int sis_init_context(struct drm_device *dev, int context) { int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++) { if (global_ppriv[i].used && (global_ppriv[i].context == context)) break; } if (i >= MAX_CONTEXT) { for (i = 0; i < MAX_CONTEXT; i++) { if (!global_ppriv[i].used) { global_ppriv[i].context = context; global_ppriv[i].used = 1; global_ppriv[i].sets[0] = setInit(); global_ppriv[i].sets[1] = setInit(); DRM_DEBUG("init allocation set, socket=%d, " "context = %d\n", i, context); break; } } if ((i >= MAX_CONTEXT) || (global_ppriv[i].sets[0] == NULL) || (global_ppriv[i].sets[1] == NULL)) { return 0; } } return 1; }
CValve::CValve(string valveName, ubyte pos0Code, ubyte pos1Code) : CMyObject(valveName) { setInit(); m_pos0Code = pos0Code; m_pos1Code = pos1Code; }
// on "init" you need to initialize your instance bool Problem::init() { ////////////////////////////// // 1. super init first if (!Layer::init()) { return false; } this->setName("start"); Size visibleSize = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleSize(); Vec2 origin = Director::getInstance()->getVisibleOrigin(); ///////////////////////////// // 2. add a menu item with "X" image, which is clicked to quit the program // you may modify it. // add a "close" icon to exit the progress. it's an autorelease object auto compileItem = MenuItemImage::create( "CloseNormal.png", "CloseSelected.png", CC_CALLBACK_1(Problem::compile, this)); compileItem->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width / 2 + origin.x, visibleSize.height / 2 + origin.y + 100)); // create menu, it's an autorelease object auto menu = Menu::create(compileItem, NULL); menu->setPosition(Vec2::ZERO); this->addChild(menu, 1); ///////////////////////////// // 3. add your codes below... // add a label shows "Hello World" // create and initialize a label auto label = LabelTTF::create("Hello World", "Arial", 24); // position the label on the center of the screen label->setPosition(Vec2(origin.x + visibleSize.width / 2, origin.y + visibleSize.height - label->getContentSize().height)); // add the label as a child to this layer this->addChild(label, 1); // add "HelloWorld" splash screen" auto sprite = Sprite::create("screen.png"); // position the sprite on the center of the screen sprite->setPosition(Vec2(visibleSize.width / 2 + origin.x, visibleSize.height / 2 + origin.y)); sprite->setName("screen"); // add the sprite as a child to this layer this->addChild(sprite, 0); setInit(); listener = EventListenerKeyboard::create(); listener->onKeyPressed = CC_CALLBACK_2(Problem::onKeyPress, this); listener->onKeyReleased = CC_CALLBACK_2(Problem::onKeyRelease, this); _eventDispatcher->addEventListenerWithSceneGraphPriority(listener, this); return true; }
Node<MemberNode>::Link TypeParser::member(Visibility vis, bool isStatic) { Trace mbTrace = current().trace; auto parsedAsDecl = declaration(); auto mbNode = Node<MemberNode>::make(parsedAsDecl->getIdentifier(), parsedAsDecl->getTypeInfo().getEvalTypeList(), isStatic, vis == INVALID ? PRIVATE : vis); mbNode->setTrace(mbTrace); if (parsedAsDecl->getChildren().size() > 0) mbNode->setInit(Node<ExpressionNode>::staticPtrCast(parsedAsDecl->removeChild(0))); return mbNode; }
CValve::CValve(string valveName, ubyte pos0Code, ubyte pos1Code, double coeff) : CMyObject(valveName) { setInit(); m_pos0Code = pos0Code; m_pos1Code = pos1Code; m_flowRateCoeff = coeff; }
void fileObj::initFile(int initSZ) { objSize = 0; InitSize = 0; fileName = new string[initSZ]; fileID = new int[initSZ]; filePar = new int[initSZ]; filePath = new string[initSZ]; for(int i=0; i< initSZ; i++) { setInit(i, 0, 0, "-", "-"); } }
