void PositivityState::update(double minval_in, double dt_in)
    double d_minval = minval_in - minval;
    double d_dt = dt_in - dt;

        double ratio = d_dt/d_minval;
        // assumes an approximately linear relationship between dt and minval
        double suggested_dt = dt-d_dt/d_minval*minval;
        double suggested_cflChangeFactor = (suggested_dt/dt)*.99;
        if(minval_in < 0.)

    //  dprint1("resetting stringency");
    //  resetStringency();
Exemple #2
int main(void) {
  field f;

  f.model.cfl = 0.05;
  f.model.m = 3; // only one conservative variable
  f.model.NumFlux = TransNumFlux2dwav;
  f.model.BoundaryFlux = TransBoundaryFlux2dwav;
  f.model.InitData = TransInitData2dwav;
  f.model.ImposedData = TransImposedData2dwav;
  f.varindex = GenericVarindex;

  f.interp.interp_param[0] = f.model.m; // _M
  f.interp.interp_param[1] = 3; // x direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[2] = 3; // y direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[3] = 0; // z direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[4] = 4; // x direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[5] = 4; // y direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[6] = 1; // z direction refinement

  // Read the gmsh file
  ReadMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), "disquetrou.msh");
  //ReadMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), "geo/cube.msh");
  // Try to detect a 2d mesh

  // Mesh preparation

  // AffineMapMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh));

  // Prepare the initial fields

  // prudence...
  CheckMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), f.interp.interp_param + 1);

  printf("cfl param =%f\n", f.hmin);

  // Apply the DG scheme time integration by RK2 scheme up to final
  // time tmax.
  real tmax = 0.5;
  real dt = 0.;
  f.vmax = 0.1;
  if(dt <= 0.0)
    dt = set_dt(&f);
  RK2(&f, tmax, dt);

  // Save the results and the error
  Plotfield(0, false, &f, NULL, "dgvisu.msh");
  Plotfield(0, true, &f, "Error", "dgerror.msh");

  real dd = L2error(&f);
  printf("erreur L2=%f\n", dd);
  return 0;
Exemple #3
bool BDSimulator::step(const Real& upto)
    const Real t0(t()), dt0(dt()), tnext(next_time());

    if (upto <= t0)
        return false;

    if (upto >= tnext)
        return true;
        set_dt(upto - t0);
        return false;
Exemple #4
void Sub3::actual_read(const std::string & data) {
    set_dt(toint(data, 256));
Exemple #5
int TestMaxwell2D()
  bool test = true;
  field f;

  f.model.cfl = 0.05;  
  f.model.m = 7; // num of conservative variables

  f.model.NumFlux = Maxwell2DNumFlux_uncentered;
  //f.model.NumFlux = Maxwell2DNumFlux_centered;
  f.model.BoundaryFlux = Maxwell2DBoundaryFlux_uncentered;
  f.model.InitData = Maxwell2DInitData;
  f.model.ImposedData = Maxwell2DImposedData;
  f.varindex = GenericVarindex;
  f.model.Source = Maxwell2DSource;
  f.interp.interp_param[0] = f.model.m;
  f.interp.interp_param[1] = 3; // x direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[2] = 3; // y direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[3] = 0; // z direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[4] = 4; // x direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[5] = 4; // y direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[6] = 1; // z direction refinement

  ReadMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), "../test/testcube.msh");



  char buf[1000];
  sprintf(buf, "-D _M=%d", f.model.m);
  strcat(cl_buildoptions, buf);

  set_source_CL(&f, "Maxwell2DSource");
  sprintf(numflux_cl_name, "%s", "Maxwell2DNumFlux_uncentered");
  sprintf(buf," -D NUMFLUX=");
  strcat(buf, numflux_cl_name);
  strcat(cl_buildoptions, buf);

  sprintf(buf, " -D BOUNDARYFLUX=%s", "Maxwell2DBoundaryFlux_uncentered");
  strcat(cl_buildoptions, buf);

  CheckMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), f.interp.interp_param + 1);

  real tmax = 0.1;
  f.vmax = 1;
  real dt = set_dt(&f);

#if 0
  // C version
  RK2(&f, tmax, dt);
  // OpenCL version
  RK2_CL(&f, tmax, dt, 0, 0, 0);
  printf("\nOpenCL Kernel time:\n");

