Exemple #1
** Descriptions:
** Parameters:		char *pasOutInfo
					char const*pTitle
** Returned value:
** Created By:		huacong  2013.01.28
** Remarks:
static s32 Test_sdkPrintBitMapManual(char *pasOutInfo, char const *pTitle) {
    s32 ret2 = 0;
    u8 picture[128] = {0};
    s32 eAlign = sdkTestInputs32(pTitle, "0:�� 1:��  2:�� Align:");
    u32 Offset = sdkTestInputU32(pTitle, "Input(ƫ��):");

    if (sdkTestIsUcos())//huacong 2013.03.28 11:48
        strcpy(picture, "LOGO0.BMP");
    else {
        strcpy(picture, "/mtd1/logo0.bmp");

    if (sdkDispMsgBox("1.�� 2. �� ʹ��Ĭ��ͼƬ��ӡ", picture, 0, SDK_KEY_MASK_1 | SDK_KEY_MASK_2) ==
        SDK_KEY_2) {
        sdkTestInputASC(picture, "�����ӡͼƬ����·��", "����·��", 1, sizeof(picture) - 1);

    ret2 = sdkPrintInit();
    if (SDK_OK == ret2) {
        sdkPrintBitMap(picture, (SDK_PRINT_ALIGNMODE) eAlign, Offset);
        ret2 = sdkPrintStart();

    //Trace("print","sdkPrintStart ret2=%d\r\n", ret2);
    sprintf(pasOutInfo, "picture: %s \rinput1(eAlign):%d \rinput2(uiOffset):%d \rret:%d", picture,
            eAlign, Offset, ret2);
    return ret2;
Exemple #2
**Function Name:DemoPrintPhotoTest
**Descriptions:specified photo in corresponding directory,print it
**Input Parameters:
**Returned Value:
void DemoPrintPhotoTest(void)
	u8 fn[32] = {0};
	s32 siRet = 0;

	strcpy((s8 *)fn, "demo.bmp");//copy this bmp file to the directory that the same as app
	if(SDK_OK == sdkFileAccess(fn))
		sdkPrintBitMap(fn, 0);
		siRet = sdkPrintStart();
        sdkPrnPaperForward(100);//paper forward 100 point line,only for reference
		if (SDK_OK == siRet)
			DemoDisplayInfo(SDK_LCD_LINE3,(u8 *)"PRINT SUCCEED",M_UCTR);
		DemoDisplayInfo(SDK_LCD_LINE3,(u8 *)"NO THIS FILE",M_UCTR);

	return DemoWaitKeyToBack(DemoEnterPrintModule);