Node<DeclarationNode>::Link DeclarationParser::declarationFromTypes(TypeList typeList) { Token identToken = current(); skip(); auto decl = Node<DeclarationNode>::make(, typeList); decl->setTrace(identToken.trace); // Do initialization only if it exists if (accept("=")) { skip(); decl->setInit(expression()); } return decl; }
void DataStmtEngine::VisitVarExpr(VarExpr *E) { if(CheckVar(E)) return; auto VD = E->getVarDecl(); auto Type = VD->getType(); if(auto ATy = Type->asArrayType()) { uint64_t ArraySize; if(!ATy->EvaluateSize(ArraySize, Context)) { VisitExpr(E); return; } // Construct an array constructor expression for initializer SmallVector<Expr*, 32> Items(ArraySize); bool IsUsable = true; SourceLocation Loc; auto ElementType = ATy->getElementType(); for(uint64_t I = 0; I < ArraySize; ++I) { if(!HasValues(E)) return; auto Val = getAndCheckAnyValue(ElementType, E); if(Val.isUsable()) { Items[I] = Val.get(); if(!Loc.isValid()) Loc = Val.get()->getLocation(); } else IsUsable = false; } if(IsUsable) { VD->setInit(ArrayConstructorExpr::Create(Context, Loc, Items, Type)); } return; } // single item auto Val = getAndCheckAnyValue(Type, E); if(Val.isUsable()) VD->setInit(Val.get()); }
void CoaxVisionControl::StateCallback(const coax_msgs::CoaxState::ConstPtr & msg) { static int initTime = 200; static int initCounter = 0; static Eigen::Vector3f init_acc(0,0,0); static Eigen::Vector3f init_gyr(0,0,0); battery_voltage = msg->battery; coax_nav_mode = msg->mode.navigation; // rpy << msg->roll, msg->pitch, msg->yaw; // std::cout << "RPY: \n" << rpy << std::endl; accel << msg->accel[0], msg->accel[1], msg->accel[2]; gyro << msg->gyro[0], msg->gyro[1], msg->gyro[2]; rpyt_rc << msg->rcChannel[4], msg->rcChannel[6], msg->rcChannel[2], msg->rcChannel[0]; rpyt_rc_trim << msg->rcChannel[5], msg->rcChannel[7], msg->rcChannel[3], msg->rcChannel[1]; range_al = msg->zfiltered; global_z = msg->zfiltered; if (FIRST_STATE) { last_state_time = ros::Time::now().toSec(); FIRST_STATE = false; ROS_INFO("First Time Stamp: %f",last_state_time); return; } if ((battery_voltage < 10.50) && !LOW_POWER_DETECTED) { ROS_INFO("Battery Low!!! (%fV) Landing initialized",battery_voltage); LOW_POWER_DETECTED = true; } if (initCounter < initTime) { init_acc += accel; init_gyr += gyro; initCounter++; } else if (initCounter == initTime) { init_acc /= initTime; gravity = init_acc.norm(); setGravity(gravity); ROS_INFO("IMU Calibration Done! Gravity: %f", gravity); initCounter++; setInit(msg->header.stamp); } else { processUpdate(accel, gyro, msg->header.stamp); measureUpdate(range_al); } return; }
/******************************************************************************* initScene *******************************************************************************/ void SettingsScene::initScene() { // create pages m_pages[SETTINGS::GENERAL] = new PageGeneral(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::PLAYER] = new PagePlayer(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::LIBRARY] = new PageLibrary(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::SHORTCUT] = new PageShortcut(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::SCROBBLER] = new PageScrobbler(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::SONGINFO] = new PageSongInfo(parentView()); /* first init => always restore settings */ restore_settings(); /* layout */ m_layout = new QGraphicsLinearLayout(Qt::Vertical); m_layout->setSpacing(10); m_layout->addItem( m_pages.value(SETTINGS::GENERAL) ); m_layout->addItem( m_pages.value(SETTINGS::PLAYER) ); m_layout->addItem( m_pages.value(SETTINGS::LIBRARY) ); m_layout->addItem( m_pages.value(SETTINGS::SHORTCUT) ); m_layout->addItem( m_pages.value(SETTINGS::SONGINFO) ); m_layout->addItem( m_pages.value(SETTINGS::SCROBBLER) ); m_container = new