Exemple #1
void Sound::playSpeech(const Common::String &name) {
	Resources &res = *_vm->_res;
	Scene &scene = *_vm->_scene;

	// TODO: Technically Scalpel has an sfx command which I've set to call this method because it sets the
	// _voice variable as if it were speech. Need to do a play-through of Scalpel and see if it's ever called.
	// If so, will need to enhance this method to handle the Serrated Scalpel voice resources

	// Figure out which speech library to use
	Common::String libraryName = Common::String::format("speech%02d.lib", scene._currentScene);
	if ((!scumm_strnicmp(name.c_str(), "SLVE12S", 7)) || (!scumm_strnicmp(name.c_str(), "WATS12X", 7))
			|| (!scumm_strnicmp(name.c_str(), "HOLM12X", 7)))
		libraryName = "SPEECH12.LIB";

	// If the speech library file doesn't even exist, then we can't play anything
	Common::File f;
	if (!f.exists(libraryName))

	// Ensure the given library is in the cache

	if (playSoundResource(name, libraryName, Audio::Mixer::kSpeechSoundType, _speechHandle))
		_speechPlaying = true;
Exemple #2
void DemoPlayer::evaluateVideoMode(const char *mode) {
    debugC(2, kDebugDemo, "Video mode \"%s\"", mode);

    _autoDouble = false;
    _doubleMode = false;

    // Only applicable when we actually can double
    if (_vm->is640x480() || _vm->is800x600()) {
        if      (!scumm_strnicmp(mode, "AUTO", 4))
            _autoDouble = true;
        else if (!scumm_strnicmp(mode, "VGA", 3))
            _doubleMode = true;
Exemple #3
void LocationParser_ns::parseCommandFlag(CommandPtr cmd, const char *flag, Table *table) {

	if (!scumm_stricmp(flag, "exit")) {
		cmd->_flagsOn |= kFlagsExit;
	} else
	if (!scumm_stricmp(flag, "exittrap")) {
		cmd->_flagsOn |= kFlagsExit;
	} else
	if (!scumm_stricmp(flag, "enter")) {
		cmd->_flagsOn |= kFlagsEnter;
	} else
	if (!scumm_stricmp(flag, "entertrap")) {
		cmd->_flagsOn |= kFlagsEnter;
	} else
	if (!scumm_strnicmp(flag, "no", 2)) {
		byte _al = table->lookup(flag+2);
		if (_al != Table::notFound) {
			cmd->_flagsOff |= 1 << (_al - 1);
		} else {
			warning("Flag '%s' not found", flag);
	} else {
		byte _al = table->lookup(flag);
		if (_al != Table::notFound) {
			cmd->_flagsOn |= 1 << (_al - 1);
		} else {
			warning("Flag '%s' not found", flag);
Exemple #4
void LocationParser_ns::parseAnswerFlags(Answer *answer) {
	if (!_tokens[1][0]) {

	Table* flagNames;
	uint16 token;

	if (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[1], "global")) {
		token = 2;
		flagNames = _vm->_globalFlagsNames;
		answer->_yesFlags |= kFlagsGlobal;
	} else {
		token = 1;
		flagNames = _vm->_localFlagNames;

	do {

		if (!scumm_strnicmp(_tokens[token], "no", 2)) {
			byte _al = flagNames->lookup(_tokens[token]+2);
			answer->_noFlags |= 1 << (_al - 1);
		} else {
			byte _al = flagNames->lookup(_tokens[token]);
			answer->_yesFlags |= 1 << (_al - 1);


	} while (!scumm_stricmp(_tokens[token++], "|"));
Common::SeekableReadStream *BaseFileManager::openFileRaw(const Common::String &filename) {
	Common::SeekableReadStream *ret = NULL;

	if (scumm_strnicmp(filename.c_str(), "savegame:", 9) == 0) {
		if (!BaseEngine::instance().getGameRef()) {
			error("Attempt to load filename: %s without BaseEngine-object, this is unsupported", filename.c_str());
		BaseSaveThumbFile *saveThumbFile = new BaseSaveThumbFile();
		if (DID_SUCCEED(saveThumbFile->open(filename))) {
			ret = saveThumbFile->getMemStream();
		delete saveThumbFile;
		return ret;

	ret = openDiskFile(filename);
	if (ret) {
		return ret;

	ret = openPkgFile(filename);
	if (ret) {
		return ret;

	ret = BaseResources::getFile(filename);
	if (ret) {
		return ret;

	debugC(kWintermuteDebugFileAccess ,"BFileManager::OpenFileRaw - Failed to open %s", filename.c_str());
	return NULL;
Exemple #6
BtKeypack *ResourceManager::find(const char *key) {
	debugC(1, kCGEDebugFile, "ResourceManager::find(%s)", key);

	int lev = 0;
	uint16 nxt = kBtValRoot;
	while (!_catFile->eos()) {
		BtPage *pg = getPage(lev, nxt);
		if (!pg)
			return nullptr;

