++) { set_initial_moles(i); cell_no = i; set_advection(i, TRUE, TRUE, i); run_reactions(i, kin_time, TRUE, 1.0); if (advection_kin_time_defined == TRUE) { rate_sim_time = rate_sim_time_start + kin_time; } log_msg(sformatf( "\nCell %d.\n\n", i)); if (pr.use == TRUE && pr.all == TRUE && advection_step % print_ad_modulus == 0 && advection_print[i - 1] == TRUE) { output_msg(sformatf( "\nCell %d.\n\n", i)); } if (advection_step % punch_ad_modulus == 0 && advection_punch[i - 1] == TRUE) { punch_all(); } if (advection_step % print_ad_modulus == 0 && advection_print[i - 1] == TRUE) { print_all(); } if (i > 1) Utilities::Rxn_copy(Rxn_solution_map, -2, i - 1); //solution_duplicate(-2, i - 1); saver(); } Utilities::Rxn_copy(Rxn_solution_map, -2, count_ad_cells); //solution_duplicate(-2, count_ad_cells); rate_sim_time_start += kin_time; } initial_total_time += rate_sim_time_start; /* free_model_allocs(); */ mass_water_switch = FALSE; return (OK); }
QDebug operator<<(QDebug dbg, const WrapperStr& str) { QDebugStateSaver saver(dbg); dbg << str.wrappedString; return dbg; }
void window_loop( const x11::Window& window, AppData& app_data, CommonData& common, RaytracerTarget& rt_target, std::size_t n_threads ) { Context gl; Renderer renderer(app_data, rt_target.tex_unit); renderer.Use(app_data); Saver saver(app_data); window.SelectInput(StructureNotifyMask| PointerMotionMask| KeyPressMask); ::XEvent event; while(!common.Done()) { if(app_data.verbosity > 0) { app_data.logstr() << "Rendering cube face " << common.Face() << std::endl; } // clear the raytrace target rt_target.Clear(app_data); renderer.InitFrame(app_data, common.Face()); renderer.Render(app_data); common.context.SwapBuffers(window); // setup logging period std::chrono::system_clock::duration log_period; if(app_data.verbosity > 4) { log_period = std::chrono::seconds(1); } else if(app_data.verbosity > 3) { log_period = std::chrono::seconds(5); } else if(app_data.verbosity > 2) { log_period = std::chrono::seconds(15); } else if(app_data.verbosity > 1) { log_period = std::chrono::minutes(1); } auto log_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); // signal all threads that they can start raytracing tiles common.master_ready.Signal(n_threads); while(!common.FaceDone()) { unsigned slot = 0; while(common.display.NextEvent(event)) { switch(event.type) { case ClientMessage: case DestroyNotify: common.Stop(); break; case ConfigureNotify: app_data.render_width = event.xconfigure.width; app_data.render_height = event.xconfigure.height; break; case MotionNotify: break; case KeyPress: if(::XLookupKeysym(&event.xkey, 0) == XK_Escape) common.Stop(); break; default:; } } if(common.Done()) break; if((slot++ % 5) == 0) { auto lock = common.Lock(); renderer.Render(app_data); gl.Finish(); lock.unlock(); common.context.SwapBuffers(window); } if(app_data.verbosity > 1) { auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); if(log_time + log_period < now) { common.LogProgress(app_data); log_time = now; } } std::chrono::milliseconds period(5); std::this_thread::sleep_for(period); } if(common.Done()) break; // wait for all raytracer threads to finish common.thread_ready.Wait(n_threads); renderer.Render(app_data); common.context.SwapBuffers(window); if(app_data.verbosity > 1) { app_data.logstr() << "Finished cube face " << common.Face() << std::endl; } // save the face image saver.SaveFrame(app_data, rt_target, common.Face()); // switch the face common.NextFace(app_data); // signal that the master is ready to render // the next face common.master_ready.Signal(n_threads); } }
