QImage ImageCache::image(QString path, int width, int height, int &origWidth, int &origHeight)
    if (m_cacheDir.isEmpty())
        return scaledImage(Helper::instance()->getImage(path), width, height);

    QString md5 = QCryptographicHash::hash(path.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex();
    QString baseName = QString("%1_%2_%3_").arg(md5).arg(width).arg(height);

    bool update = true;
    QDir dir(m_cacheDir);
    QStringList files = dir.entryList(QStringList() << baseName + "*");
    if (!files.isEmpty()) {
        QString fileName = files.first();
        QStringList parts = fileName.split("_");
        if (parts.count() > 6) {
            origWidth = parts.at(3).toInt();
            origHeight = parts.at(4).toInt();
            if (m_forceCache || parts.at(5).toInt() == getLastModified(path))
                update = false;

    if (update) {
        QImage origImg = Helper::instance()->getImage(path);
        origWidth = origImg.width();
        origHeight = origImg.height();
        QImage img = scaledImage(origImg, width, height);
        img.save(m_cacheDir + "/" + QString("%1_%2_%3_%4_%5_%6_.png").arg(md5).arg(width).arg(height).arg(origWidth).arg(origHeight).arg(getLastModified(path)), "png", -1);
        return img;

    return Helper::instance()->getImage(m_cacheDir + "/" + files.first());
Exemple #2
cv::Mat3b OpenCVUtil::tile_image_patches(const std::vector<cv::Mat3b>& images, int tileCols, int tileRows, int patchWidth, int patchHeight, int paddingSize)
  // Scale and pad the input images to make the tiles.
  std::vector<cv::Mat3b> tiles;
  for(size_t i = 0, size = images.size(); i < size; ++i)
    cv::Mat3b scaledImage(patchHeight, patchWidth);
    cv::resize(images[i], scaledImage, scaledImage.size(), 0.0, 0.0, CV_INTER_NN);
    tiles.push_back(pad_image(scaledImage, paddingSize));

  // Make a blank output image of the right size to which the tiles can be copied.
  const int tileHeight = patchHeight + 2 * paddingSize;
  const int tileWidth = patchWidth + 2 * paddingSize;
  cv::Mat3b tiledImage = cv::Mat3b::zeros(tileHeight * tileRows, tileWidth * tileCols);

  // Copy the tiles across to the output image.
  for(int i = 0, tileCount = tileCols * tileRows; i < tileCount; ++i)
    int x = (i % tileCols) * tileWidth;
    int y = (i / tileCols) * tileHeight;
    cv::Rect roi(x, y, tileWidth, tileHeight);

  return tiledImage;
void Texture::GenerateManualMipmaps(const Image& image) const
   unsigned int closestXPowerOf2 = Texture::ClosestPowerOf2(image.Width());
   unsigned int closestYPowerOf2 = Texture::ClosestPowerOf2(image.Height());

   Image scaledImage(image);

   if ((closestXPowerOf2 != image.Width()) || (closestYPowerOf2 != image.Height()))
      scaledImage.Scale(closestXPowerOf2, closestYPowerOf2);

Exemple #4
int DrawSdk::Image::WriteScaledImageFile(WCHAR* scaledImageName, float scaleX, float scaleY, const WCHAR* format)
   int hr = S_OK;
//   // Starting the Gdiplus machine should be executed outside of this method
//   Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
//   ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken;
//   Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);

   Gdiplus::ImageCodecInfo *pImageCodecInfo = NULL;

   CLSID *pClsid = NULL;

   HDC hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(NULL);

   // Get the encoder CLSID depending on the image format (image/jpeg, image/gif, image/png)
   UINT num = 0;
   UINT size = 0;

   Gdiplus::GetImageEncodersSize(&num, &size);
   if (size == 0)
      hr = -1;  // Failure

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      pImageCodecInfo = (Gdiplus::ImageCodecInfo*)(malloc(size));
      if (pImageCodecInfo == NULL)
         hr = -1;  // Failure

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
      Gdiplus::GetImageEncoders(num, size, pImageCodecInfo);

      for(int j = 0; j < num; ++j)
         if( wcscmp(pImageCodecInfo[j].MimeType, format) == 0 )
            pClsid = &pImageCodecInfo[j].Clsid;
            break;  // Success

