Exemple #1
int sendNewFrame(SwpState *state, Msg *frame, char isSelectRunning, int sd, 
                    fd_set *read_fds, struct timeval *default_timeout, 
                    struct sockaddr_in *remoteServAddr, int sizeAddr){
    struct sendQ_slot *slot;

    struct timeval void_timeout;
    void_timeout.tv_sec = 2147483647;
    void_timeout.tv_usec = 2147483647;

    state->hdr.SeqNum = ++state->LFS;
    slot = &state->sendQ[state->hdr.SeqNum%SWS];
    state->hdr.Flags = 0;
    frame->m[0] = state->hdr.SeqNum;
    frame->m[1] = state->hdr.AckNum;
    frame->m[2] = state->hdr.Flags;
    printf("%d %d %d %c\n", frame->m[0], frame->m[1], frame->m[2], frame->m[3]);
    //printf("%ld\n", sizeof(frame->m));
    slot->acked = 0;
    printf("%d %d %d %c\n", slot->msg.m[0], slot->msg.m[1], slot->msg.m[2], slot->msg.m[3]);
    gettimeofday(&slot->timeout, NULL);
    //Send the frame;
    if(sendto_(sd, slot->msg.m, sizeof(slot->msg.m),0, (struct sockaddr *) remoteServAddr,
                sizeAddr) < 0)
    // //Start select;
    // int noSelects = 1;
    // int i;
    // for(i=0;i<SWS;i++){
    //     if(state->sendQ[i].timeout.tv_sec != void_timeout.tv_sec){
    //         noSelects = 0;
    //         break;
    //     }
    // }
    if(frame->m[0] == 0){
        FD_ZERO(read_fds); //clear the select set
        FD_SET(sd, read_fds); //add socket to the listening list
        if (select(sd+1, read_fds, NULL, NULL, default_timeout) == -1) {
    return 3;//sendto_(sd, frame->m, sizeof(frame->m),0, (struct sockaddr *) remoteServAddr,
Exemple #2
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    //check command line args.
    if(argc<6) {
	printf("usage : %s <server> <error rate> <random seed> <send_file> <send_log> \n", argv[0]);

    printf("error rate : %f\n",atof(argv[2]));

    /* Note: you must initialize the network library first before calling
       sendto_().  The arguments are the <errorrate> and <random seed> */
    init_net_lib(atof(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));

    /* get server IP address (input must be IP address, not DNS name) */

    printf("%s: sending data to '%s' \n", argv[0], argv[1]);

    remoteServAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    remoteServAddr.sin_port = htons(REMOTE_SERVER_PORT);
    inet_pton(AF_INET, argv[1], &remoteServAddr.sin_addr);

    cliAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    cliAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
    cliAddr.sin_port = htons(0);

    /* socket creation */
    sd = socket(************************);
    if(sd<0) {
	printf("%s: cannot open socket \n",argv[0]);

    msg[] = "send this";
    sendto_(sd,msg, strlen(msg),0, (struct sockaddr *) &remoteServAddr,
Exemple #3
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
  // Variables
  char c;                                  // Character to write to our program
  int sock;                                // Our Socket
  int index;                               // Index to get data from frame
  struct sockaddr_in servAddr;             // Server Address
  struct sockaddr_in cliAddr;              // Client Address
  unsigned int cliLen = sizeof( cliAddr ); // Length of Client struct
  int nbytes;                              // Number of bytes read
  char ack[2];                             // Acknowledgment packet
  SwpState server;                         // Window state
  FILE *log, *out;                         // File pointers to log and output file

  // Initalize Variables
  server.hdr.SeqNum = 0;
  server.hdr.Flags  = 0;
  server.LFRead = 0;
  server.LFRcvd = -1;
  server.LAF = RWS;
  server.NFE = 0;

  ack[SEQNUM] = -1;
  ack[FLAGS] = 0;

  // Check command line args.
  if( argc < 6 ) {
    printf( "Usage: %s <server_port> <error rate> <random seed> <output_file> <recieve_log> \n", argv[0] );
    exit( EXIT_FAILURE );
  // Note: you must initialize the network library first before calling sendto_().
  //   The arguments are the <errorrate> and <random seed>
  init_net_lib( atof( argv[2] ), atoi( argv[3] ) );
  printf( "Error rate: %f\n", atof( argv[2] ) );

  // Open log and output file
  out = fopen( argv[4], "w" ); ERROR( out == NULL );
  log = fopen( argv[5], "w" ); ERROR( log == NULL );

  // Socket creation
  sock = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0 );
  ERROR( sock < 0 );

  // Bind server port to "well-known" port whose value is known by the client
  bzero( &servAddr, sizeof( servAddr ) );              // Zero the struct
  servAddr.sin_family      = AF_INET;                  // Address family
  servAddr.sin_port        = htons( atoi( argv[1] ) ); // htons() sets the port # to network byte order
  servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;               // Supplies the IP address of the local machine
  ERROR( bind( sock, (struct sockaddr *) &servAddr, sizeof( servAddr ) ) < 0 );

  char buffer[PACKETSIZE];
  bzero( &buffer, PACKETSIZE );

  do {

	// Receive message from client
	nbytes = recvfrom( sock, &buffer, PACKETSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &cliAddr, &cliLen );
	ERROR( nbytes < 0 );
	// Make sure to cap string
	buffer[nbytes] = '\0';	
	server.hdr.SeqNum = buffer[SEQNUM];