  // Save the results and the error
  /* Plotfield(0, false, &f, NULL, "dgvisu.msh"); */
  /* Plotfield(0, true, &f, "error", "dgerror.msh"); */

  real dd = L2error(&f);
  real tolerance = 1.1e-2;
  test = test && (dd < tolerance);
  printf("L2 error: %f\n", dd);

  return test;
// Lax-Wendroff time stepping
// TODO - I guess the idea is to try and incorporate this into DogSolve?  I
// don't see how this can be done with this method for all dimensions ... (-DS)
void DogSolverCart2::DogSolveLxW(double tstart, double tend)

    // Data that needs to be updated.  qold -> qnew at time t=tend.
    dTensorBC4& qnew   = fetch_state().fetch_q();
    dTensorBC4& aux    = fetch_state().fetch_aux();
    dTensorBC4& qold   = fetch_state_old().fetch_q();
    dTensorBC4& auxold = fetch_state_old().fetch_aux();
    dTensorBC3& smax   = fetch_smax();

    // access constant data
    const int time_order = dogParams.get_time_order();
    const int nv         = dogParams.get_nv();
    const double* cflv   = dogParams.get_cflv();

    // TODO: can use dogParamsCart2 to get these variables:
    const int mx   = qnew.getsize(1);
    const int my   = qnew.getsize(2);
    const int meqn = qnew.getsize(3);
    const int kmax = qnew.getsize(4);
    const int mbc  = qnew.getmbc();
    const int maux = aux.getsize(3);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------
    // Function definitions
    void CopyQ(const dTensorBC4& qin,dTensorBC4& qout);
    // ------------------------------------------------------------

    // define local variables
    int n_step = 0;
    double t   = tstart;
    double dt  = get_dt();
    const double CFL_max    = cflv[1];
    const double CFL_target = cflv[2];

    // Example of using extra information and intermediate stages:
    dTensorBC4   qstar(mx, my, meqn, kmax, mbc);
    dTensorBC4 auxstar(mx, my, maux, kmax, mbc);

    // This memory should have already been allocated:
    // (otherwise, can allocate it here, as in above):
    dTensorBC4& L = fetch_L();

    // Set initialize qstar and auxstar values
    CopyQ(qold,   qstar);
    CopyQ(aux,  auxstar);

    // User-defined time stepping
    while (t<tend)
        // initialize time step
        int m_accept = 0;      
        n_step       = n_step + 1;

        // check if max number of time steps exceeded
        if (n_step>nv)
            eprintf(" Error in DogSolveUser.cpp: "
                    " Exceeded allowed # of time steps \n"
                    "    n_step = %d\n"
                    "        nv = %d\n\n",

        // copy qnew into qold
        CopyQ(qnew,   qold);
        CopyQ(aux,  auxold);

        // keep trying until we get a dt that does not violate CFL condition
        while (m_accept==0)
            // set current time
            double told = t;
            if (told+dt > tend)
            { dt = tend - told; }
            t = told + dt;

            dogParams.set_time(told);      // TODO

            // Set initial maximum wave speed to zero
            // TODO : CAN CALL reset smax or something ...
            for (int j=1-mbc; j<=(my+mbc); j++)
                for (int i=1-mbc; i<=(mx+mbc); i++)
                    smax.set(i, j, 1, 0.0e0 );
                    smax.set(i, j, 2, 0.0e0 );

            void SetBndValues(dTensorBC4&,dTensorBC4&);

            // Construct RHS for LxW formulation:
            void LaxWendroff(double dt, 
                double alpha1,  double beta1,      
                dTensorBC4& aux, dTensorBC4& q,    
                dTensorBC4& Lstar, dTensorBC3& smax);
            LaxWendroff(dt, 1.0, 0.5, aux, qnew, L, smax);

            // Take a single "Euler" time step:
            void StepLxW( double dt, const dTensorBC4& qold, 
                const dTensorBC4& L, dTensorBC4& qnew );
            StepLxW(dt, qnew, L, qnew);

            { ::ApplyLimiter(aux,qnew,&ProjectRightEig,&ProjectLeftEig); }
            AfterStep(dt, aux, qnew, *this);

            // ----------------------------------------------------------------

            // compute cfl number
            double cfl = GetCFL(dt);

            // output time step information
            if (dogParams.get_verbosity()>0) 
                printf("DogSolve2D ... Step %5d"
                        "   CFL =%6.3f"
                        "   dt =%11.3e"
                        "   t =%11.3e\n",

            // choose new time step
            if (cfl>0.0)
                dt = Min(dogParams.get_max_dt(),dt*CFL_target/cfl);
                dt = dogParams.get_max_dt();

