Exemple #1
void InlineTextBox::paintSelection(GraphicsContext* context, int tx, int ty, RenderStyle* style, const Font*)
    // See if we have a selection to paint at all.
    int sPos, ePos;
    selectionStartEnd(sPos, ePos);
    if (sPos >= ePos)

    Color textColor = style->color();
    Color c = object()->selectionBackgroundColor();
    if (!c.isValid() || c.alpha() == 0)

    // If the text color ends up being the same as the selection background, invert the selection
    // background.  This should basically never happen, since the selection has transparency.
    if (textColor == c)
        c = Color(0xff - c.red(), 0xff - c.green(), 0xff - c.blue());

    updateGraphicsContext(context, c, c, 0);  // Don't draw text at all!
    int y = selectionTop();
    int h = selectionHeight();
    context->clip(IntRect(m_x + tx, y + ty, m_width, h));
    context->drawHighlightForText(TextRun(textObject()->text()->characters() + m_start, m_len, textObject()->allowTabs(), textPos(), m_toAdd, direction() == RTL, m_dirOverride || style->visuallyOrdered()),
                            IntPoint(m_x + tx, y + ty), h, c, sPos, ePos);
void SVGInlineTextBox::paintSelectionBackground(PaintInfo& paintInfo)
    ASSERT(paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection);
    ASSERT(truncation() == cNoTruncation);

    if (renderer()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)

    RenderObject* parentRenderer = parent()->renderer();

    // Determine whether or not we're selected.
    bool paintSelectedTextOnly = paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection;
    bool hasSelection = selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone;
    if (!hasSelection || paintSelectedTextOnly)

    Color backgroundColor = renderer()->selectionBackgroundColor();
    if (!backgroundColor.alpha())

    RenderSVGInlineText* textRenderer = toRenderSVGInlineText(this->textRenderer());
    if (!textShouldBePainted(textRenderer))

    RenderStyle* style = parentRenderer->style();

    int startPosition, endPosition;
    selectionStartEnd(startPosition, endPosition);

    int fragmentStartPosition = 0;
    int fragmentEndPosition = 0;
    AffineTransform fragmentTransform;
    unsigned textFragmentsSize = m_textFragments.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < textFragmentsSize; ++i) {
        SVGTextFragment& fragment = m_textFragments.at(i);

        fragmentStartPosition = startPosition;
        fragmentEndPosition = endPosition;
        if (!mapStartEndPositionsIntoFragmentCoordinates(fragment, fragmentStartPosition, fragmentEndPosition))

        GraphicsContextStateSaver stateSaver(*paintInfo.context);
        if (!fragmentTransform.isIdentity())

        paintInfo.context->fillRect(selectionRectForTextFragment(fragment, fragmentStartPosition, fragmentEndPosition, style), backgroundColor);

        m_paintingResourceMode = ApplyToDefaultMode;

IntRect RenderSVGInlineText::selectionRect(bool)

    IntRect rect;
    if (selectionState() == SelectionNone)
        return rect;

    // Early exit if we're ie. a <text> within a <defs> section.
    if (isChildOfHiddenContainer(this))
        return rect;

    // Now calculate startPos and endPos for painting selection.
    // We include a selection while endPos > 0
    int startPos, endPos;
    if (selectionState() == SelectionInside) {
        // We are fully selected.
        startPos = 0;
        endPos = textLength();
    } else {
        selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
        if (selectionState() == SelectionStart)
            endPos = textLength();
        else if (selectionState() == SelectionEnd)
            startPos = 0;

    if (startPos == endPos)
        return rect;

    return computeAbsoluteRectForRange(startPos, endPos);
IntRect RenderSVGInlineText::selectionRectForRepaint(RenderBoxModelObject* repaintContainer, bool /*clipToVisibleContent*/)

    if (selectionState() == SelectionNone)
        return IntRect();

    // Early exit if we're ie. a <text> within a <defs> section.
    if (isChildOfHiddenContainer(this))
        return IntRect();

    // Now calculate startPos and endPos for painting selection.
    // We include a selection while endPos > 0
    int startPos, endPos;
    if (selectionState() == SelectionInside) {
        // We are fully selected.
        startPos = 0;
        endPos = textLength();
    } else {
        selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
        if (selectionState() == SelectionStart)
            endPos = textLength();
        else if (selectionState() == SelectionEnd)
            startPos = 0;

    if (startPos == endPos)
        return IntRect();

    return computeRepaintRectForRange(repaintContainer, startPos, endPos);
Exemple #5
SelectionState InlineTextBox::getSelectionState() const {
  SelectionState state = getLineLayoutItem().getSelectionState();
  if (state == SelectionStart || state == SelectionEnd ||
      state == SelectionBoth) {
    int startPos, endPos;
    getLineLayoutItem().selectionStartEnd(startPos, endPos);
    // The position after a hard line break is considered to be past its end.
    // See the corresponding code in InlineTextBox::isSelected.
    int lastSelectable = start() + len() - (isLineBreak() ? 1 : 0);

