Button::Button() : mHasMouse(false), mKeyPressed(false), mMousePressed(false), mAlignment(Graphics::CENTER), mSpacing(4) { setFocusable(true); adjustSize(); setBorderSize(1); addMouseListener(this); addKeyListener(this); addFocusListener(this); }
TextBox::TextBox(const std::string& text) { mCaretColumn = 0; mCaretRow = 0; mEditable = true; mOpaque = true; setText(text); setFocusable(true); addMouseListener(this); addKeyListener(this); adjustSize(); setBorderSize(1); }
Slider::Slider(double scaleStart, double scaleEnd) { mMouseDrag = false; mScaleStart = scaleStart; mScaleEnd = scaleEnd; setFocusable(true); setBorderSize(1); setOrientation(HORIZONTAL); setValue(scaleStart); setStepLength((scaleEnd - scaleStart)/ 10); setMarkerLength(10); addMouseListener(this); addKeyListener(this); }
ZenLabelDisplay::ZenLabelDisplay(const String& componentName /* = String::empty */, const String& labelText /* = String::empty */) :Label(componentName, labelText) { setEditable(false, false, false); //labelImage = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_pngSize); labelTLCornerImage = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_topLeftCorner_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_topLeftCorner_pngSize); labelTRCornerImage = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_topRightCorner_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_topRightCorner_pngSize); labelBRCornerImage = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_bottomRightCorner_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_bottomRightCorner_pngSize); labelBLCornerImage = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_bottomLeftCorner_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_bottomLeftCorner_pngSize); labelTopLineImg = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_topLine_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_topLine_pngSize); labelBottomLineImg = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_bottomLine_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_bottomLine_pngSize); labelLeftLineImg = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_leftLine_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_leftLine_pngSize); labelRightLineImg = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_rightLine_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_rightLine_pngSize); //labelInteriorImg = ImageCache::getFromMemory(ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_interior_png, ZenBinaryData::zenLabelDisplay_interior_pngSize); this->setColour(textColourId, Colours::lightgrey); setJustificationType(Justification::centred); setBorderSize(BorderSize<int>(0)); setBoundsInset(BorderSize<int>(0)); }
FFContainer::FFContainer() { if (mInstances == 0) { mCornerUL = gcn::Image::load("images/cornerul.png"); mCornerUR = gcn::Image::load("images/cornerur.png"); mCornerDL = gcn::Image::load("images/cornerdl.png"); mCornerDR = gcn::Image::load("images/cornerdr.png"); mHorizontal = gcn::Image::load("images/horizontal.png"); mVertical = gcn::Image::load("images/vertical.png"); } mInstances++; mRealWidth = 0; mRealHeight = 0; mTime = -1; mShow = true; Container::setWidth(0); Container::setHeight(0); mSlideTarget = 0; mCurrentSlide = 0; setBorderSize(0); }
