bool EnableRDS(uint32_t aMask) { if (!sRadioEnabled || !sRDSSupported) return false; if (sMsmFMMode) setControl(V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_TAVARUA_RDSGROUP_MASK, aMask); if (sRDSEnabled) return true; int pipefd[2]; int rc = pipe2(pipefd, O_NONBLOCK); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG("Could not create RDS thread signaling pipes (%d)", rc); return false; } ScopedClose writefd(pipefd[1]); ScopedClose readfd(pipefd[0]); rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_RDS_RECEPTION, true); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG("Could not enable RDS reception (%d)", rc); return false; } sRDSPipeFD = writefd; sRDSEnabled = true; rc = pthread_create(&sRDSThread, nullptr, readRDSDataThread, (void*)pipefd[0]); if (rc) { HAL_LOG("Could not start RDS reception thread (%d)", rc); setControl(V4L2_CID_RDS_RECEPTION, false); sRDSEnabled = false; return false; } readfd.forget(); writefd.forget(); return true; }
ListBoxItem::ListBoxItem(const std::string& text) : SingleControlContainer("ListBoxItem"), m_Text(text) { Ref<Label> label = new Label(); Ref<Style> style = label->getStyle(); style->setTextHorizontalAlign(std::string("center")); label->setZPos(-0.1f); label->setText(text); setControl(label.get()); }
void MainWindow::on_actionOpen_triggered() { if (!myLog->open()) { QMessageBox msgBox; msgBox.setText(QString(QString::fromLocal8Bit(myLog->error.msg))); msgBox.exec(); } setControl(); }
void MainWindow::showEvent(QShowEvent* showEvent) { static const int ALREADY_EXECUTED = 0; if (this->userData(ALREADY_EXECUTED) != NULL) return; loadControl(); setControl(); if (myLog->autoOpen) on_actionOpen_triggered(); QMainWindow::showEvent(showEvent); this->setUserData(ALREADY_EXECUTED, (QObjectUserData*)this); }
SGMXASScanConfiguration::SGMXASScanConfiguration(QObject *parent) : AMGenericContinuousScanConfiguration(parent) { setName("SGM XAS"); setUserScanName("SGM XAS"); setAutomaticDirectionAssessment(true); setDirection(Increase); setControl(0, SGMBeamline::sgm()->energyControlSet()->energy()->toInfo());>regionAt(0)->setRegionStep(1); }
void MainWindow::finalizeControl() { SAFE_DELETE(optionDlg); SAFE_DELETE(aboutDlg); if (myLog != NULL) { myLog->close(); setControl(); SAFE_DELETE(myLog); } }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Widget // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Widget::Widget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), ui(new Ui::Widget) { ui->setupUi(this); db_ = QSqlDatabase::addDatabase("QSQLITE"); connect(&cs_, SIGNAL(captured(Cookies)), this, SLOT(processCookies(Cookies)), Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection); connect(&cs_, SIGNAL(closed()), this, SLOT(processClosed()), Qt::AutoConnection); loadControl(); setControl(); }
int main() { // 1. Initiera (Görs ovan med definitionerna?) unsigned int door = DOOR_CLOSED; init_irq(); while(1) { // Sätt IRQ typ till 0 eftersom vi inte har avbrott interrupt_type = NO_IRQ_TYPE; // Vänta på avbrott, WAI i assembler modulen standby(); // Nu har vi avbrott, switcha på interrupt_type som sätts // i assemblermodulen för att avgöra vilken typ av avbrott switch(interrupt_type) { // Sensor har gett utslag, öppna dörren case SENSOR: if(door == DOOR_CLOSED) setControl(OPEN_DOOR); break; // Dörren har stängts case DOOR_CLOSED: door = DOOR_CLOSED; break; // Dörren har öppnats, börja räkna ner innan den ska stängas igen case DOOR_OPENED: door = DOOR_OPENED; set_timeout(30); break; // Timeouten är klar, stäng nu dörren case TIME_OUT: if(door == DOOR_OPENED) setControl(CLOSE_DOOR); break; } } return 0; }
