bool RenderTextTrackCue::switchDirection(bool& switched, LayoutUnit& step) { // 15. Switch direction: Move all the boxes in boxes back to their // default position as determined in the step above labeled default. setX(m_fallbackPosition.x()); setY(m_fallbackPosition.y()); // 16. If switched is true, jump to the step labeled done // positioning below. if (switched) return false; // 17. Negate step. step = -step; // 18. Set switched to true. switched = true; return true; }
/*exploser la bombe*/ void Bomb::detonateBomb(std::vector<Engin *> *asteroides){ float *coords = new float[6]; coords[0] = -0.8; coords[1] = -0.5; coords[2] = -0.2; coords[3] = 0.1; coords[4] = 0.4; coords[5] = 0.7; float rx = coords[(rand() % 6) + 1]; float ry = coords[(rand() % 6) + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){ setX(rx + (((rand() % 3) - 1.0)/10.0)); setY(ry + (((rand() % 3) - 1.0) / 10.0)); draw(12, 0.3, true); for (int j = 0; j < asteroides->size(); j++) { if ((abs(abs((*asteroides)[j]->getPosX()) - abs(getX())) <= 0.1) && (abs(abs((*asteroides)[j]->getPosY()) - abs(getY())) <= 0.1)){ if (asteroides->size()>1){ std::swap((*asteroides)[j], asteroides->back()); asteroides->pop_back(); } } } } }
void IconButton::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *e) { Painter p(this); auto ms = getms(); paintRipple(p, _st.rippleAreaPosition.x(), _st.rippleAreaPosition.y(), ms, _rippleColorOverride ? &(*_rippleColorOverride)->c : nullptr); auto down = isDown(); auto overIconOpacity = (down || forceRippled()) ? 1. : _a_over.current(getms(), isOver() ? 1. : 0.); auto overIcon = [this] { if (_iconOverrideOver) { return _iconOverrideOver; } else if (!_st.iconOver.empty()) { return &_st.iconOver; } else if (_iconOverride) { return _iconOverride; } return &_st.icon; }; auto justIcon = [this] { if (_iconOverride) { return _iconOverride; } return &_st.icon; }; auto icon = (overIconOpacity == 1.) ? overIcon() : justIcon(); auto position = _st.iconPosition; if (position.x() < 0) { position.setX((width() - icon->width()) / 2); } if (position.y() < 0) { position.setY((height() - icon->height()) / 2); } icon->paint(p, position, width()); if (overIconOpacity > 0. && overIconOpacity < 1.) { auto iconOver = overIcon(); if (iconOver != icon) { p.setOpacity(overIconOpacity); iconOver->paint(p, position, width()); } } }
void Object::load(xml::Xml &xml) { clear(); /* Set attribute defaults */ xml.setDefaultString(""); xml.setDefaultInteger(0); xml.setDefaultFloat(0); /* Attributes ('type' is not forced to be set) */ if(xml.isInteger("x") && xml.isInteger("y")) { name = xml.getString("name"); type = xml.getString("type"); setX(xml.getInteger("x")); setY(xml.getInteger("y")); setWidth(xml.getInteger("width")); setHeight(xml.getInteger("height")); } else { /* Throw */ throw Exception() << "Missing or wrong typed attribute"; } /* Properties */ if(xml.toSubBlock("properties")) { try { properties.load(xml); } catch(Exception &exception) { xml.toBaseBlock(); throw Exception() << "Error whilst loading properties: " << exception.getDescription(); } xml.toBaseBlock(); } }
Label::Label(string lText, int x_, int y_, int width_, int height_, const Font *font_, bool animation_, float animationSpeed_, int indent_, bool align_) { // Coords setX(x_); setY(y_); // Width / Height setWidth(width_); setHeight(height_); // Texts setText(lText); // Indent setIndent(indent_); // Animation setAnimation(animation_); // Invisible setAnimatonValue(0.0f); if(animation_) { // Speed setAnimationSpeed(animationSpeed_); } else { // Speed setAnimationSpeed(0.0f); } // Align setAlign(align_); // Font Id font = (Font*)font_; // Timer animationTimer = new Timer(animationSpeed_); }
