/*! start the client program. */ int TEPty::run(const char *_pgm, QStrList &_args, const char *_term, ulong winid, bool _addutmp, const char *_konsole_dcop, const char *_konsole_dcop_session) { clearArguments(); setBinaryExecutable(_pgm); QStrListIterator it(_args); for(; it.current(); ++it) arguments.append(it.current()); if(_term && _term[0]) setEnvironment("TERM", _term); if(_konsole_dcop && _konsole_dcop[0]) setEnvironment("KONSOLE_DCOP", _konsole_dcop); if(_konsole_dcop_session && _konsole_dcop_session[0]) setEnvironment("KONSOLE_DCOP_SESSION", _konsole_dcop_session); setEnvironment("WINDOWID", QString::number(winid)); setUsePty(All, _addutmp); if(start(NotifyOnExit, (Communication)(Stdin | Stdout)) == false) return -1; resume(); // Start... return 0; }
STDMETHODIMP GuestSessionWrap::COMSETTER(Environment)(ComSafeArrayIn(IN_BSTR, aEnvironment)) { LogRelFlow(("{%p} %s: enter aEnvironment=%zu\n", this, "GuestSession::setEnvironment", ComSafeArraySize(aEnvironment))); VirtualBoxBase::clearError(); HRESULT hrc; try { AutoCaller autoCaller(this); if (FAILED(autoCaller.rc())) throw autoCaller.rc(); hrc = setEnvironment(ArrayBSTRInConverter(ComSafeArrayInArg(aEnvironment)).array()); } catch (HRESULT hrc2) { hrc = hrc2; } catch (...) { hrc = VirtualBoxBase::handleUnexpectedExceptions(this, RT_SRC_POS); } LogRelFlow(("{%p} %s: leave hrc=%Rhrc\n", this, "GuestSession::setEnvironment", hrc)); return hrc; }
BCSPImplementation::BCSPImplementation ( UARTPtr aFile ) : mFile ( aFile ), mLockCS ( 0 ), mXMITBusy ( false ), mRCVBusy ( false ), mXMITBytesAvailable ( 0 ), mRCVBytesAvailable ( 0 ), mStackMustDie ( false ), mStackDead ( mSignals ), userOnLinkFailSync ( 0 ), userOnLinkFailRetries ( 0 ) { memset(Packets,0,sizeof(Packets)) ; //create the initial stack state createBCSPStack() ; mBCSPenv.allocMem = allocMem; mBCSPenv.freeMem = freeMem; mBCSPenv.enterCS = enterCS; mBCSPenv.leaveCS = leaveCS; mBCSPenv.signal = signal; mBCSPenv.onLinkFailureSync = onLinkFailSync; mBCSPenv.onLinkFailureRetries = onLinkFailRetries; mBCSPenv.clockMask = 0xFFFFFFFF; // call back to reverse BCSPaddPacket below mBCSPenv.releasePacket = releasePacket; mBCSPenv.envState = this; setEnvironment(mStack,&mBCSPenv) ; }
int main(void) { setEnvironment(); setOutput(); setScoreboard(); while(1) { setRaceMode(); PLAYER ppp[numOfPlayers]; setPlayer(&ppp, 0, STARTING_POSITION_X, 18, '1', 65, 66, 67, 68); setPlayer(&ppp, 1, STARTING_POSITION_X, 20, '2', 119, 115, 100, 97); players = &ppp; redrawScreen(); splashScreen(); countdown(); setStartTime(&ppp); char c; while (!weHaveAWinner(&ppp)) { c = getc(stdin); checkMove(c, &ppp); } printWins(); checkeredFlag(); waitForEnter(); } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// Structure of this code influenced by naev void Console::processCommand(const char *cmdline) { #ifndef BF_NO_CONSOLE if(consoleCommand == "" && strcmp(cmdline, "") == 0) return; setEnvironment(); // If we are not on the first line of our command, we need to append the command to our existing line if(consoleCommand == "") consoleCommand = cmdline; else consoleCommand += "\n" + string(cmdline); S32 status = luaL_loadbuffer(L, consoleCommand.c_str(), consoleCommand.length(), "ConsoleInput"); if(status == LUA_ERRSYNTAX) // cmd is not a complete Lua statement yet -- need to add more input { std::size_t lmsg; const char *msg = lua_tolstring(L, -1, &lmsg); const char *tp = msg + lmsg - (sizeof(LUA_QL("<eof>")) - 1); if(strstr(msg, LUA_QL("<eof>")) == tp) lua_pop(L, 1); else { // Error -- print to console output("%s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1)); consoleCommand = ""; // Reset command } } // Success -- print results to console else if(status == 0) { if(lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0)) { output("%s\n", lua_tostring(L, -1)); lua_pop(L, 1); } if(lua_gettop(L) > 0) { lua_getglobal(L, "print"); lua_insert(L, 1); if(lua_pcall(L, lua_gettop(L) - 1, 0, 0) != 0) output("Error printing results."); } consoleCommand = ""; // Reset command } clearStack(L); // Don't call LuaObject::eraseAllPotentiallyUntrackedObjects() here; we might create an object // in one command and want to use it in another... better to wait until we close the console. #endif }