		// search
		if (pg->_header._down != kBtValNone) {
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < pg->_header._count; i++) {
				if (scumm_strnicmp((const char *)key, (const char*)pg->_inner[i]._key, kBtKeySize) < 0)
			nxt = (i) ? pg->_inner[i - 1]._down : pg->_header._down;
			_buff[lev]._index = i - 1;
		} else {
			int i;
			for (i = 0; i < pg->_header._count - 1; i++) {
				if (scumm_stricmp((const char *)key, (const char *)pg->_leaf[i]._key) <= 0)
			_buff[lev]._index = i;
			return &pg->_leaf[i];
	return nullptr;
Exemple #7
int32 BaseParser::getObject(char **buf, const TokenDesc *tokens, char **name, char **data) {
	skipCharacters(buf, _whiteSpace);

	// skip comment lines.
	while (**buf == ';') {
		*buf = strchr(*buf, '\n');
		skipCharacters(buf, _whiteSpace);

	if (! **buf) {                // at end of file
		return PARSERR_EOF;

	// find the token.
	// TODO: for now just use brute force.  Improve later.
	while (tokens->id != 0) {
		if (!scumm_strnicmp(tokens->token, *buf, strlen(tokens->token))) {
			// here we could be matching PART of a string
			// we could detect this here or the token list
			// could just have the longer tokens first in the list
	if (tokens->id == 0) {
		char *p = strchr(*buf, '\n');
		if (p && p > *buf) {
			strncpy(_lastOffender, *buf, MIN((uint32)255, (uint32)(p - *buf))); // TODO, clean
		} else {
			strcpy(_lastOffender, "");

	// skip the token
	*buf += strlen(tokens->token);
	skipCharacters(buf, _whiteSpace);

	// get optional name
	*name = getSubText(buf, '\'', '\'');  // single quotes
	skipCharacters(buf, _whiteSpace);

	// get optional data
	if (**buf == '=') { // An assignment rather than a command/object.
		*data = getAssignmentText(buf);
	} else {
		*data = getSubText(buf, '{', '}');

	return tokens->id;
Exemple #8
int AGOSEngine_PN::wrdmatch(uint8 *word1, int mask1, uint8 *word2, int mask2) {
	uint8 sv;

	if ((mask1 & mask2) == 0)
		return 0;

	sv = *word1;
	*word1 &= 127;
	if (scumm_strnicmp((const char *)word1, (const char *)word2, _dataBase[57])) {
		*word1 = sv;
		return 0;
	*word1 = sv;
	return 1;
Exemple #9
void SoundPC98::loadSoundFile(uint file) {
    if (!scumm_strnicmp(fileListEntry(0), "INTRO", 5)) {
        delete[] _sfxTrackData;
        _sfxTrackData = 0;

        int dataSize = 0;
        const uint8 *tmp = _vm->staticres()->loadRawData(k1PC98IntroSfx, dataSize);

        if (!tmp) {
            warning("Could not load static intro sound effects data\n");

        _sfxTrackData = new uint8[dataSize];
        memcpy(_sfxTrackData, tmp, dataSize);
HRESULT CBSaveThumbFile::Open(Common::String Filename) {

	if (scumm_strnicmp(Filename.c_str(), "savegame:", 9) != 0) return E_FAIL;

	char *TempFilename = new char[strlen(Filename.c_str()) - 8];
	strcpy(TempFilename, Filename.c_str() + 9);
	for (int i = 0; i < strlen(TempFilename); i++) {
		if (TempFilename[i] < '0' || TempFilename[i] > '9') {
			TempFilename[i] = '\0';

	// get slot number from name
	int Slot = atoi(TempFilename);
	delete [] TempFilename;

	char SlotFilename[MAX_PATH + 1];
	Game->GetSaveSlotFilename(Slot, SlotFilename);
	CBPersistMgr *pm = new CBPersistMgr(Game);
	if (!pm) return E_FAIL;