	// Check to see if packet is what we need
	if ( ( buffer[SEQNUM] >= server.LAF - RWS ) && 
		 ( buffer[SEQNUM] < server.LAF ) ) {
	  // Set Last Frame Recieved to this buffer number
	  server.LFRcvd = buffer[SEQNUM];
	  memcpy( server.recvQ[ server.LFRcvd % RWS ].msg, buffer, PACKETSIZE);
	  // Update log
	  logTime( log, "RECEIVE", &server );

	// Check to see if the one we recieved is the next frame
	if ( server.LFRcvd == server.NFE ) {
	  // Copy and write recieved data
	  index = 2;
	  do {
		c = server.recvQ[server.NFE % RWS].msg[index];
		if ( c == '\0' ) break;
		fputc( c, out ); index++;
	  while ( index < PACKETSIZE - 1 );
	  server.LFRead = server.NFE;
	  // Set Ack Header Data
	  ack[SEQNUM] = server.LFRcvd;
	  ack[FLAGS] = 0;
	// Respond using sendto_ in order to simulate dropped packets
	nbytes = sendto_( sock, ack, PACKETSIZE, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &cliAddr, sizeof( cliAddr ) );
	ERROR( nbytes < 0 );
	// Check to see if the one we recieved is the next frame
	if ( server.LFRcvd == server.NFE ) {

	  // Update log
	  logTime( log, "SEND", &server );
	  // Increment Next Frame Expected
	  // Increment Largest Acceptable Frame
	else {
	  // Update log
	  logTime( log, "RESEND", &server );
  } while ( buffer[FLAGS] != 1 ); 
  // Close files
  fclose( log ); fclose( out );
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
	int packet_size = sizeof(packet);
	int nbytes;
	int remote_len;
	struct timespec cur_time;
	// buffer
	packet packet_buffer[MAXPCKTBUFSIZE];	
	// ACK ack_buffer[MAXPCKTBUFSIZE];
	char log_line[1024];
	char tmpstr[256];
	time_t tmptime;
	int resend_cnt[MAXPCKTBUFSIZE];
	memset(resend_cnt, 0, sizeof(resend_cnt));

	/* check command line args. */
		printf("usage : %s <server_ip> <server_port> <error rate> <random seed> <send_file> <send_log> \n", argv[0]);

	/* Note: you must initialize the network library first before calling sendto_().  The arguments are the <errorrate> and <random seed> */
	init_net_lib(atof(argv[3]), atoi(argv[4]));
	printf("error rate : %f\n",atof(argv[3]));

	/* socket creation */
	int sd;
	if((sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
		printf("%s: cannot create socket \n",argv[0]);

	/* get server IP address (input must be IP address, not DNS name) */
	struct sockaddr_in remoteServAddr;
	bzero(&remoteServAddr, sizeof(remoteServAddr));               //zero the struct
	remoteServAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;                 //address family
	remoteServAddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[2]));      //sets port to network byte order
	remoteServAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(argv[1]); //sets remote IP address
	printf("%s: sending data to '%s:%s' \n", argv[0], argv[1], argv[2]);
	remote_len = sizeof(remoteServAddr);

	/* Open log */
	FILE * sendlog = fopen(argv[6], "w");
	/* Open file to send */
	FILE * sendfile = fopen(argv[5], "rb");
	if (sendfile)
		// determine file size
		int fsize;
		char fsizechar[32];
		fseek(sendfile, 0, SEEK_END); // seek to end of file
		fsize = ftell(sendfile); // get current file pointer
		fseek(sendfile, 0, SEEK_SET); // seek back to beginning of file
		sprintf(fsizechar, "%d", fsize);
		printf("file size %s \n", fsizechar);

		// send file size & hand shake
		char msg[1024];
		ACK tmpack;
		strcpy(msg, argv[5]);
		strcat(msg, "\t");
		strcat(msg, fsizechar);
		nbytes = sendto(sd, msg, sizeof(msg), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&remoteServAddr, remote_len);
		// get ack
		nbytes = timeout_recvfrom(sd, &tmpack, sizeof(ACK), (struct sockaddr*)&remoteServAddr);  	
		SWS = tmpack.rws;
		// resend when timed out
		while (!nbytes)
			nbytes = sendto(sd, msg, sizeof(msg), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&remoteServAddr, remote_len);
			// get ack
			nbytes = timeout_recvfrom(sd, &tmpack, sizeof(ACK), (struct sockaddr*)&remoteServAddr);
			// update SWS
			SWS = tmpack.rws;
		int seq = 0;
		int buf_index = seq % MAXDATABUFSIZE;
		int remain = fsize;
		int total = fsize / MAXDATABUFSIZE;
		if (fsize % MAXDATABUFSIZE) total += 1;
		int readed, toread;
		LAR = -1; 
		LFS = -1;
		int last_frame_cnt = 0;
		while(LAR < total-1)
			if (LFS < LAR + SWS)
				buf_index = seq % MAXPCKTBUFSIZE;
				packet_buffer[buf_index].type = DATA_TYPE;
				packet_buffer[buf_index].seq = seq;
				toread = (MAXDATABUFSIZE) < (remain) ? (MAXDATABUFSIZE) : (remain);
				packet_buffer[buf_index].size = toread;
				readed = fread(packet_buffer[buf_index].data, sizeof(char), toread, sendfile);
				nbytes = sendto_(sd, &(packet_buffer[buf_index]), sizeof(packet), 0, (struct sockaddr*) &remoteServAddr, remote_len);

