Exemple #1
 bool initStrings()
     delphiNewUtf8    = searchMemory(DELPHI_NEWUTF8_PATTERN, DELPHI_NEWUTF8_PATTERN_LEN);
     return delphiNewUtf8 && delphiReleaseStr && delphiStrAlloc;
Exemple #2
void search(struct Processor *proc,char **tokens) {
  if (strcmp(token[0],"-M") ==0) {
  } else if (strcmp(token[0],"-R")==0) {
Exemple #3
void returnAddressHuntJutsu(){
	struct trackedBuf *curBuf;
	int i = 0, bufferIndex = 0;
	ULONG offset = 0, bytes = 0;	
	char findBufferExpression[25];
	ULONG64 returnAddress = 0;
	HRESULT memSearch = S_OK;

	//disassembly variables
	char returnInstruction[30];
	unsigned char opcodeBuffer[30];
	unsigned short instructionLength = 0;
	dprintf("[J] started return address hunt\n");

	for(i; i<6; i++){			//6, because we don't want to waste time on the eip register
		curBuf = trackedBufList;	
		memset(findBufferExpression, 0x00, sizeof(findBufferExpression));

		if(!(bytes = GetExpression(regs[i]))){
			dprintf("[J] skipping %s as register - it is a null pointer\n", regs[i]);

		StringCchPrintf(findBufferExpression, sizeof(findBufferExpression), "poi(%s)", regs[i]);
		bytes = GetExpression(findBufferExpression);
		//tests if a register points to a location in user controlled data
		while(curBuf != NULL){
			for(bufferIndex=0; bufferIndex < strlen(curBuf->bufPatt); bufferIndex++){
				if(*(PULONG)((curBuf->bufPatt)+bufferIndex) == bytes){
					memset(opcodeBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(opcodeBuffer));
					memset(returnInstruction, 0x00, sizeof(returnInstruction));

					//find the opcodes for the desired instruction

					//first, for call reg
					StringCchPrintf(returnInstruction, sizeof(returnInstruction), "call %s", regs[i]);
					if(!(instructionLength = getInstructionBytes(returnInstruction, opcodeBuffer)))
						dprintf("[J] getInstructionBytes failed for '%s'\n", returnInstruction);
					if(returnAddress = searchMemory(opcodeBuffer, instructionLength)){
							dprintf("[J] valid return address (call %s) found at 0x%08x\n", regs[i], returnAddress);

					//now, for jmp reg
					memset(returnInstruction, 0x00, sizeof(returnInstruction));
					StringCchPrintf(returnInstruction, sizeof(returnInstruction), "jmp %s", regs[i]);
					if(!(instructionLength = getInstructionBytes(returnInstruction, opcodeBuffer)))
						dprintf("[J] getInstructionBytes failed for '%s'\n", returnInstruction);
					if(returnAddress = searchMemory(opcodeBuffer, instructionLength)){
							dprintf("[J] valid return address (jmp %s) found at 0x%08x\n", regs[i], returnAddress);
			curBuf = curBuf->next;

		curBuf = trackedBufList;	

		for(offset=0; offset<0x1000; offset+=4){
			memset(findBufferExpression, 0x00, sizeof(findBufferExpression));
			StringCchPrintf(findBufferExpression, sizeof(findBufferExpression), "poi(poi(%s+0x%08x))", regs[i], offset);
			if(!(bytes = GetExpression(findBufferExpression)))
				continue;								//this is basically a replacement for the
													//ddp windbg command, except more automated
			//walk through the buffer to see if any dword in there matches the current 
			//value returned by the expression 
			while(curBuf != NULL){
				for(bufferIndex=0; bufferIndex < strlen(curBuf->bufPatt); bufferIndex++){
					if(*(PULONG)((curBuf->bufPatt)+bufferIndex) == bytes){
						memset(opcodeBuffer, 0x00, sizeof(opcodeBuffer));
						memset(returnInstruction, 0x00, sizeof(returnInstruction));
						dprintf("[J] %s + 0x%08x points into offset 0x%x of buffer %s\n",
								regs[i], offset, bufferIndex, curBuf->bufName);

						//first, build the instruction to find the bytes for
						//for now, we will support jmp [reg+offset] and call [reg+offset]

						//first, for call [reg+offset]
						StringCchPrintf(returnInstruction, sizeof(returnInstruction), "call [%s+%x]", regs[i], offset);
						if(!(instructionLength = getInstructionBytes(returnInstruction, opcodeBuffer)))
							dprintf("[J] getInstructionBytes failed for '%s'\n", returnInstruction);
						if(returnAddress = searchMemory(opcodeBuffer, instructionLength)){
								dprintf("[J] valid return address (call [%s+%x]) found at 0x%08x\n", regs[i], offset, returnAddress);

