GClock(){ setBounds((800 - 212) / 2, (600 - 50) / 2, 212, 50); setTitle("とけい"); refreshDate(); label = new Label(time, Label::CENTER); label->setBounds(0, 4, 200, 16); add(label); setTimer(1000); }
double RateGammaInvar::optimizeParameters(double gradient_epsilon) { int ndim = getNDim(); // return if nothing to be optimized if (ndim == 0) return phylo_tree->computeLikelihood(); if (verbose_mode >= VB_MED) cout << "Optimizing " << name << " model parameters by " << optimize_alg << " algorithm..." << endl; if (optimize_alg.find("EM_RR") != string::npos) { return randomRestartOptimization(gradient_epsilon); } else if (optimize_alg.find("Brent") != string::npos || phylo_tree->aln->frac_const_sites == 0.0 || isFixPInvar() || isFixGammaShape()) { double lh = phylo_tree->computeLikelihood(); cur_optimize = 0; double gamma_lh = RateGamma::optimizeParameters(gradient_epsilon); ASSERT(gamma_lh >= lh-0.1); cur_optimize = 1; double invar_lh = -DBL_MAX; invar_lh = RateInvar::optimizeParameters(gradient_epsilon); ASSERT(invar_lh >= gamma_lh-0.1); cur_optimize = 0; return invar_lh; } else if (optimize_alg.find("EM") != string::npos) { return optimizeWithEM(gradient_epsilon); } else if (optimize_alg.find("BFGS") != string::npos) { //if (freq_type == FREQ_ESTIMATE) scaleStateFreq(false); double *variables = new double[ndim+1]; double *upper_bound = new double[ndim+1]; double *lower_bound = new double[ndim+1]; bool *bound_check = new bool[ndim+1]; double score; // by BFGS algorithm setVariables(variables); setBounds(lower_bound, upper_bound, bound_check); score = -minimizeMultiDimen(variables, ndim, lower_bound, upper_bound, bound_check, max(gradient_epsilon, TOL_GAMMA_SHAPE)); getVariables(variables); phylo_tree->clearAllPartialLH(); score = phylo_tree->computeLikelihood(); delete [] bound_check; delete [] lower_bound; delete [] upper_bound; delete [] variables; return score; } else { string errMsg = "Unknown optimization algorithm: " + optimize_alg; outError(errMsg.c_str()); return 0.0; } }
void QIntConfigurableTileWidget::reloadConfigurableData() { stopSignaling = true; setBounds(); int value = config->getParam(key); spBox.setValue(value); slider.setValue(value); stopSignaling = false; updatePaletteChanged(); }
void QIntConfigurableTileWidget::sl_resetToOriginalValuesAndBounds() { config->setParam(key, origValue); config->setParamBounds(key, origBounds.first, origBounds.second); setBounds(); // values spBox.setValue(origValue); slider.setValue(origValue); updatePaletteChanged(); }
DrawableImage::DrawableImage (const DrawableImage& other) : Drawable (other), image (other.image), opacity (other.opacity), overlayColour (other.overlayColour), bounds (other.bounds) { setBounds (other.getBounds()); }
int ONVIF::VideoSourceConfiguration::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QObject::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { if (_id < 5) qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a); _id -= 5; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) { if (_id < 5) *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; _id -= 5; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = token(); break; case 1: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = name(); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v) = useCount(); break; case 3: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = sourceToken(); break; case 4: *reinterpret_cast< QRect*>(_v) = bounds(); break; default: break; } _id -= 5; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: setToken(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 1: setName(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 2: setUseCount(*reinterpret_cast< int*>(_v)); break; case 3: setSourceToken(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 4: setBounds(*reinterpret_cast< QRect*>(_v)); break; default: break; } _id -= 5; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 5; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 5; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 5; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 5; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 5; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 5; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterPropertyMetaType) { if (_id < 5) *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; _id -= 5; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
void pspRoomConfigGUI::setup(){ setOpaque(true); setBounds(0, 0, 100, 100); addAndMakeVisible(panel); createWidgets(); }
static int getPlot3d(int iAxeUID, scicos_block * block) { int iPlot3d; sco_data *sco = (sco_data *) * (block->work); // assert the sco is not NULL if (sco == NULL) { return 0; } // fast path for an existing object if (sco->scope.cachedPlot3dUID) { return sco->scope.cachedPlot3dUID; } iPlot3d = findChildWithKindAt(iAxeUID, __GO_PLOT3D__, 0); /* * Allocate if necessary */ if (iPlot3d == 0) { iPlot3d = createGraphicObject(__GO_PLOT3D__); if (iPlot3d != 0) { createDataObject(iPlot3d, __GO_PLOT3D__); setGraphicObjectRelationship(iAxeUID, iPlot3d); } else { return 0; } } /* * Setup on first access */ setBounds(block, iAxeUID, iPlot3d); setPlot3dSettings(iPlot3d); setDefaultValues(block, iPlot3d); { int iClipState = 1; //on setGraphicObjectProperty(iPlot3d, __GO_CLIP_STATE__, &iClipState, jni_int, 1); } /* * then cache with a local storage */ sco->scope.cachedPlot3dUID = iPlot3d; return sco->scope.cachedPlot3dUID; }
Mesh::Mesh(const DFFGeometry& geometry, bool autoSubmeshes) : vertexCount(geometry.getVertexCount()), frame(NULL) { flags = 0; const float* vertices = geometry.getVertices(); const float* normals = geometry.getNormals(); const uint8_t* colors = geometry.getVertexColors(); const float* texCoords = NULL; const uint8_t* boneIndices = geometry.getBoneIndices(); const float* boneWeights = geometry.getBoneWeights(); if (geometry.getUVSetCount() > 0) { texCoords = geometry.getUVCoordSet(0); } if (geometry.isTriangleStripFormat()) { vertexFormat = VertexFormatTriangleStrips; } else { vertexFormat = VertexFormatTriangles; } if (normals) { flags |= MeshNormals; } if (texCoords) { flags |= MeshTexCoords; } if (colors) { flags |= MeshVertexColors; } if (boneIndices) { flags |= MeshSkinData; } if (geometry.isDynamicLightingEnabled()) { flags |= MeshDynamicLighting; } DFFGeometry::ConstMaterialIterator it; for (it = geometry.getMaterialBegin() ; it != geometry.getMaterialEnd() ; it++) { Material* material = new Material(**it); addMaterial(material); } if (autoSubmeshes) { DFFGeometry::ConstPartIterator pit; for (pit = geometry.getPartBegin() ; pit != geometry.getPartEnd() ; pit++) { Submesh* submesh = new Submesh(this, **pit); } } const DFFBoundingSphere* b = geometry.getBounds(); setBounds(b->x, b->y, b->z, b->radius); init(flags, vertices, normals, texCoords, colors, boneIndices, boneWeights); }
void Movie::releaseMovie() { if (_video) { delete _video; _video = 0; disposeAllCallBacks(); deallocateSurface(); } setBounds(Common::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0)); }
void GraphNode::updateBoundaries() { int level = getLevel(); int horzShift = gv->getHorizontalShift(this); setBounds(20+horzShift*140, 20+getLevel()*40, 150, 50); }
CylinderMesh::CylinderMesh (Box &_bounds, float _radius, float _complexity) { setRadius (_radius) ; setBounds (_bounds) ; setCenter (_bounds.min.midpoint(_bounds.max)) ; complexity = _complexity ; construct() ; }
void Symm1D:: init() { _init(1); setBounds(0, -1.0, 1.0); // set tolerances setSteadyTolerances(1e-4, 1e-4); setTransientTolerances(1e-4, 1e-4); }
