Exemple #1
void reset() {
set_open("door", 0);
set_locked("door", 1);
MJUNGLE "tomb20.c"->set_open("door", 0);
MJUNGLE "tomb20.c"->set_locked("door", 1);
Exemple #2
            /// \brief Release all threads waiting on this semaphore.
            void set()
                event_.store(true, boost::memory_order_release);

                typename mutex_type::scoped_lock l(mtx_);
Exemple #3
void reset() {
  set_open("door", 1);
  set_locked("door", 0);
  "/d/shadow/rooms/palace27.c"->set_open("door", 1);
  "/d/shadow/rooms/palace27.c"->set_locked("door", 0);
Exemple #4
int unlock_buffer(char *srvName,char *dirName,char *idBucket,BUCKET_T *buffer){
	char lock_flag;
	BUCKET_T header;
	header = *buffer;
	state	=	set_server(cluster,srvName,&ioctx);
	if(state < 0){
		fprintf(stderr,"[unlock_buffer/iceph.c] Servidor não localizado!\n");
		return 1;
	//seta o diretorio
	state	=	set_directory(dirName,&ioctx);
	if(state >= 0){
		lock_flag = '0';
		//altera o valor do flag no sa
		state = write_object(ioctx,idBucket,&lock_flag,LOCK_FLAG_SIZE,0,0);
		if(state >= 0){
			//altera no buffer
			*(header+LCKFLAG_OFFSET) = lock_flag;
			//altera o parametro locked no buffer_pool
			state = set_locked(idBucket,srvName,lock_flag);
			return 1; //retorna 1 pois nao conseguiu escrever no buffer
		fprintf(stderr,"[unlock_buffer/iceph.c] Diretório não localizado!\n");
		return 1;

	return 0; 
Exemple #5
void create() {

  set("short", "Room");
  set("long", "Sample 7\nThe wall behind you cannot be moved from this side. "
             +"Keep on moving. The door to the north is made out of wood. It "
             +"is locked but the key hole is fused shut. You're going to have "
             +"to break it down.");

  set_exits(([ "north"  : "/wizards/pyro/doors/sample10",
              "southeast" : "/wizards/pyro/doors/sample6", ]));
  cover_exit_with_door("southeast", "pyrodoor7");
  cover_exit_with_door("north", "pyrodoor8");
  set_door_name("pyrodoor7", "wall");
  //normally you should not call this without also setting a key, but the player
  //is not supposed to be able to open this door without breaking it down
  set_locked("pyrodoor8", 1);

  //do not allow the player to mess with the southern wall
  //note: in this implementation, if the doors were to be reset, the player
  //would be trapped in this and the next room until somebody came by and opened
  //the wall from the other side. Not recommended for regular mud rooms unless
  //you make sure they have a way out.
  set_door_func("pyrodoor7", "open", (:deny_wall_action:));
  set_door_func("pyrodoor7", "close", (:deny_wall_action:));
  set_door_func("pyrodoor7", "lock", (:deny_wall_action:));
  set_door_func("pyrodoor7", "unlock", (:deny_wall_action:));

