Exemple #1
void SeekSlider::mouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *event )
    if( isSliding )
        setValue( QStyle::sliderValueFromPosition( MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, event->x() - handleLength() / 2, width() - handleLength(), false) );
        emit sliderMoved( value() );

    /* Tooltip */
    if ( inputLength > 0 )
        int margin = handleLength() / 2;
        int posX = qMax( rect().left() + margin, qMin( rect().right() - margin, event->x() ) );

        QString chapterLabel;

        if ( orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ) /* TODO: vertical */
                QList<SeekPoint> points = chapters->getPoints();
                int i_selected = -1;
                bool b_startsnonzero = false;
                if ( points.count() > 0 )
                    b_startsnonzero = ( points.at(0).time > 0 );
                for( int i = 0 ; i < points.count() ; i++ )
                    int x = points.at(i).time / 1000000.0 / inputLength * size().width();
                    if ( event->x() >= x )
                        i_selected = i + ( ( b_startsnonzero )? 1 : 0 );
                if ( i_selected >= 0 && i_selected < points.size() )
                    chapterLabel = points.at( i_selected ).name;

        QPoint target( event->globalX() - ( event->x() - posX ),
                  QWidget::mapToGlobal( pos() ).y() );
        secstotimestr( psz_length, ( ( posX - margin ) * inputLength ) / ( size().width() - handleLength() ) );
        mTimeTooltip->setTip( target, psz_length, chapterLabel );
 * Convert seconds to a time in the format h:mm:ss.
 * This function is provided for any interface function which need to print a
 * time string in the format h:mm:ss
 * date.
 * \param secs  the date to be converted
 * \param psz_buffer should be a buffer at least MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE characters
 * \return psz_buffer is returned so this can be used as printf parameter.
char *secstotimestr( char *psz_buffer, int32_t i_seconds )
    if( unlikely(i_seconds < 0) )
        secstotimestr( psz_buffer + 1, -i_seconds );
        *psz_buffer = '-';
        return psz_buffer;

    div_t d;

    d = div( i_seconds, 60 );
    i_seconds = d.rem;
    d = div( d.quot, 60 );

    if( d.quot )
        snprintf( psz_buffer, MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE, "%u:%02u:%02u",
                 d.quot, d.rem, i_seconds );
        snprintf( psz_buffer, MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE, "%02u:%02u",
                  d.rem, i_seconds );
    return psz_buffer;
void TimeLabel::setDisplayPosition( float pos, int64_t t, int length )
    showBuffering = false;

    if( pos == -1.f )
        setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 0 ) );
        if( displayType == TimeLabel::Both )
            setText( "--:--/--:--" );
            setText( "--:--" );

    int time = t / 1000000;

    secstotimestr( psz_length, length );
    secstotimestr( psz_time, ( b_remainingTime && length ) ? length - time
                                                           : time );

    // compute the minimum size that will be required for the psz_length
    // and use it to enforce a minimal size to avoid "dancing" widgets
    QSize minsize( 0, 0 );
    if ( length > 0 )
        QMargins margins = contentsMargins();
        minsize += QSize(
                  fontMetrics().size( 0, QString( psz_length ), 0, 0 ).width(),
        minsize += QSize( margins.left() + margins.right() + 8, 0 ); /* +padding */

        if ( b_remainingTime )
            minsize += QSize( fontMetrics().size( 0, "-", 0, 0 ).width(), 0 );

    switch( displayType )
        case TimeLabel::Elapsed:
            setMinimumSize( minsize );
            setText( QString( psz_time ) );
        case TimeLabel::Remaining:
            if( b_remainingTime )
                setMinimumSize( minsize );
                setText( QString("-") + QString( psz_time ) );
                setMinimumSize( QSize( 0, 0 ) );
                setText( QString( psz_length ) );
        case TimeLabel::Both:
            QString timestr = QString( "%1%2/%3" )
            .arg( QString( (b_remainingTime && length) ? "-" : "" ) )
            .arg( QString( psz_time ) )
            .arg( QString( ( !length && time ) ? "--:--" : psz_length ) );

            setText( timestr );
    cachedLength = length;
Exemple #4
 * Run: xosd thread
 * This part of the interface runs in a separate thread
static void Run( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
    playlist_t *p_playlist;
    playlist_item_t *p_item = NULL;
    char *psz_display = NULL;
    int cancel = vlc_savecancel();

    while( true )
        // Wait for a signal
        vlc_restorecancel( cancel );
        vlc_mutex_lock( &p_intf->p_sys->lock );
        mutex_cleanup_push( &p_intf->p_sys->lock );
        while( !p_intf->p_sys->b_need_update )
            vlc_cond_wait( &p_intf->p_sys->cond, &p_intf->p_sys->lock );
        p_intf->p_sys->b_need_update = false;