PainterBezier::PainterBezier(QQuickItem *parent) :QQuickPaintedItem (parent) ,m_p1(QPointF(0.f,0.f)) ,m_p2(QPointF(0.f,0.f)) ,m_p3(QPointF(0.f,0.f)) ,m_p4(QPointF(0.f,0.f)) ,m_OutlineColor(Qt::black) ,m_FillColor(QColor(177,189,180)) ,m_OutlineWidth(1.f) ,m_FillWidth(3.f) { setX(0); setY(0); setWidth(1); setHeight(1); setFlag(ItemHasContents, true); //setAntialiasing(true); setRenderTarget(QQuickPaintedItem::FramebufferObject); setSmooth(true); }
void Particle::update(float frametime) { if (!active) return; timeAlive += frametime; if (timeAlive >= maxTimeAlive) { resetParticle(); return; } // update physics and drawing stuff setX(getX() + velocity.x * frametime); setY(getY() + velocity.y * frametime); rotationValue += frametime; if (rotationValue> 2*2.14159) //prevent overrotation rotationValue = 0; setRadians(rotationValue); }
/** * Update the robot values from the blob * * @param b The blob to update our object from. */ void VisualRobot::updateRobot(Blob b) { setLeftTopX(b.getLeftTopX()); setLeftTopY(b.getLeftTopY()); setLeftBottomX(b.getLeftBottomX()); setLeftBottomY(b.getLeftBottomY()); setRightTopX(b.getRightTopX()); setRightTopY(b.getRightTopY()); setRightBottomX(b.getRightBottomX()); setRightBottomY(b.getRightBottomY()); setX(b.getLeftTopX()); setY(b.getLeftTopY()); setWidth(dist(b.getRightTopX(), b.getRightTopY(), b.getLeftTopX(), b.getLeftTopY())); setHeight(dist(b.getLeftTopX(), b.getLeftTopY(), b.getLeftBottomX(), b.getLeftBottomY())); setCenterX(getLeftTopX() + ROUND2(getWidth() / 2)); setCenterY(getRightTopY() + ROUND2(getHeight() / 2)); setDistance(1); }
/** * @brief Connexion::Connexion Création d'une nouvelle connexion * @param n1 Noeud d'ancrage de la connexion * @param n2 Noeud d'ancrage de la connexion * * Les connexions sont à double sens et des ressources * peuvent transiter du noeud 1 au noeud 2 et inversement. * * A la création un identifiant unique est défini. */ Connexion::Connexion(NodeConnectable &n1, NodeConnectable &n2, const GamerList &gl) : QGraphicsItem(0), n1(n1), n2(n2), lstGamer(gl), counterAdvance(0), stepMultiplier(1.5) { setNextId(); setX(n1.x()); setY(n1.y()); setZValue(1); //Calcule de la distance de la connexion distance = (int)sqrt(pow(n1.x()-n2.x(),2)+ pow(n1.y()-n2.y(),2)); distance -= n2.getRadius(); distance -= n1.getRadius(); pathLegth = (int)(distance/stepMultiplier); //Connexion des noeud n1.connect(n2.getId(), this); n2.connect(n1.getId(), this); }
void ffmpegWidget::mouseMoveEvent (QMouseEvent* event) { // drag the screen around so the pixel "grabbed" stays under the cursor if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { // disable automatic updates disableUpdates = true; setX(oldx + (int)((clickx - event->x())/this->sfx)); disableUpdates = false; setY(oldy + (int)((clicky - event->y())/this->sfy)); event->accept(); } // drag the grid around so the pixel "grabbed" stays under the cursor else if (event->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) { // disable automatic updates disableUpdates = true; setGx(oldgx - (int)((clickx - event->x())/this->sfx)); disableUpdates = false; setGy(oldgy - (int)((clicky - event->y())/this->sfy)); event->accept(); } }
void Client::gravitate(bool invert) { int dx = 0; int dy = 0; int gravity = NorthWestGravity; XSizeHints sizeHints; XCORE->sizeHints(clientWindow_, &sizeHints); if (sizeHints.flags & PWinGravity) { gravity = sizeHints.win_gravity; } switch (gravity) { case NorthEastGravity: case EastGravity: case SouthEastGravity: dx = -borderWidth_; break; default: break; } switch (gravity) { case SouthWestGravity: case SouthGravity: case SouthEastGravity: dy = -titleBarHeight_ - borderWidth_; break; default: break; } if (invert) { dx = -dx; dy = -dy; } setX(x() + dx); setY(y() + dy); }
