Exemple #1
void create(){
  set("author", "Waxer");
  set("light", 1);
  set_outside("zone", "2");
  set("short", "at the battle of Cephrin");
  set("long", @EndDesc
A large, dry gorge lies to the southeast.  The battlefield
surrounds you in its gruesome intensity.  The now decayed
corpses of the fallen, caught in their death throes paint
a portrait of a long and desperate battle.  The vegetation
seems to grow thicker to the north, allowing even some
trees to line the path you are standing on.

set("item_desc", ([ 
     "gorge" : "This is a large, dry gorge, you would have to jump across it.\n",
     "vegetation" : "The forest around the battle has begun to seep back into the area.\n",
     "trees" : "Some small pine and cedar trees have begun to line the path.\n",

set("exits", ([

    "southeast" : ROOMS(b4),
    "north" : ROOMS(b10),


set("pre_exit_func", ([ "southeast" : "foo" ]));

Exemple #2
void create() {
  set("author", "Gendor");
  set("light", 1);
  set("short", "the dock.");
 	set_outside("zone", "2");
  set("long", @ENDLONG
Here, a large net lies on the edge of the dock.  
Offshore, you can hear an arguement about somthing.
  set("item_desc", ([
  	"dock" : "The dock is made of wood, and is very small.\n",
  ]) );
  set("listen", ([
  	"default" : "You are a dumbass....you left the net...No I didn't!  YOU did!\n",
]) );
 set("exits", ([
				"south" : ROOMS(dock),
  ]) );
set("objects", ([
    MON(crab) : 1,
  ]) );

Exemple #3
void extra_create()
  set_short( "Room with no escape" );
  set_long("You can run, but you can't hide...\n");
  set_exits((["north"  : "/u/a/allanon/workroom/noexit2.c"]) );
void create() {
  set("short", "On the ramparts.");
  set("long", "You stand on the ramparts on the castle wall.
  set("light", 1) ;
  set("exits", ([
    "west" : ROOMS(rampart12.c),
    "east" : ROOMS(rampart14.c),
  ]) ) ;
void create() {
  set("short", "On the ramparts.") ;
  set("long", @ENDLONG
You are on the ramparts of the castle wall.
  set_outside("Light") ;
  set("exits", ([
  "north" :ROOMS(rampart6),
  "south" : ROOMS(rampart4),
  ]) );
  set("item_desc", ([
  ]) );
  set("objects", ([
 ]) );
Exemple #6
Fichier : be.c Projet : cfong57/mud
void extra_create()
  set_short( "Eastern edge of a battleground" );
  set_long(wrap("You're standing in a dense forest. A few trees have deep "+
  "cuts in them, as if someone was trying to cut them down but was "+
  "interrupted. The ground vegetation is quite scuffed here - it seems like "+
  "many people have moved through the area recently. There are a few "+
  "bloodstains dotting the ground here and there, and they make you feel "+
  "ill-at-ease. At least there's less blood here than the center of the "+
  "battleground. This seems to be a dead end: trees block your path in every "+
  "way except the one you entered from...\n"));
  ({"trees", "deep cuts", "cuts", "dense forest", "forest"}) : "Seems like "+
  "lumberjacks tried to cut these trees down but had to stop before "+
  "finishing. Upon closer examination of the trees, you spot a very faint "+
  "trail leading away to the southwest.\n", 
void create()
  set( "light", 1 );
  set("short","A boring room");
  set( "long", @EndText
Long desc goes here  :>
  set( "exits", ([
    ]) );
     set("item_desc", ([
       ]) );
  set("search_desc", ([
	]) );
Exemple #8
void extra_create()
  set_light( (: query_ambient_light :) );
  set_short( "A barren clearing in the middle of the forest" );
  set_long( wrap("The ground here is badly blackened, seemingly from an old "+
  "explosion. The blast area stretches for at least 20 feet in both "+
  "directions. The gutted, fire-charred remains of a laboratory, now almost "+
  "destroyed by the forces of nature, stands in the middle. Curious slime "+
  "trails and puddles of sickly ooze dot the clearing, giving off a strong, "+
  "pungent odor. A large, forbidding-looking hole with a ladder leads "+
  "downwards. Pale green fog billows out of it, making it difficult to "+