            // see whether to accept or reject this step
            if (cfl<=CFL_max)
                // accept
                m_accept = 1; 

                // do any extra work
                t = told;
                if (dogParams.get_verbosity()>0)
                    printf("DogSolve2D rejecting step..."
                            "CFL number too large\n");

                // copy qold into qnew
                CopyQ(qold,  qnew);
                CopyQ(auxold, aux);

        // compute conservation and print to file

    // set initial time step for next call to DogSolveUser
Exemple #7
int TestCoil2D(void)
  bool test = true;
  field f;


  f.model.cfl = 0.2;  
  f.model.m = 7; // num of conservative variables

  f.model.NumFlux = Maxwell2DCleanNumFlux_upwind;
  f.model.BoundaryFlux = Coil2DBoundaryFlux;
  f.model.InitData = Coil2DInitData;
  f.model.ImposedData = Coil2DImposedData;
  f.varindex = GenericVarindex;
  f.interp.interp_param[0] = f.model.m;
  f.interp.interp_param[1] = 2; // x direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[2] = 2; // y direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[3] = 0; // z direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[4] = 4; // x direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[5] = 4; // y direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[6] = 1; // z direction refinement

  // Read the gmsh file
  ReadMacroMesh(&f.macromesh, "../test/testmacromesh.msh");
  // Try to detect a 2d mesh

  // Mesh preparation

  // Prepare the initial fields
  f.model.Source = Coil2DSource;
  f.pre_dtfield = coil_pre_dtfield;
  //f.dt = 1e-3;
  // Prudence...
  CheckMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), f.interp.interp_param + 1);

  printf("cfl param =%f\n", f.hmin);

  // time derivative
  // init the particles on a circle
  PIC pic;
  InitPIC(&pic, 100);
  CreateCoil2DParticles(&pic, &f.macromesh);
  PlotParticles(&pic, &f.macromesh);

  f.pic = &pic;

  // time evolution
  real tmax = 0.1;
  f.vmax = 1;
  real dt = set_dt(&f);
  RK2(&f, tmax, dt);
  // Save the results and the error
  //Plotfield(2, false, &f, NULL, "dgvisu.msh");
  //Plotfield(2, true, &f, "error", "dgerror.msh");

  real dd = L2error(&f);
  real tolerance = 0.3;
  test = test && (dd < tolerance);
  printf("L2 error: %f\n", dd);

  return test;
Exemple #8
int TestPeriodic(void) {

  bool test=true;

  field f;

  f.model.m=_INDEX_MAX; // num of conservative variables
  f.vmax = _VMAX; // maximal wave speed 
  f.model.Source = NULL;
  f.model.BoundaryFlux = TestPeriodic_BoundaryFlux;
  f.model.InitData = TestPeriodic_InitData;
  f.model.ImposedData = TestPeriodic_ImposedData;
  f.interp.interp_param[0]=f.model.m;  // _M
  f.interp.interp_param[1]=3;  // x direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[2]=0;  // y direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[3]=0;  // z direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[4]=10;  // x direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[5]=1;  // y direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[6]=1;  // z direction refinement
  // read the gmsh file
  ReadMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), "test/testcube.msh");
  // try to detect a 2d mesh

  // mesh preparation


  // prepare the initial fields
  f.nb_diags = 0;

  // prudence...

  printf("cfl param =%f\n",f.hmin);

  // time derivative
  // apply the DG scheme
  // time integration by RK2 scheme 
  // up to final time = 1.
  real dt = set_dt(&f);
  RK2(&f,0.5, dt);
  // save the results and the error

  real dd=L2error(&f);
  real dd_Kinetic=L2_Kinetic_error(&f);
  printf("erreur kinetic L2=%lf\n",dd_Kinetic);
  printf("erreur L2=%lf\n",dd);
  test= test && (dd<3e-3);


  return test;

int Test_TransportVP()
  bool test = true;

  field f;

  int vec=1;
  f.model.m=_INDEX_MAX; // num of conservative variables f(vi) for
			// each vi, phi, E, rho, u, p, e (ou T)
  //f.model.Source = NULL;
  f.model.InitData = Test_TransportVP_InitData;
  f.model.ImposedData = Test_TransportVP_ImposedData;
  f.model.BoundaryFlux = Test_TransportVP_BoundaryFlux;

  f.varindex = GenericVarindex;
  f.interp.interp_param[0] = f.model.m;  // _M
  f.interp.interp_param[1] = 2;  // x direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[2] = 0;  // y direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[3] = 0;  // z direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[4] = 16;  // x direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[5] = 1;  // y direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[6] = 1;  // z direction refinement
  // read the gmsh file
  ReadMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), "../test/testcube.msh");
  // try to detect a 2d mesh
  bool is1d = f.macromesh.is1d;