  set_door_func("pyrodoor8", "close", (:deny_door_broken:), "broken");
Exemple #6
/*prototipo: int get_lock(char *srvName,char *dirName,char *idBucket,BUCKET_T *buffer)
 *objetivo: verificar se o servidor que ira executar operacao de escrita adquiriu o lock ou nao*/
int get_lock(char *srvName,char *dirName,char *idBucket,BUCKET_T *buffer){
	char lock_flag;
	BUCKET_T header;
	char lock_owner[SRVNAME_SIZE];
	int locked;
	lock_flag = ' ';
	locked = 0;
	header = *buffer;
	/*utilizar check_locked() para verifcar se o servidor ja adquiriu o lock
	  se ele ja tiver adquirido lock, locked vai retornar 1 e lock_owner vai
	  retornar o nome do servidor*/
	state = check_locked(idBucket,srvName,&locked,lock_owner);
	/*somente sera requerido lock se nao houver lock no bufffer
	  se o buffer ja tiver bloqueado pelo proprio servidor que esta pedindo
	  vai retornar 1 permitindo a operacao de escrita*/
	if((state == 1) && (locked == 0) && (strlen(lock_owner) == 0) ){
		// conecta-se ao pool/servidor
		state	=	set_server(cluster,srvName,&ioctx);
		if(state < 0){
			fprintf(stderr,"[get_lock/iceph.c] Servidor não localizado!\n");
			return 1;
		//seta o diretorio
		state	=	set_directory(dirName,&ioctx);
		if(state >= 0){
			state = read_object(ioctx,idBucket,&lock_flag,LOCK_FLAG_SIZE,0,0);		
			if(state >= 0){
				if(lock_flag == '0'){
					lock_flag = '1';
					//altera o flag em disco
					state = write_object(ioctx,idBucket,&lock_flag,LOCK_FLAG_SIZE,0,0);
					if(state >= 0){
						//altera no buffer
						*(header+LCKFLAG_OFFSET) = lock_flag;
						//altera o parametro locked no buffer_pool
						state = set_locked(idBucket,srvName,lock_flag);
				  return 0;
				return 0; //retorna 0 pois nao conseguir escrever no bucket
			fprintf(stderr,"[get_lock/iceph.c] Diretório não localizado!\n");
			return 0;
		header = NULL;
	}else if((state == 1) && (locked == 1))
		return 1; //srvName ja adquiriu o lock neste buffer

	return 1;	 
Exemple #7
rtimer_set(struct rtimer *rtimer, rtimer_clock_t time,
	   rtimer_clock_t duration,
	   rtimer_callback_t func, void *ptr)
  int res;

  PRINTF("rtimer_set time %d\n", time);

  if (locked) {
    res = set_locked(rtimer, time, func, ptr);
  } else {
    locked = 1;
    res = set_locked(rtimer, time, func, ptr);
    locked = 0;
  return res;
Exemple #8
int break_door(string str) {
  if(str != "door" && str != "down door")
    return 0;
  if(query_door_status("pyrodoor8") == "broken") {
    return notify_fail("The door is already broken.\n");
  write("You place a firm kick in the center of the door and snap it off of its hinges.");
  message("say", this_player()->query_cap_name()+" breaks the door off its hinges.",
          environment(this_player()), this_player());
  set_door_status("pyrodoor8", "broken");
  set_closed("pyrodoor8", 0);
  set_locked("pyrodoor8", 0);
  return 1;
Exemple #9
void create() {
  set("long","This room explains why this hall is well kept, yet mostly "
    "unused.  On the east wall is a large set of double doors, engraved with intricate "
    "symbols.  The decorations abruptly end here, while the hall continues north.  "
    "The red carpet leads right up to the doors.  This room must belong to royalty.");
  set_smell("default","There is a fresh breeze in this part of the palace.");
  set_listen("default","It is fairly quiet here.");
  set_items((["wall":"The wall is quite plain here on the second floor.",
    "doors":"The immense doors have been carved with great care.",
    "decorations":"They stop abruptly after the room to the east.",
    "carpet":"The %^RED%^crimson carpet%^RESET%^ covers the ground."]));
  set_door("door", ROOMS "palace27.c", "enter", "bedroom key");
  set_open("door", 1);
  set_locked("door", 0);
  set_exits((["north":ROOMS "palace26.c","south":ROOMS "palace24.c","enter":ROOMS "palace27.c"]));
Exemple #10
acl_int64 aio_timer_callback::trigger(void)
	// sanity check
	if (tasks_.empty())
		return TIMER_EMPTY;

	acl_assert(length_ > 0);


	std::list<aio_timer_task*>::iterator it, next;
	std::list<aio_timer_task*> tasks;
	aio_timer_task* task;

	// 从定时器中取出到达的定时任务
	for (it = tasks_.begin(); it != tasks_.end(); it = next)
		if ((*it)->when > present_)
		next = it;
		task = *it;

	// 有可能这些到达的定时任务已经被用户提前删除了
	if (tasks.empty())

		aio_timer_task* first = tasks_.front();
		acl_int64 delay = first->when - present_;
		return delay < 0 ? 0 : delay;