	Game->m_DEBUG_AbsolutePathWarning = false;
	if (FAILED(pm->InitLoad(SlotFilename))) {
		Game->m_DEBUG_AbsolutePathWarning = true;
		delete pm;
		return E_FAIL;
	Game->m_DEBUG_AbsolutePathWarning = true;


	if (pm->m_ThumbnailDataSize != 0) {
		m_Data = new byte[pm->m_ThumbnailDataSize];
		memcpy(m_Data, pm->m_ThumbnailData, pm->m_ThumbnailDataSize);
		m_Size = pm->m_ThumbnailDataSize;
		res = S_OK;
	} else res = E_FAIL;
	delete pm;

	return res;
bool BaseFileManager::hasFile(const Common::String &filename) {
	if (scumm_strnicmp(filename.c_str(), "savegame:", 9) == 0) {
		BasePersistenceManager pm(BaseEngine::instance().getGameId());
		if (filename.size() <= 9) {
			return false;
		int slot = atoi(filename.c_str() + 9);
		return pm.getSaveExists(slot);
	if (diskFileExists(filename)) {
		return true;
	if (_packages.hasFile(filename)) {
		return true;    // We don't bother checking if the file can actually be opened, something bigger is wrong if that is the case.
	if (BaseResources::hasFile(filename)) {
		return true;
	return false;
bool BaseSurfaceOSystem::finishLoad() {
	BaseImage *image = new BaseImage();
	if (!image->loadFile(_filename)) {
		delete image;
		return false;

	_width = image->getSurface()->w;
	_height = image->getSurface()->h;

	bool isSaveGameGrayscale = scumm_strnicmp(_filename.c_str(), "savegame:", 9) == 0 && (_filename.c_str()[_filename.size() - 1] == 'g' || _filename.c_str()[_filename.size() - 1] == 'G');
	if (isSaveGameGrayscale) {
		warning("grayscaleConversion not yet implemented");
		// FIBITMAP *newImg = FreeImage_ConvertToGreyscale(img); TODO

	// no alpha, set color key
	/*  if (surface->format.bytesPerPixel != 4)
	        SDL_SetColorKey(surf, SDL_TRUE, SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, ck_red, ck_green, ck_blue));*/

	// convert 32-bit BMPs to 24-bit or they appear totally transparent (does any app actually write alpha in BMP properly?)
	// Well, actually, we don't convert via 24-bit as the color-key application overwrites the Alpha-channel anyhow.
	delete _surface;

	bool needsColorKey = false;
	bool replaceAlpha = true;
	if (_filename.hasSuffix(".bmp") && image->getSurface()->format.bytesPerPixel == 4) {
		_surface = image->getSurface()->convertTo(g_system->getScreenFormat(), image->getPalette());
		needsColorKey = true;
		replaceAlpha = false;
	} else if (image->getSurface()->format.bytesPerPixel == 1 && image->getPalette()) {
		_surface = image->getSurface()->convertTo(g_system->getScreenFormat(), image->getPalette());
		needsColorKey = true;
	} else if (image->getSurface()->format.bytesPerPixel >= 3 && image->getSurface()->format != g_system->getScreenFormat()) {
		_surface = image->getSurface()->convertTo(g_system->getScreenFormat());
		if (image->getSurface()->format.bytesPerPixel == 3) {
			needsColorKey = true;
	} else {
		_surface = new Graphics::Surface();
		if (_surface->format.aBits() == 0) {
			needsColorKey = true;
	if (needsColorKey) {
		TransparentSurface trans(*_surface);
		trans.applyColorKey(_ckRed, _ckGreen, _ckBlue, replaceAlpha);

	_hasAlpha = hasTransparency(_surface);
	_valid = true;

	_gameRef->addMem(_width * _height * 4);

	delete image;

	_loaded = true;

	return true;
Exemple #13
int32 BaseParser::scanStr(const char *in, const char *format, ...) {
	va_list arg;
	va_start(arg, format);

	int32 num = 0;
	in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");

	while (*format && *in) {
		if (*format == '%') {
			switch (*format) {
			case 'd': {
				int *a = va_arg(arg, int *);
				in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
				*a = atoi(in);
				in += strspn(in, "0123456789+- \t\n\f");
			case 'D': {
				int i;
				int *list = va_arg(arg, int *);
				int *nr = va_arg(arg, int *);
				in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
				i = 0;
				while ((*in >= '0' && *in <= '9') || *in == '+' || *in == '-') {
					list[i++] = atoi(in);
					in += strspn(in, "0123456789+-");
					in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
					if (*in != ',') {
					in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
				*nr = i;
			case 'b': {
				bool *a = va_arg(arg, bool *);
				in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
				const char *in2 = in + strspn(in, "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ");
				int l = (int)(in2 - in);

