void Date::setMonth(short m) { while (m >= 12) { setYear(year+1); m-=12; } while (m <0) { setYear(year-1); m+=12; } month = m; if (month >= 2 && month <= 4) { setSeason(0); } else if (month >= 5 && month <= 7) { setSeason(1); } else if (month >= 8 && month <= 10) { setSeason(2); } else if (month == 11 || month <= 1) { setSeason(3); } }
// other methods -------------------------------- void Date::addYears(int y) { setYear(getYear() + y); if (getYear() < 1) { setYear(1); setMonth(1); setDay(1); } }
/** * Set the current date of the picker. * @param date A date struct that specifies a valid date. * @return Any of the following result codes: * - #MAW_RES_OK if the property could be set. * - #MAW_RES_INVALID_PROPERTY_VALUE if the property value was invalid. * - #MAW_RES_ERROR otherwise. */ int DatePicker::setDate(const struct Date date) { //Saving the date, in case of error this will be restored. int year = getYear(); int month = getMonth(); int day = getDayOfMonth(); //Set the day on 1. Used to avoid errors when setting certain dates. int errorCode = setDayOfMonth(1); if(MAW_RES_OK != errorCode) { return errorCode; } else { errorCode = setYear(date.year); if(MAW_RES_OK != errorCode) { //reset the day. setDayOfMonth(day); return errorCode; } else { errorCode = setMonth(date.month); if(MAW_RES_OK != errorCode) { //reset the year and the day. setYear(year); setDayOfMonth(day); return errorCode; } else { errorCode = setDayOfMonth(date.day); if(MAW_RES_OK != errorCode) { //reset year, month and day setYear(year); setMonth(month); setDayOfMonth(day); return errorCode; } } } } return errorCode; }
Movie::Movie( std::vector< std::vector< std::string > > &db ) { setIMDBID( db[0][0] ); setTitle( db[0][1] ); setRated( db[0][2] ); setReleased( db[0][3] ); setRuntime( db[0][4] ); setPlot( db[0][5] ); setPoster( db[0][6] ); setType( db[0][7] ); setYear( std::stoi( db[0][8] ) ); setIMDBRating( std::stod( db[0][9] ) ); setIMDBVotes( std::stoi( db[0][10] ) ); setTomatoFresh( std::stoi( db[0][11] ) ); setTomatoImage( db[0][12] ); setTomatoMeter( std::stoi( db[0][13] ) ); setTomatoRating( std::stod( db[0][14] ) ); setTomatoReviews( std::stoi( db[0][15] ) ); setTomatoRotten( std::stoi( db[0][16] ) ); setTomatoUserMeter( std::stoi( db[0][17] ) ); setTomatoUserRating( std::stod( db[0][18] ) ); setTomatoUserReviews( std::stoi( db[0][19] ) ); for( int row = 0; row < db.size(); row++ ) { this->addActor( db[row][20] ); this->addDirector( db[row][21] ); this->addGenre( db[row][22] ); this->addWriter( db[row][23] ); } }
Date::Date(int year, int month, int day, int hour, int minute) { setYear(year); setMonth(month); setDay(day); setHour(hour); setMinute(minute); }
ossimLocalTm& ossimLocalTm::setDateFromJulian(double jd) { double fractional = jd - (long)jd; long l; long n; long i; long j; long k; l= (long)(jd+68569); n= 4*l/146097; l= l-(146097*n+3)/4; i= 4000*(l+1)/1461001; l= l-1461*i/4+31l; j= 80*l/2447; k= l-2447*j/80; l= j/11; j= j+2-12*l; i= 100*(n-49)+i+l; setDay(k); setMonth(j); setYear(i); setFractionalDay(fractional); return *this; }
void TrackInfoObject::parse() { // Log parsing of header information in developer mode. This is useful for // tracking down corrupt files. const QString& canonicalLocation = m_fileInfo.canonicalFilePath(); if (CmdlineArgs::Instance().getDeveloper()) { qDebug() << "TrackInfoObject::parse()" << canonicalLocation; } // Parse the information stored in the sound file. SoundSourceProxy proxy(canonicalLocation, m_pSecurityToken); Mixxx::SoundSource* pProxiedSoundSource = proxy.getProxiedSoundSource(); if (pProxiedSoundSource != NULL && proxy.parseHeader() == OK) { // Dump the metadata extracted from the file into the track. // TODO(XXX): This involves locking the mutex for every setXXX // method. We should figure out an optimization where there are private // setters that don't lock the mutex. // If Artist, Title and Type fields are not blank, modify them. // Otherwise, keep their current values. // TODO(rryan): Should we re-visit this decision? if (!