	// 将到达的定时任务重新放回至定时器的任务列表中,
	// 并开始触发所有的到达的定时任务

	// 必须先设置触发器的忙状态,以防止子类在回调过程
	// 中调用了该类对象的析构过程

	// 设置解锁后销毁标志为 false,因为当前该定时器处于
	// 锁定状态,所以其它类对象不能直接在锁定时销毁本类
	// 对象,当解锁后,如果该标识被置为 true,则本类对象
	// 应该自动销毁
	destroy_on_unlock_ = false;

	for (it = tasks.begin(); it != tasks.end(); ++it)


	// 允许之后的操作中被子类调用析构过程

	// 子类有可能会在 timer_callback 中删除了所有的定时任务
	if (tasks_.empty())
		return TIMER_EMPTY;

	aio_timer_task* first = tasks_.front();
	acl_int64 delay = first->when - present_;

	// 如果在加锁期间外部程序要求释放该对象,则在此处释放
	if (destroy_on_unlock_)
		return -1;
	return delay < 0 ? 0 : delay;
Exemple #11
void manage_window(xcb_window_t win, rule_consequence_t *csq, int fd)
	monitor_t *m = mon;
	desktop_t *d = mon->desk;
	node_t *f = mon->desk->focus;

	parse_rule_consequence(fd, csq);

	if (!csq->manage) {

	if (csq->node_desc[0] != '\0') {
		coordinates_t ref = {m, d, f};
		coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
		if (node_from_desc(csq->node_desc, &ref, &trg)) {
			m = trg.monitor;
			d = trg.desktop;
			f = trg.node;
	} else if (csq->desktop_desc[0] != '\0') {
		coordinates_t ref = {m, d, NULL};
		coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
		if (desktop_from_desc(csq->desktop_desc, &ref, &trg)) {
			m = trg.monitor;
			d = trg.desktop;
			f = trg.desktop->focus;
	} else if (csq->monitor_desc[0] != '\0') {
		coordinates_t ref = {m, NULL, NULL};
		coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
		if (monitor_from_desc(csq->monitor_desc, &ref, &trg)) {
			m = trg.monitor;
			d = trg.monitor->desk;
			f = trg.monitor->desk->focus;

	if (csq->sticky) {
		m = mon;
		d = mon->desk;
		f = mon->desk->focus;

	if (csq->split_dir[0] != '\0' && f != NULL) {
		direction_t dir;
		if (parse_direction(csq->split_dir, &dir)) {
			presel_dir(m, d, f, dir);

	if (csq->split_ratio != 0 && f != NULL) {
		presel_ratio(m, d, f, csq->split_ratio);

	node_t *n = make_node(win);
	client_t *c = make_client();
	c->border_width = csq->border ? d->border_width : 0;
	n->client = c;

	if (c->floating_rectangle.x == 0 && c->floating_rectangle.y == 0) {
		csq->center = true;

	c->min_width = csq->min_width;
	c->max_width = csq->max_width;
	c->min_height = csq->min_height;
	c->max_height = csq->max_height;

	monitor_t *mm = monitor_from_client(c);
	embrace_client(mm, c);
	adapt_geometry(&mm->rectangle, &m->rectangle, n);

	if (csq->center) {
		window_center(m, c);

	snprintf(c->class_name, sizeof(c->class_name), "%s", csq->class_name);
	snprintf(c->instance_name, sizeof(c->instance_name), "%s", csq->instance_name);

	f = insert_node(m, d, n, f);

	put_status(SBSC_MASK_NODE_MANAGE, "node_manage %s %s 0x%X 0x%X\n", m->name, d->name, win, f!=NULL?f->id:0);

	if (f != NULL && f->client != NULL && csq->state != NULL && *(csq->state) == STATE_FLOATING) {
		c->last_layer = c->layer = f->client->layer;

	if (csq->layer != NULL) {
		c->last_layer = c->layer = *(csq->layer);

	if (csq->state != NULL) {
		set_state(m, d, n, *(csq->state));
		c->last_state = c->state;

	set_locked(m, d, n, csq->locked);
	set_sticky(m, d, n, csq->sticky);
	set_private(m, d, n, csq->private);

	arrange(m, d);

	bool give_focus = (csq->focus && (d == mon->desk || csq->follow));

	if (give_focus) {
		focus_node(m, d, n);
	} else if (csq->focus) {
		activate_node(m, d, n);
	} else {
		stack(d, n, false);