QGraphicsWidget(); m_container->setSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding ); m_container->setLayout(m_layout); m_container->setPos(0,0); this->addItem(m_container); /* il faut interdire la modification des parametres de collection si un database builder est en cours */ connect(ThreadManager::instance(), SIGNAL(dbBuildStart()), this, SLOT(slot_dbBuilder_stateChange())); connect(ThreadManager::instance(), SIGNAL(dbBuildFinished()), this, SLOT(slot_dbBuilder_stateChange())); connect(Database::instance(), SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, SLOT(slot_database_settingsChanged())); connect(MainLeftWidget::instance(), SIGNAL(dbNameChanged()), this, SLOT(slot_database_settingsChanged())); connect(MainLeftWidget::instance(), SIGNAL(settings_save_clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_apply_settings())); connect(MainLeftWidget::instance(), SIGNAL(settings_cancel_clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_cancel_settings())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::GENERAL], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::PLAYER], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::LIBRARY], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::SHORTCUT], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::SCROBBLER], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::SONGINFO], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); setInit(true); }
void DataStmtEngine::CreateArrayElementExprInitializer(ArrayElementExpr *E, Expr *Parent) { auto Target = dyn_cast<VarExpr>(E->getTarget()); if(!Target) return VisitExpr(E); if(CheckVar(Target)) return; auto VD = Target->getVarDecl(); auto ATy = VD->getType()->asArrayType(); auto ElementType = ATy->getElementType(); uint64_t ArraySize; if(!ATy->EvaluateSize(ArraySize, Context)) return VisitExpr(E); SmallVector<Expr*, 32> Items(ArraySize); if(VD->hasInit()) { assert(isa<ArrayConstructorExpr>(VD->getInit())); auto InsertPoint = cast<ArrayConstructorExpr>(VD->getInit())->getItems(); for(uint64_t I = 0; I < ArraySize; ++I) Items[I] = InsertPoint[I]; } else { for(uint64_t I = 0; I < ArraySize; ++I) Items[I] = nullptr; } uint64_t Offset; if(!E->EvaluateOffset(Context, Offset, &ImpliedDoEvaluator)) return VisitExpr(E); ExprResult Val; if(Parent) { if(auto SE = dyn_cast<SubstringExpr>(Parent)) { Val = CreateSubstringExprInitializer(SE, ElementType); } else if(auto ME = dyn_cast<MemberExpr>(Parent)) { if(Offset < Items.size()) { const TypeConstructorExpr *Init = Items[Offset]? cast<TypeConstructorExpr>(Items[Offset]) : nullptr; Val = CreateMemberExprInitializer(ME, Init); } } else llvm_unreachable("invalid expression"); } else Val = getAndCheckAnyValue(ElementType, E); if(Val.isUsable() && Offset < Items.size()) { Items[Offset] = Val.get(); VD->setInit(ArrayConstructorExpr::Create(Context, Val.get()->getLocation(), Items, VD->getType())); } }
int main() { setInit(); int cas = 0; while (init()) { if (cas) printf("\n\n\n"); printf("Layout #%d:\n\n", ++cas); for (int i = 0; i < R; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < C; j++) printf("%4d", g[i][j]); printf("\n"); } printf("\nMaps resulting from layout #%d are:\n\n", cas); dfs(0, 0, 0); printf("There are %d solution(s) for layout #%d.\n", ans, cas); } return 0; }
void DataStmtEngine::VisitMemberExpr(MemberExpr *E) { if(auto AE = dyn_cast<ArrayElementExpr>(E->getTarget())) { CreateArrayElementExprInitializer(AE, E); return; } auto Target = dyn_cast<VarExpr>(E->getTarget()); if(!Target) return VisitExpr(E); if(CheckVar(Target)) return; auto VD = Target->getVarDecl(); const TypeConstructorExpr *Init = VD->hasInit()? cast<TypeConstructorExpr>(VD->getInit()) : nullptr; auto Val = CreateMemberExprInitializer(E, Init); if(Val.isUsable()) VD->setInit(Val.get()); }