(pProxiedSoundSource->getArtist().isEmpty())) { setArtist(pProxiedSoundSource->getArtist()); } if (!(pProxiedSoundSource->getTitle().isEmpty())) { setTitle(pProxiedSoundSource->getTitle()); } if (!(pProxiedSoundSource->getType().isEmpty())) { setType(pProxiedSoundSource->getType()); } setAlbum(pProxiedSoundSource->getAlbum()); setAlbumArtist(pProxiedSoundSource->getAlbumArtist()); setYear(pProxiedSoundSource->getYear()); setGenre(pProxiedSoundSource->getGenre()); setComposer(pProxiedSoundSource->getComposer()); setGrouping(pProxiedSoundSource->getGrouping()); setComment(pProxiedSoundSource->getComment()); setTrackNumber(pProxiedSoundSource->getTrackNumber()); setReplayGain(pProxiedSoundSource->getReplayGain()); setBpm(pProxiedSoundSource->getBPM()); setDuration(pProxiedSoundSource->getDuration()); setBitrate(pProxiedSoundSource->getBitrate()); setSampleRate(pProxiedSoundSource->getSampleRate()); setChannels(pProxiedSoundSource->getChannels()); setKeyText(pProxiedSoundSource->getKey(), mixxx::track::io::key::FILE_METADATA); setHeaderParsed(true); } else { qDebug() << "TrackInfoObject::parse() error at file" << canonicalLocation; setHeaderParsed(false); // Add basic information derived from the filename: parseFilename(); } }
void Date::adjustYear( int aAmount ) throw( DateException ) { setYear( getYear() + aAmount ); } /* end Date::adjustYear() */
void EclipsesBrowserDialog::initialize() { m_browserWidget = new Ui::EclipsesBrowserDialog(); m_browserWidget->setupUi( this ); m_browserWidget->treeView->setExpandsOnDoubleClick( false ); m_eclModel = new EclipsesModel( m_marbleModel ); m_browserWidget->treeView->setModel( m_eclModel ); connect( m_browserWidget->buttonShow, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()) ); connect( m_browserWidget->buttonClose, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(reject()) ); connect( m_browserWidget->spinBoxYear, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateEclipsesForYear(int)) ); connect( m_browserWidget->treeView->selectionModel(), SIGNAL(selectionChanged(const QItemSelection&, const QItemSelection&)), this, SLOT(updateButtonStates()) ); connect( m_browserWidget->buttonSettings, SIGNAL(clicked()), SIGNAL(buttonSettingsClicked()) ); setYear( m_marbleModel->clock()->dateTime().date().year() ); update(); m_browserWidget->treeView->resizeColumnToContents(2); m_browserWidget->treeView->resizeColumnToContents(3); }
Date::Date() { setYear( -1 ); setMonth( -1 ); setDay( -1 ); setHour( -1 ); setMinute( -1 ); }
winery::winery(const winery& aWinery) :name(NULL), location(NULL), year(DEFAULT_YEAR), acres(0), rating(0.0) { setName(aWinery.name); setLocation(aWinery.location); setYear(aWinery.year); setAcres(aWinery.acres); setRating(aWinery.rating); }
Date::Date( int y, int mo, int d, int h, int mu ) { setYear(y); setMonth(mo); setDay(d); setHour(h); setMinute(mu); }
//! [0] MainWindow::MainWindow() { selectedDate = QDate::currentDate(); fontSize = 10; QWidget *centralWidget = new QWidget; //! [0] //! [1] QLabel *dateLabel = new QLabel(tr("Date:")); QComboBox *monthCombo = new QComboBox; for (int month = 1; month <= 12; ++month) monthCombo->addItem(QDate::longMonthName(month)); QDateTimeEdit *yearEdit = new QDateTimeEdit; yearEdit->setDisplayFormat("yyyy"); yearEdit->setDateRange(QDate(1753, 1, 1), QDate(8000, 1, 1)); //! [1] monthCombo->setCurrentIndex(selectedDate.month() - 1); yearEdit->setDate(selectedDate); //! [2] QLabel *fontSizeLabel = new QLabel(tr("Font size:")); QSpinBox *fontSizeSpinBox = new QSpinBox; fontSizeSpinBox->setRange(1, 64); fontSizeSpinBox->setValue(10); editor = new