bool WeatherDataModel::readLocation(QString line) { QStringList list = line.split(','); // Require 10 items in the list if(list.size() > 10) { LOG(warning) << "Location: Expected 10 entries, got " << list.size(); } else if(list.size() != 10) { LOG(error) << "Location: Expected 10 entries, got " << list.size(); return false; } setCity(list[1].toStdString()); setStateProvinceRegion(list[2].toStdString()); setCountry(list[3].toStdString()); setSource(list[4].toStdString()); setWMO(list[5].toStdString()); if(!setLatitude(list[6].toStdString())) { LOG(error) << QString("Location: Bad latitude value '%1'").arg(list[6]).toStdString(); return false; } if(!setLongitude(list[7].toStdString())) { LOG(error) << QString("Location: Bad latitude value '%1'").arg(list[7]).toStdString(); return false; } if(!setTimeZone(list[8].toStdString())) { LOG(error) << QString("Location: Bad time zone value '%1'").arg(list[8]).toStdString(); return false; } if(!setElevation(list[9].toStdString())) { LOG(error) << QString("Location: Bad elevation value '%1'").arg(list[9]).toStdString(); return false; } return true; }
//-------------------------------------------------------------- PositionEditorWidget::PositionEditorWidget ( QWidget *parent, double lat, double lon, QString userOrient_lat, /* "Auto" "North+" "South+" */ QString userOrient_lon /* "Auto" "East+" "West+" */ ) : QWidget(parent) { setupUi(this); orientLat = userOrient_lat; orientLon = userOrient_lon; lat_NS->addItem(tr("N"),"N"); lat_NS->addItem(tr("S"),"S"); lon_EW->addItem(tr("E"),"E"); lon_EW->addItem(tr("W"),"W"); lat_sign->addItem(tr("+"),"+"); lat_sign->addItem(tr("-"),"-"); lon_sign->addItem(tr("+"),"+"); lon_sign->addItem(tr("-"),"-"); setLatitude (lat); setLongitude (lon); }
/** * Executes a movement cycle for the moving target. */ void MovingTarget::move() { calculateSpeed(); if (_dest != 0) { if (getDistance(_dest) > _speedRadian) { setLongitude(_lon + _speedLon); setLatitude(_lat + _speedLat); } else { setLongitude(_dest->getLongitude()); setLatitude(_dest->getLatitude()); } } }
Sector::Sector() { setLatitude(0); setLongtitude(0); _mapSize = 1201; resize(_mapSize); }
/** * Moves the UFO to its destination. */ void Ufo::think() { if (!isCrashed()) { setLongitude(_lon + _speedLon); setLatitude(_lat + _speedLat); if (_dest != 0 && finishedRoute()) { _lon = _dest->getLongitude(); _lat = _dest->getLatitude(); setSpeed(0); } } }
void Sector::parseLocation(const std::string& fileName) { char xDir, yDir; int x, y; sscanf(fileName.c_str(), "%c%d%c%d", &yDir, &y, &xDir, &x); if(xDir == 'W' || xDir == 'w') x = -x; if(yDir == 'S' || yDir == 's') y = -y; setLatitude(y); setLongtitude(x); }
void Ufo::releaseEscort() { if (_escorting) { setLatitude(_escorting->getLatitude()); setLongitude(_escorting->getLongitude()); auto ii = std::find(_escorting->_escorts.begin(), _escorting->_escorts.end(), this); if (ii != _escorting->_escorts.end()) { _escorting->_escorts.erase(ii); } _escorting = nullptr; Game::getSavedGame()->getUfos()->push_back(this); /*_mission = primary->_mission; _trajectory = primary->_trajectory; _trajectoryPoint = primary->_trajectoryPoint;*/ } }
WGoogleMap::Coordinate::Coordinate(const std::pair<double, double>& lat_long) { setLatitude(lat_long.first); setLongitude(lat_long.second); }
WGoogleMap::Coordinate::Coordinate(double lat, double lon) { setLatitude(lat); setLongitude(lon); }
void commandInterfaceTick() { int packetSize = cmdsock.parsePacket(); if(cmdsock.available()) { // read the packet into packetBufffer, PACKET_SIZE); if(memcmp("INGV\0", udpPacketBuffer, 5) != 0) { return; } bool reboot = false; unsigned long unixTimeM = getUNIXTime(); unsigned long uptime = getUNIXTime() - getBootTime(); byte macaddress[6] = { 0 }; getMACAddress(macaddress); uint32_t probeSpeed = getProbeSpeedStatistic(); uint32_t freeramkb = freeMemory(); float latency = 0; if(udpPacketBuffer[5] == PKTTYPE_GETINFO) { latency = tcpLatency(); } float longitude = 0; float latitude = 0; switch(udpPacketBuffer[5]) { case PKTTYPE_DISCOVERY: // Reply to discovery udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKTTYPE_DISCOVERY_REPLY; memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 6, macaddress, 6); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 