inline void TORRENT_DEPRECATED set_piece_hashes(create_torrent& t, std::wstring const& p)
		error_code ec;
		set_piece_hashes(t, p, detail::nop, ec);
		if (ec) throw libtorrent_exception(ec);
	void TORRENT_DEPRECATED set_piece_hashes(create_torrent& t, std::wstring const& p, Fun f)
		error_code ec;
		set_piece_hashes(t, p, f, ec);
		if (ec) throw libtorrent_exception(ec);
	bool make( std::string target_file, std::string outfile
		, ErrorHandler error_handler
		, ProgressHandler print_progress
		, std::vector<std::string> const & web_seeds, std::vector<std::string> & trackers
		, bool use_merklefile /*= false*/, std::string root_cert /*= ""*/
		, int pad_file_limit /*= -1*/, int piece_size /*= 0*/, bool inc_sha1_hash /*= true*/
		, bool dont_follow_symlinks /*= false*/ )
		char const* creator_str = "libtorrent";

		int flags = 0;

			std::string merklefile;

			if( use_merklefile )
				merklefile = outfile + "_mkl";
				flags |= create_torrent::merkle;

			if( inc_sha1_hash )
				flags |= create_torrent::calculate_file_hashes;

			if( pad_file_limit > 0 )
				flags |= create_torrent::optimize;

			if( dont_follow_symlinks )
				flags |= create_torrent::symlinks;

			if( trackers.empty() )
				trackers.push_back( "udp://" );
				trackers.push_back( "udp://" );

			file_storage fs;
			file_pool fp;
			std::string full_path = libtorrent::complete( target_file );

			add_files(fs, full_path, [](std::string const& f)->bool
				if (filename(f)[0] == '.') return false;
				//fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", f.c_str());
				return true;
			, flags);

			if (fs.num_files() == 0)
				error_handler( 0, "no target files specified.\n" );
				return false;

			create_torrent t(fs, piece_size, pad_file_limit, flags);

			int tracker_count = 0;

			for (auto i = trackers.begin(); i != trackers.end(); ++i)
				t.add_tracker(*i, tracker_count++);

			for (auto i = web_seeds.begin(); i != web_seeds.end(); ++i)
				//if( i->find( "http" ) == 0 )
				//	t.add_http_seed(*i);

			error_code ec;
			set_piece_hashes(t, parent_path(full_path)
				, boost::bind(print_progress, _1, t.num_pieces()), ec);

			if (ec)
				error_handler( 1, ec.message().c_str() );
				return false;


			if (!root_cert.empty())
				std::vector<char> pem;
				load_file(root_cert, pem, ec, 10000);
				if (ec)
					error_handler( 2, (ec.message() + ": failed to load root certificate for tracker.").c_str() );
					return false;
					t.set_root_cert(std::string(&pem[0], pem.size()));

			// create the torrent and print it to stdout
			std::vector<char> torrent;
			bencode(back_inserter(torrent), t.generate());
			FILE* output = stdout;
			if (!outfile.empty())
				output = fopen(outfile.c_str(), "wb+");
			fwrite(&torrent[0], 1, torrent.size(), output);

			if (output != stdout)

			if (!merklefile.empty())
				output = fopen(merklefile.c_str(), "wb+");
				int ret = fwrite(&t.merkle_tree()[0], 20, t.merkle_tree().size(), output);
				if (ret != t.merkle_tree().size() * 20)
					error_handler( 3, (merklefile + " : failed to write.").c_str() );
					return false;


		catch (std::exception& e)
			error_handler( 4, e.what() );
			return false;
		return true;
Exemple #4
	inline void set_piece_hashes(create_torrent& t, std::wstring const& p, error_code& ec)
		set_piece_hashes(t, p, detail::nop, ec);
Exemple #5
	void set_piece_hashes(create_torrent& t, std::wstring const& p, Fun f)
		error_code ec;
		set_piece_hashes(t, p, f, ec);
		if (ec) throw libtorrent_exception(ec);
Exemple #6
	inline void set_piece_hashes(create_torrent& t, std::string const& p)
		error_code ec;
		set_piece_hashes(t, p, detail::nop, ec);
		if (ec) throw libtorrent_exception(ec);
	inline void TORRENT_DEPRECATED set_piece_hashes(create_torrent& t, std::wstring const& p, error_code& ec)
		set_piece_hashes(t, p, detail::nop, ec);
Exemple #8
	void set_piece_hashes(create_torrent& t, std::string const& p, Fun f)
		error_code ec;
		set_piece_hashes(t, p, f, ec);
		if (ec) throw system_error(ec);
Exemple #9
	inline void set_piece_hashes(create_torrent& t, std::string const& p)
		error_code ec;
		set_piece_hashes(t, p, detail::nop, ec);
		if (ec) throw system_error(ec);