Command* CommandPacker::packCommand(InputTokens* tokens) { assert(tokens); setEnvironment(tokens); branchToNode(START_INDEX); return _command; }
void TaskPacker::packStandardTask(InputTokens* tokens, int index) { assert(tokens); assert(!tokens->isOutOfBounds(index)); setEnvironment(tokens); findTaskDetails(index); _task = new Task(_name, _date1, _date2, _time1, _time2, _location, _doneStatus); return; }
// // bool init(dx, dy, dz, theta, colorIndex) // Last modified: 06Nov2009 // // Initializes the object to the parameterized values, // returning true if successful, false otherwise. // // Returns: true if successful, false otherwise // Parameters: // dx in the initial x-coordinate of the object (default 0) // dy in the initial y-coordinate of the object (default 0) // dz in the initial z-coordinate of the object (default 0) // colorIndex in the initial array index of the color of the object // bool Object::init(const GLfloat dx, const GLfloat dy, const GLfloat dz, const GLfloat theta, const Color colorIndex) { Circle::init(dx, dy, dz, DEFAULT_OBJECT_RADIUS, colorIndex); setHeading(theta); behavior = DEFAULT_OBJECT_BEHAVIOR; behavior.setMaxSpeed(maxSpeed()); showFilled = DEFAULT_OBJECT_SHOW_FILLED; setEnvironment(NULL); return true; } // init(const GLfloat..<4>, const Color)
void KProcess::setEnv(const QString &name, const QString &value, bool overwrite) { QStringList env = environment(); if (env.isEmpty()) { env = systemEnvironment(); env.removeAll(QString::fromLatin1(DUMMYENV)); } QString fname(name); fname.append(QLatin1Char('=')); for (QStringList::Iterator it = env.begin(); it != env.end(); ++it) if ((*it).startsWith(fname)) { if (overwrite) { *it = fname.append(value); setEnvironment(env); } return; } env.append(fname.append(value)); setEnvironment(env); }
void Device::checkEnvironment() { libnutcommon::SelectResult user_res; if (m_userEnv >= 0) user_res = m_envs[m_userEnv]->getSelectResult(); if ((m_userEnv >= 0) && (m_envs[m_userEnv]->selectionDone())) { if (user_res == libnutcommon::SelectResult::True || user_res == libnutcommon::SelectResult::User) { setEnvironment(m_userEnv); return; } } if (m_waitForEnvSelects != 0) return; // every environment has now selectionDone() == true // => m_userEnv is either -1 or m_userEnv cannot be selected. if ((m_activeEnv >= 0) && (m_envs[m_activeEnv]->getSelectResult() == libnutcommon::SelectResult::True)) return; // => select first with SelectResult::True foreach (Environment* env, m_envs) { if (env->getSelectResult() == libnutcommon::SelectResult::True) { setEnvironment(env->m_id); return; } } setEnvironment(0); }
void ExternalCommand::setup() { setEnvironment(QStringList() << QStringLiteral("LC_ALL=C") << QStringLiteral("PATH=") + QString::fromUtf8(getenv("PATH"))); setProcessChannelMode(MergedChannels); processes = new QProcess[command().size()]; connect(&processes[command().size()-1], SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), SLOT(onReadOutput())); connect(&processes[command().size()-1], SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), SLOT(onFinished(int))); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < command().size() - 1; i++) { processes[i].setStandardOutputProcess(&processes[i+1]); } }