12, getVersionAsString().c_str(), 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 16, "uno", 3); break; case PKYTYPE_PING: // Reply to ping udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKYTYPE_PONG; break; case PKTTYPE_SENDGPS: // Get coords udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKTTYPE_OK; memcpy(&latitude, udpPacketBuffer + 12, 4); memcpy(&longitude, udpPacketBuffer + 16, 4); reverse4bytes((byte*)&latitude); reverse4bytes((byte*)&longitude); break; case PKTTYPE_REBOOT: // Reboot // Reply with OK udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKTTYPE_OK; reboot = true; break; case PKTTYPE_GETINFO: udpPacketBuffer[5] = PKTTYPE_GETINFO_REPLY; memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 6, macaddress, 6); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 28, &uptime, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 32, &unixTimeM, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 36, VERSION, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 40, &freeramkb, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 44, &latency, 4); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 53, "uno", 3); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 57, "MMA7361", 7); memcpy(udpPacketBuffer + 65, &probeSpeed, 4); break; #ifdef RESET_ENABLED case PKTTYPE_RESET: initEEPROM(); reboot = true; break; #endif default: // Unknown packet or invalid command return; } if(longitude != 0 && latitude != 0) { setLongitude(longitude); setLatitude(latitude); } cmdsock.beginPacket(cmdsock.remoteIP(), cmdsock.remotePort()); cmdsock.write(udpPacketBuffer, PACKET_SIZE); cmdsock.endPacket(); cmdsock.flush(); if(reboot) { soft_restart(); } } }
int QTweetStatusUpdateWithMedia::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QTweetNetBase::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { if (_id < 2) qt_static_metacall(this, _c, _id, _a); _id -= 2; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterMethodArgumentMetaType) { if (_id < 2) *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; _id -= 2; } #ifndef QT_NO_PROPERTIES else if (_c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = status(); break; case 1: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = imageFilename(); break; case 2: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = isSensitive(); break; case 3: *reinterpret_cast< qint64*>(_v) = inReplyToStatusID(); break; case 4: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = latitude(); break; case 5: *reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v) = longitude(); break; case 6: *reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v) = placeID(); break; case 7: *reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v) = displayCoordinates(); break; } _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { void *_v = _a[0]; switch (_id) { case 0: setStatus(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 1: setImageFilename(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 2: setSensitive(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; case 3: setReplyToStatusID(*reinterpret_cast< qint64*>(_v)); break; case 4: setLatitude(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 5: setLongitude(*reinterpret_cast< double*>(_v)); break; case 6: setPlaceID(*reinterpret_cast< QString*>(_v)); break; case 7: setDisplayCoordinates(*reinterpret_cast< bool*>(_v)); break; } _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::ResetProperty) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyDesignable) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyScriptable) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyStored) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyEditable) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::QueryPropertyUser) { _id -= 8; } else if (_c == QMetaObject::RegisterPropertyMetaType) { if (_id < 8) *reinterpret_cast<int*>(_a[0]) = -1; _id -= 8; } #endif // QT_NO_PROPERTIES return _id; }
PositionItem::PositionItem( const float Latitude, const float Longitude ) { setLatitude( Latitude ); setLongitude( Longitude ); }
QTweetGeoCoord::QTweetGeoCoord(double latitude, double longitude) { setLatitude(latitude); setLongitude(longitude); }
