tril& tril::operator=(const uncertainty& rhs) { /* We only copy the uncertainty state, so as to preserve the * boolean bit and allow reverting with `certain()`. */ set_u(; return *this; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { static xyc *Z; static nde *N; static double **A, *u; initop(argc, argv); fp2mesh(stdfp(),Z,N); ary2(A,dim1(Z)+1, dim1(Z)+1); ary1(u,dim1(Z)+1); set_A(Z,N,A); set_u(Z,u); esolver(A,u); plt(NULL,NULL,Z,N,u); sleep(1000); return 0; }
Edge3D::Edge3D(Node3D* u, Node3D* v): m_u(0), m_v(0) { set_u(u); set_v(v); }
/* The topology of the profile HMM: /\ /\ /\ /\ I[1] I[k-1] I[k] I[L] ^ \ \ ^ \ ^ \ \ ^ | \ \ | \ | \ \ | M[0] M[1] -> ... -> M[k-1] -> M[k] -> ... -> M[L] M[L+1] \ \/ \/ \/ / \ /\ /\ /\ / -> D[k-1] -> D[k] -> M[0] points to every {M,I}[k] and every {M,I}[k] points M[L+1]. On input, _ref is the reference sequence and _query is the query sequence. Both are sequences of 0/1/2/3/4 where 4 stands for an ambiguous residue. iqual is the base quality. c sets the gap open probability, gap extension probability and band width. On output, state and q are arrays of length l_query. The higher 30 bits give the reference position the query base is matched to and the lower two bits can be 0 (an alignment match) or 1 (an insertion). q[i] gives the phred scaled posterior probability of state[i] being wrong. */ int kpa_glocal(const uint8_t *_ref, int l_ref, const uint8_t *_query, int l_query, const uint8_t *iqual, const kpa_par_t *c, int *state, uint8_t *q) { double **f, **b = 0, *s, m[9], sI, sM, bI, bM, pb; float *qual, *_qual; const uint8_t *ref, *query; int bw, bw2, i, k, is_diff = 0, is_backward = 1, Pr; if ( l_ref<=0 || l_query<=0 ) return 0; // FIXME: this may not be an ideal fix, just prevents sefgault /*** initialization ***/ is_backward = state && q? 1 : 0; ref = _ref - 1; query = _query - 1; // change to 1-based coordinate bw = l_ref > l_query? l_ref : l_query; if (bw > c->bw) bw = c->bw; if (bw < abs(l_ref - l_query)) bw = abs(l_ref - l_query); bw2 = bw * 2 + 1; // allocate the forward and backward matrices f[][] and b[][] and the scaling array s[] f = calloc(l_query+1, sizeof(void*)); if (is_backward) b = calloc(l_query+1, sizeof(void*)); for (i = 0; i <= l_query; ++i) { // FIXME: this will lead in segfault for l_query==0 f[i] = calloc(bw2 * 3 + 6, sizeof(double)); // FIXME: this is over-allocated for very short seqs if (is_backward) b[i] = calloc(bw2 * 3 + 6, sizeof(double)); } s = calloc(l_query+2, sizeof(double)); // s[] is the scaling factor to avoid underflow // initialize qual _qual = calloc(l_query, sizeof(float)); if (g_qual2prob[0] == 0) for (i = 0; i < 256; ++i) g_qual2prob[i] = pow(10, -i/10.); for (i = 0; i < l_query; ++i) _qual[i] = g_qual2prob[iqual? iqual[i] : 30]; qual = _qual - 1; // initialize transition probability sM = sI = 1. / (2 * l_query + 2); // the value here seems not to affect results; FIXME: need proof m[0*3+0] = (1 - c->d - c->d) * (1 - sM); m[0*3+1] = m[0*3+2] = c->d * (1 - sM); m[1*3+0] = (1 - c->e) * (1 - sI); m[1*3+1] = c->e * (1 - sI); m[1*3+2] = 0.; m[2*3+0] = 1 - c->e; m[2*3+1] = 0.; m[2*3+2] = c->e; bM = (1 - c->d) / l_ref; bI = c->d / l_ref; // (bM+bI)*l_ref==1 /*** forward ***/ // f[0] set_u(k, bw, 0, 0); f[0][k] = s[0] = 1.; { // f[1] double *fi = f[1], sum; int beg = 1, end = l_ref < bw + 1? l_ref : bw + 1, _beg, _end; for (k = beg, sum = 0.; k <= end; ++k) { int u; double e = (ref[k] > 3 || query[1] > 3)? 