        // Compute the signal
        cancel = vlc_savecancel();
        p_playlist = pl_Hold( p_intf );

        // If the playlist is empty don't do anything
        if( playlist_IsEmpty( p_playlist ) )
            pl_Release( p_intf );

        free( psz_display );
        int i_status = playlist_Status( p_playlist );
        if( i_status == PLAYLIST_STOPPED )
            psz_display = strdup(_("Stop"));
        else if( i_status == PLAYLIST_PAUSED )
            psz_display = strdup(_("Pause"));
            p_item = playlist_CurrentPlayingItem( p_playlist );
            if( !p_item )
                psz_display = NULL;
                pl_Release( p_intf );
            input_item_t *p_input = p_item->p_input;

            mtime_t i_duration = input_item_GetDuration( p_input );
            if( i_duration != -1 )
                char psz_durationstr[MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE];
                secstotimestr( psz_durationstr, i_duration / 1000000 );
                if( asprintf( &psz_display, "%s (%s)", p_input->psz_name, psz_durationstr ) == -1 )
                    psz_display = NULL;
                psz_display = strdup( p_input->psz_name );
        pl_Release( p_intf );

        /* Display */
        xosd_display( p_intf->p_sys->p_osd, 0, /* first line */
                      XOSD_string, psz_display );
Exemple #5
void PlaylistManager::UpdateTreeItem( wxTreeItemId item )
    if( ! item.IsOk() ) return;

    wxTreeItemData *p_data = treectrl->GetItemData( item );
    if( !p_data ) return;

    LockPlaylist( p_intf->p_sys, p_playlist );
    playlist_item_t *p_item =
        playlist_ItemGetById( p_playlist, ((PlaylistItem *)p_data)->i_id );
    if( !p_item )
        UnlockPlaylist( p_intf->p_sys, p_playlist );

    wxString msg;
    wxString duration = wxU( "" );
    char *psz_author =
        vlc_input_item_GetInfo( &p_item->input,
                                _(VLC_META_INFO_CAT), _(VLC_META_ARTIST) );
    if( !psz_author )
        UnlockPlaylist( p_intf->p_sys, p_playlist );

    char psz_duration[MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE];
    mtime_t dur = p_item->input.i_duration;

    if( dur != -1 )
        secstotimestr( psz_duration, dur/1000000 );
        duration.Append( wxU( " ( " ) +  wxString( wxU( psz_duration ) ) +
                         wxU( " )" ) );

    if( !strcmp( psz_author, "" ) || p_item->input.b_fixed_name == VLC_TRUE )
        msg = wxString( wxU( p_item->input.psz_name ) ) + duration;
        msg = wxString(wxU( psz_author )) + wxT(" - ") +
                    wxString(wxU(p_item->input.psz_name)) + duration;
    free( psz_author );
    treectrl->SetItemText( item , msg );
    treectrl->SetItemImage( item, p_item->input.i_type );

    if( p_playlist->status.p_item == p_item )
        treectrl->SetItemBold( item, true );
        while( treectrl->GetItemParent( item ).IsOk() )
            item = treectrl->GetItemParent( item );
            treectrl->Expand( item );
        treectrl->SetItemBold( item, false );
    UnlockPlaylist( p_intf->p_sys, p_playlist );
Exemple #6
 * Run: xosd thread
 * This part of the interface runs in a separate thread
static void Run( intf_thread_t *p_intf )
    int i_size,i_index;
    playlist_t *p_playlist;
    playlist_item_t *p_item = NULL;
    input_item_t item;
    char psz_duration[MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE+2];
    char *psz_display = NULL;

    while( !p_intf->b_die )
        if( p_intf->p_sys->b_need_update == VLC_TRUE )
            p_intf->p_sys->b_need_update = VLC_FALSE;
            p_playlist = (playlist_t *)vlc_object_find( p_intf,
                                      VLC_OBJECT_PLAYLIST, FIND_ANYWHERE );
            if( !p_playlist )

