Exemple #1
static Scheme_Object *do_chaperone_vector(const char *name, int is_impersonator, int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
    Scheme_Chaperone *px;
    Scheme_Object *val = argv[0];
    Scheme_Object *redirects;
    Scheme_Hash_Tree *props;

        val = SCHEME_CHAPERONE_VAL(val);

    if (!SCHEME_VECTORP(val)
            || (is_impersonator && !SCHEME_MUTABLEP(val)))
        scheme_wrong_contract(name, is_impersonator ? "(and/c vector? (not/c immutable?))" : "vector?", 0, argc, argv);
    scheme_check_proc_arity(name, 3, 1, argc, argv);
    scheme_check_proc_arity(name, 3, 2, argc, argv);

    props = scheme_parse_chaperone_props(name, 3, argc, argv);

    redirects = scheme_make_pair(argv[1], argv[2]);

    px = MALLOC_ONE_TAGGED(Scheme_Chaperone);
    px->iso.so.type = scheme_chaperone_type;
    px->props = props;
    px->val = val;
    px->prev = argv[0];
    px->redirects = redirects;

    if (is_impersonator)

    return (Scheme_Object *)px;
Exemple #2
static Scheme_Object *
equalish_prim (int argc, Scheme_Object *argv[])
  Equal_Info eql;

  scheme_check_proc_arity("equal?/recur", 2, 2, argc, argv);

  eql.next_next = argv[2];

  return (is_equal(argv[0], argv[1], &eql) ? scheme_true : scheme_false);
Exemple #3
static Scheme_Object *
equalish_prim (int argc, Scheme_Object *argv[])
  Equal_Info eql;

  scheme_check_proc_arity("equal?/recur", 2, 2, argc, argv);

  eql.depth = 1;
  eql.car_depth = 1;
  eql.ht = NULL;
  eql.recur = NULL;
  eql.next = NULL;
  eql.next_next = argv[2];
  eql.for_chaperone = 0;

  return (is_equal(argv[0], argv[1], &eql) ? scheme_true : scheme_false);
static Scheme_Object *do_map_hash_table(int argc,
					Scheme_Object *argv[],
					char *name,
					int keep)
  int i;
  Scheme_Object *f;
  Scheme_Object *first, *last = NULL, *v, *p[2];

  if (!(SCHEME_HASHTP(argv[0]) || SCHEME_BUCKTP(argv[0])))
    scheme_wrong_type(name, "hash table", 0, argc, argv);
  scheme_check_proc_arity(name, 2, 1, argc, argv);

  f = argv[1];

  if (keep)
    first = scheme_null;
    first = scheme_void;

  if (SCHEME_BUCKTP(argv[0])) {
    Scheme_Bucket_Table *hash;
    Scheme_Bucket *bucket;

    hash = (Scheme_Bucket_Table *)argv[0];

    for (i = hash->size; i--; ) {
      bucket = hash->buckets[i];
      if (bucket && bucket->val && bucket->key) {
	if (hash->weak)
	  p[0] = (Scheme_Object *)HT_EXTRACT_WEAK(bucket->key);
	  p[0] = (Scheme_Object *)bucket->key;
	p[1] = (Scheme_Object *)bucket->val;
	if (keep) {
	  v = _scheme_apply(f, 2, p);
	  v = scheme_make_pair(v, scheme_null);
	  if (last)
	    SCHEME_CDR(last) = v;
	    first = v;
	  last = v;
	} else
	  _scheme_apply_multi(f, 2, p);
  } else {
    Scheme_Hash_Table *hash;

    hash = (Scheme_Hash_Table *)argv[0];

    for (i = hash->size; i--; ) {
      if (hash->vals[i]) {
	p[0] = hash->keys[i];
	p[1] = hash->vals[i];
	if (keep) {
	  v = _scheme_apply(f, 2, p);
	  v = scheme_make_pair(v, scheme_null);
	  if (last)
	    SCHEME_CDR(last) = v;
	    first = v;
	  last = v;
	} else
	  _scheme_apply_multi(f, 2, p);

  return first;
Exemple #5
static Scheme_Object *do_chaperone_vector(const char *name, int is_impersonator, int pass_self, int unsafe, int argc, Scheme_Object **argv)
  Scheme_Chaperone *px;
  Scheme_Object *val = argv[0];
  Scheme_Object *redirects;
  Scheme_Hash_Tree *props;

    val = SCHEME_CHAPERONE_VAL(val);

  if (!SCHEME_VECTORP(val)
      || (is_impersonator && !SCHEME_MUTABLEP(val)))
    scheme_wrong_contract(name, is_impersonator ? "(and/c vector? (not/c immutable?))" : "vector?", 0, argc, argv);

  if (unsafe) {
    /* We cannot dispatch the operations on an unsafe vector chaperone to a chaperoned vector because of the invariant
       that the val field of a vector chaperone must point to a non-chaperoned vector.
       To ensure this we error if the second argument passed to `unsafe-chaperone-vector` is not a unchaperoned vector */
    if (!SCHEME_VECTORP(argv[1])) {
      scheme_wrong_contract(name, "(and/c vector? (not/c impersonator?))", 1, argc, argv);
    val = argv[1];
  else {
    /* allow false for interposition procedures */
    scheme_check_proc_arity2(name, 3 + (pass_self ? 1 : 0), 1, argc, argv,1);

    if (SCHEME_PROCP(argv[1])) {
      scheme_check_proc_arity(name, 3 + (pass_self ? 1 : 0), 2, argc, argv);
    else if (!SCHEME_FALSEP(argv[2])) {
      scheme_wrong_contract(name, "#f", 2, argc, argv);

  props = scheme_parse_chaperone_props(name, unsafe ? 2 : 3, argc, argv);

     Regular vector chaperones store redirect procedures in a pair, (cons getter setter).
     Property only vector chaperones have no redirection procedures, and redirects is assigned an empty vector.
     Unsafe vector chaperones dispatch operations to another vector stored in a box in redirects.
  if (SCHEME_FALSEP(argv[1])) {
    redirects = scheme_make_vector(0, NULL);
  else if (unsafe) {
    redirects = scheme_false;
  else {
    redirects = scheme_make_pair(argv[1], argv[2]);

  px = MALLOC_ONE_TAGGED(Scheme_Chaperone);
  px->iso.so.type = scheme_chaperone_type;
  px->props = props;
  px->val = val;
  px->prev = argv[0];
  px->redirects = redirects;

  if (is_impersonator)

  /* Use flag to tell if the chaperone is a chaperone* */
  if (pass_self) {
  return (Scheme_Object *)px;