bool QtCurveHandler::readConfig(bool compositingToggled) { QtCurveConfig oldConfig=m_config; KConfig configFile("kwinqtcurverc"); const KConfigGroup config(&configFile, "General"); QFontMetrics fm(m_titleFont); // active font = inactive font int oldSize=m_titleHeight, oldToolSize=m_titleHeightTool; bool changedBorder=false; // The title should stretch with bigger font sizes! m_titleHeight = qMax(16, fm.height() + 4); // 4 px for the shadow etc. // have an even title/button size so the button icons are fully centered... if (m_titleHeight%2 == 0) m_titleHeight++; fm = QFontMetrics(m_titleFontTool); // active font = inactive font // The title should stretch with bigger font sizes! m_titleHeightTool = qMax(13, fm.height()); // don't care about the shadow etc. // have an even title/button size so the button icons are fully centered... if (m_titleHeightTool%2 == 0) m_titleHeightTool++; m_config.load(&configFile); #if KDE_IS_VERSION(4, 3, 85) static bool borderHack=false; if(borderHack) { m_config.setOuterBorder(KWindowSystem::compositingActive() ? QtCurveConfig::SHADE_NONE : (m_config.customShadows() ? QtCurveConfig::SHADE_SHADOW : QtCurveConfig::SHADE_DARK)); changedBorder=true; borderHack=false; } else if(compositingToggled && !m_config.outerBorder() && (m_config.borderSize()<QtCurveConfig::BORDER_TINY || (wStyle()->pixelMetric((QStyle::PixelMetric)QtC_WindowBorder, 0L, 0L)&WINDOW_BORDER_COLOR_TITLEBAR_ONLY))) { QDBusConnection::sessionBus().send(QDBusMessage::createSignal("/KWin", "org.kde.KWin", "reloadConfig")); borderHack=true; } #endif m_titleHeight+=2*titleBarPad(); QFile in(xdgConfigFolder() + "/qtcurve/" BORDER_SIZE_FILE); int prevSize(-1), prevToolSize(-1), prevSide(-1), prevBot(-1); if(in.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) { QTextStream stream(&in); prevSize=in.readLine().toInt(); prevToolSize=in.readLine().toInt(); prevBot=in.readLine().toInt(); prevSide=in.readLine().toInt(); in.close(); } setBorderSize(); int borderEdge=borderEdgeSize()*2; bool borderSizesChanged=prevSize!=(m_titleHeight+borderEdge) || prevToolSize!=(m_titleHeightTool+borderEdge) || prevBot!=borderSize(true) || prevSide!=borderSize(false); if(borderSizesChanged) { KSaveFile sizeFile(xdgConfigFolder() + "/qtcurve/" BORDER_SIZE_FILE); if (sizeFile.open()) { QTextStream stream(&sizeFile); stream << m_titleHeight+borderEdge << endl << m_titleHeightTool+borderEdge << endl << borderSize(true) << endl << borderSize(false) << endl; stream.flush(); sizeFile.finalize(); sizeFile.close(); } } #if KDE_IS_VERSION(4, 3, 0) bool shadowChanged(false); if(customShadows()) { QtCurveShadowConfiguration actShadow(QPalette::Active), inactShadow(QPalette::Inactive); actShadow.load(&configFile); inactShadow.load(&configFile); shadowChanged=m_shadowCache.shadowConfigurationChanged(actShadow) || m_shadowCache.shadowConfigurationChanged(inactShadow); m_shadowCache.setShadowConfiguration(actShadow); m_shadowCache.setShadowConfiguration(inactShadow); if(shadowChanged || oldConfig.roundBottom()!=roundBottom()) m_shadowCache.reset(); } #endif if(m_dBus && (borderSizesChanged || changedBorder)) { m_dBus->emitBorderSizes(); // KDE4 apps... borderSizeChanged(); // Gtk2 apps... } return changedBorder || oldSize!=m_titleHeight || oldToolSize!=m_titleHeightTool || #if KDE_IS_VERSION(4, 3, 0) shadowChanged || #endif m_config!=oldConfig; }
DBSH07TextField::DBSH07TextField(const std::string& text) :TextField(text), mFrameCounter(0) { setBorderSize(0); }
/* * resize */ void Volume::resize(void) { int w = 0; int h = 0; int d = 0; int start_width = 0; int start_height = 0; int start_depth = 0; if (!isPowerOfTwo(getWidth())) { w = nextPowerOfTwo(getWidth()); start_width = (w - getWidth()) / 2; } if (!isPowerOfTwo(getHeight())) { h = nextPowerOfTwo(getHeight()); start_height = (h - getHeight()) / 2; } if (!isPowerOfTwo(getDepth())) { d = nextPowerOfTwo(getDepth()); start_depth = (d - getDepth()) / 2; } if ((w != 0) || (h != 0) || (d != 0)) { if (w == 0) { w = getWidth(); } if (h == 0) { h = getHeight(); } if (d == 0) { d = getDepth(); } int _size[3]; _size[0] = w; _size[1] = h; _size[2] = d; int _borderSize = 0; int _numberOfVoxels = (_size[0] + 2 * _borderSize) * (_size[1] + 2 * _borderSize) * (_size[2] + 2 * _borderSize); unsigned char* _voxelsBase = new unsigned