QTextBrowser; insertCalendar(); //! [2] //! [3] connect(monthCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setMonth(int))); connect(yearEdit, SIGNAL(dateChanged(QDate)), this, SLOT(setYear(QDate))); connect(fontSizeSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setFontSize(int))); //! [3] //! [4] QHBoxLayout *controlsLayout = new QHBoxLayout; controlsLayout->addWidget(dateLabel); controlsLayout->addWidget(monthCombo); controlsLayout->addWidget(yearEdit); controlsLayout->addSpacing(24); controlsLayout->addWidget(fontSizeLabel); controlsLayout->addWidget(fontSizeSpinBox); controlsLayout->addStretch(1); QVBoxLayout *centralLayout = new QVBoxLayout; centralLayout->addLayout(controlsLayout); centralLayout->addWidget(editor, 1); centralWidget->setLayout(centralLayout); setCentralWidget(centralWidget); //! [4] }
TimeStamp::TimeStamp(byte seconds, byte minutes, byte hours, byte dayOfWeek, byte day, byte month, byte year) { setSeconds(seconds); setMinutes(minutes); setHours(hours); setDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek); setDay(day); setMonth(month); setYear(year); }
bool UniPAX::PublicationXref::merge(PublicationXref& object) { if (!object.getYear() != 0) { if (!getYear() != 0) { if (getYear() != object.getYear()) { std::cerr << "Error during merging: UniPAX::PublicationXref::year not equal ..." << getYear() << " != " << object.getYear() << std::endl; return false; } } else setYear(object.getYear()); } { std::set<std::string> tmp(getUrls().begin(), getUrls().end()); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = object.getUrls().begin(); it != object.getUrls().end(); it++) { tmp.insert(*it); } getUrls().assign(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } if (!object.getTitle().empty()) { if (!getTitle().empty()) { if (getTitle() != object.getTitle()) { std::cerr << "Error during merging: UniPAX::PublicationXref::title not equal ..." << getTitle() << " != " << object.getTitle() << std::endl; return false; } } else setTitle(object.getTitle()); } { std::set<std::string> tmp(getSources().begin(), getSources().end()); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = object.getSources().begin(); it != object.getSources().end(); it++) { tmp.insert(*it); } getSources().assign(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } { std::set<std::string> tmp(getAuthors().begin(), getAuthors().end()); for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = object.getAuthors().begin(); it != object.getAuthors().end(); it++) { tmp.insert(*it); } getAuthors().assign(tmp.begin(), tmp.end()); } return UniPAX::Xref::merge(object); }
void Date::updateYears(long years) { long g = getDays(getYear()+years,getMonth(),getDay()); Date d = getDateFromDays(g); setDay(d.getDay()); setMonth(d.getMm()); setYear(d.getYear()); setDayw(d.getDayw()); }
Date& Date::operator=( const Date& t ){ setYear( t.getYear() ); setMonth( t.getMonth() ); setDay( t.getDay() ); setHour( t.getHour() ); setMinute( t.getMinute() ); return *this; }
Movie::Movie(int id, QString title, QString file, QString thumbnailsFile, QString descr, QString posterFile, int rating, QString year){ setId(id); setTitle(title); setFile(file); setThumbsFile(thumbnailsFile); setDescr(descr); setPosterFile(posterFile); setRating(rating); setYear(year); setChanged(false); }
Truck::Truck(string man, int esize, int iyear, int bsz, bool tow):Vehicle(),bedsize(bsz),towPackage(tow) { //towPackage = bsz; //bedsize = tow; setYear(iyear); setEng(esize); setManu(man); Person p("nonae"); setOwner(p); setCost(BASE); }
Movie::Movie(){ setId(0); setTitle(""); setFile(""); setThumbsFile(""); setDescr(""); setPosterFile("posterFile"); setRating(0); setYear("year"); setChanged(false); }
Date::Date(string date) { istringstream buf(date); int mon,day,year; char c1,c2; if( buf >> mon >> c1 >> day >> c2 >> year && c1=='/' && c2=='/') { setMonth(mon); setDay(day); setYear(year); } }
