int main(int argc,char **argv) { int sock_fd; struct sockaddr_in client_addr; char buf[20]; if(argc!=3) error_quit("Argument"); if((sock_fd=socket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,0))==-1) error_quit("socket"); init_data_with_client(&client_addr,atoi(argv[2]),argv[1]); if(connect(sock_fd,(struct sockaddr *)&client_addr,sizeof(struct sockaddr))==-1) error_quit("connect"); if(recv(sock_fd,buf,sizeof(buf),0)>0) set_local_time(buf); else printf("Recv Error!\n"); printf("Close With %s. . .\n",argv[1]); close_with_safe(sock_fd); return 0; }
void another_hour(void) { struct zone_data *zone = NULL; struct time_info_data local_time; int LUNAR_RISE_TIME; int lunar_phase; time_info.hours++; lunar_phase = get_lunar_phase(lunar_day); while (time_info.hours > 23) { time_info.hours -= 24;; lunar_day++; if (lunar_day > 23) lunar_day = 0; if (lunar_phase != get_lunar_phase(lunar_day)) { lunar_phase = get_lunar_phase(lunar_day); switch (lunar_phase) { case MOON_FULL: send_to_clerics(EVIL, "The vile light of the full moon dampens your magic power.\r\n"); send_to_clerics(GOOD, "The blessed light of the full moon fills you with strength.\r\n"); break; case MOON_WANE_GIBBOUS: send_to_clerics(EVIL, "Your magic strengthens as the blasphemous light of the full moon passes.\r\n"); send_to_clerics(GOOD, "The blessing of the full moon leaves you as the moon wanes.\r\n"); break; case MOON_NEW: send_to_clerics(EVIL, "The unholy strength of the new moon fills you.\r\n"); send_to_clerics(GOOD, "The cold darkness of the new moon drains your strength.\r\n"); break; case MOON_WAX_CRESCENT: send_to_clerics(EVIL, "Your unholy strength wanes with the passing of the new moon.\r\n"); send_to_clerics(GOOD, "You feel your strength return as the new moon passes.\r\n"); break; } } } while ( > 34) { -= 35; time_info.month++; } while (time_info.month > 15) { time_info.month -= 16; time_info.year++; } for (zone = zone_table; zone; zone = zone->next) { if (!zone->world) continue; if (!PRIME_MATERIAL_ROOM(zone->world) || zone->time_frame == TIME_TIMELESS || GET_PLANE(zone->world) == PLANE_UNDERDARK) continue; set_local_time(zone, &local_time); if (local_time.hours == (4 - daylight_mod[(int)local_time.month])) { if (!number(0, 2)) send_to_zone("A small blue sun rises in the east.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sky == SKY_CLOUDLESS) send_to_zone ("The blue sun rises in the cloudless skies of the east.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sky == SKY_CLOUDY) send_to_zone ("Through the veil of clouds, you see a glimmer of blue to the east.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sky == SKY_RAINING) send_to_zone ("The faint light of the blue sun appears through the rain to the east.\r\n", zone, 1); else send_to_zone("A small blue sun rises in the east.\r\n", zone, 1); /* SUN_RISE */ } else if (local_time.hours == (5 - daylight_mod[(int)local_time.month])) { zone->weather->sunlight = SUN_RISE; if (!number(0, 2)) send_to_zone ("The huge red sun rises over the eastern horizon.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sky == SKY_CLOUDLESS) send_to_zone ("The blazing red giant rises into the clear sky.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sky == SKY_CLOUDY) send_to_zone ("The red light of the sun appears in the cloudy sky.\r\n", zone, 1); else send_to_zone ("The huge red sun rises over the eastern horizon.\r\n", zone, 1); } else if (local_time.hours == (6 - daylight_mod[(int)local_time.month])) { zone->weather->sunlight = SUN_LIGHT; if (!number(0, 2)) send_to_zone ("The day has begun, both suns above the horizon.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sky == SKY_CLOUDLESS) send_to_zone("The day begins under a cloudless sky.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sky == SKY_CLOUDY) send_to_zone("The cloudy day has begun.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sky == SKY_RAINING) send_to_zone("The rainy day has begun.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sky == SKY_LIGHTNING) send_to_zone("The day begins, immersed in a thunderstorm.