/* run a match of numHands hands of the supplied game cards are dealt using rng, error conditions like timeouts are controlled and stored in errorInfo actions are read/sent to seat p on seatFD[ p ] if quiet is not zero, only print out errors, warnings, and final value if logFile is not NULL, print out a single line for each completed match with the final state and all player values. The values are printed in player, not seat order. if transactionFile is not NULL, a transaction log of actions made is written to the file, and if there is any input left to read on the stream when gameLoop is called, it will be processed to initialise the state returns >=0 if the match finished correctly, -1 on error */ static int gameLoop( const Game *game, char *seatName[ MAX_PLAYERS ], const uint32_t numHands, const int quiet, const int fixedSeats, rng_state_t *rng, ErrorInfo *errorInfo, const int seatFD[ MAX_PLAYERS ], ReadBuf *readBuf[ MAX_PLAYERS ], FILE *logFile, FILE *transactionFile ) { uint32_t handId; uint8_t seat, p, player0Seat, currentP, currentSeat; struct timeval t, sendTime, recvTime; Action action; MatchState state; double value[ MAX_PLAYERS ], totalValue[ MAX_PLAYERS ]; /* check version string for each player */ for( seat = 0; seat < game->numPlayers; ++seat ) { if( checkVersion( seat, readBuf[ seat ] ) < 0 ) { /* error messages already handled in function */ return -1; } } gettimeofday( &sendTime, NULL ); if( !quiet ) { fprintf( stderr, "STARTED at %zu.%06zu\n", sendTime.tv_sec, sendTime.tv_usec ); } /* start at the first hand */ handId = 0; if( checkErrorNewHand( game, errorInfo ) < 0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: unexpected game\n" ); return -1; } initState( game, handId, &state.state ); dealCards( game, rng, &state.state ); for( seat = 0; seat < game->numPlayers; ++seat ) { totalValue[ seat ] = 0.0; } /* seat 0 is player 0 in first game */ player0Seat = 0; /* process the transaction file */ if( transactionFile != NULL ) { if( processTransactionFile( game, fixedSeats, &handId, &player0Seat, rng, errorInfo, totalValue, &state, transactionFile ) < 0 ) { /* error messages already handled in function */ return -1; } } if( handId >= numHands ) { goto finishedGameLoop; } /* play all the (remaining) hands */ while( 1 ) { /* play the hand */ while( !stateFinished( &state.state ) ) { /* find the current player */ currentP = currentPlayer( game, &state.state ); /* send state to each player */ for( seat = 0; seat < game->numPlayers; ++seat ) { state.viewingPlayer = seatToPlayer( game, player0Seat, seat ); if( sendPlayerMessage( game, &state, quiet, seat, seatFD[ seat ], &t ) < 0 ) { /* error messages already handled in function */ return -1; } /* remember the seat and send time if player is acting */ if( state.viewingPlayer == currentP ) { sendTime = t; } } /* get action from current player */ state.viewingPlayer = currentP; currentSeat = playerToSeat( game, player0Seat, currentP ); if( readPlayerResponse( game, &state, quiet, currentSeat, &sendTime, errorInfo, readBuf[ currentSeat ], &action, &recvTime ) < 0 ) { /* error messages already handled in function */ return -1; } /* log the transaction */ if( transactionFile != NULL ) { if( logTransaction( game, &state.state, &action, &sendTime, &recvTime, transactionFile ) < 0 ) { /* error messages already handled in function */ return -1; } } /* do the action */ doAction( game, &action, &state.state ); } /* get values */ for( p = 0; p < game->numPlayers; ++p ) { value[ p ] = valueOfState( game, &state.state, p ); totalValue[ playerToSeat( game, player0Seat, p ) ] += value[ p ]; } /* add the game to the log */ if( logFile != NULL ) { if( addToLogFile( game, &state.state, value, player0Seat, seatName, logFile ) < 0 ) { /* error messages already handled in function */ return -1; } } /* send final state to each player */ for( seat = 0; seat < game->numPlayers; ++seat ) { state.viewingPlayer = seatToPlayer( game, player0Seat, seat ); if( sendPlayerMessage( game, &state, quiet, seat, seatFD[ seat ], &t ) < 0 ) { /* error messages already handled in function */ return -1; } } if ( !quiet ) { if ( handId % 100 == 0) { for( seat = 0; seat < game->numPlayers; ++seat ) { fprintf(stderr, "Seconds cumulatively spent in match for seat %i: " "%i\n", seat, (int)(errorInfo->usedMatchMicros[ seat ] / 1000000)); } } } /* start a new hand */ if( setUpNewHand( game, fixedSeats, &handId, &player0Seat, rng, errorInfo, &state.state ) < 0 ) { /* error messages already handled in function */ return -1; } if( handId >= numHands ) { break; } } finishedGameLoop: /* print out the final values */ if( !quiet ) { gettimeofday( &t, NULL ); fprintf( stderr, "FINISHED at %zu.%06zu\n", sendTime.tv_sec, sendTime.tv_usec ); } if( printFinalMessage( game, seatName, totalValue, logFile ) < 0 ) { /* error messages already handled in function */ return -1; } return 0; }
void specKeyPressed(DWORD key, bool pressed) { switch (key) { case VK_F6: { chatWrite = !chatWrite; PLAYER::SET_PLAYER_CONTROL(PLAYER::PLAYER_ID(), !chatWrite, 0); break; } case VK_F7: { chatEnabled = !chatEnabled; break; } case VK_BACK: { if (!chatWrite) break; if (cursorPos > 0) { curChatText.erase(curChatText.begin() + (cursorPos - 1), curChatText.begin() + cursorPos); cursorPos--; } break; } case VK_DELETE: { if (!chatWrite) break; if (cursorPos < curChatText.size()) { curChatText.erase(curChatText.begin() + cursorPos, curChatText.begin() + cursorPos + 1); } break; } case VK_RETURN: { if (!chatWrite) break; if (curChatText.size()) { if (curChatText[0] == '/') { if (!commandProcessor(curChatText)) sendPlayerMessage("Unknown command", 125, 0, 0); } else sendPlayerMessage(SOCIALCLUB::_SC_GET_NICKNAME() + string(": ") + curChatText, 255, 255, 255); chatHistory.push_back(curChatText); historyPos = -1; curChatText = string(""); cursorPos = 0; } chatWrite = false; PLAYER::SET_PLAYER_CONTROL(PLAYER::PLAYER_ID(), !chatWrite, 0); break; } case 0x57: { if (objectEditor) { lil::Object::RotateCam(lil::CAM_PARAM::LATITUDE, (float)1.0); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case 0x53: { if (objectEditor) { lil::Object::RotateCam(lil::CAM_PARAM::LATITUDE, (float)-1.0); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case 0x41: { if (objectEditor) { lil::Object::RotateCam(lil::CAM_PARAM::LONGTITUDE, (float)-1.0); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case 0x44: { if (objectEditor) { lil::Object::RotateCam(lil::CAM_PARAM::LONGTITUDE, (float)1.0); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case VK_LEFT: { if (chatWrite && cursorPos > 0) cursorPos--; else if (objectEditor) { lil::Object::RotateCam(lil::CAM_PARAM::LONGTITUDE, (float)-1.0); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case VK_RIGHT: { if (chatWrite && cursorPos < curChatText.size()) { cursorPos++; } else if (objectEditor) { lil::Object::RotateCam(lil::CAM_PARAM::LONGTITUDE, (float)1.0); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case VK_UP: { if (chatWrite && chatHistory.size()) { if (historyPos < (chatHistory.size() - 1) || historyPos == -1) { historyPos++; curChatText = chatHistory[chatHistory.size() - historyPos - 1]; cursorPos = (int)curChatText.size(); } } else if (objectEditor) { lil::Object::RotateCam(lil::CAM_PARAM::LATITUDE, (float)1.0); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case VK_DOWN: { if (chatWrite && chatHistory.size()) { if (historyPos > 0) { historyPos--; curChatText = chatHistory[chatHistory.size() - historyPos - 1]; cursorPos = (int)curChatText.size(); } else if (historyPos == 0) { historyPos = -1; curChatText = ""; cursorPos = 0; } } else if (objectEditor) { lil::Object::RotateCam(lil::CAM_PARAM::LATITUDE, (float)-1.0); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case VK_PRIOR: { if (!objectEditor) break; if ((lil::Object::distance - ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f)) < 0) lil::Object::distance = 0.0; else lil::Object::distance -= ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); break; } case