void RTSPServer
::RTSPClientConnection::handleCmd_REGISTER(char const* cmd/*"REGISTER" or "DEREGISTER"*/,
					   char const* url, char const* urlSuffix, char const* fullRequestStr,
					   Boolean reuseConnection, Boolean deliverViaTCP, char const* proxyURLSuffix) {
  char* responseStr;
  if (fOurRTSPServer.weImplementREGISTER(cmd, proxyURLSuffix, responseStr)) {
    // The "REGISTER"/"DEREGISTER" command - if we implement it - may require access control:
    if (!authenticationOK(cmd, urlSuffix, fullRequestStr)) return;
    // We implement the "REGISTER"/"DEREGISTER" command by first replying to it, then actually
    // handling it (in a separate event-loop task, that will get called after the reply has
    // been done).
    // Hack: If we're going to reuse the command's connection for subsequent RTSP commands, then we
    // delay the actual handling of the command slightly, to make it less likely that the first
    // subsequent RTSP command (e.g., "DESCRIBE") will end up in the client's reponse buffer before
    // the socket (at the far end) gets reused for RTSP command handling.
    setRTSPResponse(responseStr == NULL ? "200 OK" : responseStr);
    delete[] responseStr;
    ParamsForREGISTER* registerParams = new ParamsForREGISTER(cmd, this, url, urlSuffix, reuseConnection, deliverViaTCP, proxyURLSuffix);
    envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(reuseConnection ? DELAY_USECS_AFTER_REGISTER_RESPONSE : 0,
						(TaskFunc*)continueHandlingREGISTER, registerParams);
  } else if (responseStr != NULL) {
    delete[] responseStr;
  } else {
void RTSPServer
::RTSPClientConnection::handleCmd_REGISTER(char const* cmd/*"REGISTER" or "DEREGISTER"*/,
					   char const* url, char const* urlSuffix, char const* fullRequestStr,
					   Boolean reuseConnection, Boolean deliverViaTCP, char const* proxyURLSuffix) {
  char* responseStr;
  if (fOurRTSPServer.weImplementREGISTER(cmd, proxyURLSuffix, responseStr)) {
    // The "REGISTER"/"DEREGISTER" command - if we implement it - may require access control:
    if (!authenticationOK(cmd, urlSuffix, fullRequestStr)) return;
    // We implement the "REGISTER"/"DEREGISTER" command by first replying to it, then actually handling it
    // (in a separate event-loop task, that will get called after the reply has been done):
    setRTSPResponse(responseStr == NULL ? "200 OK" : responseStr);
    delete[] responseStr;
    ParamsForREGISTER* registerParams = new ParamsForREGISTER(cmd, this, url, urlSuffix, reuseConnection, deliverViaTCP, proxyURLSuffix);
    envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(0, (TaskFunc*)continueHandlingREGISTER, registerParams);
  } else if (responseStr != NULL) {
    delete[] responseStr;
  } else {