Exemple #1
//adds text to full screen video
void addVideoText(SEQ_DISPLAY *psSeqDisplay, UDWORD sequence)
	UDWORD	i, x, y;

	if (psSeqDisplay->numText > 0)
		debug( LOG_NEVER, "avt seq=%d [%s]\n", sequence, psSeqDisplay->ppTextMsg[0] );
		//add each message, first at the top
		// FIXME We should perhaps get font size, and use that to calculate offset(s) ?

		seq_AddTextForVideo(psSeqDisplay->ppTextMsg[0], x, y, TEXT_START_FRAME, TEXT_END_FRAME, SEQ_TEXT_POSITION); //startframe endFrame

		//add each message, the rest at the bottom
		// calculate the real bottom... NOTE, game assumes all videos to be 640x480
		y = (double)pie_GetVideoBufferHeight() / 480. * (double)VIDEO_TEXT_BOTTOM_Y;
		i = 1;
		while (i < psSeqDisplay->numText)
			seq_AddTextForVideo(psSeqDisplay->ppTextMsg[i], x, y, TEXT_START_FRAME, TEXT_END_FRAME, SEQ_TEXT_POSITION); //startframe endFrame
			//initialise after the first setting
			x = y = 0;
Exemple #2
static bool seq_AddTextFromFile(const char *pTextName, SEQ_TEXT_POSITIONING textJustification)
	char aTextName[MAX_STR_LENGTH];
	char *pTextBuffer, *pCurrentLine, *pText;
	UDWORD fileSize;
	SDWORD xOffset, yOffset;
	double startTime, endTime;
	const char *seps = "\n";

	// NOTE: The original game never had a fullscreen mode for FMVs on >640x480 screens.
	// They would just use double sized videos, and move the text to that area.
	// We just use the full screen for text right now, instead of using offsets.
	// However, depending on reaction, we may use the old style again.
	D_H2 = 0;				//( pie_GetVideoBufferHeight()- 480)/2;
	D_W2 = 0;				//( pie_GetVideoBufferWidth() - 640)/2;
	ssprintf(aTextName, "sequenceaudio/%s", pTextName);

	if (loadFileToBufferNoError(aTextName, fileLoadBuffer, FILE_LOAD_BUFFER_SIZE, &fileSize) == false)  //Did I mention this is lame? -Q
		return false;

	pTextBuffer = fileLoadBuffer;
	pCurrentLine = strtok(pTextBuffer, seps);
	while (pCurrentLine != NULL)
		if (*pCurrentLine != '/')
			if (sscanf(pCurrentLine, "%d %d %lf %lf", &xOffset, &yOffset, &startTime, &endTime) == 4)
				// Since all the positioning was hardcoded to specific values, we now calculate the
				// ratio of our screen, compared to what the game expects and multiply that to x, y.
				// This makes the text always take up the full screen, instead of original style.
				xOffset = (double)pie_GetVideoBufferWidth() / 640. * (double)xOffset;
				yOffset = (double)pie_GetVideoBufferHeight() / 480. * (double)yOffset;
				//get the text
				pText = strrchr(pCurrentLine, '"');
				ASSERT(pText != NULL, "error parsing text file");
				if (pText != NULL)
					*pText = (UBYTE)0;
				pText = strchr(pCurrentLine, '"');
				ASSERT(pText != NULL, "error parsing text file");
				if (pText != NULL)
					seq_AddTextForVideo(_(&pText[1]), xOffset, yOffset, startTime, endTime, textJustification);
		//get next line
		pCurrentLine = strtok(NULL, seps);
	return true;
Exemple #3
// add a string at x,y or add string below last line if x and y are 0
bool seq_AddTextForVideo(const char *pText, SDWORD xOffset, SDWORD yOffset, double startTime, double endTime, SEQ_TEXT_POSITIONING textJustification)
	SDWORD sourceLength, currentLength;
	char *currentText;
	static SDWORD lastX;
	// make sure we take xOffset into account, we don't always start at 0
	const unsigned int buffer_width = pie_GetVideoBufferWidth() - xOffset;


	ASSERT(aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText < MAX_TEXT_OVERLAYS, "too many text lines");

	sourceLength = strlen(pText);
	currentLength = sourceLength;
	currentText = &(aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].pText[0]);

	//if the string is bigger than the buffer get the last end of the last fullword in the buffer
	if (currentLength >= MAX_STR_LENGTH)
		currentLength = MAX_STR_LENGTH - 1;
		//get end of the last word
		while ((pText[currentLength] != ' ') && (currentLength > 0))

	memcpy(currentText, pText, currentLength);
	currentText[currentLength] = 0;//terminate the string what ever

	//check the string is shortenough to print
	//if not take a word of the end and try again
	while (iV_GetTextWidth(currentText) > buffer_width)
		while ((pText[currentLength] != ' ') && (currentLength > 0))
		currentText[currentLength] = 0;//terminate the string what ever
	currentText[currentLength] = 0;//terminate the string what ever

	//check if x and y are 0 and put text on next line
	if (((xOffset == 0) && (yOffset == 0)) && (currentLength > 0))
		aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].x = lastX;
		aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].y =
		    aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText - 1].y + iV_GetTextLineSize();
		aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].x = xOffset + D_W2;
		aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].y = yOffset + D_H2;
	lastX = aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].x;

	if (textJustification && currentLength == sourceLength)
		static const int MIN_JUSTIFICATION = 40;
		static const int FOLLOW_ON_JUSTIFICATION = 160;
		//justify this text
		const int justification = buffer_width - iV_GetTextWidth(currentText);

		if (textJustification == SEQ_TEXT_JUSTIFY && justification > MIN_JUSTIFICATION)
			aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].x += (justification / 2);
		else if (textJustification == SEQ_TEXT_FOLLOW_ON && justification > FOLLOW_ON_JUSTIFICATION)


	//set start and finish times for the objects
	aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].startTime = startTime;
	aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].endTime = endTime;
	aSeqList[currentSeq].aText[aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText].bSubtitle = textJustification;

	if (aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText >= MAX_TEXT_OVERLAYS)
		aSeqList[currentSeq].currentText = 0;

	//check text is okay on the screen
	if (currentLength < sourceLength)
		//RECURSE x= 0 y = 0 for nextLine
		if (textJustification == SEQ_TEXT_JUSTIFY)
			textJustification = SEQ_TEXT_POSITION;
		seq_AddTextForVideo(&pText[currentLength + 1], 0, 0, startTime, endTime, textJustification);
	return true;