VK_NEXT: { if (!objectEditor) break; lil::Object::distance += ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); break; } case VK_ADD: { if (!objectEditor) break; playerObject->ChangeOneParam(lil::POSITION_Z, ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f)); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); break; } case VK_SUBTRACT: { if (!objectEditor) break; playerObject->ChangeOneParam(lil::POSITION_Z, -((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f)); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); break; } case VK_NUMPAD2: { if (objectEditor) { Vector3 pos = playerObject->GetPosition(); pos.x -= ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f) * cos(lil::Object::longtitude*PI / 180.0); pos.y -= ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f) * sin(lil::Object::longtitude*PI / 180.0); playerObject->SetPosition(pos); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case VK_NUMPAD8: { if (objectEditor) { Vector3 pos = playerObject->GetPosition(); pos.x += ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f) * cos(lil::Object::longtitude*PI / 180.0); pos.y += ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f) * sin(lil::Object::longtitude*PI / 180.0); playerObject->SetPosition(pos); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case VK_NUMPAD4: { if (objectEditor) { Vector3 pos = playerObject->GetPosition(); pos.x += ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f) * cos((lil::Object::longtitude + 90.0)*PI / 180.0); pos.y += ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f) * sin((lil::Object::longtitude + 90.0)*PI / 180.0); playerObject->SetPosition(pos); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case VK_NUMPAD6: { if (objectEditor) { Vector3 pos = playerObject->GetPosition(); pos.x -= ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f) * cos((lil::Object::longtitude + 90.0)*PI / 180.0); pos.y -= ((controlPressed) ? 1.0f : .01f) * sin((lil::Object::longtitude + 90.0)*PI / 180.0); playerObject->SetPosition(pos); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } break; } case VK_NUMPAD1: { playerObject->ChangeOneParam(lil::OBJECT_PARAM::ROTATION_Z, ((controlPressed) ? 5.0f : .1f)); break; } case VK_NUMPAD3: { playerObject->ChangeOneParam(lil::OBJECT_PARAM::ROTATION_Z, -((controlPressed) ? 5.0f : .1f)); break; } case VK_NUMPAD7: { playerObject->ChangeOneParam(lil::OBJECT_PARAM::ROTATION_X, ((controlPressed) ? 5.0f : .1f)); break; } case VK_NUMPAD9: { playerObject->ChangeOneParam(lil::OBJECT_PARAM::ROTATION_X, -((controlPressed) ? 5.0f : .1f)); break; } case VK_DIVIDE: { playerObject->ChangeOneParam(lil::OBJECT_PARAM::ROTATION_Y, ((controlPressed) ? 5.0f : .1f)); break; } case VK_MULTIPLY: { playerObject->ChangeOneParam(lil::OBJECT_PARAM::ROTATION_Y, -((controlPressed) ? 5.0f : .1f)); break; } case VK_CONTROL: { controlPressed = !controlPressed; break; } } }
void main() { if (!CONFIG::get("saveFile", fileName)) { char *pValue; size_t len; errno_t err = _dupenv_s(&pValue, &len, "USERPROFILE"); if (err) fileName = string("C:\\savedcoords.txt"); else fileName = string(pValue) + "\\Documents\\Rockstar Games\\GTA V\\savedcoords.txt"; } sendPlayerMessage("GTAV DevHelper by Funtik Initialized"); sendPlayerMessage("Press F6 to open chat textbox"); auto loadEntities = []() { if (!CONFIG::loadList("devhelper/vehicles.txt", vehicles)) sendPlayerMessage("Can not load devhelper/vehicles.txt", 255, 0, 0); else { maxVehNr = vehicles.size() - 1; sendPlayerMessage("Vehicles loaded", 0, 255, 0); } if (!CONFIG::loadList("devhelper/peds.txt", peds)) sendPlayerMessage("Can not load devhelper/peds.txt", 255, 0, 0); else { maxPedNr = peds.size() - 1; sendPlayerMessage("Peds loaded", 0, 255, 0); } if (!CONFIG::loadList("devhelper/objects.txt", objects)) sendPlayerMessage("Can not load devhelper/objects.txt", 255, 0, 0); else { maxObjNr = objects.size() - 1; sendPlayerMessage("Objects loaded", 0, 255, 0); } }; thread(loadEntities).detach(); while (true) { Player player = PLAYER::PLAYER_ID(); Ped playerPed = PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(); if (ENTITY::DOES_ENTITY_EXIST(playerPed)) { Hash model = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_MODEL(playerPed); if (ENTITY::IS_ENTITY_DEAD(playerPed) || PLAYER::IS_PLAYER_BEING_ARRESTED(player, TRUE)) { if (model != GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY("player_zero") && model != GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY("player_one") && model != GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY("player_two")) { model = GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY("player_zero"); STREAMING::REQUEST_MODEL(model); while (!STREAMING::HAS_MODEL_LOADED(model)) WAIT(0); PLAYER::SET_PLAYER_MODEL(player, model); PED::SET_PED_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_VARIATION(playerPed); STREAMING::SET_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED(model); while (ENTITY::IS_ENTITY_DEAD(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID()) || PLAYER::IS_PLAYER_BEING_ARRESTED(player, TRUE)) WAIT(0); } } } if (modKitId != -1) { VEHICLE::SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT(lastVehId, modKitId); sendPlayerMessage("Your car\'s modkit changed", 0, 255, 0); modKitId = -1; } if (vehCreateId != -1) { stringstream buff; DWORD model = (vehCreateId == -2) ? vehHash : GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY((char *)vehicles[vehCreateId].c_str()); buff << "Loading vehicle [" << vehCreateId << "] " << ((vehCreateId == -2) ? vehName : vehicles[vehCreateId]) << ", Hash = 0x" << std::hex << model; sendPlayerMessage(buff.str()); if (STREAMING::IS_MODEL_IN_CDIMAGE(model) && STREAMING::IS_MODEL_A_VEHICLE(model)) { STREAMING::REQUEST_MODEL(model); while (!STREAMING::HAS_MODEL_LOADED(model)) WAIT(0); Vector3 coords = ENTITY::GET_OFFSET_FROM_ENTITY_IN_WORLD_COORDS(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 0.0, 5.0, 0.0); Vehicle veh = VEHICLE::CREATE_VEHICLE(model, coords.x, coords.y, coords.z, 0.0, 1, 1); VEHICLE::SET_VEHICLE_ON_GROUND_PROPERLY(veh); ENTITY::SET_ENTITY_HEADING(veh, ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_HEADING(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID())); PED::SET_PED_INTO_VEHICLE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), veh, -1); WAIT(0); STREAMING::SET_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED(model); ENTITY::SET_VEHICLE_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED(&veh); sendPlayerMessage(string("Vehicle ") + ((vehCreateId == -2) ? vehName : vehicles[vehCreateId]) + " created.", 0, 255, 0); } else { sendPlayerMessage("Error when creating vehicle", 255, 0, 0); } vehCreateId = -1; } if (chatEnabled) { GRAPHICS::DRAW_RECT(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.9f, 0.645f, 0, 0, 0, 200); size_t first = (chatLines.size() > 10) ? (chatLines.size() - 10) : 0; for (size_t i = first, c = 0; i < chatLines.size(); ++i, ++c) { drawText(chatLines[i].text, 0.0f, ((float)c)*(0.03f), chatLines[i].r, chatLines[i].g, chatLines[i].b); } } if (chatWrite) { string chatText(curChatText); chatText.insert(chatText.begin() + cursorPos, '_'); GRAPHICS::DRAW_RECT(0.0f, 0.340f, 0.9f, 0.040f, 125, 125, 125, 255); drawText("> " + chatText, 0.0f, 0.330f, 255, 255, 255); UI::SET_PAUSE_MENU_ACTIVE(false); } if (pedId != -1) { Hash skin = (pedId == -2) ? pedHash : GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY((char*)peds[pedId].c_str()); if (STREAMING::IS_MODEL_IN_CDIMAGE(skin) && STREAMING::IS_MODEL_VALID(skin)) { STREAMING::REQUEST_MODEL(skin); while (!STREAMING::HAS_MODEL_LOADED(skin)) WAIT(0); PLAYER::SET_PLAYER_MODEL(PLAYER::PLAYER_ID(), skin); PED::SET_PED_DEFAULT_COMPONENT_VARIATION(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID()); STREAMING::SET_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED(skin); sendPlayerMessage(string("Your model changed to ") + ((pedId == -2) ? pedName : peds[pedId]), 0, 200, 0); } else sendPlayerMessage("Unknown error!", 255, 0, 0); pedId = -1; } if (objectEditor) { /*for (unsigned i = 0; i < lil::Object::_data.size(); ++i) { Vector3 pos = lil::Object::_data[i]->GetPosition(); GRAPHICS::DRAW_DEBUG_TEXT_2D("Object", pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 255, 255, 255, 255); }*/ Vector3 pos = playerObject->GetPosition(); Vector3 rot = playerObject->GetRotation(); drawText("Object parameters:", 0.1f, 0.8f, 255, 255, 255); char buff[256]; sprintf_s(buff, "Position X: %.4f", pos.x); drawText(buff, 0.01f, 0.815f, 255, 255, 255); sprintf_s(buff, "Position Y: %.4f", pos.y); drawText(buff, 0.01f, 0.83f, 255, 255, 255); sprintf_s(buff, "Position Z: %.4f", pos.z); drawText(buff, 0.01f, 0.845f, 255, 255, 255); sprintf_s(buff, "Rotation X: %.4f", rot.x); drawText(buff, 0.01f, 0.86f, 255, 255, 255); sprintf_s(buff, "Rotation Y: %.4f", rot.y); drawText(buff, 0.01f, 0.875f, 255, 255, 255); sprintf_s(buff, "Rotation Z: %.4f", rot.z); drawText(buff, 0.01f, 0.89f, 255, 255, 255); } if (objId != -1) { Hash object = (objId == -2) ? pedHash : GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY((char*)objects[objId].c_str()); if (STREAMING::IS_MODEL_VALID(object)) { STREAMING::REQUEST_MODEL(object); while (!STREAMING::HAS_MODEL_LOADED(object)) WAIT(0); if (!objectEditor) { objectEditor = true; GRAPHICS::SET_DEBUG_LINES_AND_SPHERES_DRAWING_ACTIVE(true); UI::DISPLAY_HUD(false); UI::DISPLAY_RADAR(false); } lil::Object *curObj = new lil::Object(object, objPos.x, objPos.y, objPos.z); playerObject = curObj; STREAMING::SET_MODEL_AS_NO_LONGER_NEEDED(object); ENTITY::SET_ENTITY_VISIBLE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), false); PLAYER::SET_PLAYER_CONTROL(PLAYER::PLAYER_ID(), false, 0); if(!CAM::DOES_CAM_EXIST(playerCam)) playerCam = CAM::CREATE_CAMERA(0x19286a9, 0); if (CAM::DOES_CAM_EXIST(playerCam)) { CAM::SET_CAM_ACTIVE(playerCam, 1); CAM::RENDER_SCRIPT_CAMS(true, 0, playerCam, true, 0); playerObject->PointCam(playerCam); } sendPlayerMessage(string("Object created ") + ((objId == -2) ? objName : objects[objId]), 0, 200, 0); } else sendPlayerMessage("Unknown error!", 255, 0, 0); objId = -1; } WAIT(0); } }
bool commandProcessor(string command) { vector<string> params = split(command, ' '); string cmd = params[0]; params.erase(params.begin(), params.begin() + 1); if (!cmd.compare("/help")) { sendPlayerMessage("/save /clear", 0, 125, 0); sendPlayerMessage("/randcomps /setcomps /model", 0, 125, 0); sendPlayerMessage("/randprops /setprops /clearprops", 0, 125, 0); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/primcolor")) { if (params.size() < 3) { sendPlayerMessage("USAGE: /primcolor [rColor] [gColor] [bColor]", 125, 125, 125); return true; } if (!PED::IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 0)) { sendPlayerMessage("Your must be in vehicle", 255, 0, 0); return true; } lastVehId = PED::GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID()); int rColor; try { rColor = stoi(params[0]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: rColor must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (rColor < 0 || rColor > 255) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: invalid rColor value [0-255]", 255, 0, 0); return true; } int gColor; try { gColor = stoi(params[1]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: gColor must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (gColor < 0 || gColor > 255) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: invalid gColor value [0-255]", 255, 0, 0); return true; } int bColor; try { bColor = stoi(params[2]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: bColor must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (bColor < 0 || bColor > 255) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: invalid bColor value [0-255]", 255, 0, 0); return true; } VEHICLE::SET_VEHICLE_CUSTOM_PRIMARY_COLOUR(lastVehId, rColor, gColor, bColor); sendPlayerMessage("Primary