void Date::setDate(string arg) { istringstream buf(arg); int mon,day,year; char c1,c2; if( buf >> mon >> c1 >> day >> c2 >> year && c1=='/' && c2=='/') { setMonth(mon); setDay(day); setYear(year); } else return;
void Clock::setMonth() { if (month >= 12) { setYear(); month = 1; } else { month++; } return; }
GraphicMode::GraphicMode(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , running(false) , finder(NULL) { setWindowIcon(QIcon(":/icon.ico")); setupUi(this); QRegExp rx("[a-fA-F0-9]{6}"); QValidator *validator = new QRegExpValidator(rx, this); lineEdit->setValidator(validator); connect( calc , SIGNAL( clicked() ), this , SLOT(processEssid()) ); connect( lineEdit , SIGNAL( returnPressed() ), this , SLOT(processEssid()) ); connect( singleYear , SIGNAL( clicked() ), this , SLOT( setYear() ) ); }
ZExport0 ZDateTime::ZDateTime (int aYear, int aMonth, int aDay, int aHour, int aMinute, int aSecond) { ZFUNCTRACE_DEVELOP ("ZDateTime::ZDateTime(int aYear, int aMonth, int aDay, int aHour, int aMinute, int aSecond)"); setYear (aYear); setMonth (aMonth); setDay (aDay); setHour (aHour); setMinute (aMinute); setSecond (aSecond); } // ZDateTime
void Date::updateMonths(long months) { months = getMonth() + months; long year = getYear() + months/12; months = months%12; long g = getDays(year,months,getDay()); Date d = getDateFromDays(g); setDay(d.getDay()); setMonth(d.getMm()); setYear(d.getYear()); setDayw(d.getDayw()); }
void Date::set ( unsigned int day, unsigned int month, unsigned int year ) { // Set the month and the year before the day for checking this last. setMonth(month); setYear(year); setDay(day); }
void Date::menuData() { int str; cout << " -> podaj dzien: "; cin >> str; setDay(str); cout << " -> podaj miesiac: "; cin >> str; setMonth(str); cout << " -> podaj rok: "; cin >> str; setYear(str); cout << "ustawiono date: " << getDateStamp() << endl; }
ossimDate::ossimDate(int month, int day, int year, int dtfmt) :ossimLocalTm (0), _fmt(dtfmt) { setMonth(month); setDay(day); setYear(year); setHour(0); setMin(0); setSec(0); setFractionalSecond(0.0); }
bool ossimLocalTm::loadXml(ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> dateNode) { bool result = true; ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> month = dateNode->findFirstNode("month"); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> day = dateNode->findFirstNode("day"); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> year = dateNode->findFirstNode("year"); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> hour = dateNode->findFirstNode("hour"); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> minutes = dateNode->findFirstNode("minutes"); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> seconds = dateNode->findFirstNode("seconds"); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> fractionalSecond = dateNode->findFirstNode("fractionalSecond"); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> julian = dateNode->findFirstNode("julian"); ossimRefPtr<ossimXmlNode> modifiedJulian = dateNode->findFirstNode("modifiedJulian"); if(month.valid()&& day.valid()&& year.valid()&& hour.valid()&& minutes.valid()&& seconds.valid()) { setMonth(month->getText().toInt32()); setDay(day->getText().toInt32()); setYear(year->getText().toInt32()); setHour(hour->getText().toInt32()); setMin(minutes->getText().toInt32()); setSec(seconds->getText().toInt32()); if(fractionalSecond.valid()) { setFractionalSecond(fractionalSecond->getText().toDouble()); } else { setFractionalSecond(0.0); } } else if(modifiedJulian.valid()) { setDateFromModifiedJulian(modifiedJulian->getText().toDouble()); } else if(julian.valid()) { setDateFromJulian(julian->getText().toDouble()); } else { result = false; } return result; }