				// s/r/rs seq [freeslot] LAR LFS time
				strcpy(log_line, "Send\t");
			        sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t\t", seq);
				strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
				sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAR);
				strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
				sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFS);
				strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
				strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
				// strcat(log_line, "\n");
				fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), sendlog);
				printf("%s", log_line);
				LFS++; seq++; remain -= toread;
				nbytes = timeout_recvfrom(sd, &tmpack, sizeof(ACK), (struct sockaddr*)&remoteServAddr);
				// printf("nbytes: %d, tmpack.seq: %d, tmpack.rws: %d.\n", nbytes, tmpack.seq, tmpack.rws);
				if (nbytes)
				{// received

					if (LAR == tmpack.seq)
					{// duplicated, resend
						SWS = tmpack.rws;
					if (LAR < tmpack.seq)
					{// update LAR, SWS
						LAR = tmpack.seq;
						SWS = tmpack.rws;
					// s/r/rs seq [freeslot] LAR LFS time
					strcpy(log_line, "Receive\t");
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", tmpack.seq);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", tmpack.freeSlots);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAR);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFS);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
					//strcat(log_line, "\n");
					printf("%s", log_line);
					fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), sendlog);
				{// timed out, resend up to LFS
					if (LAR >= total - MAXPCKTBUFSIZE  )
						resend_cnt[LAR - total + MAXPCKTBUFSIZE]++;
						if (resend_cnt[LAR - total + MAXPCKTBUFSIZE] >= 10) break;
					int o = LAR + 1;
					int right_most = LFS < (LAR + SWS) ? LFS : (LAR + SWS);
					for (o = LAR + 1; o <= right_most; o++)
						// printf("timed out, resend %d packet.\n", o);
						buf_index = o % MAXPCKTBUFSIZE;
						nbytes = sendto_(sd, &(packet_buffer[buf_index]), sizeof(packet),
								0, (struct sockaddr*) &remoteServAddr, remote_len);
						// resend log
						strcpy(log_line, "Resend\t");
						sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t\t", packet_buffer[buf_index].seq);
						strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
						sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAR);
						strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
						sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFS);
						strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
						strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
						//strcat(log_line, "\n");
						fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), sendlog);
						printf("%s", log_line);
			if (SWS == 0)
			{// solution to deadlock
			 // probe if RWS has been reset 
			 // and reset SWS
			 // retrieve ack
			 	printf("SWS = 0\n");
				strcpy(log_line, "SWS=0\n");
				fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), sendlog);
			 	nbytes = timeout_recvfrom(sd, &tmpack, sizeof(ACK), (struct sockaddr*) &remoteServAddr);
				if (nbytes) 

					// s/r/rs seq [freeslot] LAR LFS time
					strcpy(log_line, "Receive\t");
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", tmpack.seq);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", tmpack.freeSlots);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAR);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFS);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
					// strcat(log_line, "\n");
					fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), sendlog);
					printf("%s", log_line);
					SWS = (tmpack.rws) > 0 ? (tmpack.rws) : 0;

		printf("Failed open file %s, please retry. \n", argv[5]);
	// close socket	
	// close log file
Exemple #5
int main (int argc, char * argv[] )

	FILE *outputFile;
	int sock;                           //This will be our socket
	struct sockaddr_in sin, remote;     //"Internet socket address structure"
	unsigned int remote_length;         //length of the sockaddr_in structure
	char buffer[MAXBUFSIZE];             //a buffer to store our received message
		printf("usage : %s <server_port> <error_rate> <random_seed> <output_file> <receive_log> \n", argv[0]);

    if ((fp = fopen(argv[5],"w")) == NULL)
    	printf("Unable to open log file %s\n", argv[5]);
    if ((outputFile = fopen(argv[4],"w")) == NULL)
    	printf("Unable to open output file %s\n", argv[4]);
    fprintf(LOGFILE,"Server starting up!\n");

     This code populates the sockaddr_in struct with
     the information about our socket
	bzero(&sin,sizeof(sin));                    //zero the struct
	sin.sin_family = AF_INET;                   //address family
	sin.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1]));        //htons() sets the port # to network byte order
	sin.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;           //supplies the IP address of the local machine

	//Causes the system to create a generic socket of type UDP (datagram)
    if ((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP)) == -1)
        perror("client: socket");

     Once we've created a socket, we must bind that socket to the
     local address and port we've supplied in the sockaddr_in struct
	if (bind(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&sin, sizeof(sin)) < 0)
		perror("unable to bind socket\n");

	remote_length = sizeof(remote);
    struct sockaddr_in from_addr;
    int addr_length = sizeof(struct sockaddr);

    MsgRec *rec;
    int i = 0;
    int rws = 6;
    int laf = rws;
    int lfr = 0;
    int totalExpectedPackets = -1;
    MsgRec *receivedMsg;
    int prevPacketId = 0;
    int packetId = 0;
    int expectedPacket = 0;
    int totalReceivedPackets = 0;
    int increasing_mode = 0;

    while (totalReceivedPackets != totalExpectedPackets)
    	fprintf(LOGFILE,"Packet structure:\n");
    	int c;
        for (c = lfr-1; c < laf + 3;c++ )
        	if (c == lfr)
        		fprintf(LOGFILE,"[lfr -> %-2d] ", c);
        	else if (c == laf)
        		fprintf(LOGFILE,"[laf -> %-2d] ", c);
        		fprintf(LOGFILE,"[%-2d] ", c);
        fprintf(LOGFILE,"\n rws = %d\n", laf - lfr);

