void TextureLoader::doLoad(ResourceKey key) {
    auto found = names.find(key);
    if(found == names.end()) return setNotFound(key);

    Utility::Resource rs("textures");
    if(!tgaImporter->openData(rs.getRaw(found->second + ".tga"))) {
        Error() << "TextureLoader: cannot open" << found->second;
        return setNotFound(key);

    auto image = tgaImporter->image2D(0);
    if(!image) {
        Error() << "TextureLoader: cannot load" << found->second;
        return setNotFound(key);

    /* TODO: fix when glPixelStorei is implemented */
    if(image->size().x() % 4) {
        Error() << "TextureLoader: with of image" << found->second << "is not divisible by 4";
        return setNotFound(key);
    if(image->size().y() % 2) {
        Error() << "TextureLoader: height of image" << found->second << "is not even";
        return setNotFound(key);

    if(image->format() != ColorFormat::Red || image->type() != ColorType::UnsignedByte)
    if(image->format() != ColorFormat::Luminance || image->type() != ColorType::UnsignedByte)
        Error() << "TextureLoader: image" << found->second << "isn't in greyscale format";
        return setNotFound(key);

    auto texture = new Texture2D;

    texture->setImage(0, TextureFormat::Red, *image);
    texture->setImage(0, TextureFormat::Luminance, *image);

    set(key, texture);
 void load() {
     set("hello", 773, ResourceDataState::Final, ResourcePolicy::Resident);