void DataStmtEngine::VisitSubstringExpr(SubstringExpr *E) { if(auto AE = dyn_cast<ArrayElementExpr>(E->getTarget())) { CreateArrayElementExprInitializer(AE, E); return; } auto Target = dyn_cast<VarExpr>(E->getTarget()); if(!Target) return VisitExpr(E); if(CheckVar(Target)) return; auto VD = Target->getVarDecl(); auto CharTy = VD->getType().getSelfOrArrayElementType(); auto Val = CreateSubstringExprInitializer(E, CharTy); if(Val.isUsable()) VD->setInit(Val.get()); }
/* * Adds a thread to the HPReord list. * hpData - An HPData object created by initHPData */ void threadRegister(HPData hpData) { int i; //init record HPRecord* record = (HPRecord*) malloc(sizeof(HPRecord) + (sizeof(void*) * hpData->HP_COUNT)); assert(record != NULL); record->next = NULL; for (i = 0; i < hpData->HP_COUNT; i++) { record->hp[i] = NULL; } //init thread local struct HPLocal res = (HPLocal) malloc(sizeof(HPLocalT)); assert(res != NULL); res->localRecord = record; int stackSize = hpData->THREAD_COUNT * hpData->HP_COUNT > hpData->REC_COUNT ? hpData->THREAD_COUNT * hpData->HP_COUNT : hpData->REC_COUNT; res->rlist = stackInit(stackSize); res->temp = stackInit(stackSize); res->plist = setInit(stackSize); res->hpData = hpData; if (head == NULL && CAS((unsigned long*) ((void*) &head), 0, (unsigned long) ((void*) record))) { res->HPRecHead = record; } else { res->HPRecHead = head; //add record to list while (1) { HPRecord* last = head; while (last->next != NULL) last = last->next; if (CAS((unsigned long*) ((void*) &(last->next)), 0, (unsigned long) ((void*) record))) break; } } localHPData = res; }
/******************************************************************************* initScene *******************************************************************************/ void SettingsScene::initScene() { // create pages m_pages[SETTINGS::GENERAL] = new PageGeneral(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::PLAYER] = new PagePlayer(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::LIBRARY] = new PageLibrary(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::SHORTCUT] = new PageShortcut(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::SCROBBLER] = new PageScrobbler(parentView()); m_pages[SETTINGS::SONGINFO] = new PageSongInfo(parentView()); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::GENERAL], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::PLAYER], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::LIBRARY], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::SHORTCUT], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::SCROBBLER], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); connect(m_pages[SETTINGS::SONGINFO], SIGNAL(layout_changed()), this, SLOT(populateScene())); m_header = new HeaderItem(qobject_cast<QGraphicsView*> (parentView())->viewport()); m_header->setText( tr("Settings") ); /* bottom widget */ m_bottomWidget = new BottomWidget(); connect(m_bottomWidget, SIGNAL(save_clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_apply_settings())); connect(m_bottomWidget, SIGNAL(cancel_clicked()), this, SLOT(slot_cancel_settings())); this->addItem(m_header); this->addItem(m_pages.value(SETTINGS::GENERAL)); this->addItem(m_pages.value(SETTINGS::PLAYER)); this->addItem(m_pages.value(SETTINGS::LIBRARY)); this->addItem(m_pages.value(SETTINGS::SHORTCUT)); this->addItem(m_pages.value(SETTINGS::SCROBBLER)); this->addItem(m_pages.value(SETTINGS::SONGINFO)); /* first init => always restore settings */ restore_settings(); /* il faut interdire la modification des parametres de collection si un database builder est en cours */ connect(ThreadManager::instance(), SIGNAL(dbBuildStart()), this, SLOT(slot_dbBuilder_stateChange())); connect(ThreadManager::instance(), SIGNAL(dbBuildFinished()), this, SLOT(slot_dbBuilder_stateChange())); setInit(true); }