void pbuffer_loop( const glx::Pbuffer& pbuffer, AppData& app_data, CommonData& common, RaytracerTarget& rt_target, std::size_t n_threads ) { Context gl; Renderer renderer(app_data, rt_target.tex_unit); renderer.Use(app_data); Saver saver(app_data); while(!common.Done()) { if(app_data.verbosity > 0) { app_data.logstr() << "Rendering cube face " << common.Face() << std::endl; } // clear the raytrace target rt_target.Clear(app_data); renderer.InitFrame(app_data, common.Face()); renderer.Render(app_data); gl.Finish(); // signal all threads that they can start raytracing tiles common.master_ready.Signal(n_threads); if(common.Done()) break; if(app_data.verbosity > 1) { // setup logging period std::chrono::system_clock::duration log_period; if(app_data.verbosity > 4) { log_period = std::chrono::seconds(1); } else if(app_data.verbosity > 3) { log_period = std::chrono::seconds(5); } else if(app_data.verbosity > 2) { log_period = std::chrono::seconds(10); } else if(app_data.verbosity > 1) { log_period = std::chrono::seconds(30); } auto log_time = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); while(!common.thread_ready.Signalled()) { auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now(); if(log_time + log_period < now) { common.LogProgress(app_data); log_time = now; } std::chrono::milliseconds period(50); std::this_thread::sleep_for(period); } } // wait for all raytracer threads to finish common.thread_ready.Wait(n_threads); for(unsigned b=0; b!=2; ++b) { renderer.Render(app_data); gl.Finish(); common.context.SwapBuffers(pbuffer); } // save the face image saver.SaveFrame(app_data, rt_target, common.Face()); // switch the face common.NextFace(app_data); // signal that the master is ready to render // the next face common.master_ready.Signal(n_threads); } }
bool PlaylistSaver::loadM3U(const KURL &file, int /*opt*/) { kdDebug(66666) << k_funcinfo << "file='" << file.path() << endl; QString localFile; if(!KIO::NetAccess::download(file, localFile, 0L)) return false; // if it's a PLS, transfer control, again (KIO bug?) #if 0 { KSimpleConfig list(local, true); list.setGroup("playlist"); // some stupid Windows lusers like to be case insensitive QStringList groups=list.groupList().grep(QRegExp("^playlist$", false)); if (groups.count()) { KURL l; l.setPath(local); return loadPLS(l); } } #endif QFile saver(localFile); saver.open(IO_ReadOnly); QTextStream t(&saver); bool isExt = false; // flag telling if we load an EXTM3U file QString filename; QString extinf; QMap<QString,QString> prop; reset(); while (!t.eof()) { if (isExt) { extinf = t.readLine(); if (!extinf.startsWith("#EXTINF:")) { // kdDebug(66666) << "EXTM3U extinf line != extinf, assuming it's a filename." << endl; filename = extinf; extinf=""; } else { filename = t.readLine(); // read in second line containing the filename } //kdDebug(66666) << "EXTM3U filename = '" << filename << "'" << endl; } else // old style m3u { filename = t.readLine(); } if (filename == "#EXTM3U") // on first line { // kdDebug(66666) << "FOUND '#EXTM3U' @ " << saver.at() << "." << endl; isExt=true; continue; // skip parsing the first (i.e. this) line } if (filename.isEmpty()) continue; if (filename.find(QRegExp("^[a-zA-Z0-9]+:/"))==0) { //kdDebug(66666) << k_funcinfo << "url filename = " << filename << endl; KURL protourl(filename); KMimeType::Ptr mimetype = KMimeType::findByURL(protourl); if (mimetype->name() != "application/octet-stream") { prop["url"] = filename; } else { prop["playObject"]="SplayPlayObject"; // Default title, might be overwritten by #EXTINF later prop["title"] = i18n("Stream from %1").arg(protourl.host()); if (!protourl.hasPath()) protourl.setPath("/"); prop["url"] = protourl.url(); prop["stream_"] = prop["url"]; } } else // filename that is not of URL style (i.e. NOT "proto:/path/somefile") { KURL