void TankGameWidget::PaintText(const ScreenText& txt, QPainter& painter) { if (txt.Finished()) { return; //shall not be rendered now }; painter.setPen(txt.Pen()); QFont font=painter.font(); font.setPixelSize(txt.FontSize()); font.setBold(true); painter.setFont(font); int rowStep=3*txt.FontSize(); if (txt.Position().x()<0 || txt.Position().y()<0) { int xPos=txt.Position().x(); int yPos=txt.Position().y(); if (xPos<0) xPos=0; if (yPos<0) yPos=0; QRect rect(xPos, yPos, m_const.boardPixelSizeFloat.x(), txt.FontSize()); for (const QString& s : txt.Text()) { painter.drawText(rect, Qt::AlignCenter, s); rect.setY(rect.y()+rowStep); } } else { auto pos=ToScreen(txt.Position(), 0, 0); for (const QString& s : txt.Text()) { painter.drawText(pos, s); pos.setY(pos.y()+rowStep); } } painter.restore(); }
/** * Update the robot values from the blob * * @param b The blob to update our object from. */ void VisualCross::updateCross(Blob *b) { setLeftTopX(b->getLeftTopX()); setLeftTopY(b->getLeftTopY()); setLeftBottomX(b->getLeftBottomX()); setLeftBottomY(b->getLeftBottomY()); setRightTopX(b->getRightTopX()); setRightTopY(b->getRightTopY()); setRightBottomX(b->getRightBottomX()); setRightBottomY(b->getRightBottomY()); setX(b->getLeftTopX()); setY(b->getLeftTopY()); setWidth(dist(b->getRightTopX(), b->getRightTopY(), b->getLeftTopX(), b->getLeftTopY())); setHeight(dist(b->getLeftTopX(), b->getLeftTopY(), b->getLeftBottomX(), b->getLeftBottomY())); setCenterX(getLeftTopX() + ROUND2(getWidth() / 2)); setCenterY(getRightTopY() + ROUND2(getHeight() / 2)); setDistance(1); setPossibleCrosses(&ConcreteCross::abstractCrossList); }
Predator::Predator() { component = new QQmlComponent(getEngine(), QUrl(QStringLiteral("qrc:/Predator.qml"))); if(component->status() == component->Ready) { object = component->create(getEngine()->rootContext()); object->setProperty("parent", QVariant::fromValue(getCanvas())); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(object, QQmlEngine::CppOwnership); } else qDebug() << component->errorString(); setY(50 + ((double)rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX)) * (getCanvasHeight() - 100)); setX(50 + ((double)rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX)) * (getCanvasWidth() - 100)); isPredator = true; // Randomize staring velocity to sweep velocity.setX(2.0 + ((double)rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX)) * -4.0); velocity.setY(2.0 + ((double)rand()/(double)(RAND_MAX)) * -4.0); lastVel = velocity; }
/** * Constructs a MessageWidget. * * This method is used for creation, synchronous and synchronous message types. * * @param scene The parent to this class. * @param a The role A widget for this message. * @param b The role B widget for this message. * @param y The vertical position to display this message. * @param sequenceMessageType Whether synchronous or asynchronous * @param id A unique id used for deleting this object cleanly. * The default (-1) will prompt generation of a new ID. */ MessageWidget::MessageWidget(UMLScene * scene, ObjectWidget* a, ObjectWidget* b, int y, Uml::SequenceMessage::Enum sequenceMessageType, Uml::ID::Type id /* = Uml::id_None */) : UMLWidget(scene, WidgetBase::wt_Message, id) { init(); m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::A] = a; m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::B] = b; m_sequenceMessageType = sequenceMessageType; if (m_sequenceMessageType == Uml::SequenceMessage::Creation) { y -= m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::B]->height() / 2; m_pOw[Uml::RoleType::B]->setY(y); } updateResizability(); calculateWidget(); y = y < getMinY() ? getMinY() : y; y = y > getMaxY() ? getMaxY() : y; setY(y); this->activate(); }
