Exemple #1
//  evs_display_list()
// Prints list of events to mcabber log window.
void evs_display_list(void)
  guint count = 0;
  GSList *p;

  scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_NORMAL, "Events list:");
  for (p = evs_list; p; p = g_slist_next(p)) {
    evs_t *i = p->data;
                 "Id: %-3s %s", i->id,
                 (i->description ? i->description : ""));
  scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_NORMAL, "End of events list.");
  if (count+2 > scr_getlogwinheight()) {
    scr_setmsgflag_if_needed(SPECIAL_BUFFER_STATUS_ID, TRUE);
    scr_setattentionflag_if_needed(SPECIAL_BUFFER_STATUS_ID, TRUE,
                                   ROSTER_UI_PRIO_STATUS_WIN_MESSAGE, prio_max);
Exemple #2
//  muc_handle_join(...)
// Handle a join event in a MUC room.
// This function will return the new_member value TRUE if somebody else joins
// the room (and FALSE if _we_ are joining the room).
static bool muc_handle_join(const GSList *room_elt, const char *rname,
                            const char *roomjid, const char *ournick,
                            enum room_printstatus printstatus,
                            time_t usttime, int log_muc_conf,
                            enum room_autowhois autowhois, const char *mbjid)
  bool new_member = FALSE; // True if somebody else joins the room (not us)
  gchar *nickjid;
  gchar *mbuf;
  enum room_flagjoins flagjoins;
  char *tmp = NULL;
  int printjid;

  printjid = settings_opt_get_int("muc_print_jid");
  if (mbjid && autowhois == autowhois_off && printjid) {
    if (printjid == 1)
      tmp = strchr(mbjid, JID_RESOURCE_SEPARATOR);
    if (tmp) *tmp = '\0';
    nickjid = g_strdup_printf("%s <%s>", rname, mbjid);
    if (tmp) *tmp = JID_RESOURCE_SEPARATOR;
  } else {
    nickjid = g_strdup(rname);

  if (!buddy_getinsideroom(room_elt->data)) {
    // We weren't inside the room yet.  Now we are.
    // However, this could be a presence packet from another room member

    buddy_setinsideroom(room_elt->data, TRUE);
    // Set the message flag unless we're already in the room buffer window
    scr_setmsgflag_if_needed(roomjid, FALSE);
    // Add a message to the tracelog file
    mbuf = g_strdup_printf("You have joined %s as \"%s\"", roomjid, ournick);
    scr_LogPrint(LPRINT_LOGNORM, "%s", mbuf);
    mbuf = g_strdup_printf("You have joined as \"%s\"", ournick);

    // The 1st presence message could be for another room member
    if (strcmp(ournick, rname)) {
      // Display current mbuf and create a new message for the member
      // Note: the usttime timestamp is related to the other member,
      //       so we use 0 here.
      scr_WriteIncomingMessage(roomjid, mbuf, 0,
                               HBB_PREFIX_INFO|HBB_PREFIX_NOFLAG, 0);
      if (log_muc_conf)
        hlog_write_message(roomjid, 0, -1, mbuf);
      if (printstatus != status_none)
        mbuf = g_strdup_printf("%s has joined", nickjid);
        mbuf = NULL;
      new_member = TRUE;
  } else {
    mbuf = NULL;
    if (strcmp(ournick, rname)) {
      if (printstatus != status_none)
        mbuf = g_strdup_printf("%s has joined", nickjid);
      new_member = TRUE;


  if (mbuf) {
    guint msgflags = HBB_PREFIX_INFO;
    flagjoins = buddy_getflagjoins(room_elt->data);
    if (flagjoins == flagjoins_default &&
      flagjoins = flagjoins_none;
    if (flagjoins == flagjoins_none)
      msgflags |= HBB_PREFIX_NOFLAG;
    scr_WriteIncomingMessage(roomjid, mbuf, usttime, msgflags, 0);
    if (log_muc_conf)
      hlog_write_message(roomjid, 0, -1, mbuf);

  return new_member;