Exemple #1
 * Stringifies a dPoint and appends it to a string buffer.
 * sb -- A previously initialized string buffer.
 * point -- The dPoint to append to sb.
static void sb_put_point(SB *sb, dPoint* point)
    sb_putc(sb, '[');                 //     [   

    sb_putf(sb, point->abs);          //       abs value
    sb_putc(sb, ',');                 //       ,
    sb_putf(sb, point->time);         //       time value

    sb_putc(sb, ']');                 //    ]
Exemple #2
 * Stringifies a dField with the name and value, then appends it to a string buffer.
 * sb -- A previously initialized string buffer.
 * field -- The dField to append to sb.
static void sb_put_nv_field(SB *sb, dField* field)
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_puts(sb, field->name);         // 'field name'
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');

    sb_putc(sb, ':');                 // :
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_puts(sb, field->value);        // 'field value'
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
Exemple #3
 * JSON serializes a collection of dSets.
 * sets -- A collection of dSet objects.
 * count -- The number of dSets in sets.
char* json_serialize(dSet** sets, int count)
    SB sb;


    sb_putc(&sb, '[');

    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
        sb_put_dset(&sb, sets[i]);
        if (i != count - 1) {
            sb_putc(&sb, ',');
    sb_putc(&sb, ']');

    return sb.start;
/* KM_GETC - return next command char from kbd macro being executed.
**	This is < 0 if not executing kbd macro.  Also responsible for
**	gathering input for kbd macro.
{	register int c;

	while (km_flag > 0)		/* Executing macro? */
	  {	c = sb_getc(((SBBUF *)km_buf));	/* Yes, get char */
		if(c != EOF)
			return(c);		/* and return as cmd */

		if(--km_exp >= 0)		/* Macro done.  Repeat? */
			ex_go((SBBUF *)km_buf, (chroff)0);	/* Yes */
		else km_flag = 0;		/* No, stop execution */
	c = tgetc();			/* Get char from user (TTY) */
	if(km_flag < 0)			/* Save it if collecting macro */
	  {	sb_putc(((SBBUF *)km_buf), c);
Exemple #5
 * Stringifies a dSet and appends it to a string buffer.
 * sb -- A previously initialized string buffer.
 * set -- A pointer to a dSet to add to sb.
static void sb_put_dset(SB* sb, dSet* set) 
    sb_putc(sb, '{');
        // standard fields
        sb_put_nv_field(sb, &set->name);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_nv_field(sb, &set->collection_time);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_nvu_field(sb, &set->wavelength);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        // data points
        sb_putc(sb, '\"');
        sb_puts(sb, "points");
        sb_putc(sb, '\"');
        sb_putc(sb, ':');
        sb_putc(sb, '[');
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < set->num_points; i++) {
                sb_put_point(sb, set->points[i]);

                if (i != set->num_points - 1) {
                    sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_putc(sb, ']');
        sb_putc(sb, ',');

        // metadata fields
        // TODO: this should really be a list, since we're just going to iterate over 
        // the meta fields when we display them
        sb_putc(sb, '\"');
        sb_puts(sb, "meta");
        sb_putc(sb, '\"');
        sb_putc(sb, ':');
        sb_putc(sb, '[');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->operator_name);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->kinetics_version);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->param_list);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->instrument);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->instrument_version);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->ordinate_mode);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->sbw);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->ave_time);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->dwell_time);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->cycle_time);
        sb_putc(sb, ',');
        sb_put_meta_field(sb, &set->stop_time);
        sb_putc(sb, ']');
    sb_putc(sb, '}');
Exemple #6
 * Stringifies a dField with the name, value, and units, then appends it to a string buffer.
 * sb -- A previously initialized string buffer.
 * field -- The dField to append to sb.
static void sb_put_meta_field(SB *sb, dField* field)
    sb_putc(sb, '{');                 //     {   

    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_puts(sb, "name");             //       'name'
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_putc(sb, ':');                 //       :  

    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_puts(sb, field->name);        //       'field name'
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_putc(sb, ',');                 //       ,
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_puts(sb, "value");             //       'value'
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_putc(sb, ':');                 //       :  

    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_puts(sb, field->value);        //       'field value'
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_putc(sb, ',');                 //       ,

    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_puts(sb, "units");             //       'units'
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_putc(sb, ':');                 //       :

    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_puts(sb, field->units);        //       'field units'
    sb_putc(sb, '\"');
    sb_putc(sb, '}');                 //    }