//============================================================================= // Entity bounces after collision with another entity //============================================================================= void Entity::bounce(VECTOR2 &collisionVector, Entity &ent) { VECTOR2 Vdiff = ent.getVelocity() - velocity; VECTOR2 cUV = collisionVector; // collision unit vector Graphics::Vector2Normalize(&cUV); float cUVdotVdiff = Graphics::Vector2Dot(&cUV, &Vdiff); float massRatio = 2.0f; if (getMass() != 0) massRatio *= (ent.getMass() / (getMass() + ent.getMass())); // If entities are already moving apart then bounce must // have been previously called and they are still colliding. // Move entities apart along collisionVector if(cUVdotVdiff > 0) { setX(getX() - cUV.x * massRatio); setY(getY() - cUV.y * massRatio); } else deltaV += ((massRatio * cUVdotVdiff) * cUV); }
decNumber *matrix_getrc(decNumber *res, const decNumber *m) { decNumber ydn; int rows, cols, c, r, pos; int n = matrix_decompose(m, &rows, &cols, NULL); if (n < 0) return NULL; getY(&ydn); pos = dn_to_int(&ydn); pos -= n; if (pos < 0 || pos >= rows*cols) { err(ERR_RANGE); return NULL; } c = pos % cols + 1; r = pos / cols + 1; int_to_dn(res, r); int_to_dn(&ydn, c); setY(&ydn); return res; }
void Vector::reset(double n1, double n2, Mode form) { mode = form; if (form == RECT) { x = n1; y = n2; setMag(); setAngle(); } else if (form == POL) { mag = n1; angle = n2 / Rad_to_deg; setX(); setY(); } else { cerr << "Incorrect 3rd argument to Vector -- " << "vector set to 0\n"; x = y = mag = angle = 0.0; mode = RECT; } }
/** * Overrides the standard paint event. */ void PreconditionWidget::paint(QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget) { Q_UNUSED(option); Q_UNUSED(widget); int w = width(); int h = height(); int x = m_objectWidget->x() + m_objectWidget->width() / 2; x -= w/2; setX(x); int y = this->y(); //test if y isn't above the object if (y <= m_objectWidget->y() + m_objectWidget->height()) { y = m_objectWidget->y() + m_objectWidget->height() + 15; } if (y + h >= m_objectWidget->getEndLineY()) { y = m_objectWidget->getEndLineY() - h; } setY(y); setPenFromSettings(painter); if (UMLWidget::useFillColor()) { painter->setBrush(UMLWidget::fillColor()); } { const QFontMetrics &fm = getFontMetrics(FT_NORMAL); const int fontHeight = fm.lineSpacing(); const QString precondition_value = QLatin1String("{ ") + name() + QLatin1String(" }"); //int middleX = w / 2; int textStartY = (h / 2) - (fontHeight / 2); painter->drawRoundRect(0, 0, w, h, (h * 60) / w, 60); painter->setPen(textColor()); painter->setFont(UMLWidget::font()); painter->drawText(PRECONDITION_MARGIN, textStartY, w - PRECONDITION_MARGIN * 2, fontHeight, Qt::AlignCenter, precondition_value); } UMLWidget::paint(painter, option, widget); }
HandleItem::HandleItem( QRect rect, QGraphicsScene *scene, const QColor color) : QGraphicsItem( 0, scene ), m_role(HandleItem::CenterHandle), m_color(color), m_item(new QGraphicsRectItem( rect, 0, scene )) { // This constructor sets up the center handle, as well as creates the other handles and links everything together. // The center handle must know about all of the other handles so it can translate them with the object HandleItem *topHandle = new HandleItem( m_item, color, HandleItem::TopHandle, scene ); topHandle->SetRectItem(m_item); HandleItem *rightHandle = new HandleItem(m_item, color, HandleItem::RightHandle, scene ); rightHandle->SetRectItem(m_item); HandleItem *leftHandle = new HandleItem( m_item, color, HandleItem::LeftHandle, scene ); leftHandle->SetRectItem(m_item); HandleItem *bottomHandle = new HandleItem(m_item, color, HandleItem::BottomHandle, scene ); bottomHandle->SetRectItem(m_item); m_handles.push_back(topHandle); m_handles.push_back(rightHandle); m_handles.push_back(leftHandle); m_handles.push_back(bottomHandle); topHandle->SetDependentHandles(QList<HandleItem*>() << rightHandle << leftHandle << this); rightHandle->SetDependentHandles(QList<HandleItem*>() << topHandle << bottomHandle << this); leftHandle->SetDependentHandles(QList<HandleItem*>() << topHandle << bottomHandle << this); bottomHandle->SetDependentHandles(QList<HandleItem*>() << rightHandle << leftHandle << this); this->SetDependentHandles(QList<HandleItem*>() << rightHandle << leftHandle << topHandle << bottomHandle); SetDefaults(); setX(m_item->rect().left() + m_item->rect().width() / 2 - HandleRadius); setY(m_item->rect().y() + m_item->rect().height() / 2 - HandleRadius); }