        // wait for command from client
        int numbytes;
        if ((numbytes = recvfrom(sock, buffer, sizeof(buffer)-1, 0,
                                 (struct sockaddr *)&from_addr, &addr_length)) == -1)
    	if (increasing_mode && (laf - lfr) < rws)
    		laf++;  // keep increasing until it is back up to RWS
    		fprintf(LOGFILE,"Increasing mode activated.   LAF is now at %d\n", laf);
        rec = (MsgRec *) buffer;
        if (i == 0)
        	// then read the num packets
        	fprintf(LOGFILE,"Total expected number of packets [%s]\n", rec->numPackets);
        	totalExpectedPackets = atoi(rec->numPackets);
        	receivedMsg = malloc(totalExpectedPackets*sizeof(MsgRec));
        time_t now;
		fprintf(LOGFILE,"Receive seq=%s free_slots=%d LFRead=%d LFRcvd=%d LAF=%d time=%s\n", rec->packetId, laf - lfr, lfr-1,lfr,laf,ctime(&now));

        packetId = atoi(rec->packetId);

        if (i > PACKET_SLOWDOWN && !increasing_mode)
        	if (laf > 0 && (laf - lfr) >= 0)
        		fprintf(LOGFILE,"reducing frame size %d\n", --laf);
        if (packetId != expectedPacket)
        	// then packets arrive out of order
        	fprintf(LOGFILE,"Packets arrive out of order, just send the last ack back.  Duplicate ack sent");
        	sprintf(rec->rws,"%d", laf - lfr);
        	int len = sizeof(MsgRec);
			char *buf = malloc(len);
			memcpy(buf, rec, len);
			// <Send | Resend | Receive> <Seq #> [Free Slots] <LFRead> <LFRcvd> <LAF> <Time>
	        time_t now;
			fprintf(LOGFILE,"Resend seq=%s free_slots=%d LFRead=%d LFRcvd=%d LAF=%d time=%s\n", rec->packetId, laf - lfr, lfr-1,lfr,laf,ctime(&now));
            if ((numbytes = sendto_(sock,buf, len,0,(struct sockaddr *)&from_addr, addr_length)) == -1) {
                perror("talker: sendto");
        else if (packetId == expectedPacket && packetId <= laf)
        	fprintf(LOGFILE,"packets are in order, proceed\n");
        	// packets are in order, proceed
            prevPacketId = packetId;

            fprintf(LOGFILE,"Payload[%d]: [%s]\n",lfr, receivedMsg[lfr].payload);

            sprintf(rec->rws,"%d", laf - lfr);
            int len = sizeof(MsgRec);
			char *buf = malloc(len);
			memcpy(buf, rec, len);
            time_t now;
			fprintf(LOGFILE,"send seq=%s free_slots=%d LFRead=%d LFRcvd=%d LAF=%d time=%s\n", rec->packetId, laf - lfr, lfr-1,lfr,laf,ctime(&now));
	        if ((numbytes = sendto_(sock,buf, len,0,(struct sockaddr *)&from_addr, addr_length)) == -1) {
	            perror("talker: sendto");
        else if (packetId > laf)
			// then it is outside of the excepted frame, send it back
			fprintf(LOGFILE,"Packets arrive faster than can be processed");
			sprintf(rec->rws,"%d", 0);

			int len = sizeof(MsgRec);
			char *buf = malloc(len);
			memcpy(buf, rec, len);
	        time_t now;
			fprintf(LOGFILE,"resend seq=%s free_slots=%d LFRead=%d LFRcvd=%d LAF=%d time=%s\n", rec->packetId, laf - lfr, lfr-1,lfr,laf,ctime(&now));
			if ((numbytes = sendto_(sock,buf, len,0,(struct sockaddr *)&from_addr, addr_length)) == -1) {
				perror("talker: sendto");
			fprintf(LOGFILE,"Sleeping 10 millseconds...\n");
			fd_set select_fds;
			struct timeval timeout;

			FD_SET(sock, &select_fds);

			timeout.tv_sec = 0;
			timeout.tv_usec = 10000;  // 10ms

			select(sock+1, &select_fds, NULL,NULL, &timeout);
			increasing_mode = 1;
        // print out the packets stored
        fprintf(LOGFILE,"Packet storage:\n");
        for (c = 0; c < totalExpectedPackets; c++)
        	if (((c+1) % 10) == 0 )

    } // end while

    // then write the packets out to the out file
    fprintf(LOGFILE,"Writing out output file...\n");
    int c;
    for (c = 0; c < totalExpectedPackets; c++)
    	fwrite(receivedMsg[c].payload, sizeof(char), PACKET_SIZE,outputFile);

Exemple #6
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
typedef char * string;

    struct sockaddr_in cliAddr, remoteServAddr; //Socker addresses for the client and remote
    unsigned int remote_length = sizeof(remoteServAddr); //Length of remote address struct
    int sd; //The socket that we will use
    u_char receive_buffer[3]; //The buffer that receives acks. 512 bytes long
    struct timeval default_timeout; //The default timeout we are using for the select()
    default_timeout.tv_sec = 2; //2 secs
    default_timeout.tv_usec = 500000; //0.5 secs
    fd_set read_fds;  // temp file descriptor list for select()

    //Initialize the state of the client
    SwpSeqno receivedAcks[500]; //(Non-optimal) implementation of the ACK list
    static SwpState state;
    initializeState(&state, receivedAcks);

    //Check command line args.
    if(argc<6) {
	printf("usage : %s <serve_ip_address> <error_rate> <random_seed> <send_file> <send_log> \n", argv[0]);
    //Print error rate
    printf("error rate : %f\n",atof(argv[2]));

    /* Note: you must initialize the network library first before calling
       sendto_().  The arguments are the <error_rate> and <random_seed> */
    init_net_lib(atof(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));

    /* Test printing to the client Log */
    /*int temp[] = {1,2,3,5};
    int size_of_temp = 4;
    toLog(1, argv[5], "Send", state.hdr.SeqNum, temp, size_of_temp, &state);*/