char[_numberOfVoxels]; for (int k = 0; k < getDepth(); k++) { for (int j = 0; j < getHeight(); j++) { for (int i = 0; i < getWidth(); i++) { _voxelsBase[((start_depth + k) * (w * h)) + ((start_height + j) * w) + (start_width + i)] = voxels[(k * (getWidth() * getHeight())) + (j * getWidth()) + i]; } } } Point _origin = Point::origin; Size _extent; Point _center; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { _extent[i] = Scalar(_size[i]) * scale[i]; _center[i] = _origin[i] + _extent[i] * Scalar(0.5); } unsigned char* _voxels = _voxelsBase + borderSize; int _increments[3]; _increments[2] = 1; for (int i = 2; i > 0; --i) { _increments[i - 1] = _increments[i] * (_size[i] + 2 * _borderSize); _voxels += _borderSize * _increments[i - 1]; } setNumberOfVoxels(_numberOfVoxels); setSize(_size); setOrigin(_origin); setExtent(_extent); setCenter(_center); delete byteVoxelsBase; setByteVoxelsBase(_voxelsBase); setBorderSize(_borderSize); setIncrements(_increments); setVoxels(_voxels); } } // end resize()
void controlUC::setAttribute(PCWSTR pstrName, PCWSTR pstrValue) { if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"pos") == 0 ) { RECT rcPos = { 0 }; PWSTR pstr = NULL; rcPos.left = _tcstol(pstrValue, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); rcPos.top = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); rcPos.right = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); rcPos.bottom = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); SIZE szXY = {rcPos.left >= 0 ? rcPos.left : rcPos.right, rcPos.top >= 0 ? rcPos.top : rcPos.bottom}; setFixedXY(szXY); setFixedWidth(rcPos.right - rcPos.left); setFixedHeight(rcPos.bottom - rcPos.top); } else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"relativepos") == 0 ) { SIZE szMove,szZoom; PWSTR pstr = NULL; szMove.cx = _tcstol(pstrValue, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); szMove.cy = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); szZoom.cx = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); szZoom.cy = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); setRelativePos(szMove,szZoom); } else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"padding") == 0 ) { RECT rcPadding = { 0 }; PWSTR pstr = NULL; rcPadding.left = _tcstol(pstrValue, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); rcPadding.top = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); rcPadding.right = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); rcPadding.bottom = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); setPadding(rcPadding); } else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"bkcolor") == 0 || _tcscmp(pstrName, L"bkcolor1") == 0 ) { while( *pstrValue > L'\0' && *pstrValue <= L' ') pstrValue = ::CharNext(pstrValue); if( *pstrValue == L'#') pstrValue = ::CharNext(pstrValue); PWSTR pstr = NULL; DWORD clrColor = _tcstoul(pstrValue, &pstr, 16); setBkColor(clrColor); } else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"bordercolor") == 0 ) { if( *pstrValue == L'#') pstrValue = ::CharNext(pstrValue); PWSTR pstr = NULL; DWORD clrColor = _tcstoul(pstrValue, &pstr, 16); setBorderColor(clrColor); } else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"focusbordercolor") == 0 ) { if( *pstrValue == L'#') pstrValue = ::CharNext(pstrValue); PWSTR pstr = NULL; DWORD clrColor = _tcstoul(pstrValue, &pstr, 16); setFocusBorderColor(clrColor); } else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"bordersize") == 0 ) setBorderSize(_ttoi(pstrValue)); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"borderround") == 0 ) { SIZE cxyRound = { 0 }; PWSTR pstr = NULL; cxyRound.cx = _tcstol(pstrValue, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); cxyRound.cy = _tcstol(pstr + 1, &pstr, 