BioXASCarbonFilterFarmView::BioXASCarbonFilterFarmView(BioXASCarbonFilterFarm *control, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { // Initialize class variables. filterFarm_ = 0; // Create UI elements. filterEditor_ = new CLSControlEditor(0); filterEditor_->setTitle("Effective filter"); upstreamActuatorView_ = new BioXASCarbonFilterFarmActuatorView(0); downstreamActuatorView_ = new BioXASCarbonFilterFarmActuatorView(0); // Create and set layouts. QVBoxLayout *upstreamLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); upstreamLayout->setMargin(0); upstreamLayout->addWidget(upstreamActuatorView_); QGroupBox *upstreamBox = new QGroupBox(); upstreamBox->setTitle("Upstream Actuator"); upstreamBox->setFlat(true); upstreamBox->setLayout(upstreamLayout); QVBoxLayout *downstreamLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); downstreamLayout->setMargin(0); downstreamLayout->addWidget(downstreamActuatorView_); QGroupBox *downstreamBox = new QGroupBox(); downstreamBox->setTitle("Downstream Actuator"); downstreamBox->setFlat(true); downstreamBox->setLayout(downstreamLayout); QHBoxLayout *actuatorsLayout = new QHBoxLayout(); actuatorsLayout->addWidget(upstreamBox); actuatorsLayout->addWidget(downstreamBox); QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(); layout->setMargin(0); layout->addWidget(filterEditor_); layout->addLayout(actuatorsLayout); setLayout(layout); // Current settings. setControl(control); refresh(); }
MyAxWidget::MyAxWidget(QWidget* parent): QAxWidget(parent) { // setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); // setWindowFlags(Qt::SubWindow | Qt::FramelessWindowHint | Qt::Window); resize(300,100); //设置控件的大小 setControl(QString::fromUtf8("{d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000}")); //注册控件 // connect(this,SIGNAL(signal( const QString &, int, void *)),this, SLOT(flashAction(const QString &, int, void *))); // connect(this,SIGNAL(signal( const QString &, int, void *)),[&](const QString &name, int argc , void * argv){ // qDebug()<<"name:"<<name; // }); dynamicCall("LoadMovie(long,string)",0,"E:/RemoteDataBase/QiJu/code/trunk/beta/client/Flash/GiftEffect/BearCards.swf"); //调用方法 //QString str2 = flash->dynamicCall("TotalFrames" ).toString();//获得属性 //dynamicCall("FrameNum" , 200);//设置属性 // dynamicCall("WMode", "Transparent"); }
void eQEP::defaultSettings() { // Set all options off setDecoderControl(0); // Enable the eQEP unit setControl(EQEP_QEPCTL_PHEN); // Set all options off setCaptureControl(0); // Set all options off setPositionCompareControl(0); // Default to no interrupts enabled. setInterruptEnable(0); // Clear all of the interrupts. setInterruptClear(EQEP_INT_ENABLE_ALL); // Clear all of the sticky bits. setStatus(EQEP_QEPSTS_COEF | EQEP_QEPSTS_CDEF | EQEP_QEPSTS_FIMF); // Set the Max Position to the maximum possible. setMaxPos(-1); }
void DisableRDS() { if (!sRadioEnabled || !sRDSEnabled) return; int rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_RDS_RECEPTION, false); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG("Could not disable RDS reception (%d)", rc); } sRDSEnabled = false; write(sRDSPipeFD, "x", 1); pthread_join(sRDSThread, nullptr); close(sRDSPipeFD); }
void FPUFlags::setCurrent (const FPUFlags& flags) { unsigned int newControl = 0; unsigned int mask = 0; setControl (flags.getMaskNaNs(), newControl, mask, _EM_INVALID); setControl (flags.getMaskDenormals(), newControl, mask, _EM_DENORMAL); setControl (flags.getMaskZeroDivides(), newControl, mask, _EM_ZERODIVIDE); setControl (flags.getMaskOverflows(), newControl, mask, _EM_OVERFLOW); setControl (flags.getMaskUnderflows(), newControl, mask, _EM_UNDERFLOW); //setControl (flags.getMaskInexacts(), newControl, mask, _EM_INEXACT); setControl (flags.getFlushDenormals(), newControl, mask, _DN_FLUSH); setControl (flags.getInfinitySigned(), newControl, mask, _IC_AFFINE); if (flags.getRounding().is_set ()) { Rounding rounding = flags.getRounding().value (); switch (rounding) { case roundChop: mask |= _MCW_RC; newControl |= _RC_CHOP; break; case roundUp: mask |= _MCW_RC; newControl |= _RC_UP; break; case roundDown: mask |= _MCW_RC; newControl |= _RC_DOWN; break; case roundNear: mask |= _MCW_RC; newControl |= _RC_NEAR; break; } } if (flags.getPrecision().is_set ()) { switch (flags.getPrecision().value ()) { case bits64: mask |= _MCW_PC; newControl |= _PC_64; break; case bits53: mask |= _MCW_PC; newControl |= _PC_53; break; case bits24: mask |= _MCW_PC; newControl |= _PC_24; break; } } unsigned int currentControl; errno_t result = _controlfp_s (¤tControl, newControl, mask); if (result != 0) Throw (std::runtime_error ("error in _controlfp_s")); }