				*a = (bool)(!scumm_strnicmp(in, "yes", l) || !scumm_strnicmp(in, "true", l) || !scumm_strnicmp(in, "on", l) ||
				            !scumm_strnicmp(in, "1", l));

				in = in2 + strspn(in2, " \t\n\f");
			case 'f': {
				float *a = va_arg(arg, float *);
				in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
				*a = (float)atof(in);
				in += strspn(in, "0123456789.eE+- \t\n\f");
			case 'F': {
				int i;
				float *list = va_arg(arg, float *);
				int *nr = va_arg(arg, int *);
				in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
				i = 0;
				while ((*in >= '0' && *in <= '9') || *in == '.' || *in == '+' || *in == '-' || *in == 'e' || *in == 'E') {
					list[i++] = (float)atof(in);
					in += strspn(in, "0123456789.eE+-");
					in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
					if (*in != ',') {
					in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
				*nr = i;
			case 's': {
				char *a = va_arg(arg, char *);
				in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
				if (*in == '\'') {
					const char *in2 = strchr(in, '\'');
					if (in2) {
						Common::strlcpy(a, in, (int)(in2 - in) + 1);
						in = in2 + 1;
					} else {
						strcpy(a, in);
						in = strchr(in, 0);
				} else {
					const char *in2 = in + strspn(in, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_0123456789.");
					Common::strlcpy(a, in, (int)(in2 - in) + 1);
					in = in2;
				in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
			case 'S': {
				char *a = va_arg(arg, char *);
				in += strspn(in, " \t\n\f");
				if (*in == '\"') {
					while (*in != '\"') {
						if (*in == '\\') {
							switch (*in) {
							case '\\':
								*a++ = '\\';
							case 'n':
								*a++ = '\n';
							case 'r':
								*a++ = '\r';
							case 't':
								*a++ = '\t';
							case '"':
								*a++ = '"';
								*a++ = '\\';
								*a++ = *in;
							} //switch
						} else {
							*a++ = *in++;
					} //while in string
				} //if string started

				//terminate string
				*a = '\0';
			if (*format) {
		} else if (*format == ' ') {
Exemple #14
void WidgetText::centerWindowOnSpeaker(int speaker) {
	TattooPeople &people = *(TattooPeople *)_vm->_people;
	TattooScene &scene = *(TattooScene *)_vm->_scene;
	Common::Point pt;

	speaker &= 0x7f;
	bool flag = _vm->readFlags(FLAG_PLAYER_IS_HOLMES);
	if (people[HOLMES]._type == CHARACTER && ((speaker == HOLMES && flag) || (speaker == WATSON && !flag))) {
		// Place the window centered above the player
		pt.x = people[HOLMES]._position.x / FIXED_INT_MULTIPLIER - _bounds.width() / 2;

		int scaleVal = scene.getScaleVal(people[HOLMES]._position);
		if (scaleVal == SCALE_THRESHOLD) {
			pt.x += people[HOLMES].frameWidth() / 2;
			pt.y = people[HOLMES]._position.y / FIXED_INT_MULTIPLIER - people[HOLMES].frameHeight() 
				- _bounds.height() - _surface.fontHeight();
		} else {
			pt.x += people[HOLMES]._imageFrame->sDrawXSize(scaleVal) / 2;
			pt.y = people[HOLMES]._position.y / FIXED_INT_MULTIPLIER - people[HOLMES]._imageFrame->sDrawYSize(scaleVal) 
				- _bounds.height() - _surface.fontHeight();
	} else {
		pt.y = -1;

