FancyLabel::FancyLabel(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent, Qt::FramelessWindowHint) { //Tells Qt we'll paint with translucent colors setAttribute(Qt::WA_TranslucentBackground); m_generated = true; m_flat = false; setGen(); }
bool Team::loadFromFile(const QString &path) { m_path = path; QFile file(path); if (! { return false; } QDomDocument document; QString msg; int line,col; if(!document.setContent(&file,&msg,&line,&col)) { QMessageBox::information(0,QObject::tr("Load Team"),QObject::tr("Error while loading the team.")); return false; } QDomElement team = document.firstChildElement("Team"); if(team.isNull()) { QMessageBox::information(0,QObject::tr("Load Team"),QObject::tr("Error while loading the team.")); return false; } int version = team.attribute("version", "0").toInt(); if (version > 1) { QMessageBox::information(0,QObject::tr("Load Team"),QObject::tr("Error while loading the team, the client is outdated.")); return false; } int gen = team.attribute("gen", QString::number(GenInfo::GenMax())).toInt(); if (gen < GEN_MIN || gen > GenInfo::GenMax()) gen = GenInfo::GenMax(); setGen(Pokemon::gen(team.attribute("gen", QString::number(GenInfo::GenMax())).toInt(), team.attribute("subgen", QString::number(GenInfo::NumberOfSubgens(team.attribute("gen", QString::number(GenInfo::GenMax())).toInt())-1)).toInt())); defaultTier() = team.attribute("defaultTier"); QDomElement poke = team.firstChildElement("Pokemon"); int cpt = 0; while(!poke.isNull()) { this->poke(cpt).loadFromXml(poke, version); cpt++; poke = poke.nextSiblingElement("Pokemon"); } return true; }
PointGroup3D :: PointGroup3D (int p, int q, bool pbar, bool qbar, bool bbar) : Group(){ mNumFrame = 3; mNumGen = bbar ? 1 : (p==1) ? 1 : ( (q==0) ? ( pbar ? 1 : 2 ) : ( pbar ? (qbar ? 1 : 2 ) : (qbar ? 2 : 3 ) ) ); mExp[0] = p; mExp[1] = q; mBar[0] = pbar; mBar[1] = qbar; mBar[2] = bbar; Rot r1 = Rot::e12( theta(p) /2.0 ); Rot r2 = Rot::e23( theta(q) /2.0 ); mVersor[0] = Vec::x; mVersor[1] = Op::sp(v.a, r1); mVersor[2] = Op::sp(v.b, r2); setFrame(v); setGen(); }
void PokeTeam::loadFromXml(const QDomElement &poke, int version) { if (poke.hasAttribute("Gen")) { setGen(Pokemon::gen(poke.attribute("Gen", QString::number(GenInfo::GenMax())).toInt(), poke.attribute("SubGen", QString::number(GenInfo::NumberOfSubgens(poke.attribute("Gen", QString::number(GenInfo::GenMax())).toInt())-1)).toInt())); } reset(); /* Code to import old teams which had different formes registered as different pokemon numbers */ int num = poke.attribute("Num").toInt(); int forme = poke.attribute("Forme").toInt(); if (gen().num == 4 && num > 493 && forme == 0 && !PokemonInfo::Exists(Pokemon::uniqueId(num, 0), 4)) { //Old way int indexes[] = { 479,479,479,479,479,386,386,386,413,413,492,487 }; int formes[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,1,2,1,1 }; int i = num - 494; setNum(Pokemon::uniqueId(indexes[i], formes[i])); } else { setNum(Pokemon::uniqueId(num, forme)); } bool outdated = gen() < 5 && version < 1; load(); nickname() = poke.attribute("Nickname"); item() = poke.attribute("Item").toInt(); ability() = poke.attribute("Ability").toInt(); if (outdated) { ability() = AbilityInfo::ConvertFromOldAbility(ability()); } nature() = poke.attribute("Nature").toInt(); gender() = poke.attribute("Gender").toInt(); shiny() = QVariant(poke.attribute("Shiny")).toBool(); happiness() = poke.attribute("Happiness").toInt(); level() = poke.attribute("Lvl").toInt(); int cptMove=0; QDomElement moveElement = poke.firstChildElement("Move"); while(!moveElement.isNull()) { int movenum = moveElement.text().toInt(); if (outdated) { movenum = MoveInfo::ConvertFromOldMove(movenum); } setMove(movenum,cptMove,false); cptMove++; moveElement = moveElement.nextSiblingElement("Move"); } int cptDV=0; QDomElement DVElement = poke.firstChildElement("DV"); while(!DVElement.isNull()) { setDV(outdated ? NatureInfo::ConvertToStat(cptDV) : cptDV,DVElement.text().toInt()); cptDV++; DVElement = DVElement.nextSiblingElement("DV"); } int cptEV=0; QDomElement EVElement = poke.firstChildElement("EV"); while(!EVElement.isNull()) { setEV(outdated ? NatureInfo::ConvertToStat(cptEV) : cptEV,EVElement.text().toInt()); cptEV++; EVElement = EVElement.nextSiblingElement("EV"); } }
PokeTeam::PokeTeam() { setNum(Pokemon::uniqueId(Pokemon::NoPoke)); setGen(Pokemon::gen(GenInfo::GenMax(), GenInfo::NumberOfSubgens(GenInfo::GenMax())-1)); }
PokeTeam::PokeTeam() { setNum(Pokemon::uniqueId(Pokemon::NoPoke)); setGen(GEN_MAX); }
void FancyLabel::move(const QPoint p) { QWidget::move(p); qDebug() << "FancyLabel::move" << p; setGen(); }
void FancyLabel::resize(QSize sz){ QWidget::resize(sz); qDebug() << "FancyLabel::resize" << sz; setGen(); }
void FancyLabel::setGeometry(QRect r){ QWidget::setGeometry(r); qDebug() << "FancyLabel::setGeometry" << r; setGen(); }