colour changed", 0, 255, 0); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/seccolor")) { if (params.size() < 3) { sendPlayerMessage("USAGE: /seccolor [rColor] [gColor] [bColor]", 125, 125, 125); return true; } if (!PED::IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 0)) { sendPlayerMessage("Your must be in vehicle", 255, 0, 0); return true; } lastVehId = PED::GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID()); int rColor; try { rColor = stoi(params[0]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: rColor must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (rColor < 0 || rColor > 255) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: invalid rColor value [0-255]", 255, 0, 0); return true; } int gColor; try { gColor = stoi(params[1]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: gColor must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (gColor < 0 || gColor > 255) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: invalid gColor value [0-255]", 255, 0, 0); return true; } int bColor; try { bColor = stoi(params[2]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: bColor must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (bColor < 0 || bColor > 255) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: invalid bColor value [0-255]", 255, 0, 0); return true; } VEHICLE::SET_VEHICLE_CUSTOM_SECONDARY_COLOUR(lastVehId, rColor, gColor, bColor); sendPlayerMessage("Secondary colour changed", 0, 255, 0); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/maxmod")) { if (!PED::IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 0)) { sendPlayerMessage("Your must be in vehicle", 255, 0, 0); return true; } lastVehId = PED::GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID()); VEHICLE::SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT(lastVehId, 0); for (int i = 0; i < 17; ++i) if (VEHICLE::GET_NUM_VEHICLE_MODS(lastVehId, i)) VEHICLE::SET_VEHICLE_MOD(lastVehId, i, VEHICLE::GET_NUM_VEHICLE_MODS(lastVehId, i) - 1, true); sendPlayerMessage("Your vehicle max tuned by Xzibit :-)", 0, 255, 0); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/vehmod")) { if (params.size() < 2) { sendPlayerMessage("USAGE: /vehmod [modType] [modIndex]", 125, 125, 125); return true; } if (!PED::IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 0)) { sendPlayerMessage("Your must be in vehicle", 255, 0, 0); return true; } lastVehId = PED::GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID()); VEHICLE::SET_VEHICLE_MOD_KIT(lastVehId, 0); int modType; try { modType = stoi(params[0]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: modType must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (VEHICLE::GET_NUM_VEHICLE_MODS(lastVehId, modType) == 0) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: This mod does not supported by this vehicle", 255, 0, 0); return true; } int modIndex; try { modIndex = stoi(params[1]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: modIndex must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (modIndex < 0 || modIndex > VEHICLE::GET_NUM_VEHICLE_MODS(lastVehId, modType)) { stringstream buff; buff << "WARNING: invalid modIndex value [0-" << VEHICLE::GET_NUM_VEHICLE_MODS(lastVehId, modType) << "]"; sendPlayerMessage(buff.str(), 255, 0, 0); return true; } VEHICLE::SET_VEHICLE_MOD(lastVehId, modType, modIndex, true); sendPlayerMessage("Vehicle mods installed", 0, 255, 0); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/modkit")) { if (!params.size()) { sendPlayerMessage("USAGE: /modkit [id]", 125, 125, 125); return true; } if (!PED::IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), 0)) { sendPlayerMessage("Your must be in vehicle", 255, 0, 0); return true; } Vehicle lastVehId = PED::GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID()); int modKit; try { modKit = stoi(params[0]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: modKit must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (modKit < 0 || modKit > VEHICLE::GET_NUM_MOD_KITS(lastVehId)) { stringstream buff; buff << "WARNING: invalid vehId value [0-" << VEHICLE::GET_NUM_MOD_KITS(lastVehId) << "]"; sendPlayerMessage(buff.str(), 255, 0, 0); return true; } modKitId = modKit; return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/vehicle")) { if (!params.size()) { char buff[255]; sprintf_s(buff, "USAGE: /vehicle [id(0-%llu)]", maxVehNr); sendPlayerMessage(buff, 125, 125, 125); return true; } bool isNum = false; int vehId; try { vehId = stoi(params[0]); isNum = true; } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("Id is not numeric.Trying to get hash", 255, 50, 50); } if (isNum) { if (vehId < 0 || vehId > maxVehNr) { char buff[255]; sprintf_s(buff, "USAGE: /vehicle [id(0-%llu)]", maxVehNr); sendPlayerMessage(buff, 125, 125, 125); return true; } vehCreateId = vehId; } else { vehHash = GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY((char*) params[0].c_str()); if (STREAMING::IS_MODEL_IN_CDIMAGE(vehHash) && STREAMING::IS_MODEL_A_VEHICLE(vehHash)) { vehCreateId = -2; vehName = params[0]; } else sendPlayerMessage("Invalid vehicle title", 255, 50, 50); } return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/model")) { if (!params.size()) { char buff[255]; sprintf_s(buff, "USAGE: /model [id(0-%llu)]", maxPedNr); sendPlayerMessage(buff, 125, 125, 125); return true; } int id; bool isNum = false; try { id = stoi(params[0]); isNum = true; } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("Trying to get hash", 255, 50, 50); } if (isNum) { if (id < 0 || id > maxPedNr) { char buff[255]; sprintf_s(buff, "USAGE: /model [id(0-%llu)]", maxPedNr); sendPlayerMessage(buff, 125, 125, 125); return true; } pedId = id; } else { pedHash = GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY((char *)params[0].c_str()); if (STREAMING::IS_MODEL_IN_CDIMAGE(pedHash) && STREAMING::IS_MODEL_VALID(pedHash)) { pedName = params[0]; pedId = -2; } else sendPlayerMessage("Invalid ped model title", 255, 50, 50); } return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/object")) { if (!params.size()) { char buff[255]; sprintf_s(buff, "USAGE: /object [id(0-%llu)]", maxObjNr); sendPlayerMessage(buff, 125, 125, 125); return true; } int id; bool isNum = false; try { id = stoi(params[0]); isNum = true; } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: id must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (isNum) { if (id < 0 || id > maxObjNr) { char buff[255]; sprintf_s(buff, "USAGE: /object [id(0-%llu)]", maxObjNr); sendPlayerMessage(buff, 125, 125, 125); return true; } objId = id; } else { objHash = GAMEPLAY::GET_HASH_KEY((char *)params[0].c_str()); if (STREAMING::IS_MODEL_VALID(objHash)) { objName = params[0]; objId = -2; } else sendPlayerMessage("Invalid object title", 255, 50, 50); } objPos = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_COORDS(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), true); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/objexport")) { if (!params.size()) { sendPlayerMessage("USAGE: /objexport [filename]", 125, 125, 125); return true; } if (!lil::Object::_data.size()) { sendPlayerMessage("Nothing to export!", 255, 0, 0); return true; } lil::Object::ExportAll(params[0]); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/randcomps")) { PED::SET_PED_RANDOM_COMPONENT_VARIATION(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), FALSE); sendPlayerMessage("Random component variation setted", 0, 200, 0); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/setcomps")) { if (params.size() < 4) { sendPlayerMessage("USAGE: /setcomps [component_id] [drawable_id] [texture_id] [palette_id]", 125, 125, 125); return true; } int componentId, drawableId, textureId, paletteId; try { componentId = stoi(params[0]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: componentId must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } try { drawableId = stoi(params[1]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: drawableId must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } try { textureId = stoi(params[2]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: textureId must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } try { paletteId = stoi(params[3]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: paletteId must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (PED::IS_PED_COMPONENT_VARIATION_VALID(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), componentId, drawableId, textureId)) { PED::SET_PED_COMPONENT_VARIATION(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), componentId, drawableId, textureId, paletteId); sendPlayerMessage("Components changed", 0, 200, 0); return true; } else { sendPlayerMessage("ERROR: Components invalid", 255, 0, 0); return true; } return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/randprops")) { PED::SET_PED_RANDOM_PROPS(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID()); sendPlayerMessage("Random properties setted", 0, 200, 0); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/clearprops")) { PED::CLEAR_ALL_PED_PROPS(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID()); return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/setprops")) { if (params.size() < 4) { sendPlayerMessage("USAGE: /setprops [component_id] [drawable_id] [texture_id] [palette_id]", 125, 125, 125); return true; } int componentId, drawableId, textureId, paletteId; try { componentId = stoi(params[0]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: componentId must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } try { drawableId = stoi(params[1]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: drawableId must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } try { textureId = stoi(params[2]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: textureId must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } try { paletteId = stoi(params[3]); } catch (invalid_argument err) { sendPlayerMessage("WARNING: paletteId must be numeric", 255, 50, 50); return true; } if (PED::IS_PED_PROP_INDEX_VALID(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), componentId, drawableId, textureId)) { PED::SET_PED_PROP_INDEX(PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(), componentId, drawableId, textureId, paletteId); sendPlayerMessage("Properties changed", 0, 200, 0); return true; } else { sendPlayerMessage("ERROR: Components invalid", 255, 0, 0); return true; } return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/save")) { Ped playerPed = PLAYER::PLAYER_PED_ID(); if (ENTITY::DOES_ENTITY_EXIST(playerPed)) { if (PED::IS_PED_IN_ANY_VEHICLE(playerPed, 0)) { Vehicle veh = PED::GET_VEHICLE_PED_IS_USING(playerPed); Vector3 pos = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_COORDS(playerPed, false); float rot = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_HEADING(playerPed); ofstream fout(fileName.c_str(), ifstream::app); string comment; if (params.size()) comment = " //"; for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) comment += (i == (params.size() - 1) ? params[i] : (params[i] + " ")); fout << "Vehicle: " << pos.x << ", " << pos.y << ", " << pos.z << ", " << rot << comment << endl; fout.close(); sendPlayerMessage("Your vehicle position was saved", 0, 125, 0); } else { Vector3 pos = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_COORDS(playerPed, true); float rot = ENTITY::GET_ENTITY_HEADING(playerPed); ofstream fout(fileName.c_str(), ifstream::app); string comment; if (params.size()) comment = " //"; for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); ++i) comment += (i == (params.size() - 1) ? params[i] : (params[i] + " ")); fout << "Ped: " << pos.x << ", " << pos.y << ", " << pos.z << ", " << rot << comment << endl; fout.close(); sendPlayerMessage("Your onfoot position was saved", 0, 125, 0); } } return true; } else if (!cmd.compare("/clear")) { chatLines.clear(); return true; } return false; }