            if( p_playlist->i_size < 0 || p_playlist->i_index < 0 )
                vlc_object_release( p_playlist );
            if( psz_display )
                free( psz_display );
                psz_display = NULL;
            if( p_playlist->status.i_status == PLAYLIST_STOPPED )
                psz_display = strdup(_("Stop"));
                vlc_object_release( p_playlist );
            else if( p_playlist->status.i_status == PLAYLIST_PAUSED )
                psz_display = strdup(_("Pause"));
                vlc_object_release( p_playlist );
    //           vlc_mutex_lock(&p_playlist->object_lock );
                 p_item = p_playlist->status.p_item;
                item = p_item->input;
                if( !p_item )
                    vlc_object_release( p_playlist );
     //            vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_playlist->object_lock );
                i_size = p_playlist->i_size;
                i_index = p_playlist->i_index+1;
    //            vlc_mutex_unlock(&p_playlist->object_lock );

                vlc_object_release( p_playlist );

                if( item.i_duration != -1 )
                    char psz_durationstr[MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE];
                    secstotimestr( psz_durationstr, item.i_duration/1000000 );
                    sprintf( psz_duration, "(%s)", psz_durationstr );
                    sprintf( psz_duration," " );

                psz_display = (char *)malloc( sizeof(char )*
                                          (strlen( item.psz_name ) +
                                          MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE + 2+6 + 10 +10 ));
                sprintf( psz_display," %i/%i - %s %s",
                         i_index,i_size, item.psz_name, psz_duration);

            /* Display */
            xosd_display( p_intf->p_sys->p_osd,
                            0,                               /* first line */
                            psz_display );

        msleep( INTF_IDLE_SLEEP );
Exemple #7
SeekSlider::SeekSlider( Qt::Orientation q, QWidget *_parent, bool _static )
          : QSlider( q, _parent ), b_classic( _static )
    isSliding = false;
    f_buffering = 1.0;
    mHandleOpacity = 1.0;
    chapters = NULL;
    mHandleLength = -1;

    // prepare some static colors
    QPalette p = palette();
    QColor background = p.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::Background );
    tickpointForeground = p.color( QPalette::Active, QPalette::WindowText );
    tickpointForeground.setHsv( tickpointForeground.hue(),
            ( background.saturation() + tickpointForeground.saturation() ) / 2,
            ( background.value() + tickpointForeground.value() ) / 2 );

    // set the background color and gradient
    QColor backgroundBase( p.window().color() );
    backgroundGradient.setColorAt( 0.0, backgroundBase.darker( 140 ) );
    backgroundGradient.setColorAt( 1.0, backgroundBase );

    // set the foreground color and gradient
    QColor foregroundBase( 50, 156, 255 );
    foregroundGradient.setColorAt( 0.0,  foregroundBase );
    foregroundGradient.setColorAt( 1.0,  foregroundBase.darker( 140 ) );

    // prepare the handle's gradient
    handleGradient.setColorAt( 0.0, p.window().color().lighter( 120 ) );
    handleGradient.setColorAt( 0.9, p.window().color().darker( 120 ) );

    // prepare the handle's shadow gradient
    QColor shadowBase = p.shadow().color();
    if( shadowBase.lightness() > 100 )
        shadowBase = QColor( 60, 60, 60 ); // Palette's shadow is too bright
    shadowDark = shadowBase.darker( 150 );
    shadowLight = shadowBase.lighter( 180 );
    shadowLight.setAlpha( 50 );

    /* Timer used to fire intermediate updatePos() when sliding */
    seekLimitTimer = new QTimer( this );
    seekLimitTimer->setSingleShot( true );

    /* Tooltip bubble */
    mTimeTooltip = new TimeTooltip( this );
    mTimeTooltip->setMouseTracking( true );

    /* Properties */
    setRange( MINIMUM, MAXIMUM );
    setSingleStep( 2 );
    setPageStep( 10 );
    setMouseTracking( true );
    setTracking( true );
    setFocusPolicy( Qt::NoFocus );

    /* Use the new/classic style */
    if( !b_classic )
        setStyle( new SeekStyle );

    /* Init to 0 */
    setPosition( -1.0, 0, 0 );
    secstotimestr( psz_length, 0 );

    animHandle = new QPropertyAnimation( this, "handleOpacity", this );
    animHandle->setDuration( FADEDURATION );
    animHandle->setStartValue( 0.0 );
    animHandle->setEndValue( 1.0 );

    hideHandleTimer = new QTimer( this );
    hideHandleTimer->setSingleShot( true );
    hideHandleTimer->setInterval( FADEOUTDELAY );