  // mesh preparation

  // prepare the initial fields
  f.model.cfl = 0.05;
  f.vmax = _VMAX; // maximal wave speed
  f.nb_diags = 3;
  f.pre_dtfield = UpdateVlasovPoisson;
  f.update_after_rk = PlotVlasovPoisson;
  f.model.Source = VlasovP_Lagrangian_Source;
  // prudence...
  CheckMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), f.interp.interp_param + 1);

  printf("cfl param =%f\n", f.hmin);

  real tmax = 0.03;
  real dt = set_dt(&f);
  RK2(&f, tmax, dt);

  // save the results and the error
  int iel = 2 * _NB_ELEM_V / 3;
  int iloc = _DEG_V;
  printf("Trace vi=%f\n", -_VMAX + iel * _DV + _DV * glop(_DEG_V, iloc));
  Plotfield(iloc + iel * _DEG_V, false, &f, "sol","dgvisu.msh");
  Plotfield(iloc + iel * _DEG_V, true, &f, "error","dgerror.msh");
  Plot_Energies(&f, dt);

  real dd_Kinetic = L2_Kinetic_error(&f);
  printf("erreur kinetic L2=%lf\n", dd_Kinetic);
  test= test && (dd_Kinetic < 1e-2);

  return test;
Exemple #10
int TestmEq2(void) {
  bool test = true;
  field f;
  int vec = 2;

  f.model.cfl = 0.05;  
  if(vec == 2) {
    f.model.m = 2; // num of conservative variables
  } else {
    f.model.m = 1; // num of conservative variables
  f.model.NumFlux = VecTransNumFlux2d;
  f.model.BoundaryFlux = VecTransBoundaryFlux2d;
  f.model.InitData = VecTransInitData2d;
  f.model.ImposedData = VecTransImposedData2d;
  f.varindex = GenericVarindex;
  f.interp.interp_param[0] = f.model.m;
  f.interp.interp_param[1] = 2; // x direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[2] = 2; // y direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[3] = 0; // z direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[4] = 4; // x direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[5] = 4; // y direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[6] = 1; // z direction refinement

  // Read the gmsh file
  ReadMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), "test/testcube.msh");
  // Try to detect a 2d mesh

  // Mesh preparation

  // Prepare the initial fields
  //f.dt = 1e-3;
  // Prudence...
  CheckMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), f.interp.interp_param + 1);

  printf("cfl param =%f\n", f.hmin);

  // time derivative
  real tmax = 0.1;
  real dt = set_dt(&f);
  RK2(&f, tmax, dt);
  // Save the results and the error
  Plotfield(0, false, &f, NULL, "dgvisu.msh");
  Plotfield(0, true, &f, "error", "dgerror.msh");

  real dd = L2error(&f);
  real tolerance = 1e-4;
  test = test && (dd < tolerance);
  printf("L2 error: %f\n", dd);

  return test;
Exemple #11
// semi-lagrangian solver
void DogSolverCart2::DogSolveUser(double tstart, double tend)

    // this accomodates the maximum number of stages allowed for the
    // split method ... and is a work in progress ...
    const int MAX_STAGES = 13;

    const edge_data& EdgeData = Legendre2d::instance().get_edgeData();
    dTensorBC3& smax = fetch_smax();
    DogStateCart2* dogStateCart2 = &fetch_state();

    dTensorBC4& qnew = fetch_state().fetch_q();
    dTensorBC4& qold = fetch_state_old().fetch_q();
    dTensorBC4& aux  = fetch_state().fetch_aux();

    const int nv = dogParams.get_nv();
    const double* cflv = dogParams.get_cflv();
    // --------------------------------------------------------------
    // define local variables
    int m_accept;
    const int mx   = qnew.getsize(1);
    const int my   = qnew.getsize(2);
    const int maux = aux.getsize(3);
    const int meqn = qnew.getsize(3);
    const int kmax = qnew.getsize(4);
    const int mbc  = qnew.getmbc();

    const int ndims = 2;

    int n_step = 0;
    double t = tstart;
    double tn = t;
    double told = 0.0;
    double dt = get_dt();
    const double CFL_max = cflv[1];
    const double CFL_target = cflv[2];
    double cfl = 0.0;
    double dtmin = dt;
    double dtmax = dt;

    dTensorBC4   qstar(mx,my,meqn,kmax,mbc);    //temporary place holder
    dTensorBC4 aux_old(mx,my,maux,kmax,mbc);