\r\n", zone, 1); else send_to_zone ("The day has begun, both suns above the horizon.\r\n", zone, 1); if ( == 0) { switch (local_time.month) { case 2: send_to_zone("It is the first day of spring.\r\n", zone, 1); break; case 6: send_to_zone("It is the first day of summer.\r\n", zone, 1); break; case 10: send_to_zone("It is the first day of autumn.\r\n", zone, 1); break; case 14: send_to_zone("It is the first day of winter.\r\n", zone, 1); break; } } break; } else if (local_time.hours == 12) { send_to_zone("The red giant is high overhead now, at noon.\r\n", zone, 1); } else if (local_time.hours == (20 + daylight_mod[(int)local_time.month])) { zone->weather->sunlight = SUN_SET; send_to_zone("The red giant sun slowly sets in the west.\r\n", zone, 1); } else if (local_time.hours == (21 + daylight_mod[(int)local_time.month])) { zone->weather->sunlight = SUN_SET; send_to_zone("The red giant sun slowly sets in the west.\r\n", zone, 1); } else if (local_time.hours == (22 + daylight_mod[(int)local_time.month])) { zone->weather->sunlight = SUN_DARK; send_to_zone("The night has begun.\r\n", zone, 1); } /* lunar stuff here */ if (lunar_phase == MOON_NEW) return; LUNAR_RISE_TIME = lunar_day + 5; if (LUNAR_RISE_TIME > 23) LUNAR_RISE_TIME -= 24; if (local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME) { zone->weather->moonlight = MOON_SKY_RISE; if (zone->weather->sky || !lunar_day) return; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "The %s moon rises in the east.\r\n", lunar_phases[lunar_phase]); send_to_zone(buf, zone, 1); } if (local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME + 1 || local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME - 23) { zone->weather->moonlight = MOON_SKY_EAST; } if (local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME + 7 || local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME - 17) { zone->weather->moonlight = MOON_SKY_HIGH; if (zone->weather->sky || !lunar_day) return; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "The %s moon is directly overhead.\r\n", lunar_phases[lunar_phase]); send_to_zone(buf, zone, 1); } if (local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME + 8 || local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME - 16) { zone->weather->moonlight = MOON_SKY_WEST; } if (local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME + 13 || local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME - 11) { zone->weather->moonlight = MOON_SKY_SET; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "The %s moon begins to sink low in the west.\r\n", lunar_phases[lunar_phase]); send_to_zone(buf, zone, 1); } if (local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME + 14 || local_time.hours == LUNAR_RISE_TIME - 10) { zone->weather->moonlight = MOON_SKY_NONE; if (zone->weather->sky || !lunar_day) return; snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "The %s moon sets in the west.\r\n", lunar_phases[lunar_phase]); send_to_zone(buf, zone, 1); } } }
void zone_weather_change(struct zone_data *zone) { int diff = 1, change; struct time_info_data local_time; if (ZONE_FLAGGED(zone, ZONE_NOWEATHER)) return; set_local_time(zone, &local_time); if ((local_time.month >= 9) && (local_time.month <= 16)) diff = (zone->weather->pressure > 1000 ? -1 : zone->weather->pressure < 970 ? 1 : 0); else diff = (zone->weather->pressure > 1025 ? -1 : zone->weather->pressure < 990 ? 