						//now, for jmp [reg+offset]
						memset(returnInstruction, 0x00, sizeof(returnInstruction));
						StringCchPrintf(returnInstruction, sizeof(returnInstruction), "jmp [%s+%x]", regs[i], offset);
						if(!(instructionLength = getInstructionBytes(returnInstruction, opcodeBuffer)))
							dprintf("[J] getInstructionBytes failed for '%s'\n", returnInstruction);
						if(returnAddress = searchMemory(opcodeBuffer, instructionLength)){
								dprintf("[J] valid return address (jmp [%s+%x]) found at 0x%08x\n", regs[i], offset, returnAddress);
			curBuf = curBuf->next;
		curBuf = trackedBufList;	
Exemple #4
void searchOpcodes(char *instructions) {
	char			**instructionList;
	unsigned char	*byteSequence;
	DWORD			length, i, j, semiCount = 1, offset = 0; 
	ULONG64			ptr;

	// Split instructions into seperate strings at pipes
	length = 0;
	while (instructions[length] != NULL) {
		if (instructions[length] == '|')

	// Malloc space for instructionList;
	instructionList = (char **) malloc((semiCount+1) * sizeof (char *));
	if (instructionList == NULL) {
		dprintf("[J] OOM!\n");
	instructionList[0] = instructions;
	dprintf("[J] Searching for:\n");
	i = 0; j = 0;
	while (i < length) {
		if (instructions[i] == '|') {
			instructions[i] = '\x00';
			dprintf("> %s\n", instructionList[j++]);
			instructionList[j] = &(instructions[i+1]);
	dprintf("> %s\n", instructionList[j]);

	// Allocate space for byteSequence
	byteSequence = (unsigned char *) malloc(semiCount * 6);
	if (byteSequence == NULL) {
		dprintf("[J] OOM!\n");

	// Generate byte sequence and display it
	for (i = 0; i < semiCount; i++) {
		unsigned char	tmpbuf[8];
		offset += getInstructionBytes(instructionList[i], byteSequence+offset);
	dprintf("[J] Machine Code:\n> ");
	for (i = 0; i < offset; i++) {
		dprintf("%02x ", byteSequence[i]);
		if (i != 0 && !(i % 16))
			dprintf("\n> ");

	// Search for sequence in executable memory
	ptr = searchMemory(byteSequence, offset);
	if (ptr && checkExecutability(ptr))
		dprintf("[J] Executable opcode sequence found at: 0x%08x\n", ptr);
Exemple #5
void hunterJutsu() {
	struct trackedBuf	*curBuf;
	struct bufInstance	*instance;
	ULONG				i, j, range, addr, *nextNum, foundInstance;
	BOOLEAN				caught;
	char				*corUpper, *corLower, *corUni;

    for (i = 0; regs[i] != NULL; i++) {
		addr = GetExpression(regs[i]);
		curBuf = trackedBufList;
		caught = FALSE;
    	while (curBuf != NULL) {
			range = strlen(curBuf->bufPatt);
			for (j = 0; j < range-3; j++) {
				nextNum = (ULONG *) ((curBuf->bufPatt) + j);
				if (*nextNum == addr) {
					dprintf("[J] Controlling %s with %s at offset %d.\n", 
							regs[i], curBuf->bufName, j);
					caught = TRUE;
			curBuf = curBuf->next;
			if (caught)

	// Now, find all instances of buffers in memory with a fuzzy match! :)
	curBuf = trackedBufList;
	while (curBuf != NULL) {
		foundInstance = searchMemory((unsigned char *) curBuf->bufPatt, 
				(strlen(curBuf->bufPatt) > 32) ? 32 : strlen(curBuf->bufPatt));
		if (foundInstance != 0) {
			// try for larger increments
			instance = (struct bufInstance *) malloc(sizeof (struct bufInstance));
			memset(instance, 0, sizeof (struct bufInstance));
			instance->address = foundInstance;
			dprintf("[J] Found buffer %s @ 0x%08x\n", curBuf->bufName, foundInstance);
			// try standard corruptions
			range = (strlen(curBuf->bufPatt) > 32) ? 32 : strlen(curBuf->bufPatt);
			corUpper	= (char *) malloc(range + 1);
			corLower	= (char *) malloc(range + 1);
			corUni		= (char *) malloc((range + 1) * 2);
			for (i = j = 0; i < range; i++) {
				corUpper[i] = (char) toupper(curBuf->bufPatt[i]);
				corLower[i] = (char) tolower(curBuf->bufPatt[i]);
				corUni[j++] = curBuf->bufPatt[i];
				corUni[j++] = '\x00';
			if ((foundInstance = searchMemory((unsigned char *) corUpper, range)) != 0)
				dprintf("[J] Found buffer %s @ 0x%08x - Victim of toUpper!\n",
						curBuf->bufName, foundInstance);
			if ((foundInstance = searchMemory((unsigned char *) corLower, range)) != 0)
				dprintf("[J] Found buffer %s @ 0x%08x - Victim of toLower!\n",
						curBuf->bufName, foundInstance);
			if ((foundInstance = searchMemory((unsigned char *) corUni, range*2)) != 0)
				dprintf("[J] Found buffer %s @ 0x%08x - Victim of Unicode Conversion!\n",
						curBuf->bufName, foundInstance);

		curBuf = curBuf->next;