    /* get server IP address (input must be IP address, not DNS name) */
    printf("%s: sending data to '%s' \n", argv[0], argv[1]);

    //Set up the address of the remote server.
    bzero(&remoteServAddr, sizeof(remoteServAddr)); //zero out the address
    remoteServAddr.sin_family = AF_INET; //address family
    remoteServAddr.sin_port = htons(REMOTE_SERVER_PORT); //Use the port we set up

    //Convert the char string into an INET address structure
    int retVal;
    retVal = inet_pton(AF_INET, argv[1], &remoteServAddr.sin_addr);
    if(retVal == -1){
        printf("Invalid address family for IP address\n");

    //Same deal with our client address
    cliAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
    cliAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
    cliAddr.sin_port = htons(0);

    /* socket creation */
    sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP);
    if(sd<0) {
	printf("%s: cannot open socket \n",argv[0]);

    Open up our send file to get it ready to packet-ize and send
    FILE *fsend;
    fsend = fopen(argv[4],"r"); //Open the filename we entered
    if(fsend == NULL){
        printf("Please use an existing file to send\n");
        printf("usage : %s <serve_ip_address> <error_rate> <random_seed> <send_file> <send_log> \n", argv[0]);
    //Prep for the send loop
    FD_ZERO(&read_fds); //clear the select set
    FD_SET(sd, &read_fds); //add socket to the listening list
    int nbytes;
    char doneReadingFile = 0; //Flag to tell us if we are done reading the file
    SwpSeqno lastSeqNum = -1; //What is the last sequence number?
    Msg frame;
    char isSelectRunning = 0;
    struct timeval new_timeout; //The default timeout we are using for the select()
    new_timeout.tv_sec = 2; //2 secs
    new_timeout.tv_usec = 500000; //0.5 secs
    struct timeval void_timeout;
    void_timeout.tv_sec = 2147483647;
    void_timeout.tv_usec = 2147483647;
    struct recvQ_slot *rslot;
    struct timeval timeofday;
    Start the loop for sliding window.
    Stop conditions are that the whole file has been read and the LAR == LFS
    int count = 0;

        //size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size_of_elements, size_t number_of_elements, FILE *a_file);
        //printf("size of reading%ld\n",sizeof(Msg)-3*sizeof(char));
        //Read a frame's worht of the file.
        if((nbytes = fread(&frame.m[3],sizeof(char),sizeof(frame.m)-3*sizeof(u_char),
                            fsend))== -1){
            printf("Error Reading File, Try again...\n");
            // break;
        //If the file is done being read
        else if (nbytes == 0){
            doneReadingFile = 1;
            lastSeqNum = state.hdr.SeqNum;
        //If there was something to read!
            //printf("positions 4 5 6 %c %c %c\n",frame.m[3], frame.m[4],frame.m[5]);
            if(sendNewFrame(&state, &frame, isSelectRunning, sd,&read_fds, 
                            &default_timeout,&remoteServAddr,sizeof(remoteServAddr)) < 0){
               printf("Error on packet send\n");
            // if(sendto_(sd, frame.m, sizeof(frame.m),0, (struct sockaddr *) &remoteServAddr,
            //     sizeof(remoteServAddr)) < 0)
            // {
            //     printf("EROROROEOs\n");
            // }
            int num_least;
            if (FD_ISSET(sd, &read_fds)){
                printf("received packet!\n");
                if ((nbytes = recv(sd, &receive_buffer, sizeof(receive_buffer), 0)) <= 0) {
                    // got error or connection closed by client
                    if (nbytes == 0) {
                    // connection closed
                        printf("selectserver: socket %d hung up\n", sd);
                    } else {
                } else 
                {//Got an ACK! Update everyone's timeouts, get rid of the ACK sequence #'s timeout 
                    printf("got %d\n", receive_buffer[1]);
                    SwpSeqno ack = receive_buffer[1];
                    if(ack == state.LAR +1){
                        state.sendQ[ack%SWS].timeout = void_timeout;
                        struct timeval *least = &state.sendQ[0].timeout;
                        struct timeval *temp;
                        int i;
                            printf("Get timeofday error\n");
                        for(i = 0;i < SWS;i++){
                            state.sendQ[i].timeout.tv_sec = timeofday.tv_sec - state.sendQ[i].timeout.tv_sec;
                            state.sendQ[i].timeout.tv_usec = timeofday.tv_usec - state.sendQ[i].timeout.tv_usec;
                            temp = &state.sendQ[i].timeout;
                            if((least->tv_sec * 1000000 + least->tv_usec) > 
                                (temp->tv_sec * 1000000 + temp->tv_usec)){
                                least->tv_sec = temp->tv_sec;
                                least->tv_usec = temp->tv_usec;
                                num_least = i;