		// Check each NPC to see if they are the one that is talking
		for (int idx = 1; idx < MAX_CHARACTERS; ++idx) {
			// WORKAROUND: Fixes an original game bug where the positioning for Watson's dialogs
			// during conversations at the Park Lake lake scene is in the incorrect position
			if (speaker == 1 && scene._currentScene == 30)

			if (people[idx]._type == CHARACTER) {
				if (!scumm_strnicmp(people[idx]._npcName.c_str(), people._characters[speaker]._portrait, 4)) {
					// Place the window above the player
					pt.x = people[idx]._position.x / FIXED_INT_MULTIPLIER - _bounds.width() / 2;

					int scaleVal = scene.getScaleVal(people[idx]._position);
					if (scaleVal == SCALE_THRESHOLD) {
						pt.x += people[idx].frameWidth() / 2;
						pt.y = people[idx]._position.y / FIXED_INT_MULTIPLIER - people[idx].frameHeight()
							- _bounds.height() - _surface.fontHeight();
					else {
						pt.x += people[idx]._imageFrame->sDrawXSize(scaleVal) / 2;
						pt.y = people[idx]._position.y / FIXED_INT_MULTIPLIER - people[idx]._imageFrame->sDrawYSize(scaleVal)
							- _bounds.height() - _surface.fontHeight();

					if (pt.y < 0)
						pt.y = 0;

		if (pt.y == -1) {
			for (uint idx = 0; idx < scene._bgShapes.size(); ++idx) {
				Object &obj = scene._bgShapes[idx];

				if (obj._type == ACTIVE_BG_SHAPE && !scumm_strnicmp(obj._name.c_str(), people._characters[speaker]._portrait, 4)) {
					// Place the window centered above the character
					pt.x = obj._position.x - _bounds.width() / 2;
					pt.y = obj._position.y - _bounds.height() - _surface.fontHeight();
					if (pt.y < 0)
						pt.y = 0;
					if (obj._scaleVal == SCALE_THRESHOLD)
						pt.x += obj.frameWidth() / 2;
						pt.x += obj._imageFrame->sDrawXSize(obj._scaleVal) / 2;


		if (pt.y == -1) {
			pt.x = SHERLOCK_SCREEN_WIDTH / 2 - _bounds.width() / 2;
			pt.y = SHERLOCK_SCREEN_HEIGHT / 2 - _bounds.height() / 2;

Exemple #15
HRESULT CBSurfaceSDL::Create(char *Filename, bool default_ck, byte ck_red, byte ck_green, byte ck_blue, int LifeTime, bool KeepLoaded) {
	CBRenderSDL *renderer = static_cast<CBRenderSDL *>(Game->m_Renderer);
	Common::String strFileName(Filename);
	Graphics::ImageDecoder *imgDecoder;
	if (strFileName.hasSuffix(".png")) {
		imgDecoder = new Graphics::PNGDecoder();
	} else if (strFileName.hasSuffix(".bmp")) {
		imgDecoder = new Graphics::BitmapDecoder();
	} else {
		error("CBSurfaceSDL::Create : Unsupported fileformat %s", Filename);
	CBFile *file = Game->m_FileManager->OpenFile(Filename);
	if (!file) return E_FAIL;
	const Graphics::Surface *surface = imgDecoder->getSurface();

	if (default_ck) {
		ck_red   = 255;
		ck_green = 0;
		ck_blue  = 255;

	m_Width = surface->w;
	m_Height = surface->h;

	bool isSaveGameGrayscale = scumm_strnicmp(Filename, "savegame:", 9) == 0 && (Filename[strFileName.size() - 1] == 'g' || Filename[strFileName.size() - 1] == 'G');
	if (isSaveGameGrayscale) {
		warning("grayscaleConversion not yet implemented");
/*		FIBITMAP *newImg = FreeImage_ConvertToGreyscale(img);
		if (newImg) {
			img = newImg;

	// convert 32-bit BMPs to 24-bit or they appear totally transparent (does any app actually write alpha in BMP properly?)
/*	if (FreeImage_GetBPP(img) != 32 || (imgFormat == FIF_BMP && FreeImage_GetBPP(img) != 24)) {
		FIBITMAP *newImg = FreeImage_ConvertTo24Bits(img);
		if (newImg) {
			img = newImg;
		} else {
			return -1;


	//TODO: This is rather endian-specific, but should be replaced by non-SDL-code anyhow:
	uint32 rmask = surface->format.rMax() << surface->format.rShift;
	uint32 gmask = surface->format.gMax() << surface->format.gShift;
	uint32 bmask = surface->format.bMax() << surface->format.bShift;
	uint32 amask = surface->format.aMax();
	SDL_Surface *surf = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(surface->pixels, m_Width, m_Height, surface->format.bytesPerPixel * 8, surface->pitch, rmask, gmask, bmask, amask);