    // Setup for manipulating velocities.  Store 2 arrays, 1 for each velocity
    // array for storing advection speeds in each cell
    const int mpoints   = int((1+4*kmax-int(sqrt(1+8*kmax)))/2);
    const int mpoints1d = int(sqrt(mpoints));
    const int morder = mpoints1d;
    dTensorBC2 u1(my, mpoints1d,  mbc, ndims-1);    // speed, u(y) (ndims == 1 )
    dTensorBC2 u2(mx, mpoints1d,  mbc, ndims-1);    // speed, v(x) (ndims == 1 )

    ////////Set up any extra state variables associated with this problem /////
    SL_state sl_state;
    sl_state.split_time = new dTensor2(MAX_STAGES, 2);
    sl_state.aux1d      = new dTensorBC4( Max(mx,my), 2, 4, mpoints1d, mbc, 1);
    sl_state.node1d     = new dTensor2(mx+1,1);
    for( int i=1; i <=(mx+1); i++)
    { sl_state.node1d->set(i, 1, dogParamsCart2.get_xl(i) ); }

    sl_state.qold = &qold;
    sl_state.qnew = &qnew;

    const double dx = dogParamsCart2.get_dx();
    const double dy = dogParamsCart2.get_dy();

    // sample grid points (gauss points)
    dTensor2* spts = new dTensor2(mpoints, 2);

    //legendre polys evaluated at spts
    dTensor2 phi(mpoints, kmax);
    dTensor1 x1d(mpoints1d);
    dTensor1 wgt(mpoints1d);

    void setGaussPoints1d(dTensor1& w1d, dTensor1& x1d);
    setGaussPoints1d(wgt, x1d);

    // Tensor product Gaussian Quadrature
    //  See note at top of code in how mpoints are arranged here...
    int k=0;
    for (int m1=1; m1<=(mpoints1d); m1++)
    for (int m2=1; m2<=(mpoints1d); m2++)

        k = k+1;

        //save gauss quad grid point location on interval [-1,1]^2
        spts->set(k,2, x1d.get(m1) );
        spts->set(k,1, x1d.get(m2) );

    //evaluate the legendre polynomials at sample points
    for(int m=1; m <= mpoints; m++)

        double xi, xi2,xi3,xi4, eta, eta2,eta3,eta4;

        //find xi and eta (point to be evaluated)
        xi = spts->get(m,1);
        eta = spts->get(m,2);
        xi2 = xi*xi;
        xi3 = xi*xi2;
        xi4 = xi*xi3;
        eta2 = eta*eta;
        eta3 = eta*eta2;
        eta4 = eta*eta3;

        // Legendre basis functions evaluated at (xi,eta) in the
        // interval [-1,1]x[-1,1].
        switch( mpoints1d )
            case 5:  // fifth order
                phi.set( m,15, 105.0/8.0*eta4 - 45.0/4.0*eta2 + 9.0/8.0 );
                phi.set( m,14, 105.0/8.0*xi4  - 45.0/4.0*xi2  + 9.0/8.0 );
                phi.set( m,13, 5.0/4.0*(3.0*xi2 - 1.0)*(3.0*eta2 - 1.0) );
                phi.set( m,12, sq3*sq7*(2.5*eta3 - 1.5*eta)*xi );
                phi.set( m,11, sq3*sq7*(2.5*xi3 - 1.5*xi)*eta );

            case 4:  // fourth order
                phi.set( m,10, sq7*(2.5*eta3 - 1.5*eta) );
                phi.set( m,9,  sq7*(2.5*xi3 - 1.5*xi) );
                phi.set( m,8,  sq3*sq5*xi*(1.5*eta2 - 0.5) );
                phi.set( m,7,  sq3*sq5*eta*(1.5*xi2 - 0.5) );

            case 3:  // third order
                phi.set( m,6,  sq5*(1.5*eta2 - 0.5) );
                phi.set( m,5,  sq5*(1.5*xi2 - 0.5) );
                phi.set( m,4,  3.0*xi*eta );            

            case 2:  // second order            
                phi.set( m,3, sq3*eta );
                phi.set( m,2, sq3*xi  );

            case 1:  // first order
                phi.set( m,1, 1.0 );

    }//end of evaluating legendre polys at sample grid points indexed by spts
    delete spts;

    double time1, time2;   // running time values
    time1 = GetTime();     //running time for this program (can remove this..)