                        printf("%d", num_least);
                        FD_ZERO(&read_fds); //clear the select set
                        FD_SET(sd, &read_fds); //add socket to the listening list
                        if (select(sd+1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, least) == -1) {
                        //Move the 
                        state.sendQ[ack%RWS].acked = 0;
                            state.sendQ[ack%RWS].acked = 0;   
                    else if(ack > state.LFS && ack < state.LAR){
                        state.sendQ[ack%SWS].timeout = void_timeout;
                        struct timeval *least = &state.sendQ[0].timeout;
                        struct timeval *temp;
                        int i;
                        for(i = 0;i < SWS;i++){
                            temp = &state.sendQ[0].timeout;
                            if((least->tv_sec * 1000000 + least->tv_usec) > 
                                (temp->tv_sec * 1000000 + temp->tv_usec)){
                                least->tv_sec = temp->tv_sec;
                                least->tv_usec = temp->tv_usec;
                                num_least = i;
                        FD_ZERO(&read_fds); //clear the select set
                        FD_SET(sd, &read_fds); //add socket to the listening list
                        if (select(sd+1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, least) == -1) {
                        state.sendQ[ack%RWS].acked = 1;
                printf("Timed out. Resend\n");
                SwpSeqno done;
                int i;
                struct timeval *temp;
                struct timeval *least = &state.sendQ[0].timeout;
                //Find which packet must be resent.
                for(i = 0;i < SWS;i++){
                    temp = &state.sendQ[0].timeout;
                    if((temp->tv_sec * 1000000 + temp->tv_usec) >= 0)
                        done = state.sendQ[i].msg.m[0];
                        gettimeofday(&state.sendQ[i].timeout, NULL);
                        //Ressend the frame;
                        if(sendto_(sd, state.sendQ[i].msg.m, sizeof(state.sendQ[i].msg.m),0, 
                            (struct sockaddr *) &remoteServAddr, sizeof(remoteServAddr)) < 0){

                //Redo select
                for(i = 0;i < SWS;i++){
                    temp = &state.sendQ[0].timeout;
                    if((least->tv_sec * 1000000 + least->tv_usec) > 
                        (temp->tv_sec * 1000000 + temp->tv_usec)){
                        least->tv_sec = temp->tv_sec;
                        least->tv_usec = temp->tv_usec;
                        num_least = i;
                FD_ZERO(&read_fds); //clear the select set
                FD_SET(sd, &read_fds); //add socket to the listening list
                new_timeout.tv_sec = least->tv_sec; //2 secs
                //printf("%d\n", least->tv_sec);
                new_timeout.tv_usec = least->tv_usec; 
                if (select(sd+1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &new_timeout) == -1) {

                //sendto_(sd, msgs[iter], strlen(msg),0, (struct sockaddr *) &remoteServAddr,

    }while(!doneReadingFile && state.LAR != state.LFS);

    int sendto_(int sockfd, const void *msg, int len, unsigned int flags,
                const struct sockaddr *to, socklen_t tolen);
    FD_SET(sd, &read_fds);
    int nbytes;
    //sd; //Keep track of biggest file descriptor

    char msg[] = "send this";
    char msg2[] = "send that";
    string msgs[4];
    msgs[0] = "0send this";
    msgs[1] = "1send that";
    msgs[2] = "2cat in ";
    msgs[3] = "3hat";
    int iter = 0;
    while(iter < 4){
        sendto_(sd, msgs[iter], strlen(msg),0, (struct sockaddr *) &remoteServAddr,

        if (select(sd+1, &read_fds, NULL, NULL, &default_timeout) == -1) {

        if (FD_ISSET(sd, &read_fds)){
            printf("received packet!\n");
            if ((nbytes = recv(sd, receive_buffer, sizeof(receive_buffer), 0)) <= 0) {
                // got error or connection closed by client
                if (nbytes == 0) {
                // connection closed
                    printf("selectserver: socket %d hung up\n", sd);
                } else {
            } else 
                printf("%s\n", receive_buffer);
            printf("Timed out. Resend\n");
            //sendto_(sd, msgs[iter], strlen(msg),0, (struct sockaddr *) &remoteServAddr,


    return 0;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {	
	int upper_limit = LFRead +  MAXPCKTBUFSIZE;
	int free_slots = upper_limit - LFRcvd;
	RWS = free_slots;
	LAF = LFRcvd + RWS;
	int recv_cnt = 0;
	char log_line[1024];
	char tmpstr[256];
	time_t tmptime;
	// buffer
	packet packet_buffer[MAXPCKTBUFSIZE];
	packet tmppacket;
	/* check command line args. */
	if(argc<6) {
		printf("usage : %s <server_port> <error rate> <random seed> <send_file> <send_log> \n", argv[0]);

	/* Note: you must initialize the network library first before calling sendto_().  The arguments are the <errorrate> and <random seed> */
	init_net_lib(atof(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));
	printf("error rate : %f\n",atof(argv[2]));

	/* socket creation */
	int sd;
	if((sd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0)
		printf("%s: cannot open socket \n",argv[0]);

	/* bind server port to "well-known" port whose value is known by the client */
	struct sockaddr_in servAddr;
	bzero(&servAddr,sizeof(servAddr));                    //zero the struct
	servAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;                   //address family
	servAddr.sin_port = htons(atoi(argv[1]));        //htons() sets the port # to network byte order
	servAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;           //supplies the IP address of the local machine
	if(bind(sd, (struct sockaddr *)&servAddr, sizeof(servAddr)) <0)
		printf("%s: cannot to bind port number %s \n",argv[0], argv[1]);