1. : ref[k] == query[1]? 1. - qual[1] : qual[1] * EM; set_u(u, bw, 1, k); fi[u+0] = e * bM; fi[u+1] = EI * bI; sum += fi[u] + fi[u+1]; } // rescale s[1] = sum; set_u(_beg, bw, 1, beg); set_u(_end, bw, 1, end); _end += 2; for (k = _beg; k <= _end; ++k) fi[k] /= sum; } // f[2..l_query] for (i = 2; i <= l_query; ++i) { double *fi = f[i], *fi1 = f[i-1], sum, qli = qual[i]; int beg = 1, end = l_ref, x, _beg, _end; uint8_t qyi = query[i]; x = i - bw; beg = beg > x? beg : x; // band start x = i + bw; end = end < x? end : x; // band end for (k = beg, sum = 0.; k <= end; ++k) { int u, v11, v01, v10; double e; e = (ref[k] > 3 || qyi > 3)? 1. : ref[k] == qyi? 1. - qli : qli * EM; set_u(u, bw, i, k); set_u(v11, bw, i-1, k-1); set_u(v10, bw, i-1, k); set_u(v01, bw, i, k-1); fi[u+0] = e * (m[0] * fi1[v11+0] + m[3] * fi1[v11+1] + m[6] * fi1[v11+2]); fi[u+1] = EI * (m[1] * fi1[v10+0] + m[4] * fi1[v10+1]); fi[u+2] = m[2] * fi[v01+0] + m[8] * fi[v01+2]; sum += fi[u] + fi[u+1] + fi[u+2]; // fprintf(stderr, "F (%d,%d;%d): %lg,%lg,%lg\n", i, k, u, fi[u], fi[u+1], fi[u+2]); // DEBUG } // rescale s[i] = sum; set_u(_beg, bw, i, beg); set_u(_end, bw, i, end); _end += 2; for (k = _beg, sum = 1./sum; k <= _end; ++k) fi[k] *= sum; } { // f[l_query+1] double sum; for (k = 1, sum = 0.; k <= l_ref; ++k) { int u; set_u(u, bw, l_query, k); if (u < 3 || u >= bw2*3+3) continue; sum += f[l_query][u+0] * sM + f[l_query][u+1] * sI; } s[l_query+1] = sum; // the last scaling factor } { // compute likelihood double p = 1., Pr1 = 0.; for (i = 0; i <= l_query + 1; ++i) { p *= s[i]; if (p < 1e-100) Pr1 += -4.343 * log(p), p = 1.; } Pr1 += -4.343 * log(p * l_ref * l_query); Pr = (int)(Pr1 + .499); if (!is_backward) { // skip backward and MAP for (i = 0; i <= l_query; ++i) free(f[i]); free(f); free(s); free(_qual); return Pr; } } /*** backward ***/ // b[l_query] (b[l_query+1][0]=1 and thus \tilde{b}[][]=1/s[l_query+1]; this is where s[l_query+1] comes from) for (k = 1; k <= l_ref; ++k) { int u; double *bi = b[l_query]; set_u(u, bw, l_query, k); if (u < 3 || u >= bw2*3+3) continue; bi[u+0] = sM / s[l_query] / s[l_query+1]; bi[u+1] = sI / s[l_query] / s[l_query+1]; } // b[l_query-1..1] for (i = l_query - 1; i >= 1; --i) { int beg = 1, end = l_ref, x, _beg, _end; double *bi = b[i], *bi1 = b[i+1], y = (i > 1), qli1 = qual[i+1]; uint8_t qyi1 = query[i+1]; x = i - bw; beg = beg > x? beg : x; x = i + bw; end = end < x? end : x; for (k = end; k >= beg; --k) { int u, v11, v01, v10; double e; set_u(u, bw, i, k); set_u(v11, bw, i+1, k+1); set_u(v10, bw, i+1, k); set_u(v01, bw, i, k+1); e = (k >= l_ref? 0 : (ref[k+1] > 3 || qyi1 > 3)? 1. : ref[k+1] == qyi1? 