Exemple #1
void CylindersModel::update()
Exemple #2
void WeightModel::update()
void NavigationControl::PointCallback(const Robosub::Point& msg)
		// The speed is created based on the difference between
        // the target point and the center

    // If the it is the beginning of the process
    // save the target as the objective

    // Target points
    int target_x = msg.x;
    int target_y = msg.y;

    if (!target_x && !target_y ) {
//        Centered = true;
        Begun = false;
        start_x = 0;
        start_y = 0;



    if (!Begun){ // First assignment: create starting points
        start_x = msg.x;
        start_y = msg.y;
        Begun = true;
//        Centered = false;

    // Calculate the directions what direction do we have to move?

    int dir_x = target_x>0 ? 1 : -1; //Left -1, Right +1
    int dir_y = target_y>0 ? -1 : 1; //Up -1, Down +1

    // Calculate the percentage (OR SIMPLY USE ERROR??)

    float per_x = (target_x/240); //start_x);
    float per_y = (target_y/320); //start_y);

    //  Control Process (calculate the right thrust)
    //  Use less than 100% based on how big the number is.

    //  Convert the distance percentage to thrust percentage

    // These are set assuming there is no bias on the voltage
    // sent to the thrusters
    int minT = 50; // to avoid sending values under the minimum.
    //maxT = 90; //To avoid moving too fast and sucking too much power
    int range = 40;

    int thrust_x = 0;
    int thrust_y = 0;

    if((per_x) <MAX_THRESHOLD){
        if((per_x)>MIN_THRESHOLD){ //Send a negative thrust to decrease the speed
            thrust_x = -60*dir_x;
        } else {
            thrust_x = 0;
    } else {
        thrust_x = (range*per_x+minT)*dir_x;

    if((per_y) <MAX_THRESHOLD){
        if((per_y)>MIN_THRESHOLD){ //Send a negative thrust to decrease the speed
            thrust_y = -60*dir_y;
        } else {
            thrust_y = 0; // We zeroed out in this direction
    } else {
        if(dir_y>0){ // && FORWARDCAMERA
            range = 30; //So we don't go up too fast
            thrust_y = (range*per_y+minT)*dir_y;

    //Send the calculated speed to the motor