    // FIXME: Remove -webkit-line-break: LineBreakAfterWhiteSpace.
    int endOfLineAdjustmentForCSSLineBreak =
        getLineLayoutItem().style()->getLineBreak() == LineBreakAfterWhiteSpace
            ? -1
            : 0;
    bool start =
        (state != SelectionEnd && startPos >= m_start &&
         startPos <= m_start + m_len + endOfLineAdjustmentForCSSLineBreak);
    bool end = (state != SelectionStart && endPos > m_start &&
                endPos <= lastSelectable);
    if (start && end)
      state = SelectionBoth;
    else if (start)
      state = SelectionStart;
    else if (end)
      state = SelectionEnd;
    else if ((state == SelectionEnd || startPos < m_start) &&
             (state == SelectionStart || endPos > lastSelectable))
      state = SelectionInside;
    else if (state == SelectionBoth)
      state = SelectionNone;

  // If there are ellipsis following, make sure their selection is updated.
  if (m_truncation != cNoTruncation && root().ellipsisBox()) {
    EllipsisBox* ellipsis = root().ellipsisBox();
    if (state != SelectionNone) {
      int start, end;
      selectionStartEnd(start, end);
      // The ellipsis should be considered to be selected if the end of the
      // selection is past the beginning of the truncation and the beginning of
      // the selection is before or at the beginning of the truncation.
      ellipsis->setSelectionState(end >= m_truncation && start <= m_truncation
                                      ? SelectionInside
                                      : SelectionNone);
    } else {

  return state;
Exemple #6
bool RenderReplaced::isSelected() const
    SelectionState s = selectionState();
    if (s == SelectionNone)
        return false;
    if (s == SelectionInside)
        return true;

    int selectionStart, selectionEnd;
    selectionStartEnd(selectionStart, selectionEnd);
    if (s == SelectionStart)
        return selectionStart == 0;
    int end = element()->hasChildNodes() ? element()->countChildNodes() : 1;
    if (s == SelectionEnd)
        return selectionEnd == end;
    if (s == SelectionBoth)
        return selectionStart == 0 && selectionEnd == end;
    return false;
void SVGInlineTextBox::paintText(GraphicsContext* context, RenderStyle* style, RenderStyle* selectionStyle, const SVGTextFragment& fragment, bool hasSelection, bool paintSelectedTextOnly)

    int startPosition = 0;
    int endPosition = 0;
    if (hasSelection) {
        selectionStartEnd(startPosition, endPosition);
        hasSelection = mapStartEndPositionsIntoFragmentCoordinates(fragment, startPosition, endPosition);

    // Fast path if there is no selection, just draw the whole chunk part using the regular style
    TextRun textRun = constructTextRun(style, fragment);
    if (!hasSelection || startPosition >= endPosition) {
        paintTextWithShadows(context, style, textRun, fragment, 0, fragment.length);

    // Eventually draw text using regular style until the start position of the selection
    if (startPosition > 0 && !paintSelectedTextOnly)
        paintTextWithShadows(context, style, textRun, fragment, 0, startPosition);

    // Draw text using selection style from the start to the end position of the selection
    if (style != selectionStyle)
        SVGResourcesCache::clientStyleChanged(parent()->renderer(), StyleDifferenceRepaint, selectionStyle);

    TextRun selectionTextRun = constructTextRun(selectionStyle, fragment);
    paintTextWithShadows(context, selectionStyle, textRun, fragment, startPosition, endPosition);

    if (style != selectionStyle)
        SVGResourcesCache::clientStyleChanged(parent()->renderer(), StyleDifferenceRepaint, style);

    // Eventually draw text using regular style from the end position of the selection to the end of the current chunk part
    if (endPosition < static_cast<int>(fragment.length) && !paintSelectedTextOnly)
        paintTextWithShadows(context, style, textRun, fragment, endPosition, fragment.length);
Exemple #8
void SVGInlineTextBox::paintSelectionBackground(PaintInfo& paintInfo)
    ASSERT(paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection);
    ASSERT(truncation() == cNoTruncation);

    if (renderer()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE)

    RenderObject* parentRenderer = parent()->renderer();

    // Determine whether or not we're selected.
    bool paintSelectedTextOnly = paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection;
    bool hasSelection = selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone;
    if (!hasSelection || paintSelectedTextOnly)

    Color backgroundColor = renderer()->selectionBackgroundColor();
    if (!backgroundColor.isValid() || !backgroundColor.alpha())