    // fourth order splitting coefficients
    dTensor1* dt_stages;
    if( dogParams.get_time_order() >= 2 )
        dt_stages = new dTensor1(MAX_STAGES);
        sl_state.dt_stages = dt_stages;

    // Main Time Stepping Loop
    while (t<tend)
        // initialize time step
        m_accept = 0;      
        n_step = n_step + 1;

        // check if max number of time steps exceeded
        if (n_step>nv)
            cout << " Error in DogSolveAdvec.cpp: "<< 
                " Exceeded allowed # of time steps " << endl;
            cout << "    n_step = " << n_step << endl;
            cout << "        nv = " << nv << endl;
            cout << endl;

        // copy qnew and aux in case we reject the step

        // keep trying until we get a dt that does not violate CFL condition
        while (m_accept==0)
            // set current time          
            told = t;
            tn = t;
            if (told+dt > tend) { dt = tend - told; }
            t = told + dt;

            // Set initial maximum wave speed to zero (this will be saved in
            // SetAdvecSpeed)
            for (int i=(1-mbc); i<=(mx+mbc); i++)
                for (int j=(1-mbc); j<=(my+mbc); j++)
                    smax.set(i,j,1, 0.0e0 );
                    smax.set(i,j,2, 0.0e0 );

            sl_state.dt = dt;
            sl_state.t  = sl_state.tn = tn;

            void InitSLState( const dTensorBC4& q, const dTensorBC4& aux, 
                    SL_state& sl_state );
            InitSLState( qnew, aux, sl_state );

            CopyQ(qold, qstar);
            // Perform a full time step
            switch ( dogParams.get_time_order() )

                case 0:  // used for testing - dont' take any time steps!
                    BeforeStep (dt, aux, qnew, *this);
                    AfterStep  (dt, aux, qnew, *this);
                    perror( "    case 0: Not taking a time step! " );

                case 1: // 1st order in time, no corrections

                    sl_state.t     = tn;

                    BeforeStep(dt, aux, qstar, *this);

                    SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qstar, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);

                    StepAdvec(dt, qold, qstar, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state); 
                    StepAdvec(dt, qstar, qnew, aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state);


                case 2:  // 2nd order in time (strang split method)

                    SetSplitTime(dt, 2, tn, sl_state, dt_stages );
                    sl_state.stage_num = 1;
                    sl_state.t = tn;
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);  
                    StepAdvec(0.5*dt, qstar, qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state ); 

                    // Poisson solve called in BeforeStep for VP system  
                    //                  BeforeStep(dt, aux, qstar );
                    sl_state.stage_num = 2;
                    BeforeStep(dt, aux, qnew, *this);

                    sl_state.t  = tn;
                    SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(dt, qnew, qstar, aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state ); 

                    sl_state.stage_num = 3;
                    sl_state.t = tn + 0.5*dt;
                    StepAdvec(0.5*dt, qstar, qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);


                case 4: // 4th order method (Yoshida Splitting)		  

                    // initial setup ... Save all appropriate times into SL_state
                    SetSplitTime(dt, 4, tn, sl_state, dt_stages );

                    ///// There are 7 stages for Yoshida Splitting        /////

                    ///////// stage 1: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 1;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(1,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(1), qstar, qnew,  aux, u1, u2,  1, sl_state ); 

                    ///////// stage 2: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 2;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(2,2);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(2), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    ///////// stage 3: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 3;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(3,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(3), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    ///////// stage 4: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 4;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(4,2);
                    SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(4), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    ///////// stage 5: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 5;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(5,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(5), qstar, qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    ///////// stage 6: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 6;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(6,2);
                    SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(6), qnew, qstar, aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    ///////// stage 7: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 7;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(7,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(7), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    //////////////// --- Experimental New Time Stepping --- ///////////////////

                    //                  ///////// stage 1: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 1;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(1,1);
                    //                  SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(1), qstar, qnew,  aux, u1, u2,  1, sl_state ); 