	// no alpha, set color key
	if (surface->format.bytesPerPixel != 4)
		SDL_SetColorKey(surf, SDL_TRUE, SDL_MapRGB(surf->format, ck_red, ck_green, ck_blue));

	//m_Texture = SdlUtil::CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer->GetSdlRenderer(), surf);
	m_Texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer->GetSdlRenderer(), surf);
	if (!m_Texture) {
		delete imgDecoder;
		return E_FAIL;


	delete imgDecoder; // TODO: Update this if ImageDecoder doesn't end up owning the surface.

	m_CKDefault = default_ck;
	m_CKRed = ck_red;
	m_CKGreen = ck_green;
	m_CKBlue = ck_blue;

	if (!m_Filename || scumm_stricmp(m_Filename, Filename) != 0) {

	if (m_LifeTime == 0 || LifeTime == -1 || LifeTime > m_LifeTime)
		m_LifeTime = LifeTime;

	m_KeepLoaded = KeepLoaded;
	if (m_KeepLoaded) m_LifeTime = -1;

	m_Valid = true;

	Game->AddMem(m_Width * m_Height * 4);

	return S_OK;
Exemple #16
* Parses a JSON encoded value to a JSONValue object
* @access protected
* @param char** data Pointer to a char* that contains the data
* @return JSONValue* Returns a pointer to a JSONValue object on success, NULL on error
JSONValue *JSONValue::parse(const char **data) {
	// Is it a string?
	if (**data == '"') {
		String str;
		if (!JSON::extractString(&(++(*data)), str))
			return NULL;
			return new JSONValue(str);

	// Is it a boolean?
	else if ((simplejson_wcsnlen(*data, 4) && scumm_strnicmp(*data, "true", 4) == 0) || (simplejson_wcsnlen(*data, 5) && scumm_strnicmp(*data, "false", 5) == 0)) {
		bool value = scumm_strnicmp(*data, "true", 4) == 0;
		(*data) += value ? 4 : 5;
		return new JSONValue(value);

	// Is it a null?
	else if (simplejson_wcsnlen(*data, 4) && scumm_strnicmp(*data, "null", 4) == 0) {
		(*data) += 4;
		return new JSONValue();

	// Is it a number?
	else if (**data == '-' || (**data >= '0' && **data <= '9')) {
		// Negative?
		bool neg = **data == '-';
		if (neg) (*data)++;

		long long int integer = 0;
		double number = 0.0;
		bool onlyInteger = true;

		// Parse the whole part of the number - only if it wasn't 0
		if (**data == '0')
		else if (**data >= '1' && **data <= '9')
			number = integer = JSON::parseInt(data);
			return NULL;

		// Could be a decimal now...
		if (**data == '.') {

			// Not get any digits?
			if (!(**data >= '0' && **data <= '9'))
				return NULL;

			// Find the decimal and sort the decimal place out
			// Use ParseDecimal as ParseInt won't work with decimals less than 0.1
			// thanks to Javier Abadia for the report & fix
			double decimal = JSON::parseDecimal(data);

			// Save the number
			number += decimal;
			onlyInteger = false;

		// Could be an exponent now...
		if (**data == 'E' || **data == 'e') {

			// Check signage of expo
			bool neg_expo = false;
			if (**data == '-' || **data == '+') {
				neg_expo = **data == '-';

			// Not get any digits?
			if (!(**data >= '0' && **data <= '9'))
				return NULL;

			// Sort the expo out
			double expo = JSON::parseInt(data);
			for (double i = 0.0; i < expo; i++)
				number = neg_expo ? (number / 10.0) : (number * 10.0);
			onlyInteger = false;

		// Was it neg?
		if (neg) number *= -1;

		if (onlyInteger)
			return new JSONValue(neg ? -integer : integer);

		return new JSONValue(number);

	// An object?
	else if (**data == '{') {
		JSONObject object;


		while (**data != 0) {
			// Whitespace at the start?
			if (!JSON::skipWhitespace(data)) {
				return NULL;

			// Special case - empty object
			if (object.size() == 0 && **data == '}') {
				return new JSONValue(object);

			// We want a string now...
			String name;
			if (!JSON::extractString(&(++(*data)), name)) {
				return NULL;

			// More whitespace?
			if (!JSON::skipWhitespace(data)) {
				return NULL;