AMControlMoveButton::AMControlMoveButton(QWidget *parent, AMControl* control, QList<double> stepSizes, bool directionReversed) : QToolButton(parent) { directionReversed_ = directionReversed; control_ = 0; setControl(control); stepSizes_ = stepSizes; if(stepSizes_.isEmpty()) stepSizes_ << 1.0; // just to make sure we always have at least one, so that stepSizeIndex_ is valid. stepSizeIndex_ = 0; contextMenu_ = 0; setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(this, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(QPoint)), this, SLOT(onCustomContextMenuRequested(QPoint))); setText(QString::number(currentStepSize()) % (control_ ? control_->units() : QString())); connect(this, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(onButtonClicked())); }
AMSlitsView::AMSlitsView(AMSlits *slits, bool showBladeEditors, QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) { // Initialize class variables. slits_ = 0; // Create vertical slit view. verticalSlitView_ = new AMSlitView(0); QVBoxLayout *verticalBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); verticalBoxLayout->addWidget(verticalSlitView_); QGroupBox *verticalBox = new QGroupBox("Vertical slit"); verticalBox->setLayout(verticalBoxLayout); // Create horizontal slit view. horizontalSlitView_ = new AMSlitView(0); QVBoxLayout *horizontalBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(); horizontalBoxLayout->addWidget(horizontalSlitView_); QGroupBox *horizontalBox = new QGroupBox("Horizontal slit"); horizontalBox->setLayout(horizontalBoxLayout); // Create and set main layouts. QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout(); layout->addWidget(verticalBox); layout->addWidget(horizontalBox); setLayout(layout); // Current settings. setControl(slits); setBladeEditorsShown(showBladeEditors); refresh(); }
void ControllerStorageReceiver::setWantControl(bool wantControl, bool fire) { HostStorage* hs = (HostStorage*) storage->getHostStorage(); if (hs == NULL) return; ControllerStorage* oldOwner = (ControllerStorage*) hs->getOwner(); if (wantControl && oldOwner && oldOwner == storage) return; if (!wantControl && oldOwner && oldOwner != storage) { storage->getSender()->setWantControl(false); return; } ControllerStorage* newOwner = wantControl ? storage : NULL; Control c = hs->getHostData().getControl(); if (c.getX() != 0 || c.getY() != 0) setControl(Control(0, 0), true); hs->setOwner(newOwner); if (oldOwner && fire) { oldOwner->getSender()->setControlling(false); oldOwner->getSender()->setWantControl(false); } if (newOwner) { newOwner->getSender()->setControlling(true); newOwner->getSender()->setWantControl(true); } }
int NativeScrollViewObject::initialize() { contentViewProxy_ = new NativeScrollViewContentObject(tiObject_, this); contentView_ = (bb::cascades::Container*)contentViewProxy_->getNativeHandle(); scrollView_ = bb::cascades::ScrollView::create(); nativeContentView_ = bb::cascades::Container::create(); setControl(scrollView_); addChildImpl(contentViewProxy_); nativeContentView_->add(contentView_); scrollView_->setContent(nativeContentView_); scrollViewProperties_ = scrollView_->scrollViewProperties(); ScrollViewEventHandler *eventHandler_ = new ScrollViewEventHandler(this); bb::cascades::LayoutUpdateHandler::create(nativeContentView_).onLayoutFrameChanged(eventHandler_, SLOT(onContainerLayoutChange(QRectF))); TiObject height; height.setValue(String::New("UI.SIZE")); contentViewProxy_->setHeight(&height); TiObject width; width.setValue(String::New("UI.SIZE")); contentViewProxy_->setWidth(&width); contentSize_ = QSize(0,0); scrollViewSize_ = QSize(0,0); return NATIVE_ERROR_OK; }
void LinearTrend::myUpdate(MarControlPtr sender) { MarSystem::myUpdate(sender); if (tinSamples_ != inSamples_) { //std::cout << "*** LinearTrend: inSamples_ = " << inSamples_ << std::endl; m_coeff.resize( inSamples_ ); if (inSamples_ == 1) { m_coeff[0] = 1.f; } else if (inSamples_ > 1) { float magnitude = (float) (inSamples_ - 1) / 2.f; float sum = 0.f; for (int i = 0; i < inSamples_; ++i) { m_coeff[i] = i - magnitude; sum += m_coeff[i] * m_coeff[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < inSamples_; ++i) m_coeff[i] = m_coeff[i] / sum; } #if 0 std::cout << "*** linear trend coefficients:" << std::endl; for (int i = 0; i < inSamples_; ++i) std::cout << " " << m_coeff[i]; std::cout << std::endl; #endif } setControl( "mrs_natural/onSamples", 1 ); }