                    //                  ///////// stage 2: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 2;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(2,2);
                    //                  SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(2), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    //                  ///////// stage 3: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 3;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(3,1);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(3), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    //                  ///////// stage 4: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 4;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(4,2);
                    //                  SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(4), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    //                  ///////// stage 5: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 5;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(5,1);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(5), qstar, qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    //                  ///////// stage 6: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 6;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(6,2);
                    //                  SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(6), qnew, qstar, aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    //                  ///////// stage 7: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 7;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(7,1);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(7), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    //                  ///////// stage 8: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 8;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(8,2);
                    //                  SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(8), qnew, qstar, aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    //                  ///////// stage 9: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 9;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(9,1);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(9), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    //                  ///////// stage 10: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 10;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(10,2);
                    //                  SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(10), qnew, qstar, aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    //                  ///////// stage 11: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 11;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(11,1);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(11), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    //                  ///////// stage 12: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 12;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(12,2);
                    //                  SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(12), qnew, qstar, aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    //                  ///////// stage 13: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    //                  sl_state.stage_num = 13;
                    //                  sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(13,1);
                    //                  StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(13), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    //////////////// --- Experimental New Time Stepping --- ///////////////////

				case 6: // 6th order method (SRKN Splitting)		  
					// Added by Pierson Guthrey 5/22/2015
                    // initial setup ... Save all appropriate times into SL_state
                    SetSplitTime(dt, 6, tn, sl_state, dt_stages );
                    ///////// stage 1: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 1;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(1,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(1), qstar, qnew,  aux, u1, u2,  1, sl_state ); 

                    ///////// stage 2: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 2;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(2,2);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(2), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    ///////// stage 3: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 3;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(3,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(3), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    ///////// stage 4: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 4;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(4,2);
                    SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(4), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 
                    ///////// stage 5: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 5;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(5,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(5), qstar, qnew,  aux, u1, u2,  1, sl_state ); 

                    ///////// stage 6: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 6;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(6,2);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(6), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    ///////// stage 7: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 7;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(7,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(7), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    ///////// stage 8: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 8;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(8,2);
                    SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(8), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 					
                    ///////// stage 9: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 9;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(9,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(9), qstar, qnew,  aux, u1, u2,  1, sl_state ); 

                    ///////// stage 10: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 10;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(10,2);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(10), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 

                    ///////// stage 11: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 11;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(11,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(11), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    ///////// stage 12: B //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 12;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(12,2);
                    SetAdvecSpeed(phi, qnew, aux, smax, 2, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(12), qnew, qstar,  aux, u1, u2, 2, sl_state); 
                    ///////// stage 13: A //////////////////////////////////////
                    sl_state.stage_num = 13;
                    sl_state.t         = sl_state.split_time->get(13,1);
                    SetAdvecSpeed( phi, qstar, aux, smax, 1, u1, u2, sl_state);
                    StepAdvec(sl_state.dt_stages->get(13), qstar , qnew, aux, u1, u2, 1, sl_state);

                    // still here?  too bad!  Pick a valid time stepping
                    // method
                            "Bad time stepping method chosen in DogSolveAdvec\n");
                            "dogParams.get_time_order() = %d\n",

            }// end of taking a full time step

            // compute cfl number
            cfl = GetCFL(dt);

            // output time step information
            if (dogParams.get_verbosity()>0) 
                cout << setprecision(3);
                cout << "DogSolve2D ... Step" << setw(5) << n_step;
                cout << "   CFL =" << setw(6) << fixed << cfl;
                cout << "   dt =" << setw(11) << scientific << dt;
                cout << "   t =" << setw(11) << scientific << t << endl;

            if (cfl>0.0)
            {   dt = Min(dogParams.get_max_dt(),dt*CFL_target/cfl); }
            { dt = dogParams.get_max_dt(); }

            // see whether to accept or reject this step
            if (cfl<=CFL_max)
            {   // accept 
                m_accept = 1;
                dogParams.set_time(t); // time hack
            {   //reject
                t = told;
                if (dogParams.get_verbosity()>0)
                    cout<<"DogSolve2D rejecting step...";
                    cout<<"CFL number too large";
                    // find index of larger value...
                    int imax = 1; int jmax = 1; int dmax = 1;
                    for( int i = 1; i <= smax.getsize(1); i++ )
                        for( int j = 1; j <= smax.getsize(2); j++ )
                            for( int d = 1; d <= ndims; d++ )
                                if( smax.get(i,j,d) > smax.get(imax,jmax,dmax) )
                                { imax = i;   jmax = j; dmax = d;}
                    printf("   imax = %d, jmax = %d, dmax = %d\n", imax, jmax, dmax );
                    printf("   smax(imax,jmax,dmax) = %3.2e\n", smax.get(imax, jmax, dmax ) );