    CONNECT( this, sliderMoved( int ), this, startSeekTimer() );
    CONNECT( seekLimitTimer, timeout(), this, updatePos() );
    CONNECT( hideHandleTimer, timeout(), this, hideHandle() );
    mTimeTooltip->installEventFilter( this );
Exemple #8
 * input_ControlVarNavigation:
 *  Create all remaining control object variables
void input_ControlVarNavigation( input_thread_t *p_input )
    vlc_value_t text;

    /* Create more command variables */
    if( p_input->p->i_title > 1 )
        if( var_Type( p_input, "next-title" ) == 0 ) {
            var_Create( p_input, "next-title", VLC_VAR_VOID );
            text.psz_string = _("Next title");
            var_Change( p_input, "next-title", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );
            var_AddCallback( p_input, "next-title", TitleCallback, NULL );

        if( var_Type( p_input, "prev-title" ) == 0 ) {
            var_Create( p_input, "prev-title", VLC_VAR_VOID );
            text.psz_string = _("Previous title");
            var_Change( p_input, "prev-title", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );
            var_AddCallback( p_input, "prev-title", TitleCallback, NULL );

        if( var_Type( p_input, "menu-title" ) == 0 ) {
            var_Create( p_input, "menu-title", VLC_VAR_VOID );
            text.psz_string = _("Menu title");
            var_Change( p_input, "menu-title", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );
            var_AddCallback( p_input, "menu-title", TitleCallback, NULL );

        if( var_Type( p_input, "menu-popup" ) == 0 ) {
            var_Create( p_input, "menu-popup", VLC_VAR_VOID );
            text.psz_string = _("Menu popup");
            var_Change( p_input, "menu-popup", VLC_VAR_SETTEXT, &text, NULL );
            var_AddCallback( p_input, "menu-popup", TitleCallback, NULL );

    /* Create titles and chapters */
    var_Change( p_input, "title", VLC_VAR_CLEARCHOICES, NULL, NULL );

    for( int i = 0; i < p_input->p->i_title; i++ )
        vlc_value_t val2, text2;
        char title[sizeof("title ") + 3 * sizeof (int)];

        /* Add Navigation entries */
        sprintf( title, "title %2u", i );
        var_Destroy( p_input, title );
        var_Create( p_input, title,
        var_AddCallback( p_input, title,
                         NavigationCallback, (void *)(intptr_t)i );

        char psz_length[MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE + sizeof(" []")];
        if( p_input->p->title[i]->i_length > 0 )
            strcpy( psz_length, " [" );
            secstotimestr( &psz_length[2], p_input->p->title[i]->i_length / CLOCK_FREQ );
            strcat( psz_length, "]" );
            psz_length[0] = '\0';

        if( p_input->p->title[i]->psz_name == NULL ||
            *p_input->p->title[i]->psz_name == '\0' )
            if( asprintf( &text.psz_string, _("Title %i%s"),
                          i + p_input->p->i_title_offset, psz_length ) == -1 )
            if( asprintf( &text.psz_string, "%s%s",
                          p_input->p->title[i]->psz_name, psz_length ) == -1 )

        /* Add title choice */
        val2.i_int = i;
        var_Change( p_input, "title", VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val2, &text );

        free( text.psz_string );

        for( int j = 0; j < p_input->p->title[i]->i_seekpoint; j++ )
            val2.i_int = j;

            if( p_input->p->title[i]->seekpoint[j]->psz_name == NULL ||
                *p_input->p->title[i]->seekpoint[j]->psz_name == '\0' )
                /* Default value */
                if( asprintf( &text2.psz_string, _("Chapter %i"),
                          j + p_input->p->i_seekpoint_offset ) == -1 )
                text2.psz_string =
                    strdup( p_input->p->title[i]->seekpoint[j]->psz_name );

            var_Change( p_input, title, VLC_VAR_ADDCHOICE, &val2, &text2 );
            free( text2.psz_string );

Exemple #9
 * Manage: manage main thread messages
 * In this function, called approx. 10 times a second, we check what the
 * main program wanted to tell us.
void Timer::Notify( void )
    vlc_value_t val;
    char *shortname;