                  "ground" : "It's scorched pretty badly.\n",
                  ({ "remains", "laboratory"}) : "The remains look like they could collapse any "+
                  "day now.\n",
void create() {
  set("short", "On the ramparts.");
  set("long", @ENDLONG
You are on the ramparts of the castle wall.
  set("light", 1);
  set_outside(); // default to weather zone A
  set("exits", ([
    "west" : ROOMS(rampart9),
    "east" : ROOMS(rampart11),
  ]) );
  set("item_desc", ([
  ]) );
  set("search_desc", ([
  ]) );
  set("objects", ([
  ]) );
  set("exit_msg", ([
  ]) );
Exemple #10
void create() {
  set("author", "Gendor");
  set("light", 1);
  set("short", "A forest path.");
	set_outside("zone", "2");
set("long", @ENDLONG
You are on a plain forest path.  To the west, you can see a
campfire of some type.  To the east, a weather-beaten path
can be seen leading north and south.

  set("item_desc", ([
  "path" : "The path has little footprints all over it.\n",
    "campfire" : "The fire crackles and spits a little.\n",
   ]) );
  set("exits", ([
    "east" : ROOMS(outskirts),
    "west" :  ROOMS(wroad2)
  ]) );
void create() {
  set("author", "Waxer");  

  set("light", 1);

  set("short", "inside a cruddy shack.");
set("long", @ENDLONG
You stand inside a broken-down shack that once used to
be a nice home.  All that remains of the furnishings is
a wood-burning stove and a feather cot that lies in a corner.

set("objects", ([ MON(c_man.c) : 1, ]));
  set("item_desc", ([
    "stove" : "This is an ancient wood-burning stove.\n",
    "cot" : "It looks like a filthy sleeping place.\n",
    "boards" : "The boards look quite old and dry.",
    "windows" : "What windows?  The glass litters the ground infront of the house.\n",
    "lantern" : "The lantern is lit.\n",
    "glass" : "The glass is in splinters on the ground.\n",
   ]) );
  set("smell", ([
    "default" : "The maintains a damp smell, perhaps from such little light it\nreceives.\n",
    "lantern" : "You smell fresh oil burning in the lanterm.\n",
]) );

  set("exits", ([
    "west" :  ROOMS(shack),  
  ]) );
create_door("west", "east", "The door is rotten and could be easily smashed down", "closed", "", 2);
Exemple #12
void create() {
  set("author", "Waxer");  

  set("light", 1);

  set("short", "The beginning of a cobblestone street.");
set("long", @ENDLONG
The cobblestone street continues.  To the west the smell of burkhberry pie is
pronounced.  To the east the traffic becomes more frequent.  To the north
you can see a narrow path that leads through the forest.  To the south is a
small building with a sign over the door. 

  set("item_desc", ([ 
      "sign" : "You are too far away to look at the sign.\n",
      "traffic" : "There are many different kinds of commerce happening here.\n",
       "path" : "You sense this path may lead somewhere interesting.\n",
       "building" : "You see many dwarves going in an out of the building carrying bags.\n", 
 ]) );
set("smell", ([
    "default" : "You smell cedarwood burning from a nearby fireplace.\n", 
  ]) );
  set("exits", ([
    "path" :  ROOMS(npath),
     "south" : ROOMS(shop),
     "east" : ROOMS(street3),
     "west" : ROOMS(street), 
     ]) );
Exemple #13
void create() {
  set("author", "Waxer");  

  set("light", 1);

  set("short", "outside a broken-down shack.");
set("long", @ENDLONG
Before you lies a broken down shack, the boards that once
made this a fine home now have betrayed it to age and decay.
The windows that once shielded the occupants, lay shattered
on the ground outside.  A small lantern hangs from the doorframe.

  set("item_desc", ([
    "boards" : "The boards look quite old and dry.",
    "windows" : "What windows?  The glass litters the ground infront of the house.\n",
    "lantern" : "The lantern is lit.\n",
    "glass" : "The glass is in splinters on the ground.\n",
   ]) );
  set("smell", ([
    "default" : "The maintains a damp smell, perhaps from such little light it\nreceives.\n",
    "lantern" : "You smell fresh oil burning in the lanterm.\n",
]) );

  set("exits", ([
    "east" :  ROOMS(in_shack),
    "west" :  ROOMS(nlane5),  
  ]) );
create_door("east", "west", "The door is rotten and could be easily smashed down", "closed", "", 2);