void Button::setParams(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool& f, const string& file) { if (bounds == NULL) bounds = new SDL_Rect; setCoordinates(x,y); setBounds(w,h); setFlag(f); setSource(file); }
bool ReaScriptWindow::addControlFromName(std::string cname, std::string objectname) { if (cname == "Button") { auto c = std::make_shared<WinButton>(this, objectname); c->setObjectName(objectname); c->GenericNotifyCallback = [this, objectname](GenericNotifications) { m_dirty_controls.insert(objectname); }; c->setBounds({ 5, 5, 50, 25 }); add_control(c); return true; } else if (cname == "Slider") { auto c = std::make_shared<ReaSlider>(this); c->setObjectName(objectname); c->SliderValueCallback = [this, objectname](GenericNotifications, double) { m_dirty_controls.insert(objectname); }; c->setBounds({ 5, 5, 50, 25 }); add_control(c); return true; } else { auto c = create_licecontrol(this, cname); if (c != nullptr) { c->setObjectName(objectname); c->GenericNotifyCallback = [this, objectname](GenericNotifications) { m_dirty_controls.insert(objectname); }; c->setBounds({ 5, 5, 50, 25 }); add_control(c); return true; } } return false; }
void PHScrollerView::setFrame(const PHRect &frame) { PHPoint b(_bounds.width, _bounds.height); PHView::setFrame(frame); setBounds(bounds()/scl); if (content) { PHPoint c(_bounds.width, _bounds.height); content->setPosition((c-b)/2+content->position()); } }
void Render::resizeGL(const int nWidth, const int nHeight) { int width = nWidth; int height = nHeight? nHeight: 1; glViewport(0, 0, width, height); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); float aspectRatio = (float)width/height; if (width <= height) { setBounds(-viewRadius, viewRadius, -viewRadius/aspectRatio, viewRadius/aspectRatio); } else { setBounds(-viewRadius*aspectRatio, viewRadius*aspectRatio, -viewRadius, viewRadius); } glOrtho(getLeftBound(), getRightBound(), getBottomBound(), getTopBound(), 1.0, -1.0); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); updateGraph(); }
void MVScrollBar::moveTo(int x,int y) /**************************************************************************** * * Function: MVScrollBar::moveTo * Parameters: x,y - Position to move the scroll bar to * ****************************************************************************/ { MVView::moveTo(x,y); setBounds(bounds); }
Reader::Reader(const Options& options, const PointBuffer& buffer) : pdal::Reader(options) , m_buffer(buffer) { setNumPoints(buffer.getNumPoints()); setBounds(buffer.getSpatialBounds()); setSchema(buffer.getSchema()); setPointCountType(PointCount_Fixed); return; }
void Surf1D:: init() { _init(1); // set bounds (T) setBounds(0, 200.0, 1e5); // set tolerances setSteadyTolerances(1e-4, 1e-4); setTransientTolerances(1e-4, 1e-4); }
void ComponentLayoutEditor::bindWithTarget () { if (target != NULL) { Component* t = (Component*) target.getComponent (); Component* p = t->getParentComponent (); p->addAndMakeVisible (this); setBounds (t->getBounds ()); updateFrames (); } }
void Drawable::setBoundsToEnclose (Rectangle<float> area) { Point<int> parentOrigin; if (auto* parent = getParent()) parentOrigin = parent->originRelativeToComponent; auto newBounds = area.getSmallestIntegerContainer() + parentOrigin; originRelativeToComponent = parentOrigin - newBounds.getPosition(); setBounds (newBounds); }
void TimelineIndicator::mouseDrag (const MouseEvent& ev) { if (! dragable()) return; Rectangle<int> r (getBoundsInParent()); dragger.dragComponent (this, ev, nullptr); int snap = shouldSnap ? timeline()->pixelSnap (getBoundsInParent().getX()) : getBoundsInParent().getX(); setBounds (r); // reset it back to normal if (snap != lastSnap || ! shouldSnap) { setBounds (snap, 0, 1, timeline()->getHeight()); pos.setValue (getUnits()); lastSnap = snap; } }