                // copy qold into qnew

        void AfterFullSLTimeStep( dTensorBC4& aux, dTensorBC4& qnew, double t );
        AfterFullSLTimeStep(aux, qnew, t );

        // apply the limiter - This way global integrals stay positive
        void ApplyPosLimiter(const dTensorBC4& aux, dTensorBC4& q);
        { ApplyPosLimiter(aux, qnew); }

        // compute conservation and print to file

    void AfterSLFrame(double dt, dTensorBC4& aux, dTensorBC4& q, DogSolverCart2&
            solver, SL_state sl_state );
    AfterSLFrame(dt, aux, qnew, *this, sl_state );

    // set initial time step for next call to DogSolveAdvec

    // Clock the running time for this call to DogSolveAdvec
    time2 = GetTime();
        cout << "         DogSolveAdvec Running Time = " 
            << setw(3) << time2 - time1 << "  seconds" << endl << endl;        

    if( dogParams.get_time_order() >= 2 )
        delete dt_stages;
    delete sl_state.split_time;
    delete sl_state.aux1d;
    delete sl_state.node1d;

Exemple #12
int TestMHD1D(int argc, char *argv[]) {
  real cfl = 0.2;
  real tmax = 1.0;
  bool writemsh = false;
  real vmax = 6.0;
  bool usegpu = false;
  real dt = 0.0;

  for (;;) {
    int cc = getopt(argc, argv, "c:t:w:D:P:g:s:");
    if (cc == -1) break;
    switch (cc) {
    case 0:
    case 'c':
      cfl = atof(optarg);
    case 'g':
      usegpu = atoi(optarg);
    case 't':
      tmax = atof(optarg);
    case 'w':
      writemsh = true;
    case 'D':
       ndevice_cl= atoi(optarg);
    case 'P':
      nplatform_cl = atoi(optarg);
      printf("Error: invalid option.\n");
      printf("./testmanyv -c <cfl> -d <deg> -n <nraf> -t <tmax> -C\n -P <cl platform number> -D <cl device number> FIXME");

  bool test = true;
  field f;

  f.varindex = GenericVarindex;
  f.model.m = 9;
  f.model.cfl = cfl;


  char buf[1000];
  sprintf(buf, "-D _M=%d", f.model.m);
  strcat(cl_buildoptions, buf);

  sprintf(numflux_cl_name, "%s", "MHDNumFluxRusanov");
  sprintf(buf," -D NUMFLUX=");
  strcat(buf, numflux_cl_name);
  strcat(cl_buildoptions, buf);

  sprintf(buf, " -D BOUNDARYFLUX=%s", "MHDBoundaryFlux");
  strcat(cl_buildoptions, buf);
  // Set the global parameters for the Vlasov equation
  f.interp.interp_param[0] = f.model.m; // _M
  f.interp.interp_param[1] = 1; // x direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[2] = 0; // y direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[3] = 0; // z direction degree
  f.interp.interp_param[4] = 10; // x direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[5] = 1; // y direction refinement
  f.interp.interp_param[6] = 1; // z direction refinement


  // Read the gmsh file
  ReadMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), "test/testcartesiangrid1d.msh");
  //ReadMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), "test/testcube.msh");
  // Try to detect a 2d mesh
  bool is1d=f.macromesh.is1d; 

  // Mesh preparation

  // Prepare the initial fields

  // Prudence...
  CheckMacroMesh(&(f.macromesh), f.interp.interp_param + 1);

  Plotfield(0, (1==0), &f, "Rho", "dginit.msh");


  if(dt <= 0)
    dt = set_dt(&f);

  real executiontime;
  if(usegpu) {
    printf("Using OpenCL:\n");
    //executiontime = seconds();
    RK2(&f, tmax, dt);
    //executiontime = seconds() - executiontime;
  } else { 
    printf("Using C:\n");
    //executiontime = seconds();
    RK2(&f, tmax, dt);
    //executiontime = seconds() - executiontime;

  Plotfield(0,false,&f, "Rho", "dgvisu.msh");

  printf("tmax: %f, cfl: %f\n", tmax, f.model.cfl);

  printf("%f\n", f.hmin);

  printf("%f\n", dt);

  printf("%d\n", f.wsize);

  printf("executiontime (s):\n");
  printf("%f\n", executiontime);

  printf("time per RK2 (s):\n");
  printf("%f\n", executiontime / (real)f.itermax);

  return test;