Exemple #1
void RKProgressControlDialog::addOutput (const ROutput *output) {

	// scrolled all the way to the bottom?
	bool at_end = true;
	QScrollBar *bar = output_text->verticalScrollBar ();
	if (bar && (bar->value () < bar->maximum ())) at_end = false;

	if (output->type != last_output_type) {
		last_output_type = output->type;
		output_text->insertPlainText ("\n");

		if (output->type == ROutput::Output) {
			output_text->setTextColor (Qt::black);
		} else {
			output_text->setTextColor (Qt::red);
			if (!isDetailsWidgetVisible ()) setDetailsWidgetVisible (true);
			error_indicator->show ();

	output_text->insertPlainText (output->output);

	// if previously at end, auto-scroll
	if (at_end && output_text->isVisible ()) scrollDown ();
RKProgressControlDialog::RKProgressControlDialog (const QString &text, const QString &caption, int mode_flags, bool modal) : KDialog (0) {

	setAttribute (Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose, true);
	setModal (modal);
	setCaption (caption);

	KVBox *vbox = new KVBox (this);
	vbox->setSizePolicy (QSizePolicy::Fixed, QSizePolicy::Fixed);
	setMainWidget (vbox);

	QLabel *label = new QLabel (text, vbox);
	label->setWordWrap (true);

	error_indicator = new QLabel (i18n ("<b>There have been errors and / or warnings! See below for a transcript</b>"), vbox);
	QPalette palette = error_indicator->palette ();
	palette.setColor (error_indicator->foregroundRole (), QColor (255, 0, 0));
	error_indicator->setPalette (palette);
	error_indicator->hide ();

	KVBox* output_box = new KVBox ();
	if (mode_flags & (RKProgressControl::IncludeErrorOutput | RKProgressControl::IncludeRegularOutput)) {
		QString ocaption;
		if (mode_flags & RKProgressControl::IncludeRegularOutput) {
			output_button_text = i18n ("Output");
			ocaption = i18n ("Output:");
		} else {
			output_button_text = i18n ("Errors / Warnings");
			ocaption = i18n ("Errors / Warnings:");
		new QLabel (ocaption, output_box);

		output_text = new QTextEdit (output_box);
		output_text->setReadOnly (true);
		output_text->setPlainText (QString ());
		output_text->setUndoRedoEnabled (false);
		output_text->setLineWrapMode (QTextEdit::NoWrap);
		output_text->setMinimumWidth (QFontMetrics (output_text->font ()).averageCharWidth () * RKSettingsModuleR::getDefaultWidth ());
		output_box->setStretchFactor (output_text, 10);
	setDetailsWidget (output_box);
	// it's important to use a queued connection, here. Otherwise, if the details widget gets shown due to error output, scrollDown() would only scroll to the position directly *above* the new output.
	connect (this, SIGNAL(aboutToShowDetails()), this, SLOT(scrollDown()), Qt::QueuedConnection);

	KDialog::ButtonCodes button_codes = KDialog::Cancel;
	if (mode_flags & RKProgressControl::OutputSwitchable) button_codes |= KDialog::Details;
	setButtons (button_codes);
	if (button_codes & KDialog::Details) setButtonText (KDialog::Details, output_button_text);
	if (mode_flags & RKProgressControl::AllowCancel) setButtonText (KDialog::Cancel, i18n ("Cancel"));
	else (setCloseTextToClose ());

	if (mode_flags & RKProgressControl::OutputShownByDefault) setDetailsWidgetVisible (true);

	prevent_close = (mode_flags & RKProgressControl::PreventClose);

	last_output_type = ROutput::Output;
	is_done = false;