/******************************************************************************* initScene *******************************************************************************/ void FileScene::initScene() { /* init model */ m_model = new FileModel(this); m_current_path = m_model->rootPath(); /* get folder pixmap */ QIcon icon = m_model->fileIcon(m_model->index(m_model->rootPath())); m_folder_pixmap = icon.pixmap ( QSize(90,90) ,QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On); connect(m_model, SIGNAL(directoryLoaded ( const QString & )), this, SLOT(slot_on_directory_loaded())); ACTIONS()->insert(BROWSER_DIR_ITEM_MOUSE_MOVE, new QAction(this)); connect(ACTIONS()->value(BROWSER_DIR_ITEM_MOUSE_MOVE), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slot_item_mouseMove())); connect(ACTIONS()->value(BROWSER_UP), SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(slot_on_go_up())); loading_directory = false; setInit(true); }
// Draw the stats (score and lives) on the screen. void drawStats(){ int startRow = STATS_START_ROW; int startCol = STATS_START_COL; int letterColor = WHITE; // Draw the Score drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, S_6x5); // Draw S startCol += KERNING; drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, C_6x5); // Draw C startCol += KERNING; drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, O_6x5); // Draw O startCol += KERNING; drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, R_6x5); // Draw R startCol += KERNING; drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, E_6x5); // Draw E startCol = startCol + KERNING + KERNING; updateScore(); startCol += KERNING_CENTRE; // Draw the Lives drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, L_6x5); // Draw L startCol += KERNING; drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, I_6x5); // Draw I startCol += KERNING_SMALL; drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, V_6x5); // Draw V startCol += KERNING; drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, E_6x5); // Draw E startCol += KERNING; drawLetter(false, letterColor, startRow, startCol, S_6x5); // Draw S startCol = startCol + KERNING + KERNING; startRow -= KERNING_SMALL; drawTank(true, startRow, startCol); startCol += TANK_KERNING; drawTank(true, startRow, startCol); startCol += TANK_KERNING; drawTank(true, startRow, startCol); setInit(false); }
YoonEncryptor::YoonEncryptor(double init, double param, int K){ setInit(init); setParam(param); setK(K); }
ASTNode::Link StatementParser::statement() { if (accept(TT::TYPE)) { return type(); } else if (accept(TT::IF)) { skip(); return ifStatement(); } else if (accept(TT::FOR)) { auto loop = Node<LoopNode>::make(); loop->setTrace(current().trace); skip(); // Skip "for" loop->setInit(declaration(false)); expectSemi(); loop->setCondition(expression(false)); expectSemi(); loop->setUpdate(expression(false)); loop->setCode(block(CODE_BLOCK)); return loop; } if (accept(TT::WHILE)) { skip(); // Skip "while" auto loop = Node<LoopNode>::make(); loop->setTrace(current().trace); loop->setCondition(expression()); loop->setCode(block(CODE_BLOCK)); return loop; } else if (accept(TT::DO)) { return block(CODE_BLOCK); } else if (accept(TT::DEFINE)) { auto decl = declaration(); expectSemi(); return decl; } else if (accept(TT::IDENTIFIER)) { skip(); if (accept(TT::IDENTIFIER) || accept(",")) { skip(-1); // Go back to the prev identifier auto decl = declaration(); expectSemi(); return decl; } else { skip(-1); // Get the entire expression auto e = expression(); expectSemi(); return e; } } else if (accept(TT::BREAK)) { skip(); return