void Player::collidePlatform(GameObject& p) { // "Latch" onto a platform if we land onto it if(y() + m_anims.currentAnim().frame().h - p.y() <= 4 && m_jumpState != Jumping) { setY(p.y() - height()); if(m_jumpState == Falling) { m_anims.setCurrentAnim(m_direction == 1 ? "land_right" : "land_left"); m_jumpState = Landing;; } else if(m_jumpState == Landing && m_anims.currentAnim().currentFrameNumber() == m_anims.currentAnim().frameCount() - 1) { m_anims.setCurrentAnim(m_direction == 1 ? (m_moveForward ? "run_right" : "wait_right") : (m_moveForward ? "run_left" : "wait_left")); m_jumpState = Standing; } m_fallSpeed = 0; m_currentPlatformStart = p.x(); m_currentPlatformEnd = p.x() + p.width(); } }
void SceneGraphDeviceContext::DrawMusicText(const std::wstring &text, int x, int y, bool) { Q_ASSERT(; QFont font(QString::fromStdString(>GetFaceName())); // Note: Verovio calls it point size but it is actually pixel size. Qt can only handle pixel size in int, thus it // would be better to use point size. int pixelSize = static_cast<int>(translate(>GetPointSize())); font.setPixelSize(pixelSize); // Memory management is handled by m_quickItem (set in AddQuickItem) auto musicTextQuickItem = new TextQuickItem(); musicTextQuickItem->appendText(QString::fromStdWString(text), font); musicTextQuickItem->setX(static_cast<double>(translateX(x))); musicTextQuickItem->setY(static_cast<double>(translateY(y))); musicTextQuickItem->calcPos(); AddQuickItem(musicTextQuickItem); }
void QMLOutput::currentModeIdChanged() { if (!m_output) { return; } if (m_rightDock) { QMLOutput *rightDock = m_rightDock; float newWidth = currentOutputWidth() * m_screen->outputScale(); setX(rightDock->x() - newWidth); setRightDockedTo(rightDock); } if (m_bottomDock) { QMLOutput *bottomDock = m_bottomDock; float newHeight = currentOutputHeight() * m_screen->outputScale(); setY(bottomDock->y() - newHeight); setBottomDockedTo(bottomDock); } Q_EMIT currentOutputSizeChanged(); }
/** * Synchronizes the state of this body with the internal Box2D state. */ void Box2DBody::synchronize() { Q_ASSERT(mBody); mSynchronizing = true; const b2Vec2 position = mBody->GetPosition(); const float32 angle = mBody->GetAngle(); const qreal newX = position.x * scaleRatio; const qreal newY = -position.y * scaleRatio; const qreal newRotation = -(angle * 180.0) / b2_pi; if (!qFuzzyCompare(x(), newX)) setX(newX); if (!qFuzzyCompare(y(), newY)) setY(newY); if (!qFuzzyCompare(rotation(), newRotation)) setRotation(newRotation); mSynchronizing = false; }
bool TiledObject::setCollisionIndex(int index) { if(m_collisionIndex == index) return false; if(index < -1 || index > m_collisionItems.count()) { qWarning() << "TiledObject: Collision index out of range."; return false; } if(index == -1 || index == m_collisionItems.count()) { m_collisionIndex = index; emit collisionIndexChanged(); return false; } if(index >= 0 && index < m_collisionItems.count()) { CollisionItem *item = m_collisionItems[index]; if(!item) return false; setProperties(item->properties()); setX(item->x()); setY(item->y()); setWidth(item->width()); setHeight(item->height()); setRotation(item->rotation()); setVisible(item->isVisible()); setId(item->id()); setBody(item->body()); } m_collisionIndex = index; emit collisionIndexChanged(); return true; }