// // bool init(dx, dy, dz, theta, colorIndex) // Last modified: 06Nov2009 // // Initializes the robot to the parameterized values, // returning true if successful, false otherwise. // // Returns: true if successful, false otherwise // Parameters: // dx in the initial x-coordinate of the robot (default 0) // dy in the initial y-coordinate of the robot (default 0) // dz in the initial z-coordinate of the robot (default 0) // theta in the initial heading of the robot (default 0) // colorIndex in the initial array index of the color of the robot // bool Robot::init(const GLfloat dx, const GLfloat dy, const GLfloat dz, const GLfloat theta, const Color colorIndex) { Circle::init(dx, dy, dz, DEFAULT_ROBOT_RADIUS, colorIndex); setHeading(theta); behavior = DEFAULT_ROBOT_BEHAVIOR; behavior.setMaxSpeed(maxSpeed()); showHeading = DEFAULT_ROBOT_SHOW_HEADING; heading.showLine = DEFAULT_ROBOT_SHOW_LINE; heading.showHead = DEFAULT_ROBOT_SHOW_HEAD; showFilled = DEFAULT_ROBOT_SHOW_FILLED; setEnvironment(NULL); return true; } // init(const GLfloat..<4>, const Color)
/****** Interactive/qrsh/--qrsh_starter *************************************** * * NAME * qrsh_starter -- start a command special correct environment * * SYNOPSIS * qrsh_starter <environment file> <noshell> * int main(int argc, char **argv[]) * * FUNCTION * qrsh_starter is used to start a command, optionally with additional * arguments, in a special environment. * The environment is read from the given <environment file>. * The command to be executed is read from the environment variable * QRSH_COMMAND and executed either standalone, passed to a wrapper * script (environment variable QRSH_WRAPPER) or (default) in a users login * shell (<shell> -c <command>). * On exit of the command, or if an error occurs, an exit code is written * to the file $TMPDIR/qrsh_exit_code. * * qrsh_starter is called from qrsh to start the remote processes in * the correct environment. * * INPUTS * environment file - file with environment information, each line * contains a tuple <name>=<value> * noshell - if this parameter is passed, the command will be * executed standalone * * RESULT * EXIT_SUCCESS, if all actions could be performed, * EXIT_FAILURE, if an error occured * * EXAMPLE * setenv QRSH_COMMAND "echo test" * env > ~/myenvironment * rsh <hostname> qrsh_starter ~/myenvironment * * SEE ALSO * Interactive/qsh/--Interactive * **************************************************************************** */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int exitCode = 0; char *command = NULL; char *wrapper = NULL; int noshell = 0; /* check for correct usage */ if(argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s <job spooldir> [noshell]\n", argv[0]); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* check for noshell */ if(argc > 2) { if(strcmp(argv[2], "noshell") == 0) { noshell = 1; } } if(!readConfig(argv[1])) { writeExitCode(EXIT_FAILURE, 0); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* setup environment */ command = setEnvironment(argv[1], &wrapper); if(command == NULL) { writeExitCode(EXIT_FAILURE, 0); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if(!changeDirectory()) { writeExitCode(EXIT_FAILURE, 0); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } /* start job */ exitCode = startJob(command, wrapper, noshell); /* JG: TODO: At this time, we could already pass the exitCode to qrsh. * Currently, this is done by shepherd, but only after * qrsh_starter and rshd exited. * If we pass exitCode to qrsh, we also have to implement the * shepherd_about_to_exit mechanism here. */ /* write exit code and exit */ return writeExitCode(EXIT_SUCCESS, exitCode); }
UpdateProcess::UpdateProcess(QObject *parent) : QProcess(parent) { _currentCommand = NoCommand; _socksPort = 0; connect(this, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()), this, SLOT(readStandardError())); connect(this, SIGNAL(readyReadStandardOutput()), this, SLOT(readStandardOutput())); connect(this, SIGNAL(finished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus)), this, SLOT(onFinished(int, QProcess::ExitStatus))); setEnvironment(systemEnvironment()); }