			// Need a : now
			if (*((*data)++) != ':') {
				return NULL;

			// More whitespace?
			if (!JSON::skipWhitespace(data)) {
				return NULL;

			// The value is here
			JSONValue *value = parse(data);
			if (value == NULL) {
				return NULL;

			// Add the name:value
			if (object.find(name) != object.end())
				delete object[name];
			object[name] = value;

			// More whitespace?
			if (!JSON::skipWhitespace(data)) {
				return NULL;

			// End of object?
			if (**data == '}') {
				return new JSONValue(object);

			// Want a , now
			if (**data != ',') {
				return NULL;


		// Only here if we ran out of data
		return NULL;

	// An array?
	else if (**data == '[') {
		JSONArray array;


		while (**data != 0) {
			// Whitespace at the start?
			if (!JSON::skipWhitespace(data)) {
				return NULL;

			// Special case - empty array
			if (array.size() == 0 && **data == ']') {
				return new JSONValue(array);

			// Get the value
			JSONValue *value = parse(data);
			if (value == NULL) {
				return NULL;

			// Add the value

			// More whitespace?
			if (!JSON::skipWhitespace(data)) {
				return NULL;

			// End of array?
			if (**data == ']') {
				return new JSONValue(array);

			// Want a , now
			if (**data != ',') {
				return NULL;


		// Only here if we ran out of data
		return NULL;

	// Ran out of possibilites, it's bad!
	else {
		return NULL;
Exemple #17
 * Checks whether the start of an extracted command matches a specified given command constant
bool Dialog::matchCommand(const char *s1, const char *s2) {
	bool result = scumm_strnicmp(s1, s2, strlen(s2)) == 0;
	_commandCase = isupper(*s1);
	return result;
Exemple #18
void WidgetVerbs::load(bool objectsOn) {
	Events &events = *_vm->_events;
	Talk &talk = *_vm->_talk;
	TattooUserInterface &ui = *(TattooUserInterface *)_vm->_ui;
	TattooPeople &people = *(TattooPeople *)_vm->_people;
	Common::Point mousePos = events.mousePos();
	bool isWatson = false;

	if (talk._talkToAbort)

	_outsideMenu = false;


	// Check if we need to show options for the highlighted object
	if (objectsOn) {
		// Set the verb list accordingly, depending on the target being a
		// person or an object
		if (ui._personFound) {
			TattooPerson &person = people[ui._activeObj - 1000];
			TattooPerson &npc = people[ui._activeObj - 1001];

			if (!scumm_strnicmp(npc._npcName.c_str(), "WATS", 4))
				isWatson = true;

			if (scumm_strnicmp(person._examine.c_str(), "_EXIT", 5))

			// Add any extra active verbs from the NPC's verb list
			for (int idx = 0; idx < 2; ++idx) {
				if (!person._use[idx]._verb.empty() && !person._use[idx]._verb.hasPrefix(" ") &&
						(person._use[idx]._target.empty() || person._use[idx]._target.hasPrefix(" "))) {
		} else {
			if (!scumm_strnicmp(ui._bgShape->_name.c_str(), "WATS", 4))
				// Looking at Watson
				isWatson = true;

			if (scumm_strnicmp(ui._bgShape->_examine.c_str(), "_EXIT", 5))
				// It's not an exit, so include Look as an option

			if (ui._bgShape->_aType == PERSON)

			// Add any extra active verbs from the object's verb list
			for (int idx = 0; idx < 6; ++idx) {
				if (!ui._bgShape->_use[idx]._verb.empty() && !ui._bgShape->_use[idx]._verb.hasPrefix(" ") &&
					(ui._bgShape->_use[idx]._target.empty() || ui._bgShape->_use[idx]._target.hasPrefix(" "))) {

	// If clicked on Watson, have Journal as an option
	if (isWatson)

	// Add the system commands

	// Figure out the needed width to show the commands
	int width = 0;
	for (uint idx = 0; idx < _verbCommands.size(); ++idx)
		width = MAX(width, _surface.stringWidth(_verbCommands[idx]));
	width += _surface.widestChar() * 2 + 6;
	int height = (_surface.fontHeight() + 7) * _verbCommands.size() + 3;

	// Set the bounds
	_bounds = Common::Rect(width, height);
	_bounds.moveTo(mousePos.x - _bounds.width() / 2, mousePos.y - _bounds.height() / 2);
	// Render the window on the internal surface