void PlayerControls::setControl(const nlohmann::json& entry, const std::string& key, const int& player, lwe::EventCondition& condition, const std::list<SDL_GameController*>& controllers, const std::map<SDL_GameController*, int>& controllerToDeviceId) { if (entry[key].is_string()) { setControl(player, controllers, controllerToDeviceId, condition, entry[key].get<std::string>()); } else { if (entry[key].is_null()) { LOG_ERROR("%s is not present", key); } else { LOG_ERROR("%s is not a string", key); } } }
void Widget::on_pbOpen_clicked() { int currentIndex = ui->tabOption->currentIndex(); switch (currentIndex) { case 0: tcpServer.port = ui->leTcpPort->text().toInt(); netServer = &tcpServer; break; case 1: udpServer.port = ui->leUdpPort->text().toInt(); netServer = &udpServer; break; case 2: sslServer.port = ui->leSslPort->text().toInt(); netServer = &sslServer; break; } bool res = netServer->open(); if (!res) { QString msg = netServer->error.msg; MsgEvent msgEvent(msg + "\r\n", QThread::currentThreadId()); showMessage(&msgEvent); return; } if (netServer == &udpServer) { SAFE_DELETE(udpServerThread); udpServerThread = new UdpServerThread(this, &udpServer); udpServerThread->open(); } setControl(); }
void DisableFMRadio() { if (!sRadioEnabled) return; sRadioEnabled = false; // Tavarua specific start int rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_TAVARUA_STATE, FM_OFF); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG(("Unable to turn off radio")); } // Tavarua specific end pthread_join(sRadioThread, NULL); close(sRadioFD); hal::FMRadioOperationInformation info; info.operation() = hal::FM_RADIO_OPERATION_DISABLE; info.status() = hal::FM_RADIO_OPERATION_STATUS_SUCCESS; hal::NotifyFMRadioStatus(info); }
/* This runs on the main thread but most of the * initialization is pushed to the radio thread. */ void EnableFMRadio(const hal::FMRadioSettings& aInfo) { if (sRadioEnabled) { HAL_LOG("Radio already enabled!"); return; } hal::FMRadioOperationInformation info; info.operation() = hal::FM_RADIO_OPERATION_ENABLE; info.status() = hal::FM_RADIO_OPERATION_STATUS_FAIL; mozilla::ScopedClose fd(open("/dev/radio0", O_RDWR)); if (fd < 0) { HAL_LOG("Unable to open radio device"); hal::NotifyFMRadioStatus(info); return; } struct v4l2_capability cap; int rc = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_QUERYCAP, &cap); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG("Unable to query radio device"); hal::NotifyFMRadioStatus(info); return; } sMsmFMMode = !strcmp((char *)cap.driver, "radio-tavarua") || !strcmp((char *)cap.driver, "radio-iris"); HAL_LOG("Radio: %s (%s)\n", cap.driver, cap.card); if (!(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_RADIO)) { HAL_LOG("/dev/radio0 isn't a radio"); hal::NotifyFMRadioStatus(info); return; } if (!(cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_TUNER)) { HAL_LOG("/dev/radio0 doesn't support the tuner interface"); hal::NotifyFMRadioStatus(info); return; } sRDSSupported = cap.capabilities & V4L2_CAP_RDS_CAPTURE; sRadioSettings = aInfo; if (sMsmFMMode) { sRadioFD = fd.forget(); sMsmFMVersion = cap.version; if (pthread_create(&sRadioThread, nullptr, runMsmFMRadio, nullptr)) { HAL_LOG("Couldn't create radio thread"); hal::NotifyFMRadioStatus(info); } return; } struct v4l2_tuner tuner = {0}; tuner.type = V4L2_TUNER_RADIO; tuner.rangelow = (aInfo.lowerLimit() * 10000) / 625; tuner.rangehigh = (aInfo.upperLimit() * 10000) / 625; tuner.audmode = V4L2_TUNER_MODE_STEREO; rc = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_TUNER, &tuner); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG("Unable to adjust band limits"); } int emphasis; switch (aInfo.preEmphasis()) { case 0: emphasis = V4L2_DEEMPHASIS_DISABLED; break; case 50: emphasis = V4L2_DEEMPHASIS_50_uS; break; case 75: emphasis = V4L2_DEEMPHASIS_75_uS; break; default: MOZ_CRASH("Invalid preemphasis setting"); break; } rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_TUNE_DEEMPHASIS, emphasis); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG("Unable to configure deemphasis"); } sRadioFD = fd.forget(); sRadioEnabled = true; info.status() = hal::FM_RADIO_OPERATION_STATUS_SUCCESS; hal::NotifyFMRadioStatus(info); }