foreach (const ExternalToolValidation& validation, validations) { if (externalToolProcess != NULL) { delete externalToolProcess; externalToolProcess = NULL; } checkArchitecture(validation.executableFile); CHECK_OP(stateInfo, ); externalToolProcess = new QProcess(); setEnvironment(tool); externalToolProcess->start(validation.executableFile, validation.arguments); bool started = externalToolProcess->waitForStarted(3000); if (!started) { errorMsg = validation.possibleErrorsDescr.value(ExternalToolValidation::DEFAULT_DESCR_KEY, ""); if (!errorMsg.isEmpty()) { stateInfo.setError(errorMsg); } else { stateInfo.setError(tr("Tool does not start.<br>" "It is possible that the specified executable file " "<i>%1</i> for %2 tool is invalid. You can change " "the path to the executable file in the external " "tool settings in the global preferences.") .arg(toolPath) .arg(toolName)); } isValid = false; return; } int elapsedTime = 0; while (!externalToolProcess->waitForFinished(CHECK_PERIOD_MS)) { elapsedTime += CHECK_PERIOD_MS; if (isCanceled() || elapsedTime >= TIMEOUT_MS) { cancelProcess(); } } if (!parseLog(validation)) { return; } if (!isValid) { return; } }
SynchronizedWeatherGenerator::SynchronizedWeatherGenerator(int updateInterval) : m_updateInterval(updateInterval), m_weather(), m_nextUpdate(0), m_minTemp(0), m_maxTemp(0), m_minWind(0), m_maxWind(0), m_randomGenerator(new RandomGenerator) { // Until we can integrate with environment blocks: // the weather is standardized to a mild climate, with // a wind speed of 0-10 m/s (roughly equal to 0-20 miles per hour), temperature 0-35 degrees // (32 - 95 degrees Fahrenheit.) // TODO: Integrate with environment blocks setEnvironment(0,35,0,10); }
PathChooser::PathChooser(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent), m_d(new PathChooserPrivate(this)) { m_d->m_hLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); connect(m_d->m_lineEdit, SIGNAL(validReturnPressed()), this, SIGNAL(returnPressed())); connect(m_d->m_lineEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(changed(QString))); connect(m_d->m_lineEdit, SIGNAL(validChanged()), this, SIGNAL(validChanged())); connect(m_d->m_lineEdit, SIGNAL(validChanged(bool)), this, SIGNAL(validChanged(bool))); connect(m_d->m_lineEdit, SIGNAL(editingFinished()), this, SIGNAL(editingFinished())); m_d->m_lineEdit->setMinimumWidth(200); m_d->m_hLayout->addWidget(m_d->m_lineEdit); m_d->m_hLayout->setSizeConstraint(QLayout::SetMinimumSize); addButton(tr(browseButtonLabel), this, SLOT(slotBrowse())); setLayout(m_d->m_hLayout); setFocusProxy(m_d->m_lineEdit); setEnvironment(Environment::systemEnvironment()); }
void SetCommand::execute(const Arguments& args, NSDebuggingContext::Context& ctx) { mili::assert_throw<NSCommon::InvalidArgumentNumbers>(args.size() == 1u || args.size() == 2u); auto instanceId = ctx.getCurrentInstance(); const auto instance = ctx.getInstance(instanceId).lock(); mili::assert_throw<NSCommon::InstanceNoLongerAlive>(bool(instance)); if (args.size() == 1u) { const auto& assignation = args[0u]; auto pos = assignation.find('='); if (pos == std::string::npos) { throw NSCommon::InvalidArgument(assignation); } instance->setVariable(assignation.substr(0u, pos), assignation.substr(pos + 1u)); } else // args.size() == 2u { instance->setEnvironment(args[0u], args[1u]); } }
void KProcess::clearEnvironment() { setEnvironment(QStringList() << QString::fromLatin1(DUMMYENV)); }
QnxDeviceProcess::QnxDeviceProcess(const QSharedPointer<const IDevice> &device, QObject *parent) : SshDeviceProcess(device, parent) { setEnvironment(Environment(OsTypeLinux)); m_pidFile = QString::fromLatin1("/var/run/qtc.%1.pid").arg(++pidFileCounter); }