Place3D::Place3D(double a, double b, double c) { setLongitude(a); setLatitude(b); setHeight(c); }
void Gprmc::stringInterpretation(String gpsString) { gprmcIndex = 0; firstCommaIndex = 0; secondCommaIndex = 0; thirdCommaIndex = 0; fourthCommaIndex = 0; fifthCommaIndex = 0; sixthCommaIndex = 0; seventhCommaIndex = 0; eighthCommaIndex = 0; ninthCommaIndex = 0; tenthCommaIndex = 0; eleventhCommaIndex = 0; twelfthCommaIndex = 0; time = 0; status = "V"; latitude = 0; longitude = 0; speedOverGround = 0; date = 0; gprmcFound = false; checksumFound = false; checksum = 0; character = '0'; if(gpsString.indexOf("GPRMC") != -1) { gprmcFound = true; } if(gprmcFound) { gprmcIndex = gpsString.indexOf("GPRMC"); firstCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', gprmcIndex + 1); secondCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', firstCommaIndex + 1); thirdCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', secondCommaIndex + 1); fourthCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', thirdCommaIndex + 1); fifthCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', fourthCommaIndex + 1); sixthCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', fifthCommaIndex + 1); seventhCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', sixthCommaIndex + 1); eighthCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', seventhCommaIndex + 1); ninthCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', eighthCommaIndex + 1); tenthCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', ninthCommaIndex + 1); eleventhCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', tenthCommaIndex + 1); twelfthCommaIndex = gpsString.indexOf (',', eleventhCommaIndex + 1); /* * substring() * der Startindex ist inklusive, der Endindex ist exkluiv! */ if (gpsString.substring(twelfthCommaIndex + 2, twelfthCommaIndex + 3).equals("*")) { gprmcSentence = gpsString.substring (gprmcIndex, twelfthCommaIndex + 5); } timeString = gpsString.substring (firstCommaIndex + 1, secondCommaIndex ); statusString = gpsString.substring (secondCommaIndex + 1, thirdCommaIndex ); latitudeString = gpsString.substring (thirdCommaIndex + 1, fourthCommaIndex ); // northSouthString = gpsString.substring (fourthCommaIndex + 1, fifthCommaIndex ); longitudeString = gpsString.substring (fifthCommaIndex + 1, sixthCommaIndex ); // westEastString = gpsString.substring (sixthCommaIndex + 1, seventhCommaIndex ); speedOverGroundString = gpsString.substring (seventhCommaIndex + 1, eighthCommaIndex ); // trackAngleString = gpsString.substring (eighthCommaIndex + 1, ninthCommaIndex ); dateString = gpsString.substring (ninthCommaIndex + 1, tenthCommaIndex ); // magneticVariationString = gpsString.substring (tenthCommaIndex + 1, eleventhCommaIndex); // magneticVariationSignString = gpsString.substring (eleventhCommaIndex + 1, twelfthCommaIndex ); if (gpsString.substring(twelfthCommaIndex + 2, twelfthCommaIndex + 3).equals("*")) { checksumString = gpsString.substring (twelfthCommaIndex + 3, twelfthCommaIndex + 5); checksumFound = true; } /* * Checksumme überprüfen: * Die Checksumme wird berechnet, indem alle Zeichen zwischen dem $ und dem * * duch ein (bitweise) exklusiv-oder berechnet werden. * Angegeben wird die Checksumme durch eine Hexadezimalzahl, die hiner dem * steht. */ for (int i = 0; i < gprmcSentence.length() - 3; i++) { checksum = checksum ^ byte(gprmcSentence[i]); } /* * Die Daten werden nur gesetzt, falls die empfangenen Daten * valide sind und die Checksumme korrekt ist. */ if(statusString.equals("A") && hexToDec(checksumString) == checksum) { char floatBufferTime[15]; timeString.toCharArray(floatBufferTime, sizeof(floatBufferTime)); setTime(atof(floatBufferTime)); setStatus(statusString); char floatBufferLat[15]; latitudeString.toCharArray(floatBufferLat, sizeof(floatBufferLat)); setLatitude(atof(floatBufferLat)); char floatBufferLon[15]; longitudeString.toCharArray(floatBufferLon, sizeof(floatBufferLon)); setLongitude(atof(floatBufferLon)); char floatBufferSpeed[15]; speedOverGroundString.toCharArray(floatBufferSpeed, sizeof(floatBufferSpeed)); setSpeedOverGround(atof(floatBufferSpeed)); char floatBufferDate[15]; dateString.toCharArray(floatBufferDate, sizeof(floatBufferDate)); setDate(atol(floatBufferDate)); } } }