	/* Open log */
	FILE * rcvlog = fopen(argv[5], "a");	// append trances to log

	/* Receive message from client */
	struct sockaddr_in cliAddr;
	int cliLen = sizeof(cliAddr);
	int nbytes;
	int window_decreasing_flag = 0;
	ACK tmpack;
	// initial shake, recv filename and filesize from client
	char recvmsg[1024];
        cliLen = sizeof(cliAddr);
        nbytes = recvfrom(sd, &recvmsg, sizeof (recvmsg), 0, (struct sockaddr *) &cliAddr, &cliLen);
	printf("Client says:\n %s \n", recvmsg);
	// parse file name and size
	char fnamechar[256];
	char fsizechar[32]; 
	int fsize;
	char* sec_arg = strstr(recvmsg, "\t");
	strncpy(fnamechar, recvmsg, (sec_arg - recvmsg));
      	strcpy(fsizechar, sec_arg+1);
	fsize = atoi(fsizechar);
	int total = fsize / MAXDATABUFSIZE;
	if (fsize % MAXDATABUFSIZE) total += 1;
	// open file
	FILE * recvfile = fopen(argv[4], "wb");
	if (recvfile)
		// send ack
		tmpack.type = ACK_TYPE;
		tmpack.seq = -1;
		tmpack.rws = RWS;
		nbytes = sendto(sd, &tmpack, sizeof(ACK), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&cliAddr, cliLen);
		// receiving file
		int seq = 0;
		int buf_index;
		int skip_recv = 0;
		LFRead = -1;
		LFRcvd = -1;
		LAF = RWS - 1;
		while (LFRcvd < total - 1)
			if (!skip_recv)
				nbytes = timeout_recvfrom(sd, &(tmppacket), sizeof(packet), (struct sockaddr*)&cliAddr);
				skip_recv = 0;
			if (nbytes)
			{// received, check if out of order
				// force decrease receive window size
				if (recv_cnt >= 30 && recv_cnt <=39 ) 
					if (RWS < 0) {RWS = 0;}
				// arriave in order
				if (tmppacket.seq == LFRcvd + 1)
				{// update LFRcvd, send ACK, write file,update LFRead
					// update window
					upper_limit = LFRead +  RWS + 1;
					free_slots = upper_limit - LFRcvd;
					// if (window_decreasing_flag == 0)
					// { RWS = free_slots; }
					LAF = LFRcvd + RWS;
					// construct ACK
					tmpack.seq = LFRcvd;
					tmpack.freeSlots = free_slots;
					tmpack.rws = RWS;

					// s/r/rs seq [freeslot] LFRead LFRcvd LAF time
					strcpy(log_line, "Receive\t");
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t\t", tmppacket.seq);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRead);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRcvd);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAF);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
					// strcat(log_line, "\n");
					fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), rcvlog);
					printf("%s", log_line);

					// send ACK
					nbytes = sendto_(sd, &tmpack, sizeof(ACK), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&cliAddr, cliLen);

					// s/r/rs seq [freeslot] LFRead LFRcvd LAF time
					strcpy(log_line, "Send\t");
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", tmpack.seq);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", free_slots);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRead);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRcvd);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAF);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
					//strcat(log_line, "\n");
					fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), rcvlog);
					printf("%s", log_line);

					// write file
					fwrite((char*)&(tmppacket.data), sizeof(char), tmppacket.size, recvfile);
					// update LFRead
					LFRead = tmppacket.seq ; // equivalent to LFRread++;	

					// scan previous received out of order packets
					int k = LFRcvd;
					for(k = LFRcvd + 1; k < LFRcvd + 1 + MAXPCKTBUFSIZE; k++)
						buf_index = k % MAXPCKTBUFSIZE;
						if (packet_buffer[buf_index].seq == LFRcvd + 1)
							// update window
							upper_limit = LFRead +  RWS + 1;
							free_slots = upper_limit - LFRcvd;
							//if (window_decreasing_flag == 0)
							//{ RWS = free_slots;}
							// construct ACK
							tmpack.seq = LFRcvd;
							tmpack.freeSlots = free_slots;
							tmpack.rws = RWS;
							// send ACK
							nbytes = sendto_(sd, &tmpack, sizeof(ACK), 0, 
									(struct sockaddr*)&cliAddr, cliLen);

							// s/r/rs seq [freeslot] LFRead LFRcvd LAF time
							strcpy(log_line, "Send\t");
							sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", tmpack.seq);
							strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
							sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", free_slots);
							strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
							sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRead);
							strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
							sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRcvd);
							strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
							sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAF);
							strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
							strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
							// strcat(log_line, "\n");
							fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), rcvlog);
							printf("%s", log_line);

							// write file
							fwrite((char*)&(packet_buffer[buf_index].data), sizeof(char), packet_buffer[buf_index].size, recvfile);
							// update LFRead
							LFRead = LFRcvd;
				if (tmppacket.seq > LFRcvd + 1)
				{// arrive out of order, cache packet, send duplicate ACK
				 // as we are sending a duplicate ACK, which is exactly the previous ACK sent
				 // just update ack.rws would be enough
				 	tmpack.rws = RWS;	
					nbytes = sendto_(sd, &tmpack, sizeof(ACK), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&cliAddr, cliLen);

					// receive log
					strcpy(log_line, "Receive\t");
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t\t", tmppacket.seq);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRead);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRcvd);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAF);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
					// strcat(log_line, "\n");
					fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), rcvlog);
					printf("%s", log_line);
					// send duplicate ACK log
					// s/r/rs seq [freeslot] LFRead LFRcvd LAF time
					strcpy(log_line, "Send\t");
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", tmpack.seq);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", free_slots);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRead);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRcvd);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAF);
					strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
					strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
					//strcat(log_line, "\n");
					fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), rcvlog);
					printf("%s", log_line);

					// buffer out of order packet received
					buf_index = tmppacket.seq % MAXPCKTBUFSIZE;
					packet_buffer[buf_index].seq = tmppacket.seq;
					packet_buffer[buf_index].size = tmppacket.size;
					packet_buffer[buf_index].type = tmppacket.type;
					strcpy(packet_buffer[buf_index].data, tmppacket.data);
				if (tmppacket.seq < LFRcvd + 1)
				{// packets alreadly received and buffered, discard
			// decrease rws
			// if (recv_cnt == 30) window_decreasing_flag = 1;
			// handle situation when RWS is 0
			if (RWS == 0) 
			{// RWS decreased to 0
				printf("RWS = 0!!!!!\n");
				strcpy(log_line, "RWS = 0!!!!!!!!!!\n");
				fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), rcvlog);
				printf("window_decreasing_flag = %d\n", window_decreasing_flag);
				if (1)
				{// reset flag and sleep 10 ms	
					// window_decreasing_flag = 0;
					RWS = 6;
					// send ACK
						tmpack.rws = RWS;
						nbytes = sendto_(sd, &tmpack, sizeof(ACK), 0, (struct sockaddr*)&cliAddr, cliLen);