	uint32_t values[] = {CLIENT_EVENT_MASK | (focus_follows_pointer ? XCB_EVENT_MASK_ENTER_WINDOW : 0)};
	xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, win, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);

	if (d == m->desk) {
	} else {

	/* the same function is already called in `focus_node` but has no effects on unmapped windows */
	if (give_focus) {
		xcb_set_input_focus(dpy, XCB_INPUT_FOCUS_POINTER_ROOT, win, XCB_CURRENT_TIME);

	ewmh_set_wm_desktop(n, d);
Exemple #12
void manage_window(xcb_window_t win, rule_consequence_t *csq, int fd)
	monitor_t *m = mon;
	desktop_t *d = mon->desk;
	node_t *f = mon->desk->focus;

	parse_rule_consequence(fd, csq);

	if (!csq->manage) {

	if (csq->node_desc[0] != '\0') {
		coordinates_t ref = {m, d, f};
		coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
		if (node_from_desc(csq->node_desc, &ref, &trg) == SELECTOR_OK) {
			m = trg.monitor;
			d = trg.desktop;
			f = trg.node;
	} else if (csq->desktop_desc[0] != '\0') {
		coordinates_t ref = {m, d, NULL};
		coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
		if (desktop_from_desc(csq->desktop_desc, &ref, &trg) == SELECTOR_OK) {
			m = trg.monitor;
			d = trg.desktop;
			f = trg.desktop->focus;
	} else if (csq->monitor_desc[0] != '\0') {
		coordinates_t ref = {m, NULL, NULL};
		coordinates_t trg = {NULL, NULL, NULL};
		if (monitor_from_desc(csq->monitor_desc, &ref, &trg) == SELECTOR_OK) {
			m = trg.monitor;
			d = trg.monitor->desk;
			f = trg.monitor->desk->focus;

	if (csq->sticky) {
		m = mon;
		d = mon->desk;
		f = mon->desk->focus;

	if (csq->split_dir[0] != '\0' && f != NULL) {
		direction_t dir;
		if (parse_direction(csq->split_dir, &dir)) {
			presel_dir(m, d, f, dir);

	if (csq->split_ratio != 0 && f != NULL) {
		presel_ratio(m, d, f, csq->split_ratio);

	node_t *n = make_node(win);
	client_t *c = make_client();
	c->border_width = csq->border ? d->border_width : 0;
	n->client = c;

	if (c->floating_rectangle.x == 0 && c->floating_rectangle.y == 0) {
		csq->center = true;

	monitor_t *mm = monitor_from_client(c);
	embrace_client(mm, c);
	adapt_geometry(&mm->rectangle, &m->rectangle, n);

	if (csq->center) {
		window_center(m, c);

	snprintf(c->class_name, sizeof(c->class_name), "%s", csq->class_name);
	snprintf(c->instance_name, sizeof(c->instance_name), "%s", csq->instance_name);

	f = insert_node(m, d, n, f);

	put_status(SBSC_MASK_NODE_MANAGE, "node_manage 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X 0x%08X\n", m->id, d->id, win, f!=NULL?f->id:0);

	if (f != NULL && f->client != NULL && csq->state != NULL && *(csq->state) == STATE_FLOATING) {
		c->layer = f->client->layer;

	if (csq->layer != NULL) {
		c->layer = *(csq->layer);

	if (csq->state != NULL) {
		set_state(m, d, n, *(csq->state));

	set_hidden(m, d, n, csq->hidden);
	set_sticky(m, d, n, csq->sticky);
	set_private(m, d, n, csq->private);
	set_locked(m, d, n, csq->locked);

	arrange(m, d);

	uint32_t values[] = {CLIENT_EVENT_MASK | (focus_follows_pointer ? XCB_EVENT_MASK_ENTER_WINDOW : 0)};
	xcb_change_window_attributes(dpy, win, XCB_CW_EVENT_MASK, values);

	if (d == m->desk) {
		show_node(d, n);
	} else {
		hide_node(d, n);

	if (!csq->hidden && csq->focus) {
		if (d == mon->desk || csq->follow) {
			focus_node(m, d, n);
		} else {
			activate_node(m, d, n);
	} else {
		stack(d, n, false);

	ewmh_set_wm_desktop(n, d);