    RenderStyle* style = parentRenderer->style();

    const SVGRenderStyle* svgStyle = style->svgStyle();

    bool hasFill = svgStyle->hasFill();
    bool hasStroke = svgStyle->hasStroke();

    RenderStyle* selectionStyle = style;
    if (hasSelection) {
        selectionStyle = parentRenderer->getCachedPseudoStyle(SELECTION);
        if (selectionStyle) {
            const SVGRenderStyle* svgSelectionStyle = selectionStyle->svgStyle();

            if (!hasFill)
                hasFill = svgSelectionStyle->hasFill();
            if (!hasStroke)
                hasStroke = svgSelectionStyle->hasStroke();
        } else
            selectionStyle = style;

    int startPosition, endPosition;
    selectionStartEnd(startPosition, endPosition);

    int fragmentStartPosition = 0;
    int fragmentEndPosition = 0;
    unsigned textFragmentsSize = m_textFragments.size();
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < textFragmentsSize; ++i) {
        SVGTextFragment& fragment = m_textFragments.at(i);

        fragmentStartPosition = startPosition;
        fragmentEndPosition = endPosition;
        if (!mapStartEndPositionsIntoFragmentCoordinates(fragment, fragmentStartPosition, fragmentEndPosition))


        if (!fragment.transform.isIdentity())

        paintInfo.context->setFillColor(backgroundColor, style->colorSpace());
        paintInfo.context->fillRect(selectionRectForTextFragment(fragment, fragmentStartPosition, fragmentEndPosition, style), backgroundColor, style->colorSpace());

        m_paintingResourceMode = ApplyToDefaultMode;

Exemple #9
void InlineTextBox::paint(RenderObject::PaintInfo& paintInfo, int tx, int ty)
    if (isLineBreak() || !object()->shouldPaintWithinRoot(paintInfo) || object()->style()->visibility() != VISIBLE ||
        m_truncation == cFullTruncation || paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseOutline)
    ASSERT(paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelfOutline && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseChildOutlines);

    int xPos = tx + m_x - parent()->maxHorizontalVisualOverflow();
    int w = width() + 2 * parent()->maxHorizontalVisualOverflow();
    if (xPos >= paintInfo.rect.right() || xPos + w <= paintInfo.rect.x())

    bool isPrinting = textObject()->document()->printing();
    // Determine whether or not we're selected.
    bool haveSelection = !isPrinting && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseTextClip && selectionState() != RenderObject::SelectionNone;
    if (!haveSelection && paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection)
        // When only painting the selection, don't bother to paint if there is none.

    GraphicsContext* context = paintInfo.context;

    // Determine whether or not we have composition underlines to draw.
    bool containsComposition = object()->document()->frame()->editor()->compositionNode() == object()->node();
    bool useCustomUnderlines = containsComposition && object()->document()->frame()->editor()->compositionUsesCustomUnderlines();

    // Set our font.
    RenderStyle* styleToUse = object()->style(m_firstLine);
    int d = styleToUse->textDecorationsInEffect();
    const Font* font = &styleToUse->font();
    if (*font != context->font())

    // 1. Paint backgrounds behind text if needed. Examples of such backgrounds include selection
    // and composition underlines.
    if (paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseTextClip && !isPrinting) {
        // Custom highlighters go behind everything else.
        if (styleToUse->highlight() != nullAtom && !context->paintingDisabled())
            paintCustomHighlight(tx, ty, styleToUse->highlight());

        if (containsComposition && !useCustomUnderlines)
            paintCompositionBackground(context, tx, ty, styleToUse, font,

        paintDocumentMarkers(context, tx, ty, styleToUse, font, true);

        if (haveSelection && !useCustomUnderlines)
            paintSelection(context, tx, ty, styleToUse, font);

    // 2. Now paint the foreground, including text and decorations like underline/overline (in quirks mode only).
    if (m_len <= 0)

    Color textFillColor;
    Color textStrokeColor;
    float textStrokeWidth = styleToUse->textStrokeWidth();
    ShadowData* textShadow = paintInfo.forceBlackText ? 0 : styleToUse->textShadow();

    if (paintInfo.forceBlackText) {
        textFillColor = Color::black;
        textStrokeColor = Color::black;
    } else {
        textFillColor = styleToUse->textFillColor();
        if (!textFillColor.isValid())
            textFillColor = styleToUse->color();

        // Make the text fill color legible against a white background
        if (styleToUse->forceBackgroundsToWhite())
            textFillColor = correctedTextColor(textFillColor, Color::white);

        textStrokeColor = styleToUse->textStrokeColor();
        if (!textStrokeColor.isValid())
            textStrokeColor = styleToUse->color();

        // Make the text stroke color legible against a white background
        if (styleToUse->forceBackgroundsToWhite())
            textStrokeColor = correctedTextColor(textStrokeColor, Color::white);

    bool paintSelectedTextOnly = (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseSelection);
    bool paintSelectedTextSeparately = false;