1. - qli1 : qli1 * EM) * bi1[v11]; bi[u+0] = e * m[0] + EI * m[1] * bi1[v10+1] + m[2] * bi[v01+2]; // bi1[v11] has been foled into e. bi[u+1] = e * m[3] + EI * m[4] * bi1[v10+1]; bi[u+2] = (e * m[6] + m[8] * bi[v01+2]) * y; // fprintf(stderr, "B (%d,%d;%d): %lg,%lg,%lg\n", i, k, u, bi[u], bi[u+1], bi[u+2]); // DEBUG } // rescale set_u(_beg, bw, i, beg); set_u(_end, bw, i, end); _end += 2; for (k = _beg, y = 1./s[i]; k <= _end; ++k) bi[k] *= y; } { // b[0] int beg = 1, end = l_ref < bw + 1? l_ref : bw + 1; double sum = 0.; for (k = end; k >= beg; --k) { int u; double e = (ref[k] > 3 || query[1] > 3)? 1. : ref[k] == query[1]? 1. - qual[1] : qual[1] * EM; set_u(u, bw, 1, k); if (u < 3 || u >= bw2*3+3) continue; sum += e * b[1][u+0] * bM + EI * b[1][u+1] * bI; } set_u(k, bw, 0, 0); pb = b[0][k] = sum / s[0]; // if everything works as is expected, pb == 1.0 } is_diff = fabs(pb - 1.) > 1e-7? 1 : 0; /*** MAP ***/ for (i = 1; i <= l_query; ++i) { double sum = 0., *fi = f[i], *bi = b[i], max = 0.; int beg = 1, end = l_ref, x, max_k = -1; x = i - bw; beg = beg > x? beg : x; x = i + bw; end = end < x? end : x; for (k = beg; k <= end; ++k) { int u; double z; set_u(u, bw, i, k); z = fi[u+0] * bi[u+0]; if (z > max) max = z, max_k = (k-1)<<2 | 0; sum += z; z = fi[u+1] * bi[u+1]; if (z > max) max = z, max_k = (k-1)<<2 | 1; sum += z; } max /= sum; sum *= s[i]; // if everything works as is expected, sum == 1.0 if (state) state[i-1] = max_k; if (q) k = (int)(-4.343 * log(1. - max) + .499), q[i-1] = k > 100? 99 : k; #ifdef _MAIN fprintf(stderr, "(%.10lg,%.10lg) (%d,%d:%c,%c:%d) %lg\n", pb, sum, i-1, max_k>>2, "ACGT"[query[i]], "ACGT"[ref[(max_k>>2)+1]], max_k&3, max); // DEBUG #endif } /*** free ***/ for (i = 0; i <= l_query; ++i) { free(f[i]); free(b[i]); } free(f); free(b); free(s); free(_qual); return Pr; }
static cigar* banded_sw (const int8_t* ref, const int8_t* read, int32_t refLen, int32_t readLen, int32_t score, const uint32_t weight_gapO, /* will be used as - */ const uint32_t weight_gapE, /* will be used as - */ int32_t band_width, const int8_t* mat, /* pointer to the weight matrix */ int32_t n) { uint32_t *c = (uint32_t*)malloc(16 * sizeof(uint32_t)), *c1; int32_t i, j, e, f, temp1, temp2, s = 16, s1 = 8, l, max = 0; int64_t s2 = 1024; char op, prev_op; int32_t width, width_d, *h_b, *e_b, *h_c; int8_t *direction, *direction_line; cigar* result = (cigar*)malloc(sizeof(cigar)); h_b = (int32_t*)malloc(s1 * sizeof(int32_t)); e_b = (int32_t*)malloc(s1 * sizeof(int32_t)); h_c = (int32_t*)malloc(s1 * sizeof(int32_t)); direction = (int8_t*)malloc(s2 * sizeof(int8_t)); do { width = band_width * 2 + 3, width_d = band_width * 2 + 1; while (width >= s1) { ++s1; kroundup32(s1); h_b = (int32_t*)realloc(h_b, s1 * sizeof(int32_t)); e_b = (int32_t*)realloc(e_b, s1 * sizeof(int32_t)); h_c = (int32_t*)realloc(h_c, s1 * sizeof(int32_t)); } while (width_d * readLen * 3 >= s2) { ++s2; kroundup32(s2); if (s2 < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Alignment score and position are not consensus.