u1; // we have to deal with a relative path if (filename.find('/')) { u1.setPath(file.path(0)); u1.setFileName(filename); } else { u1.setPath(filename); } prop["url"] = u1.url(); } // parse line of the following format: //#EXTINF:length,displayed_title if (isExt) { extinf.remove(0,8); // remove "#EXTINF:" //kdDebug(66666) << "EXTM3U extinf = '" << extinf << "'" << endl; int timeTitleSep = extinf.find(',', 0); int length = (extinf.left(timeTitleSep)).toInt(); if (length>0) prop["length"]=QString::number(length*1000); QString displayTitle=extinf.mid(timeTitleSep+1); if (!displayTitle.isEmpty()) { int artistTitleSep = displayTitle.find(" - ",0); if (artistTitleSep == -1) // no "artist - title" like format, just set it as title { prop["title"] = displayTitle; } else { prop["author"] = displayTitle.left(artistTitleSep); prop["title"] = displayTitle.mid(artistTitleSep+3); } /*kdDebug(66666) << "EXTM3U author/artist='" << prop["author"] << "', title='" << prop["title"] << "'" << endl;*/ } // END !displayTitle.isEmpty() } // END if(isExt) // kdDebug(66666) << k_funcinfo << "adding file '" << prop["url"] << "' to playlist" << endl; readItem(prop); prop.clear(); } // END while() KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile(localFile); // kdDebug(66666) << k_funcinfo << "END" << endl; return true; }
/** * Reads raw data into a buffer without advancing the stream's position */ void IDataStream::PeekBuf(void * buf, UInt32 inLength) { IDataStream_PositionSaver saver(this); ReadBuf(buf, inLength); }
QDebug operator<<(QDebug debug, const Port &p) { QDebugStateSaver saver(debug); debug.nospace() << QLatin1String("Port(") << p.number() << QLatin1Char(')'); return debug; }
/** * Reads and returns a 32-bit value from the stream without advancing the stream's position */ UInt64 IDataStream::Peek64(void) { IDataStream_PositionSaver saver(this); return Read64(); }
/** * Reads and returns a 32-bit value from the stream without advancing the stream's position */ UInt32 IDataStream::Peek32(void) { IDataStream_PositionSaver saver(this); return Read32(); }
/** * Reads and returns a 16-bit value from the stream without advancing the stream's position */ UInt16 IDataStream::Peek16(void) { IDataStream_PositionSaver saver(this); return Read16(); }
// basic_ostream::operator<<(const void*) is drunk. static void PrintPointer(const void* ptr, std::ostream& os) { StreamStateSaver saver(os); uintptr_t intPtr = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(ptr); os << "0x" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(sizeof(uintptr_t) * 2) << std::hex << intPtr; }
EXPORT int BinStateSave(CSystem *s, char *data, int length) { NewStateExternalBuffer saver(data, length); s->SyncState<false>(&saver); return !saver.Overflow() && saver.GetLength() == length; }
Disp::~Disp() { QImage saver((uchar *)&bitmap[0], bitx, bity, QImage::Format_RGB32); saver.save("out.png", "PNG"); }
/** * Reads and returns a 32-bit floating point value from the stream without advancing the stream's position */ float IDataStream::PeekFloat(void) { IDataStream_PositionSaver saver(this); return ReadFloat(); }
EXPORT void TxtStateSave(CSystem *s, FPtrs *ff) { NewStateExternalFunctions saver(ff); s->SyncState<false>(&saver); }
void jdlvFrame::CopyCLR() { elMundo *world = (genNo && nextWorld) ? nextWorld : primeWorld; ClipSaver saver(*world); saver.save(true); }
void App_SaveInstallSettings( wxConfigBase* ini ) { IniSaver saver( ini ); App_LoadSaveInstallSettings( saver ); }
/** * Reads and returns an 8-bit value from the stream without advancing the stream's position */ UInt8 IDataStream::Peek8(void) { IDataStream_PositionSaver saver(this); return Read8(); }