    Color selectionFillColor = textFillColor;
    Color selectionStrokeColor = textStrokeColor;
    float selectionStrokeWidth = textStrokeWidth;
    ShadowData* selectionShadow = textShadow;
    if (haveSelection) {
        // Check foreground color first.
        Color foreground = paintInfo.forceBlackText ? Color::black : object()->selectionForegroundColor();
        if (foreground.isValid() && foreground != selectionFillColor) {
            if (!paintSelectedTextOnly)
                paintSelectedTextSeparately = true;
            selectionFillColor = foreground;

        if (RenderStyle* pseudoStyle = object()->getCachedPseudoStyle(RenderStyle::SELECTION)) {
            ShadowData* shadow = paintInfo.forceBlackText ? 0 : pseudoStyle->textShadow();
            if (shadow != selectionShadow) {
                if (!paintSelectedTextOnly)
                    paintSelectedTextSeparately = true;
                selectionShadow = shadow;

            float strokeWidth = pseudoStyle->textStrokeWidth();
            if (strokeWidth != selectionStrokeWidth) {
                if (!paintSelectedTextOnly)
                    paintSelectedTextSeparately = true;
                selectionStrokeWidth = strokeWidth;

            Color stroke = paintInfo.forceBlackText ? Color::black : pseudoStyle->textStrokeColor();
            if (!stroke.isValid())
                stroke = pseudoStyle->color();
            if (stroke != selectionStrokeColor) {
                if (!paintSelectedTextOnly)
                    paintSelectedTextSeparately = true;
                selectionStrokeColor = stroke;

    IntPoint textOrigin(m_x + tx, m_y + ty + m_baseline);
    TextRun textRun(textObject()->text()->characters() + m_start, m_len, textObject()->allowTabs(), textPos(), m_toAdd, direction() == RTL, m_dirOverride || styleToUse->visuallyOrdered());

    int sPos = 0;
    int ePos = 0;
    if (paintSelectedTextOnly || paintSelectedTextSeparately)
        selectionStartEnd(sPos, ePos);

    if (!paintSelectedTextOnly) {
        // For stroked painting, we have to change the text drawing mode.  It's probably dangerous to leave that mutated as a side
        // effect, so only when we know we're stroking, do a save/restore.
        if (textStrokeWidth > 0)

        updateGraphicsContext(context, textFillColor, textStrokeColor, textStrokeWidth);
        if (!paintSelectedTextSeparately || ePos <= sPos) {
            // FIXME: Truncate right-to-left text correctly.
            paintTextWithShadows(context, textRun, 0, m_truncation == cNoTruncation ? m_len : m_truncation, textOrigin, m_x + tx, m_y + ty, width(), height(), textShadow, textStrokeWidth > 0);
        } else
            paintTextWithShadows(context, textRun, ePos, sPos, textOrigin, m_x + tx, m_y + ty, width(), height(), textShadow, textStrokeWidth > 0);

        if (textStrokeWidth > 0)

    if ((paintSelectedTextOnly || paintSelectedTextSeparately) && sPos < ePos) {
        // paint only the text that is selected
        if (selectionStrokeWidth > 0)

        updateGraphicsContext(context, selectionFillColor, selectionStrokeColor, selectionStrokeWidth);
        paintTextWithShadows(context, textRun, sPos, ePos, textOrigin, m_x + tx, m_y + ty, width(), height(), selectionShadow, selectionStrokeWidth > 0);

        if (selectionStrokeWidth > 0)

    // Paint decorations
    if (d != TDNONE && paintInfo.phase != PaintPhaseSelection && styleToUse->htmlHacks()) {
        paintDecoration(context, tx, ty, d, textShadow);

    if (paintInfo.phase == PaintPhaseForeground) {
        paintDocumentMarkers(context, tx, ty, styleToUse, font, false);

        if (useCustomUnderlines) {
            const Vector<CompositionUnderline>& underlines = object()->document()->frame()->editor()->customCompositionUnderlines();
            size_t numUnderlines = underlines.size();

            for (size_t index = 0; index < numUnderlines; ++index) {
                const CompositionUnderline& underline = underlines[index];

                if (underline.endOffset <= start())
                    // underline is completely before this run.  This might be an underline that sits
                    // before the first run we draw, or underlines that were within runs we skipped 
                    // due to truncation.
                if (underline.startOffset <= end()) {
                    // underline intersects this run.  Paint it.
                    paintCompositionUnderline(context, tx, ty, underline);
                    if (underline.endOffset > end() + 1)
                        // underline also runs into the next run. Bail now, no more marker advancement.
                } else
                    // underline is completely after this run, bail.  A later run will paint it.