\n"); exit(1); } direction = (int8_t*)realloc(direction, s2 * sizeof(int8_t)); } direction_line = direction; for (j = 1; LIKELY(j < width - 1); j ++) h_b[j] = 0; for (i = 0; LIKELY(i < readLen); i ++) { int32_t beg = 0, end = refLen - 1, u = 0, edge; j = i - band_width; beg = beg > j ? beg : j; // band start j = i + band_width; end = end < j ? end : j; // band end edge = end + 1 < width - 1 ? end + 1 : width - 1; f = h_b[0] = e_b[0] = h_b[edge] = e_b[edge] = h_c[0] = 0; direction_line = direction + width_d * i * 3; for (j = beg; LIKELY(j <= end); j ++) { int32_t b, e1, f1, d, de, df, dh; set_u(u, band_width, i, j); set_u(e, band_width, i - 1, j); set_u(b, band_width, i, j - 1); set_u(d, band_width, i - 1, j - 1); set_d(de, band_width, i, j, 0); set_d(df, band_width, i, j, 1); set_d(dh, band_width, i, j, 2); temp1 = i == 0 ? -weight_gapO : h_b[e] - weight_gapO; temp2 = i == 0 ? -weight_gapE : e_b[e] - weight_gapE; e_b[u] = temp1 > temp2 ? temp1 : temp2; direction_line[de] = temp1 > temp2 ? 3 : 2; temp1 = h_c[b] - weight_gapO; temp2 = f - weight_gapE; f = temp1 > temp2 ? temp1 : temp2; direction_line[df] = temp1 > temp2 ? 5 : 4; e1 = e_b[u] > 0 ? e_b[u] : 0; f1 = f > 0 ? f : 0; temp1 = e1 > f1 ? e1 : f1; temp2 = h_b[d] + mat[ref[j] * n + read[i]]; h_c[u] = temp1 > temp2 ? temp1 : temp2; if (h_c[u] > max) max = h_c[u]; if (temp1 <= temp2) direction_line[dh] = 1; else direction_line[dh] = e1 > f1 ? direction_line[de] : direction_line[df]; } for (j = 1; j <= u; j ++) h_b[j] = h_c[j]; } band_width *= 2; } while (LIKELY(max < score)); band_width /= 2; // trace back i = readLen - 1; j = refLen - 1; e = 0; // Count the number of M, D or I. l = 0; // record length of current cigar op = prev_op = 'M'; temp2 = 2; // h while (LIKELY(i > 0)) { set_d(temp1, band_width, i, j, temp2); switch (direction_line[temp1]) { case 1: --i; --j; temp2 = 2; direction_line -= width_d * 3; op = 'M'; break; case 2: --i; temp2 = 0; // e direction_line -= width_d * 3; op = 'I'; break; case 3: --i; temp2 = 2; direction_line -= width_d * 3; op = 'I'; break; case 4: --j; temp2 = 1; op = 'D'; break; case 5: --j; temp2 = 2; op = 'D'; break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Trace back error: %d.\n", direction_line[temp1 - 1]); free(direction); free(h_c); free(e_b); free(h_b); free(c); free(result); return 0; } if (op == prev_op) ++e; else { ++l; while (l >= s) { ++s; kroundup32(s); c = (uint32_t*)realloc(c, s * sizeof(uint32_t)); } c[l - 1] = to_cigar_int(e, prev_op); prev_op = op; e = 1; } } if (op == 'M') { ++l; while (l >= s) { ++s; kroundup32(s); c = (uint32_t*)realloc(c, s * sizeof(uint32_t)); } c[l - 1] = to_cigar_int(e + 1, op); }else { l += 2; while (l >= s) { ++s; kroundup32(s); c = (uint32_t*)realloc(c, s * sizeof(uint32_t)); } c[l - 2] = to_cigar_int(e, op); c[l - 1] = to_cigar_int(1, 'M'); } // reverse cigar c1 = (uint32_t*)malloc(l * sizeof(uint32_t)); s = 0; e = l - 1; while (LIKELY(s <= e)) { c1[s] = c[e]; c1[e] = c[s]; ++ s; -- e; } result->seq = c1; result->length = l; free(direction); free(h_c); free(e_b); free(h_b); free(c); return result; }
tril::tril(bool in_b, bool in_u) :data(0) { set_b(in_b); set_u(in_u); }
tril& tril::operator=(const bool& rhs) { set_b(rhs); set_u(false); return *this; }