10); assert(pstr); setBorderRound(cxyRound); } else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"width") == 0 ) setFixedWidth(_ttoi(pstrValue)); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"height") == 0 ) setFixedHeight(_ttoi(pstrValue)); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"minwidth") == 0 ) setMinWidth(_ttoi(pstrValue)); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"minheight") == 0 ) setMinHeight(_ttoi(pstrValue)); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"maxwidth") == 0 ) setMaxWidth(_ttoi(pstrValue)); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"maxheight") == 0 ) setMaxHeight(_ttoi(pstrValue)); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"name") == 0 ) setName(pstrValue); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"text") == 0 ) setText(pstrValue); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"tooltip") == 0 ) setToolTip(pstrValue); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"userdata") == 0 ) setUserData(pstrValue); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"enabled") == 0 ) setEnabled(_tcscmp(pstrValue, L"true") == 0); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"mouse") == 0 ) setMouseEnabled(_tcscmp(pstrValue, L"true") == 0); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"visible") == 0 ) setVisible(_tcscmp(pstrValue, L"true") == 0); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"float") == 0 ) setFloat(_tcscmp(pstrValue, L"true") == 0); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"shortcut") == 0 ) setShortcut(pstrValue[0]); else if( _tcscmp(pstrName, L"menu") == 0 ) setContextMenuUsed(_tcscmp(pstrValue, L"true") == 0); }
DirectoryMenu :: DirectoryMenu() : internal::ComplexObject(), menuPage(), menuPageWindow(0), CancelButton(), FileButton() { GuiFactory & factory = GuiFactory::GetFactoryInstance(); menuPage.setFillColor(COL_GRAY_14); menuPage.setBorderSize(5); menuPage.setBorderColor(COL_GREEN); menuPage.setPosition(100,100); menuPage.setTextFontSize(15); menuPage.setTileThickness(30); menuPageWindow = new GUI::ScrollableWindow<GUI::DirectoryMenuPage>(&menuPage); //menuPageWindow->AttachDisplay(&menuPage); menuPageWindow->setBorderSize(2); menuPageWindow->setPosition(300,100); menuPageWindow->setScrollBarColor(COL_GRAY_4); menuPageWindow->setVerticalDisplaySize(15); menuPageWindow->Configure(); icon = IconBuilder::getIcon<UpIcon>(); CancelButton.setScale(0.4,0.4); FileButton.setScale(0.4,0.4); sf::Font * font = GUI::ResourceManager::getResource<GUI::Font>("Font_2"); TileMap["DirectoryNameLabel"] = MenuTiles (font, DefaultWidth, //Width 40,//TileThickness 0, //BorderSize "Open", 10, //Font Size 0.4, //Margin COL_BLACK, //LabelColor COL_BLACK, internal::Center ); TileMap["DirectoryNameArea"] = MenuTiles (font, 200, //Width 30,//TileThickness 0, //BorderSize "Directory Name Area", 15, //Font Size 0.4, //Margin COL_BLACK, //LabelColor COL_BLUE ); //Font Color TileMap["Title"] = MenuTiles (font, 200, //Width 30,//TileThickness 0, //BorderSize "Title", 15, //Font Size 0.4, //Margin COL_BLACK, //LabelColor COL_BLUE ); //Font Color setMarginSize(0); setBorderSize(5); setBorderColor(COL_GRAY_3); Register<GUI::EnclosingBox>("EnclosingBox", *static_cast<EnclosingBox*>(this) ); Register<GUI::ScrollableWindow<DirectoryMenuPage>>("DirectoryMenuPage",*menuPageWindow ); Register<GUI::MenuTiles>("Title", TileMap["Title"]); Register<GUI::MenuTiles>("Label", TileMap["DirectoryNameLabel"] ); Register<GUI::MenuTiles>("TextBox", TileMap["DirectoryNameArea"]); Register<GUI::Button<GUI::CancelTexture>>("CancelButton", CancelButton); Register<GUI::Button<GUI::FileTexture>>("FileButton", FileButton); Register<GUI::Icon>("UpIcon", *icon); icon->iconEvents.AddEvent<DirectoryMenu>(this, &DirectoryMenu::MoveUpDirectory ); }