/*! Creates a QAxObject that wraps the COM object \a c. \a parent is propagated to the QObject constructor. \sa setControl() */ QAxObject::QAxObject(const QString &c, QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { setControl(c); }
int NativeDateTimePickerObject::initialize() { dateTimePicker_ = bb::cascades::DateTimePicker::create(); setControl(dateTimePicker_); return NATIVE_ERROR_OK; }
/** * Disables the watchdog timer **/ void eQEP::disableWatchdogTimer() { setControl( getControl() & ~EQEP_QEPCTL_WDE); }
void SignalSlotForm::on_lwSlotList_currentRowChanged(int currentRow) { Q_UNUSED(currentRow) setControl(); }
void SignalSlotForm::on_lwSlotList_clicked(const QModelIndex &index) { Q_UNUSED(index) setControl(); }
void AMControlMoveButton::onControlDestroyed() { setControl(0); }
/* Runs on the radio thread */ static void initTavaruaRadio(hal::FMRadioSettings &aInfo) { mozilla::ScopedClose fd(sRadioFD); char version[64]; int rc; snprintf(version, sizeof(version), "%d", sTavaruaVersion); property_set("", version); /* Set the mode for soc downloader */ property_set("", "normal"); /* start fm_dl service */ property_set("ctl.start", "fm_dl"); /* * Fix bug 800263. Wait until the FM radio chips initialization is done * then set other properties, or the system will hang and reboot. This * work around is from codeaurora * (git:// */ for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { sleep(1); char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("", value, "0"); if (!strcmp(value, "1")) { break; } } rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_TAVARUA_STATE, FM_RECV); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG(("Unable to turn on radio |%s|", strerror(errno))); return; } int preEmphasis = aInfo.preEmphasis() <= 50; rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_TAVARUA_EMPHASIS, preEmphasis); if (rc) { HAL_LOG(("Unable to configure preemphasis")); return; } rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_TAVARUA_RDS_STD, 0); if (rc) { HAL_LOG(("Unable to configure RDS")); return; } int spacing; switch (aInfo.spaceType()) { case 50: spacing = FM_CH_SPACE_50KHZ; break; case 100: spacing = FM_CH_SPACE_100KHZ; break; case 200: spacing = FM_CH_SPACE_200KHZ; break; default: HAL_LOG(("Unsupported space value - %d", aInfo.spaceType())); return; } rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_TAVARUA_SPACING, spacing); if (rc) { HAL_LOG(("Unable to configure spacing")); return; } /* * Frequency conversions * * HAL uses units of 1k for frequencies * V4L2 uses units of 62.5kHz * Multiplying by (10000 / 625) converts from HAL units to V4L2. */ struct v4l2_tuner tuner = {0}; tuner.rangelow = (aInfo.lowerLimit() * 10000) / 625; tuner.rangehigh = (aInfo.upperLimit() * 10000) / 625; rc = ioctl(fd, VIDIOC_S_TUNER, &tuner); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG(("Unable to adjust band limits")); return; } rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_TAVARUA_REGION, TAVARUA_REGION_OTHER); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG(("Unable to configure region")); return; } // Some devices do not support analog audio routing. This should be // indicated by the '' property at build time. char propval[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("", propval, ""); bool noAnalog = !strcmp(propval, "true"); rc = setControl(V4L2_CID_PRIVATE_TAVARUA_SET_AUDIO_PATH, noAnalog ? FM_DIGITAL_PATH : FM_ANALOG_PATH); if (rc < 0) { HAL_LOG(("Unable to set audio path")); return; } if (!noAnalog) { /* Set the mode for soc downloader */ property_set("", "config_dac"); /* Use analog mode FM */ property_set("", "true"); /* start fm_dl service */ property_set("ctl.start", "fm_dl"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { sleep(1); char value[PROPERTY_VALUE_MAX]; property_get("", value, "0"); if (!strcmp(value, "1")) { break; } } } fd.forget(); sRadioEnabled = true; }
void Widget::showEvent(QShowEvent* showEvent) { loadControl(); setControl(); QWidget::showEvent(showEvent); }