1 : 0); zone->weather->change += diff * dice(4, 4) + (number(-15, 15)); zone->weather->change = MAX(MIN(zone->weather->change, 15), -15); zone->weather->pressure += zone->weather->change; zone->weather->pressure = MAX(MIN(zone->weather->pressure, 1040), 960); change = CHANGE_NONE; switch (zone->weather->sky) { case SKY_CLOUDLESS: if (zone->weather->pressure < 990) change = 1; else if (zone->weather->pressure < 1010) if (dice(1, 4) == 1) change = 1; break; case SKY_CLOUDY: if (zone->weather->pressure < 970) change = 2; else if (zone->weather->pressure < 990) if (dice(1, 4) == 1) change = 2; else change = 0; else if (zone->weather->pressure > 1030) if (dice(1, 4) == 1) change = 3; break; case SKY_RAINING: if (zone->weather->pressure < 970) if (dice(1, 4) == 1) change = 4; else change = 0; else if (zone->weather->pressure > 1030) change = 5; else if (zone->weather->pressure > 1010) if (dice(1, 4) == 1) change = 5; break; case SKY_LIGHTNING: if (zone->weather->pressure > 1010) change = 6; else if (zone->weather->pressure > 990) if (dice(1, 4) == 1) change = 6; break; default: change = 0; zone->weather->sky = SKY_CLOUDLESS; break; } switch (change) { case 0: break; case 1: if (!number(0, 2)) send_to_zone("The sky starts to get cloudy.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_RISE) send_to_zone("A veil of clouds appears with the sunrise.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_SET) send_to_zone ("As the suns dip below the horizon, clouds cover the sky.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_DARK) send_to_zone("A layer of clouds obscures the stars.\r\n", zone, 1); else send_to_zone("Clouds begin to gather in the sky.\r\n", zone, 1); zone->weather->sky = SKY_CLOUDY; break; case 2: if (!number(0, 2)) send_to_zone("It starts to rain.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_RISE) send_to_zone ("Rain begins to fall across the land, as the double suns rise.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_SET) send_to_zone ("As the suns sink below the horizon, rain begins to fall.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_DARK) send_to_zone("Rain begins to fall from the night sky.\r\n", zone, 1); else send_to_zone("Rain begins to fall from the sky.\r\n", zone, 1); zone->weather->sky = SKY_RAINING; break; case 3: if (!number(0, 2)) send_to_zone("The clouds disappear.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_RISE) send_to_zone("As the suns rise, the clouds in the sky vanish.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_SET) send_to_zone ("The last of the clouds in the sky vanish with the sunset.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_DARK) send_to_zone ("The clouds part, leaving a clear view of the stars.\r\n", zone, 1); else send_to_zone("The clouds have vanished, leaving a clear sky.\r\n", zone, 1); zone->weather->sky = SKY_CLOUDLESS; break; case 4: if (!number(0, 2)) send_to_zone("Lightning starts to show in the sky.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_RISE) send_to_zone ("Lightning and thunder begin to accompany the sunrise.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_SET) send_to_zone ("As the suns set, lightning begins to flicker across the sky.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_DARK) send_to_zone("The starry sky is lit by flashes of lightning.\r\n", zone, 1); else send_to_zone ("You can see lightning flickering across the sky.\r\n", zone, 1); zone->weather->sky = SKY_LIGHTNING; break; case 5: if (!number(0, 2)) send_to_zone("The rain stops.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_RISE) send_to_zone ("The rain ceases as the twin suns rise above the horizon.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_SET) send_to_zone ("The rain ceases as the twin suns sink below the horizon.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_DARK) send_to_zone("The rain stops falling from the night sky.\r\n", zone, 1); else send_to_zone("The rain slacks up, then stops.\r\n", zone, 1); zone->weather->sky = SKY_CLOUDY; break; case 6: if (!number(0, 2)) send_to_zone("The lightning stops.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_RISE) send_to_zone ("The lightning ceases as the suns rise on a rainy day.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_SET) send_to_zone("As the suns disappear, the lightning ceases.\r\n", zone, 1); else if (zone->weather->sunlight == SUN_DARK) send_to_zone("The lightning and thunder ceases.\r\n", zone, 1); else send_to_zone("The lightning seems to have stopped.\r\n", zone, 1); zone->weather->sky = SKY_RAINING; break; default: break; } }