    /* Update the input */
    if( p_intf->p_sys->p_input == NULL )
        p_intf->p_sys->p_input =
            (input_thread_t *)vlc_object_find( p_intf, VLC_OBJECT_INPUT,
                                               FIND_ANYWHERE );

        /* Show slider */
        if( p_intf->p_sys->p_input )
            ShowWindow( p_main_interface->hwndSlider, SW_SHOW );
            ShowWindow( p_main_interface->hwndLabel, SW_SHOW );
            ShowWindow( p_main_interface->hwndVol, SW_SHOW );

            // only for local file, check if works well with net url
            input_item_t *p_item =input_GetItem(p_intf->p_sys->p_input);
            shortname = strrchr( input_item_GetURL(p_item), '\\' );
            if (! shortname)
                shortname = input_item_GetURL(p_item);
            else shortname++;
            SendMessage( p_main_interface->hwndSB, SB_SETTEXT,
                         (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)_FROMMB(shortname) );

            p_main_interface->TogglePlayButton( PLAYING_S );
            i_old_playing_status = PLAYING_S;
    else if( p_intf->p_sys->p_input->b_dead )
        /* Hide slider */
        ShowWindow( p_main_interface->hwndSlider, SW_HIDE);
        ShowWindow( p_main_interface->hwndLabel, SW_HIDE);
        ShowWindow( p_main_interface->hwndVol, SW_HIDE);

        p_main_interface->TogglePlayButton( PAUSE_S );
        i_old_playing_status = PAUSE_S;

        SendMessage( p_main_interface->hwndSB, SB_SETTEXT,
                     (WPARAM) 0, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) TEXT(""));

        vlc_object_release( p_intf->p_sys->p_input );
        p_intf->p_sys->p_input = NULL;

    if( p_intf->p_sys->p_input )
        input_thread_t *p_input = p_intf->p_sys->p_input;

        if( vlc_object_alive (p_input) )
            /* New input or stream map change */
            p_intf->p_sys->b_playing = 1;

            /* Manage the slider */
            if( /*p_input->stream.b_seekable &&*/ p_intf->p_sys->b_playing )
                /* Update the slider if the user isn't dragging it. */
                if( p_intf->p_sys->b_slider_free )
                    vlc_value_t pos;
                    char psz_time[ MSTRTIME_MAX_SIZE ];
                    vlc_value_t time;
                    mtime_t i_seconds;

                    /* Update the value */
                    var_Get( p_input, "position", &pos );
                    if( pos.f_float >= 0.0 )
                        p_intf->p_sys->i_slider_pos =
                            (int)(SLIDER_MAX_POS * pos.f_float);

                        SendMessage( p_main_interface->hwndSlider, TBM_SETPOS,
                                     1, p_intf->p_sys->i_slider_pos );

                        var_Get( p_intf->p_sys->p_input, "time", &time );
                        i_seconds = time.i_time / 1000000;
                        secstotimestr ( psz_time, i_seconds );

                        SendMessage( p_main_interface->hwndLabel, WM_SETTEXT,
                                     (WPARAM)1, (LPARAM)_FROMMB(psz_time) );

            /* Take care of the volume, etc... */

            /* Manage Playing status */
            var_Get( p_input, "state", &val );
            if( i_old_playing_status != val.i_int )
                if( val.i_int == PAUSE_S )
                    p_main_interface->TogglePlayButton( PAUSE_S );
                    p_main_interface->TogglePlayButton( PLAYING_S );
                i_old_playing_status = val.i_int;

            /* Manage Speed status */
            var_Get( p_input, "rate", &val );
            if( i_old_rate != val.i_int )
                TCHAR psz_text[15];
                _stprintf( psz_text + 2, _T("x%.2f"), 1000.0 / val.i_int );
                psz_text[0] = psz_text[1] = _T('\t');

                SendMessage( p_main_interface->hwndSB, SB_SETTEXT,
                             (WPARAM) 1, (LPARAM)(LPCTSTR) psz_text );

                i_old_rate = val.i_int;
    else if( p_intf->p_sys->b_playing && vlc_object_alive( p_intf ) )
        p_intf->p_sys->b_playing = 0;
        p_main_interface->TogglePlayButton( PAUSE_S );
        i_old_playing_status = PAUSE_S;

    if( !vlc_object_alive( p_intf ) )
        /* Prepare to die, young Skywalker */
/*        p_main_interface->Close(TRUE);*/