void Drawable::setBoundsToEnclose (const Rectangle<float>& area) { Drawable* const parent = getParent(); Point<int> parentOrigin; if (parent != 0) parentOrigin = parent->originRelativeToComponent; const Rectangle<int> newBounds (area.getSmallestIntegerContainer() + parentOrigin); originRelativeToComponent = parentOrigin - newBounds.getPosition(); setBounds (newBounds); }
GuiInspectorDynamicField::GuiInspectorDynamicField( GuiInspector *inspector, GuiInspectorGroup* parent, SimFieldDictionary::Entry* field ) : mRenameCtrl( NULL ), mDeleteButton( NULL ) { mInspector = inspector; mParent = parent; mDynField = field; setBounds(0,0,100,20); }
BluetoothMidiSelectorOverlay() { setAlwaysOnTop (true); setVisible (true); addToDesktop (ComponentPeer::windowHasDropShadow); setBounds (0, 0, getParentWidth(), getParentHeight()); toFront (true); addAndMakeVisible (bluetoothDevicesList); enterModalState (true, nullptr, true); }
void CallOutBox::updatePosition (const Rectangle<int>& newAreaToPointTo, const Rectangle<int>& newAreaToFitIn) { targetArea = newAreaToPointTo; availableArea = newAreaToFitIn; const int borderSpace = getBorderSize(); Rectangle<int> newBounds (content.getWidth() + borderSpace * 2, content.getHeight() + borderSpace * 2); const int hw = newBounds.getWidth() / 2; const int hh = newBounds.getHeight() / 2; const float hwReduced = (float) (hw - borderSpace * 2); const float hhReduced = (float) (hh - borderSpace * 2); const float arrowIndent = borderSpace - arrowSize; Point<float> targets[4] = { Point<float> ((float) targetArea.getCentreX(), (float) targetArea.getBottom()), Point<float> ((float) targetArea.getRight(), (float) targetArea.getCentreY()), Point<float> ((float) targetArea.getX(), (float) targetArea.getCentreY()), Point<float> ((float) targetArea.getCentreX(), (float) targetArea.getY()) }; Line<float> lines[4] = { Line<float> (targets[0].translated (-hwReduced, hh - arrowIndent), targets[0].translated (hwReduced, hh - arrowIndent)), Line<float> (targets[1].translated (hw - arrowIndent, -hhReduced), targets[1].translated (hw - arrowIndent, hhReduced)), Line<float> (targets[2].translated (-(hw - arrowIndent), -hhReduced), targets[2].translated (-(hw - arrowIndent), hhReduced)), Line<float> (targets[3].translated (-hwReduced, -(hh - arrowIndent)), targets[3].translated (hwReduced, -(hh - arrowIndent))) }; const Rectangle<float> centrePointArea (newAreaToFitIn.reduced (hw, hh).toFloat()); const Point<float> targetCentre (targetArea.getCentre().toFloat()); float nearest = 1.0e9f; for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Line<float> constrainedLine (centrePointArea.getConstrainedPoint (lines[i].getStart()), centrePointArea.getConstrainedPoint (lines[i].getEnd())); const Point<float> centre (constrainedLine.findNearestPointTo (targetCentre)); float distanceFromCentre = centre.getDistanceFrom (targets[i]); if (! centrePointArea.intersects (lines[i])) distanceFromCentre += 1000.0f; if (distanceFromCentre < nearest) { nearest = distanceFromCentre; targetPoint = targets[i]; newBounds.setPosition ((int) (centre.x - hw), (int) (centre.y - hh)); } } setBounds (newBounds); }
MaxOpenGlComponent::MaxOpenGlComponent() { setBounds(-10, -10, 1, 1); m_context = new OpenGLContext(); m_context->setComponentPaintingEnabled(false); m_context->setRenderer(this); // need this to set m_scale m_context->attachTo(*this); m_context->setContinuousRepainting(false); setInterceptsMouseClicks(false, false); }
void Outlet1D::init() { _init(1); setBounds(0, -1.0, 1.0); if (m_flow_right) { m_flow_right->setViscosityFlag(false); } if (m_flow_left) { m_flow_left->setViscosityFlag(false); } }
void PaintElement::updateBounds (const Rectangle<int>& parentArea) { if (! parentArea.isEmpty()) { setBounds (getCurrentBounds (parentArea) .expanded (borderThickness, borderThickness)); for (int i = siblingComponents.size(); --i >= 0;) siblingComponents.getUnchecked(i)->updatePosition(); } }