EffectImagesDialog::EffectImagesDialog(const KUrl::List& urlList, QWidget* parent)
    : BatchProcessImagesDialog(urlList, i18n("Batch Image Effects"), parent)
    m_nbItem = m_selectedImageFiles.count();


    setOptionBoxTitle(i18n("Image Effect Options"));


    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Adaptive Threshold"));  // 0
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Charcoal"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Detect Edges"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Emboss"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Implode"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Paint"));               // 5
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Shade Light"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Solarize"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Spread"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Swirl"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image effect", "Wave"));                // 10
    m_Type->setCurrentItem(i18nc("image effect", "Emboss"));
    QString whatsThis = i18n(
                            "<p>Select here the effect type for your images:</p>"
                            "<b>Adaptive threshold</b>: perform local adaptive thresholding. The algorithm "
                            "selects an individual threshold for each pixel based on the range of intensity "
                            "values in its local neighborhood. This allows for thresholding of an image whose "
                            "global intensity histogram does not contain distinctive peaks.<br/>"
                            "<b>Charcoal</b>: simulate a charcoal drawing.<br/>"
                            "<b>Detect edges</b>: detect edges within an image.<br/>"
                            "<b>Emboss</b>: returns a grayscale image with a three-dimensional effect. The "
                            "algorithm convolves the image with a Gaussian operator of the given radius and "
                            "standard deviation.<br/>"
                            "<b>Implode</b>: implode image pixels about the center.<br/>"
                            "<b>Paint</b>: applies a special effect filter that simulates an oil painting.<br/>"
                            "<b>Shade light</b>: shines a distant light on an image to create a three-dimensional "
                            "<b>Solarize</b>: negate all pixels above the threshold level. This algorithm produces a "
                            "solarization effect seen when exposing a photographic film to light during the development "
                            "<b>Spread</b>: this is a special-effect method that randomly displaces each pixel in a "
                            "block defined by the radius parameter.<br/>"
                            "<b>Swirl</b>: swirls the pixels about the center of the image. <br/>"
                            "<b>Wave</b>: creates a \"ripple\" effect in the image by shifting the pixels vertically "
                            "along a sine wave."



FilterImagesDialog::FilterImagesDialog(const KUrl::List& urlList, QWidget *parent)
        : BatchProcessImagesDialog(urlList, i18n("Batch Image Filtering"), parent)
    m_nbItem = m_selectedImageFiles.count();


    setOptionBoxTitle(i18n("Image Filtering Options"));


    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Add Noise"));       // 0
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Antialias"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Blur"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Despeckle"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Enhance"));         // 4
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Median"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Noise Reduction"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Sharpen"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Unsharp"));         // 8
    m_Type->setCurrentItem(i18nc("image filter", "Sharpen"));
    QString whatsThis = i18n(
                            "<p>Select here the filter type for your images:</p>"
                            "<b>Add noise</b>: add artificial noise to an image.<br/>"
                            "<b>Antialias</b>: remove pixel aliasing.<br/>"
                            "<b>Blur</b>: blur the image with a Gaussian operator.<br/>"
                            "<b>Despeckle</b>: reduces the speckle noise in an image while preserving the "
                            "edges of the original image.<br/>"
                            "<b>Enhance</b>: apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image.<br/>"
                            "<b>Median</b>: apply a median filter to an image.<br/>"
                            "<b>Noise reduction</b>: reduce noise in an image. <br/>"
                            "<b>Sharpen</b>: sharpen the image with a Gaussian operator.<br/>"
                            "<b>Unsharp</b>: sharpen the image with an unsharp mask operator."



RecompressImagesDialog::RecompressImagesDialog(const KUrl::List& urlList, KIPI::Interface* interface, QWidget *parent)
                      : BatchProcessImagesDialog(urlList, interface, i18n("Batch Recompress Images"), parent)
    // About data and help button.

    m_about = new KIPIPlugins::KPAboutData(ki18n("Batch recompress images"),
                                           ki18n("A Kipi plugin to batch recompress images.\n"
                                                 "This plugin uses the \"convert\" program from the \"ImageMagick\" package."),
                                           ki18n("(c) 2003-2009, Gilles Caulier\n"
                                                 "(c) 2007-2009, Aurélien Gateau"));

    m_about->addAuthor(ki18n("Gilles Caulier"), ki18n("Author"),
                       "caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com");

    m_about->addAuthor(ki18n("Aurelien Gateau"), ki18n("Maintainer"),
                       "aurelien dot gateau at free dot fr");

    DialogUtils::setupHelpButton(this, m_about);

    m_nbItem = m_selectedImageFiles.count();


    setOptionBoxTitle(i18n("Image Recompression Options"));



FilterImagesDialog::FilterImagesDialog(const KUrl::List& urlList, KIPI::Interface* interface, QWidget *parent)
        : BatchProcessImagesDialog(urlList, interface, i18n("Batch Image Filtering"), parent)
    // About data and help button.

    m_about = new KIPIPlugins::KPAboutData(ki18n("Batch image filtering"),
                                           ki18n("A Kipi plugin to batch filter images.\n"
                                                 "This plugin uses the \"convert\" program from the \"ImageMagick\" package."),
                                           ki18n("(c) 2003-2009, Gilles Caulier\n"
                                                 "(c) 2007-2009, Aurélien Gateau"));

    m_about->addAuthor(ki18n("Gilles Caulier"), ki18n("Author"),
                       "caulier dot gilles at gmail dot com");

    m_about->addAuthor(ki18n("Aurelien Gateau"), ki18n("Maintainer"),
                       "aurelien dot gateau at free dot fr");

    DialogUtils::setupHelpButton(this, m_about);

    m_nbItem = m_selectedImageFiles.count();


    setOptionBoxTitle(i18n("Image Filtering Options"));


    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Add Noise"));       // 0
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Antialias"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Blur"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Despeckle"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Enhance"));         // 4
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Median"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Noise Reduction"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Sharpen"));
    m_Type->addItem(i18nc("image filter", "Unsharp"));         // 8
    m_Type->setCurrentItem(i18nc("image filter", "Sharpen"));
    QString whatsThis = i18n(
                            "<p>Select here the filter type for your images:</p>"
                            "<b>Add noise</b>: add artificial noise to an image.<br/>"
                            "<b>Antialias</b>: remove pixel aliasing.<br/>"
                            "<b>Blur</b>: blur the image with a Gaussian operator.<br/>"
                            "<b>Despeckle</b>: reduces the speckle noise in an image while preserving the "
                            "edges of the original image.<br/>"
                            "<b>Enhance</b>: apply a digital filter to enhance a noisy image.<br/>"
                            "<b>Median</b>: apply a median filter to an image.<br/>"
                            "<b>Noise reduction</b>: reduce noise in an image. <br/>"
                            "<b>Sharpen</b>: sharpen the image with a Gaussian operator.<br/>"
                            "<b>Unsharp</b>: sharpen the image with an unsharp mask operator."