Node<BreakLoopNode>::make(); } else if (accept(TT::CONTINUE)) { throw InternalError("Unimplemented", {METADATA_PAIRS, {"token", "loop continue"}}); } else if (accept(TT::RETURN)) { auto trace = current().trace; skip(); // Skip "return" auto retValue = expression(false); expectSemi(); auto retNode = Node<ReturnNode>::make(); retNode->setTrace(trace); if (retValue != nullptr) retNode->setValue(retValue); return retNode; } else if (accept(TT::FUNCTION)) { return function(); } else if (accept(TT::FOREIGN)) { return function(true); } else { auto e = expression(); expectSemi(); return e; } }
ASTNode::Link XMLParser::parseXMLNode(rapidxml::xml_node<>* node) { auto safeAttr = [node](std::string what, std::string defaultValue = "") -> std::string { auto attr = node->first_attribute(what.c_str()); if (attr != nullptr) return attr->value(); else return defaultValue; }; auto requiredAttr = [node](std::string what) -> std::string { auto attr = node->first_attribute(what.c_str()); if (attr != nullptr) return attr->value(); else throw XMLParseError("Can't find required attribute", { METADATA_PAIRS, {"missing attribute", what} }); }; auto funArgs = [node, &safeAttr]() -> FunctionSignature::Arguments { FunctionSignature::Arguments args {}; std::vector<std::string> stringArgs = split(safeAttr("args"), ','); for (auto& arg : stringArgs) { std::vector<std::string> namePlusTypes = split(arg, ':'); std::vector<std::string> types = split(namePlusTypes[1], ' '); args.push_back(std::make_pair(namePlusTypes[0], TypeList(ALL(types)))); } return args; }; auto funRet = [node, &safeAttr]() -> TypeInfo { std::vector<std::string> returnTypes = split(safeAttr("return"), ' '); return returnTypes.size() == 0 ? nullptr : TypeInfo(TypeList(ALL(returnTypes))); }; auto funBlock = [=](Node<FunctionNode>::Link f) { if (!f->isForeign()) { auto codeBlock = node->first_node("block"); if (codeBlock == nullptr) throw XMLParseError("Method missing code block", {METADATA_PAIRS}); f->setCode(Node<BlockNode>::staticPtrCast(parseXMLNode(codeBlock))); } }; auto getVisibility = [node, &safeAttr]() -> Visibility { return fromString(safeAttr("visibility", "private")); }; auto boolAttr = [node, &safeAttr](std::string what) -> bool { return safeAttr(what, "false") == "true"; }; if (node == nullptr) throw XMLParseError("Null node", {METADATA_PAIRS}); std::string name = node->name(); if (name == "block") { std::string type = safeAttr("type", "code"); BlockType bt = type == "root" ? ROOT_BLOCK : type == "if" ? IF_BLOCK : type == "function" ? FUNCTION_BLOCK : CODE_BLOCK; auto block = Node<BlockNode>::make(bt); parseChildren(node, block); return block; } else if (name == "return") { auto retNode = Node<ReturnNode>::make(); auto val = node->first_node("expr"); if (val != nullptr) retNode->setValue(Node<ExpressionNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(val))); return retNode; } else if (name == "expr") { TokenType tokenType = TT::findByPrettyName(requiredAttr("type")); std::string data = requiredAttr("value"); std::unique_ptr<Token> content; if (tokenType == TT::OPERATOR) { content = std::make_unique<Token>(tokenType, Operator::find(data), defaultTrace); } else { content = std::make_unique<Token>(tokenType, data, defaultTrace); } auto expr = Node<ExpressionNode>::make(*content); parseChildren(node, expr); return expr; } else if (name == "decl") { Node<DeclarationNode>::Link decl; std::string ident = requiredAttr("ident"); bool isDynamic = boolAttr("dynamic"); if (isDynamic) { decl = Node<DeclarationNode>::make(ident, TypeList {}); } else { std::string tlValue = requiredAttr("types"); auto vec = split(tlValue, ' '); decl = Node<DeclarationNode>::make(ident, TypeList(ALL(vec))); } auto expr = node->first_node("expr"); if (expr != nullptr) { decl->setInit(Node<ExpressionNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(expr))); } return decl; } else if (name == "branch") { auto branch = Node<BranchNode>::make(); auto cond = node->first_node(); if (cond == nullptr) throw XMLParseError("Missing condition in branch", {METADATA_PAIRS}); branch->setCondition(Node<ExpressionNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(cond))); auto success = cond->next_sibling(); if (success == nullptr) throw XMLParseError("Missing success node in branch", {METADATA_PAIRS}); branch->setSuccessBlock(Node<BlockNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(success))); auto blockFailiure = success->next_sibling("block"); if (blockFailiure != nullptr) { branch->setFailiureBlock(Node<BlockNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(blockFailiure))); } auto branchFailiure = success->next_sibling("branch"); if (branchFailiure != nullptr) { branch->setFailiureBlock(Node<BranchNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(branchFailiure))); } return branch; } else if (name == "loop") { auto loop = Node<LoopNode>::make(); auto init = node->first_node("loop_init"); if (init != nullptr) { loop->setInit(Node<DeclarationNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(init))); } auto cond = node->first_node("loop_condition"); if (cond != nullptr) { loop->setCondition(Node<ExpressionNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(cond))); } auto update = node->first_node("loop_update"); if (update != nullptr) { loop->setUpdate(Node<ExpressionNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(update))); } auto code = node->first_node("block"); if (code != nullptr) { loop->setCode(Node<BlockNode>::dynPtrCast(parseXMLNode(code))); } return loop; } else if (name == "loop_init" || name == "loop_condition" || name == "loop_update") { return parseXMLNode(node->first_node()); } else if (name == "break") { return Node<BreakLoopNode>::make(); } else if (name == "function") { std::string ident = safeAttr("ident"); bool isForeign = boolAttr("foreign"); auto n = Node<FunctionNode>::make(ident, FunctionSignature(funRet(), funArgs()), isForeign); funBlock(n); if (isForeign && ident.empty()) throw XMLParseError("Can't have anonymous foreign function", {METADATA_PAIRS}); return n; } else if (name == "type") { std::string typeName = requiredAttr("name"); std::vector<std::string> inheritTypes = split(safeAttr("inherits"), ' '); auto typeNode = Node<TypeNode>::make(typeName, TypeList(ALL(inheritTypes))); parseChildren(node, typeNode); return typeNode; } else if (name == "member") { std::string ident = requiredAttr("ident"); std::vector<std::string> types = split(safeAttr("types"), ' '); auto member = Node<MemberNode>::make(ident, TypeList(ALL(types)), boolAttr("static"), getVisibility()); auto init = node->first_node("expr"); if (init != nullptr) { member->setInit(Node<ExpressionNode>::staticPtrCast(parseXMLNode(init))); } return member; } else if (name == "method") { std::string ident = safeAttr("ident"); bool isForeign = boolAttr("foreign"); auto method = Node<MethodNode>::make(ident, FunctionSignature(funRet(), funArgs()), getVisibility(), boolAttr("static"), isForeign); funBlock(method); if (isForeign && ident.empty()) throw XMLParseError("Can't have anonymous foreign method", {METADATA_PAIRS}); return method; } else if (name == "constructor") { auto constructor = Node<ConstructorNode>::make(funArgs(), getVisibility()); funBlock(constructor); return constructor; } throw XMLParseError("Unknown type of node", {METADATA_PAIRS, {"node name", name}}); }
CValve::CValve() :CMyObject() { setInit(); }
CValve::CValve(string valveName) : CMyObject(valveName) { setInit(); }