      if (pClsid == NULL)
         hr = -1;  // Failure

   // Bugfix 5301: 
   // If 'gdipImage_' is NULL then it was not kept in memory and therefore 
   // a temporary Gdiplus::Image object is created for the rescaling. 
   // This avoids having too much image data in the memory.
   Gdiplus::Image *tmpImage = NULL;
   if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && gdipImage_ == NULL) {
       // convert char-String in WCHAR-String  
       int iStringLength = _tcslen(imageName_) + 1;
       WCHAR *wcFilename = (WCHAR *)malloc(iStringLength*sizeof(WCHAR));
#ifdef _UNICODE
       wcscpy(wcFilename, imageName_);
       MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, imageName, iStringLength, 
           wcFilename, iStringLength);
       tmpImage = new Gdiplus::Image(wcFilename, FALSE);

       if (wcFilename)
   } else {
       tmpImage = gdipImage_;

   if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && tmpImage != NULL)
      // Resize the image by scaling factors
      Gdiplus::REAL destWidth  = scaleX * this->GetWidth();
      Gdiplus::REAL destHeight = scaleY * this->GetHeight();

      // If no correct size is defined in the object queue, use the real image size instead
      if ( (this->GetWidth() <= 0.0f) && (this->GetHeight() <= 0.0f) )
         destWidth  = scaleX * tmpImage->GetWidth();
         destHeight = scaleY * tmpImage->GetHeight();

      // At least we have to write one pixel
      if (destWidth < 1.0f)
         destWidth = 1.0f;
      if (destHeight < 1.0f)
         destHeight = 1.0f;

      Gdiplus::Bitmap scaledImage((int)(destWidth + 0.5f), (int)(destHeight + 0.5f));


      Gdiplus::Graphics grPhoto(&scaledImage);


      Gdiplus::Rect destRect(0, 0, (int)(destWidth + 0.5f), (int)(destHeight + 0.5f));

      hr = grPhoto.DrawImage(tmpImage, destRect, 
                             0, 0, tmpImage->GetWidth(),tmpImage->GetHeight(), 

      // Write the scaled image to a file
      if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
         hr = scaledImage.Save(scaledImageName, pClsid, NULL);

   // Cleanup
   if (hdc)
		hdc = NULL;
   if (pImageCodecInfo)
      pImageCodecInfo = NULL;

   if (tmpImage != NULL && tmpImage != gdipImage_)
       delete tmpImage;

//   // Stop the Gdiplus machine --> this should be executed outside of this method (see above)
//   Gdiplus::GdiplusShutdown(gdiplusToken);

   return hr;
Exemple #5
void CascadeClassifier::detectMultiScaleNoGrouping( const Mat& image, std::vector<Rect>& candidates,
                                                    std::vector<int>& rejectLevels, std::vector<double>& levelWeights,
                                                    double scaleFactor, Size minObjectSize, Size maxObjectSize,
                                                    bool outputRejectLevels )

    if (!maskGenerator.empty())

    if( maxObjectSize.height == 0 || maxObjectSize.width == 0 )
        maxObjectSize = image.size();

    Mat grayImage = image;
    if( grayImage.channels() > 1 )
        Mat temp;
        cvtColor(grayImage, temp, COLOR_BGR2GRAY);
        grayImage = temp;

    Mat imageBuffer(image.rows + 1, image.cols + 1, CV_8U);

    for( double factor = 1; ; factor *= scaleFactor )
        Size originalWindowSize = getOriginalWindowSize();

        Size windowSize( cvRound(originalWindowSize.width*factor), cvRound(originalWindowSize.height*factor) );
        Size scaledImageSize( cvRound( grayImage.cols/factor ), cvRound( grayImage.rows/factor ) );
        Size processingRectSize( scaledImageSize.width - originalWindowSize.width, scaledImageSize.height - originalWindowSize.height );

        if( processingRectSize.width <= 0 || processingRectSize.height <= 0 )
        if( windowSize.width > maxObjectSize.width || windowSize.height > maxObjectSize.height )
        if( windowSize.width < minObjectSize.width || windowSize.height < minObjectSize.height )

        Mat scaledImage( scaledImageSize, CV_8U, imageBuffer.data );
        resize( grayImage, scaledImage, scaledImageSize, 0, 0, INTER_LINEAR );

        int yStep;
        if( getFeatureType() == cv::FeatureEvaluator::HOG )
            yStep = 4;
            yStep = factor > 2. ? 1 : 2;

        int stripCount, stripSize;

        const int PTS_PER_THREAD = 1000;
        stripCount = ((processingRectSize.width/yStep)*(processingRectSize.height + yStep-1)/yStep + PTS_PER_THREAD/2)/PTS_PER_THREAD;
        stripCount = std::min(std::max(stripCount, 1), 100);
        stripSize = (((processingRectSize.height + stripCount - 1)/stripCount + yStep-1)/yStep)*yStep;

        if( !detectSingleScale( scaledImage, stripCount, processingRectSize, stripSize, yStep, factor, candidates,
            rejectLevels, levelWeights, outputRejectLevels ) )