Exemple #1
void MediaSource::setDuration(double duration, ExceptionCode& ec)
    // 2.1 Attributes - Duration
    // https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/media-source/media-source.html#attributes

    // On setting, run the following steps:
    // 1. If the value being set is negative or NaN then throw an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception and abort these steps.
    if (duration < 0.0 || std::isnan(duration)) {
        ec = INVALID_ACCESS_ERR;

    // 2. If the readyState attribute is not "open" then throw an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception and abort these steps.
    if (!isOpen()) {
        ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;

    // 3. If the updating attribute equals true on any SourceBuffer in sourceBuffers, then throw an INVALID_STATE_ERR
    // exception and abort these steps.
    for (auto& sourceBuffer : *m_sourceBuffers) {
        if (sourceBuffer->updating()) {
            ec = INVALID_STATE_ERR;

    // 4. Run the duration change algorithm with new duration set to the value being assigned to this attribute.
Exemple #2
void MediaSource::streamEndedWithError(Optional<EndOfStreamError> error)
    LOG(MediaSource, "MediaSource::streamEndedWithError(%p)", this);

    // 2.4.7 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/media-source/media-source.html#end-of-stream-algorithm

    // 1. Change the readyState attribute value to "ended".
    // 2. Queue a task to fire a simple event named sourceended at the MediaSource.

    // 3.
    if (!error) {
        // ↳ If error is not set, is null, or is an empty string
        // 1. Run the duration change algorithm with new duration set to the highest end time reported by
        // the buffered attribute across all SourceBuffer objects in sourceBuffers.
        MediaTime maxEndTime;
        for (auto& sourceBuffer : *m_sourceBuffers) {
            if (auto length = sourceBuffer->buffered()->length())
                maxEndTime = std::max(sourceBuffer->buffered()->ranges().end(length - 1), maxEndTime);

        // 2. Notify the media element that it now has all of the media data.
    } else if (error == EndOfStreamError::Network) {
        // ↳ If error is set to "network"
        if (m_mediaElement->readyState() == HTMLMediaElement::HAVE_NOTHING) {
            //  ↳ If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute equals HAVE_NOTHING
            //    Run the "If the media data cannot be fetched at all, due to network errors, causing
            //    the user agent to give up trying to fetch the resource" steps of the resource fetch algorithm.
            //    NOTE: This step is handled by HTMLMediaElement::mediaLoadingFailed().
        } else {
            //  ↳ If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute is greater than HAVE_NOTHING
            //    Run the "If the connection is interrupted after some media data has been received, causing the
            //    user agent to give up trying to fetch the resource" steps of the resource fetch algorithm.
            //    NOTE: This step is handled by HTMLMediaElement::mediaLoadingFailedFatally().
    } else {
        // ↳ If error is set to "decode"
        ASSERT(error == EndOfStreamError::Decode);
        if (m_mediaElement->readyState() == HTMLMediaElement::HAVE_NOTHING) {
            //  ↳ If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute equals HAVE_NOTHING
            //    Run the "If the media data can be fetched but is found by inspection to be in an unsupported
            //    format, or can otherwise not be rendered at all" steps of the resource fetch algorithm.
            //    NOTE: This step is handled by HTMLMediaElement::mediaLoadingFailed().
        } else {
            //  ↳ If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute is greater than HAVE_NOTHING
            //    Run the media data is corrupted steps of the resource fetch algorithm.
            //    NOTE: This step is handled by HTMLMediaElement::mediaLoadingFailedFatally().
void MediaSource::streamEndedWithError(const AtomicString& error, ExceptionCode& ec)
    DEPRECATED_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, network, ("network", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral));
    DEPRECATED_DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(const AtomicString, decode, ("decode", AtomicString::ConstructFromLiteral));

    LOG(MediaSource, "MediaSource::streamEndedWithError(%p) : %s", this, error.string().ascii().data());

    // 2.4.7 https://dvcs.w3.org/hg/html-media/raw-file/tip/media-source/media-source.html#end-of-stream-algorithm

    // 3.
    if (error.isEmpty()) {
        // ↳ If error is not set, is null, or is an empty string
        // 1. Run the duration change algorithm with new duration set to the highest end time reported by
        // the buffered attribute across all SourceBuffer objects in sourceBuffers.
        MediaTime maxEndTime;
        for (auto& sourceBuffer : *m_sourceBuffers) {
            if (auto length = sourceBuffer->buffered()->length())
                maxEndTime = std::max(sourceBuffer->buffered()->ranges().end(length - 1), maxEndTime);

        // 2. Notify the media element that it now has all of the media data.

    // NOTE: Do steps 1 & 2 after step 3 (with an empty error) to avoid the MediaSource's readyState being re-opened by a
    // remove() operation resulting from a duration change.
    // FIXME: Re-number or update this section once <https://www.w3.org/Bugs/Public/show_bug.cgi?id=26316> is resolved.
    // 1. Change the readyState attribute value to "ended".
    // 2. Queue a task to fire a simple event named sourceended at the MediaSource.

    if (error == network) {
        // ↳ If error is set to "network"
        if (m_mediaElement->readyState() == HTMLMediaElement::HAVE_NOTHING) {
            //  ↳ If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute equals HAVE_NOTHING
            //    Run the "If the media data cannot be fetched at all, due to network errors, causing
            //    the user agent to give up trying to fetch the resource" steps of the resource fetch algorithm.
            //    NOTE: This step is handled by HTMLMediaElement::mediaLoadingFailed().
        } else {
            //  ↳ If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute is greater than HAVE_NOTHING
            //    Run the "If the connection is interrupted after some media data has been received, causing the
            //    user agent to give up trying to fetch the resource" steps of the resource fetch algorithm.
            //    NOTE: This step is handled by HTMLMediaElement::mediaLoadingFailedFatally().
    } else if (error == decode) {
        // ↳ If error is set to "decode"
        if (m_mediaElement->readyState() == HTMLMediaElement::HAVE_NOTHING) {
            //  ↳ If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute equals HAVE_NOTHING
            //    Run the "If the media data can be fetched but is found by inspection to be in an unsupported
            //    format, or can otherwise not be rendered at all" steps of the resource fetch algorithm.
            //    NOTE: This step is handled by HTMLMediaElement::mediaLoadingFailed().
        } else {
            //  ↳ If the HTMLMediaElement.readyState attribute is greater than HAVE_NOTHING
            //    Run the media data is corrupted steps of the resource fetch algorithm.
            //    NOTE: This step is handled by HTMLMediaElement::mediaLoadingFailedFatally().
    } else if (!error.isEmpty()) {
        // ↳ Otherwise
        //   Throw an INVALID_ACCESS_ERR exception.
        ec = INVALID_ACCESS_ERR;