						// s/r/rs seq [freeslot] LFRead LFRcvd LAF time
						strcpy(log_line, "Send\t");
						sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", seq);
						strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
						sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", free_slots);
						strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
						sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRead);
						strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
						sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LFRcvd);
						strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
						sprintf(tmpstr, "%d\t", LAF);
						strcat(log_line, tmpstr);
						strcat(log_line, ctime(&tmptime));
						//strcat(log_line, "\n");
						fwrite(log_line, sizeof(char), strlen(log_line), rcvlog);
						printf("%s", log_line);

						nbytes = timeout_recvfrom(sd, &tmppacket, sizeof(packet), (struct sockaddr*)&cliAddr);

					window_decreasing_flag = 0;	
					skip_recv = 1;
		printf("Failed open file %s, please retry. \n", fnamechar);

	// close log file
	// close socket
Exemple #8
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {

  static int selret;

  unsigned int recLen;
  static char* p;
  static char filebuffer[FILESIZE];
  static char directemp[BUFSIZE];
  static char filename[BUFSIZE];
  static struct timeval time;

  static fd_set readFDS;
  static frame frameArray[MAXSEQNUM];
  static int LB = 0, RB = 0; // static
  static char ackBuffer[100];
  static ack recvAck;
  static timeStruct timesArray[SWS];
  int lastSeqNum = -1;
  double t, timeout;
  int lastFrameCount = 0;

  //check command line args.
  if(argc < 6) {
    printf("usage : %s <server> <error rate> <random seed> <send_file> <send_log> \n", argv[0]);

  printf("argv4: %s\n",argv[4]);


    p = strtok(directemp,DELM);
    while(p != NULL){
      p= strtok(NULL,DELM);
    printf("Filename: %s\n",filename);
    fp = fopen(argv[4],"r");
    if(fp == NULL){
      printf("Error opening file: %s\n",strerror(errno));

  printf("error rate : %f\n",atof(argv[2]));
  printf("%s: sending data to '%s' \n", argv[0], argv[1]);

  /* Note: you must initialize the network library first before calling
     sendto_().  The arguments are the <errorrate> and <random seed> */
  init_net_lib(atof(argv[2]), atoi(argv[3]));

  /* get server IP address (input must be IP address, not DNS name) */

  //setup socket structs
  remoteServAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  remoteServAddr.sin_port = htons(REMOTE_SERVER_PORT);
  inet_pton(AF_INET, argv[1], &remoteServAddr.sin_addr);
  cliAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
  cliAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
  cliAddr.sin_port = htons(0);

  /* socket creation */
  if((sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)) < 0) {
    printf("Unable to connect socket!\n");
  int lastFrameSent = 0;
	  bzero(&ackBuffer, sizeof(ackBuffer));
	  int moveCount = MoveForward(&LB, &RB, frameArray, MAXSEQNUM);
	  if(lastFrameSent == 0){
		  lastFrameSent = SendNextFrames(moveCount, frameArray, MAXSEQNUM, LB, &fp,
				  	  	  &sock,(struct sockaddr *) &remoteServAddr, timesArray, SWS);

    if((sendto_(sock,sendFrame, strlen(sendFrame),0, (struct sockaddr *) &remoteServAddr,
		sizeof(remoteServAddr)))< 0 ){
      printf("Error Sending\n");

	  t = (time.tv_sec + (time.tv_usec/1000000.0));

	  timeout = (currentDeadline(timesArray,SWS) + DELAY) - t;
	  printf("Timeout: %f\n", timeout);
	  if(timeout < 0){timeout = 0;}

    selret = ballinselect(sock,&readFDS,timeout,0);

    if ((selret != -1) && (selret != 0)){
      if(recvfrom(sock, &ackBuffer, sizeof (ackBuffer), 0,(struct sockaddr *) &recAddr, (socklen_t*) &recLen) < 0){

      printf("Ack Buffer: %s\n",ackBuffer);

      makeackstruct(ackBuffer, &recvAck);
      if(lastSeqNum != recvAck.seqNum){
    	  frameArray[recvAck.seqNum].ack = 1;
    	  lastSeqNum = recvAck.seqNum;

    	  printf("Received Ack!\n");
    	  printf("Ack SeqNum: %d\n", recvAck.seqNum);

    	  removefromtimearray(recvAck.seqNum, timesArray,SWS);

    else if (selret == 0) {

      int timeoutframe = FindTimeout(timesArray,SWS);

      if(frameArray[timeoutframe].lastFrame == 1){
    	  if(frameArray[timeoutframe].ack == 1){return EXIT_SUCCESS;}
    	  if(lastFrameCount == 10){return EXIT_SUCCESS;}
    	  lastFrameCount ++;


      printf("\nSending Timed out Frame: \n\n");

      if((sendto_(sock,filebuffer, strlen(filebuffer),0, (struct sockaddr *) &remoteServAddr,
      		sizeof(remoteServAddr)))< 0 ){
            printf("Error Sending\n");

      double t2= time.tv_sec + (time.tv_usec/1000000.0);
      printf("Time Out Time time: %f\n",t2);*/
    } else if (selret < 0) {printf("select() failed\n");}

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;