void Container::init() { if (_initialized) return; setModal(true); setFullscreen(false); auto game = Game::getInstance(); setX((game->renderer()->width() - 537)/2); setY((game->renderer()->height() - 376)/2); addUI("background", new Image("art/intrface/loot.frm")); addUI("button_done", new ImageButton(ImageButton::TYPE_SMALL_RED_CIRCLE, 478, 331)); getActiveUI("button_done")->addEventHandler("mouseleftclick", [this](Event* event){ this->onDoneButtonClick(dynamic_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)); }); // TAKEALL // invmadn // invmaup // invupds // invupin // invupout auto dudeList = new ItemsList(170, 35); dudeList->setItems(Game::getInstance()->player()->inventory()); addUI(dudeList); auto containerList = new ItemsList(292, 35); containerList->setItems(object()->inventory()); addUI(containerList); dudeList->addEventHandler("itemdragstop", [containerList](Event* event){ containerList->onItemDragStop(dynamic_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)); }); containerList->addEventHandler("itemdragstop", [dudeList](Event* event){ dudeList->onItemDragStop(dynamic_cast<MouseEvent*>(event)); }); }
void SVGRootInlineBox::layoutRootBox() { RenderBlock* parentBlock = block(); ASSERT(parentBlock); IntRect childRect; for (InlineBox* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextOnLine()) { // Skip generated content. if (!child->renderer()->node()) continue; childRect.unite(child->calculateBoundaries()); } int xBlock = childRect.x(); int yBlock = childRect.y(); int widthBlock = childRect.width(); int heightBlock = childRect.height(); // Finally, assign the root block position, now that all content is laid out. parentBlock->setLocation(xBlock, yBlock); parentBlock->setWidth(widthBlock); parentBlock->setHeight(heightBlock); // Position all children relative to the parent block. for (InlineBox* child = firstChild(); child; child = child->nextOnLine()) { // Skip generated content. if (!child->renderer()->node()) continue; child->adjustPosition(-xBlock, -yBlock); } // Position ourselves. setX(0); setY(0); setLogicalWidth(widthBlock); setLogicalHeight(heightBlock); setBlockLogicalHeight(heightBlock); setLineTopBottomPositions(0, heightBlock); }
void twistedpair::initDC (void) { nr_double_t d = getPropertyDouble ("d"); nr_double_t rho = getPropertyDouble ("rho"); calcLength (); if (d != 0.0 && rho != 0.0 && len != 0.0) { // tiny resistances nr_double_t g1 = M_PI * sqr (d / 2) / rho / len; nr_double_t g2 = g1; setVoltageSources (0); allocMatrixMNA (); setY (NODE_1, NODE_1, +g1); setY (NODE_2, NODE_2, +g1); setY (NODE_1, NODE_2, -g1); setY (NODE_2, NODE_1, -g1); setY (NODE_3, NODE_3, +g2); setY (NODE_4, NODE_4, +g2); setY (NODE_3, NODE_4, -g2); setY (NODE_4, NODE_3, -g2); } else { // DC shorts setVoltageSources (2); allocMatrixMNA (); voltageSource (VSRC_1, NODE_1, NODE_2); voltageSource (VSRC_2, NODE_3, NODE_4); } }
Joueur::Joueur(int id, int x , int y){ setX(x); setY(y); this->id = id; xSprite = 11; ySprite = 505; lSprite = 22; hSprite = 36; hauteur = 35; largeur = 19; maxHigh = 50; currentHigh = 0; step = 0; pauseSprite = 15; state = STANDING; orientG = false; nbMaxBombes = 1; nbBombes = 0; hp = 1; bombes.resize(0); immortality = false; immortalityCD = 1500; bonusPower = 1; bonusJump = 0; bonusTrigger = false; tired = 1; nbKills = 0; killBy = -1; if(id <4) // 1 : le nombre de couleurs différentes existantes sprite = QPixmap(QString("../Game1/ressource/sprites_bomberman_p%1.png").arg(id)); else sprite = QPixmap("../Game1/ressource/sprites_bomberman.png"); currentImage = sprite.copy(xSprite,ySprite,lSprite,hSprite); picture = new QGraphicsPixmapItem(currentImage); picture->setPos(x,y); }
void Boom::update(float frameTime) { Entity::update(frameTime); if(active) { timeOnScreen += frameTime; } if (timeOnScreen > BOOM_TIME){ setActive(false); setVisible(false); setX(-2*GAME_WIDTH); setY(-2*GAME_HEIGHT); timeOnScreen = 0; } edge.bottom = spriteData.y + (spriteData.height * BOOM_IMAGE_SCALE) - BOOM_RADIUS_OFFSET; = spriteData.y + BOOM_RADIUS_OFFSET; edge.right = spriteData.x + (spriteData.width * BOOM_IMAGE_SCALE) - BOOM_RADIUS_OFFSET; edge.left = spriteData.x + BOOM_RADIUS_OFFSET; }