bool atomic_base<Base>::rev_sparse_hes( const vector<Base>& x , const local::pod_vector<size_t>& x_index , const local::pod_vector<size_t>& y_index , const InternalSparsity& for_jac_sparsity , bool* rev_jac_flag , InternalSparsity& rev_hes_sparsity ) { CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( for_jac_sparsity.end() == rev_hes_sparsity.end() ); size_t q = rev_hes_sparsity.end(); size_t n = x_index.size(); size_t m = y_index.size(); bool ok = false; size_t thread = thread_alloc::thread_num(); allocate_work(thread); bool zero_empty = true; bool input_empty = false; bool transpose = false; // // vx vector<bool> vx(n); for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) vx[j] = x_index[j] != 0; // // note that s and t are vectors so transpose does not matter for bool case vector<bool> bool_s( work_[thread]->bool_s ); vector<bool> bool_t( work_[thread]->bool_t ); // bool_s.resize(m); bool_t.resize(n); // for(size_t i = 0; i < m; i++) { if( y_index[i] > 0 ) bool_s[i] = rev_jac_flag[ y_index[i] ]; } // std::string msg = ": atomic_base.rev_sparse_hes: returned false"; if( sparsity_ == pack_sparsity_enum ) { vectorBool& pack_r( work_[thread]->pack_r ); vectorBool& pack_u( work_[thread]->pack_u ); vectorBool& pack_v( work_[thread]->pack_h ); // pack_v.resize(n * q); // local::get_internal_sparsity( transpose, x_index, for_jac_sparsity, pack_r ); local::get_internal_sparsity( transpose, y_index, rev_hes_sparsity, pack_u ); // ok = rev_sparse_hes(vx, bool_s, bool_t, q, pack_r, pack_u, pack_v, x); if( ! ok ) ok = rev_sparse_hes(vx, bool_s, bool_t, q, pack_r, pack_u, pack_v); if( ! ok ) { msg = afun_name() + msg + " sparsity = pack_sparsity_enum"; CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(false, msg.c_str()); } local::set_internal_sparsity(zero_empty, input_empty, transpose, x_index, rev_hes_sparsity, pack_v ); } else if( sparsity_ == bool_sparsity_enum ) { vector<bool>& bool_r( work_[thread]->bool_r ); vector<bool>& bool_u( work_[thread]->bool_u ); vector<bool>& bool_v( work_[thread]->bool_h ); // bool_v.resize(n * q); // local::get_internal_sparsity( transpose, x_index, for_jac_sparsity, bool_r ); local::get_internal_sparsity( transpose, y_index, rev_hes_sparsity, bool_u ); // ok = rev_sparse_hes(vx, bool_s, bool_t, q, bool_r, bool_u, bool_v, x); if( ! ok ) ok = rev_sparse_hes(vx, bool_s, bool_t, q, bool_r, bool_u, bool_v); if( ! ok ) { msg = afun_name() + msg + " sparsity = bool_sparsity_enum"; CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(false, msg.c_str()); } local::set_internal_sparsity(zero_empty, input_empty, transpose, x_index, rev_hes_sparsity, bool_v ); } else { CPPAD_ASSERT_UNKNOWN( sparsity_ == set_sparsity_enum ); vector< std::set<size_t> >& set_r( work_[thread]->set_r ); vector< std::set<size_t> >& set_u( work_[thread]->set_u ); vector< std::set<size_t> >& set_v( work_[thread]->set_h ); // set_v.resize(n); // local::get_internal_sparsity( transpose, x_index, for_jac_sparsity, set_r ); local::get_internal_sparsity( transpose, y_index, rev_hes_sparsity, set_u ); // ok = rev_sparse_hes(vx, bool_s, bool_t, q, set_r, set_u, set_v, x); if( ! ok ) ok = rev_sparse_hes(vx, bool_s, bool_t, q, set_r, set_u, set_v); if( ! ok ) { msg = afun_name() + msg + " sparsity = set_sparsity_enum"; CPPAD_ASSERT_KNOWN(false, msg.c_str()); } local::set_internal_sparsity(zero_empty, input_empty, transpose, x_index, rev_hes_sparsity, set_v ); } for(size_t j = 0; j < n; j++) { if( x_index[j] > 0 ) rev_jac_flag[ x_index[j] ] |= bool_t[j]; } return ok; }