void QgsDataDefinedButton::showExpressionDialog()
  QgsExpressionBuilderDialog d( const_cast<QgsVectorLayer*>( mVectorLayer ), getExpression() );
  if ( d.exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
    QString newExp = d.expressionText();
    setExpression( d.expressionText().trimmed() );
    bool hasExp = !newExp.isEmpty();

    setUseExpression( hasExp );
    setActive( hasExp );
  activateWindow(); // reset focus to parent window
void QgsDataDefinedButton::showAssistant()
  if ( !mAssistant.data() )

  if ( mAssistant->exec() == QDialog::Accepted )
    QgsDataDefined dd = mAssistant->dataDefined();
    setUseExpression( dd.useExpression() );
    setActive( dd.isActive() );
    if ( dd.isActive() && dd.useExpression() )
      setExpression( dd.expressionString() );
    else if ( dd.isActive() )
      setField( dd.field() );
  activateWindow(); // reset focus to parent window
void QgsDataDefinedButton::updateGui()
  QString oldDef = mCurrentDefinition;
  QString newDef( "" );
  bool hasExp = !getExpression().isEmpty();
  bool hasField = !getField().isEmpty();

  if ( useExpression() && !hasExp )
    setActive( false );
    setUseExpression( false );
  else if ( !useExpression() && !hasField )
    setActive( false );

  QIcon icon = mIconDataDefine;
  QString deftip = tr( "undefined" );
  if ( useExpression() && hasExp )
    icon = isActive() ? mIconDataDefineExpressionOn : mIconDataDefineExpression;
    newDef = deftip = getExpression();

    QgsExpression exp( getExpression() );
    if ( exp.hasParserError() )
      setActive( false );
      icon = mIconDataDefineExpressionError;
      deftip = tr( "Parse error: %1" ).arg( exp.parserErrorString() );
      newDef = "";
  else if ( !useExpression() && hasField )
    icon = isActive() ? mIconDataDefineOn : mIconDataDefine;
    newDef = deftip = getField();

    if ( !mFieldNameList.contains( getField() ) )
      setActive( false );
      icon = mIconDataDefineError;
      deftip = tr( "'%1' field missing" ).arg( getField() );
      newDef = "";

  setIcon( icon );

  // update and emit current definition
  if ( newDef != oldDef )
    mCurrentDefinition = newDef;
    emit dataDefinedChanged( mCurrentDefinition );

  // build full description for tool tip and popup dialog
  mFullDescription = tr( "<b><u>Data defined override</u></b><br>" );

  mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Active: </b>%1&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<i>(ctrl|right-click toggles)</i><br>" ).arg( isActive() ? tr( "yes" ) : tr( "no" ) );

  if ( !mUsageInfo.isEmpty() )
    mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Usage:</b><br>%1<br>" ).arg( mUsageInfo );

  if ( !mInputDescription.isEmpty() )
    mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Expected input:</b><br>%1<br>" ).arg( mInputDescription );

  if ( !mDataTypesString.isEmpty() )
    mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Valid input types:</b><br>%1<br>" ).arg( mDataTypesString );

  QString deftype( "" );
  if ( deftip != tr( "undefined" ) )
    deftype = QString( " (%1)" ).arg( useExpression() ? tr( "expression" ) : tr( "field" ) );

  // truncate long expressions, or tool tip may be too wide for screen
  if ( deftip.length() > 75 )
    deftip.truncate( 75 );
    deftip.append( "..." );

  mFullDescription += tr( "<b>Current definition %1:</b><br>%2" ).arg( deftype ).arg( deftip );

  setToolTip( mFullDescription );

void QgsDataDefinedButton::menuActionTriggered( QAction* action )
  if ( action == mActionActive )
    setActive( mActionActive->data().toBool() );
  else if ( action == mActionDescription )
  else if ( action == mActionExpDialog )
  else if ( action == mActionExpression )
    setUseExpression( true );
    setActive( true );
  else if ( action == mActionCopyExpr )
    QApplication::clipboard()->setText( getExpression() );
  else if ( action == mActionPasteExpr )
    QString exprString = QApplication::clipboard()->text();
    if ( !exprString.isEmpty() )
      setExpression( exprString );
      setUseExpression( true );
      setActive( true );
  else if ( action == mActionClearExpr )
    // only deactivate if defined expression is being used
    if ( isActive() && useExpression() )
      setUseExpression( false );
      setActive( false );
    setExpression( QString( "" ) );
  else if ( mFieldsMenu->actions().contains( action ) )  // a field name clicked
    if ( action->isEnabled() )
      if ( getField() != action->text() )
        setField( action->data().toString() );
      setUseExpression( false );
      setActive( true );